The Burning Snow (A Naruto Fa...

Par BeautifullyForsaken

60.5K 1.4K 216

Phoenix is an orphaned girl born in the snow. She has no memories of any parents or childhood, or any happine... Plus

The Burning Snow (A Naruto FanFic): Prologue.
Chapter Two; Sakura vs. Phoenix.
Chapter Three; An Unexpected Encounter.
Chapter Four; Sand Vs Leaf! The Battle in the Rain!
Chapter Five; Frustration Turns to Surprise.
Chapter Six; A Relaxing Day Gone Bad.
Chapter Seven; Bad Snake!
Chapter Eight; Finally Home.
Chapter Nine; The Exams Begin!

Chapter One; A New Beginning.

9.3K 259 75
Par BeautifullyForsaken


Ok. This is my first fan fiction and all, but I hope you all like it! ^^ I am glad to see there are already so many reads and comments. (: Here is the continuation. :D


            It has been a few days since the day in the village andPhoenixslept through it all. She didn’t remember anything that happened during those few days. All she could do was sleep. Upon arriving at theLeafVillage, she awoke in a hospital bed. Bandaged and clean, she lay under crisp, white sheets, staring at blank walls. She felt something stir next to her and looked to see her new pet fox laying there, curled up next to her.

            Smiling softly, she pets the young fox, wondering if it, too, was an orphan like her. She had no one now. No friends, no family. Nothing. Sighing, she sat there for several minutes before the door to her hospital room opened. Looking over to the door, she sees a guy with silver hair that was lop sided and with a pretty much covered face.

            “Ahh..” He said with a closed eye smile. “You are awake. I am Kakashi. I was sent to watch over you for the time being until you can get on your feet.” She just stared at him before looking at her fox again.

            “I want out of here. Now.” She said, her voice soft, but void of any emotion. Nodding, Kakashi left the room without a word. Seeing her clothes on the chair beside her bed, she got up and walked over to the chair. Looking at her clothes for a few seconds, she picked them up and put them on, straightening them out.

Now, instead of a hospital gown, she wore a black, kimono styled shirt with long sleeves and a deep blue trim and a floral design of blue flowers similar to cherry blossoms, along with a deep blue colored bow that went around her middle and tied in the back, the tails of the bow falling down to about her knees. She also wore a pair of black pants that stopped at her knees with a pair of open toed shoes that came up to mid shin on her. Once dressed, she walked over to the window, she stared out at the town that she knew was her new home.

            A couple minutes later, she walked to the bed and picked up her fox, placing him on her shoulder. “It’s alright, Jynx. I’m here.” She whispered, holding the fox in her arms. Walking to the door, she held the fox close as she opens the door. Stopping dead in her tracks, she blinks at the blonde haired boy standing in the door way, his hand raised as if to knock.

            The boy stared at her, a bit surprised, and just kept staring at her. “Can I help you?”Phoenixfinally asked.

            “Uhh.. HI!! I’M NARUTO UZUMAKI!!” The blonde said with a huge grin, which only madePhoenixstare at him.

            “Phoenix.” She said in response, tilting her head to the side some. “And how may I help you?” She asked.

            “Ahh, I just wanted to say hi!! I heard there was a new girl in town, one from the land of snow, so I thought I would introduce myself.” He said, still grinning.

            To her, Naruto smelled off, as if he had something on him. Narrowing her eyes ever so slightly, she looked behind him to see Kakashi talking to one of the doctors. Looking back at Naruto, she sighed. “I’m flattered, Naruto, really. But I just want to get out of this damn hospital, okay?” She said and pushed passed him.

            “Hey!” He said, turning towards her before he stopped, standing there a bit awkwardly. Turning to face him, only slightly. Raising an eye brow, she waited for his answer. “I like your fox.” He said, that grin covering his face once again. It seemed so natural for him to do, yet for some reason, she could see the loneliness he felt. The heartache and the pain. Yet, none of it showed. All he showed was that grin. Smiling ever so slightly, she looked down, shaking her head some.

            “Thank you, Naruto.” She said, turning and heading towards Kakashi. Once he caught sight of her, he gave that closed eye smile of his and all she could do was stare. How could everyone here smile so much when she could hardly smile herself? She didn’t get it, but was determined to find out.

            “So, I see you are dressed and ready,Phoenix.” He said. “Are you ready for school or do you still need a day or to for adjusting?” He asked, that smile still on his face. Glancing behind her, she saw that Naruto was now gone. Turning back to Kakashi, she nodded slightly.

“I would like to go to school.” She said. Not knowing what to look forward to, she shielded herself the best she could as Kakashi took her to the school. “They are actually picking teams today. Maybe you could get into one since you graduated from your school already, right?” He asked, looking at her. Simply nodding, she looked ahead of them at the school as it came into view.

            Taking in a deep breath, she let it out slowly as she was lead to a classroom filled with students. Once she and Kakashi entered, everyone stopped and turned towards them. Looking away from all the eyes, she stared at the wall as Kakashi introduced her to the class. “Everyone, this is Phoenix Elizabeth Darakus. She will be joining one of the teams here today. Iruka, continue.” He said before leavingPhoenixalone in the room with all those eyes.

            “Hey,Phoenix!” A familiar voice shouted. Turning towards that voice, her eyes came to rest on Naruto, who was grinning that grin of his. “Why not join us?!” He said cheerfully.

            “Shut up, Naruto!” A girl with pink hair by him said, hitting him upside the head with a book. “Why would she want to be anywhere near you?” The girl said.

            “Sakura, calm down.” Iruka said as he walked over toPhoenix. “You will join team ten with Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji.” He said with a smile and ushered her over to a group with a light blonde haired girl with some what of an attitude, a guy with black hair that was tied up into a spiked pony tail and a bored look on his face, who was also asleep, and a brown haired boy with a big grin on his face. Standing there, she looked at each one of them before directing her attention on the one she assumed was Ino.

“Hey, Shikamaru, wake up!” She said, pushing the male slightly. Groaning some, Shikamaru sat up and looked at Ino. “Man, I was sleeping. What is so damn important that you have to wake me up for?” He asked. She just glared at him and pointed atPhoenix.

Turning his gaze toPhoenix, his eye brows raised slightly andPhoenixcould tell she got his attention. How, she did not know, but she did. Looking away from him, she sat down and placed her fox on the lengthy table. Yawning, the young fox stood up and stretched before shaking himself out.

“This is Jynx,”Phoenixsaid quietly. “He came to me when I had no one else and hasn’t left my side since.” Her voice was still void of any emotion, but somehow, her voice still sounded like a dark and mysterious melody. Feeling a little awkward, she shifted in her seat, not knowing exactly what to say. She had never been much of a social person, so this was new to her.

Frowning some, she looked over at Naruto as he was continually getting yelled at by Sakura. Standing, she excused herself for a moment and walked over to Naruto. “Excuse me..” She said, catching the attention of Naruto, Sakura, and a raven haired male sitting near them. Looking at Naruto,Phoenixheld her gloved hand out to him, tilting her head to the side some. “I’mPhoenix. I was wondering, Naruto, if you would like to be my friend.” She said, smiling inwardly at the shocked expression from Sakura. To her surprise, however, she was suddenly being squeezed to death by Naruto.

Coughing some, she gasped a little. “Naruto..” She wheezed out. Letting her go, he grinned and rubbed his head with embarrassment. “Heh, sorry. I just never get asked that and kind of took it over board.”

Nodding,Phoenixcleared her throat and straightened out her clothes. “Clearly.. I’m not used to having friends, either, so that makes two of us.” She said before giving a slight smile and heading back to her group.

“What was that all about?” Ino asked, looking over at Naruto. “Why do you want to be friends with an outcast like Naruto?” Shock filled Ino’s expression as she saw the look inPhoenix’s eyes. “My reasons are my own.”Phoenixsaid simply and remained silent the remainder of the class as everyone else around her conversed.

Once it was lunch time,Phoenixquickly left the class room, Jynx on her shoulders, as her long black hair, which fell to her waist, flowed behind her as she walked out into the court yard and jumped up into a tree. She didn’t feel hungry and didn’t want to get to know any of the students.

She just sat there and watched everyone as Jynx rested in her lap. Playing with the pendant that rested around her neck,Phoenixlooked at Jynx. “What are we doing here?” She asked in a whisper as she pet the fox’s head lightly.

Footsteps caught her attention and she looked down, catching a glimpse of her new team below her. “You know, you can’t hide up there forever…” Shikamaru said as he leaned lazily back against the tree, his hands behind his head and his legs crossed.

Phoenixsaid nothing as she looked into the distance. She saw how everyone acted here and wondered what it would have been like if she wasn’t shut up from the world her whole childhood. She wondered what it would have been like to have childhood friends and a family who loved her. None of that was hers or ever would be. Having no memory of her childhood or ever having parents, she lived a life of emptiness.

The only thing she ever felt was a cold, empty feeling inside her and it only grew after her whole village was massacred. How would she find the happiness everyone else had? The feeling like she belonged somehow? Would that ever be hers? Not realizing she was crying until a sigh came from below her, she looked away. Drying up the tears, she cursed at herself inwardly, mad at herself for letting such a petty thing get to her.

Still, she wondered if she could even make friends. Sure, she said she would be Naruto’s friend and she meant it. The only thing was, she didn’t know how to be a friend. Never having one, she lacked the practice. An idea came to her just then and made her laugh some to herself. Looking down at her team, her idea slowly started to grow a little brighter.

Ino caughtPhoenixlooking at them and frowned some. “You are creeping me out..” She said. Well, at least she was honest. A bit blunt, but honest. Shaking her head,Phoenixjumped down and looked at each of them. “What about.. We all hang out after school?” She offered.

“Hell yeah!” Choji exclaimed, grinning broadly as he threw his hand up into the air. “And what does this have to do with the team?” Shikamaru asked tiredly as he looked up atPhoenix.

“Since I’m new to town, I was hoping I could get a tour. And since I’m in your team, I might as well make friends, right?” She said in a straight forward tone. Everyone remained silent for a while before Shikamaru sighed and stood up.

“Sounds like a plan, then.” He said, punchingPhoenixlightly on the cheek. “See you then.” He said in his oh too natural bored tone before walking off, no doubt to get more sleep somewhere more quiet. For a kid his age, he sure slept a lot.Phoenixwondered what that was all about.

As if reading her mind, Ino stepped in front of her, a smile on her face. “Don’t worry about him, he is always like that. Well, maybe not that little thing with what he did with you, but the kind of distance thing.” She said.

Shrugging,Phoenixlooked off into the direction Shikamaru walked off in before looking down. “I’m used to it.” She said, hearing the cry of Jynx up in the tree. Jumping up, she picked him up and jumped back down. Rubbing her cheek against his head, she let out a sigh. “I’m sorry about that, Jynx.. It’s ok, I’m here now.” She said softly.

School had just let out asPhoenixwalked through the front doors and out into the court yard. With her looking down, she listened to the laughter and easy chit chat of those around her. All the voices and laughter made her feel alone. She didn’t know how to talk to anyone properly, not easy like everyone else. She had to change that, though.

Blinking, she stopped dead in her tracks before sighing. “What do you want?”Phoenixasked, turning her gaze onto the pink haired girl from class. Sakura just glared at her, crossing her arms over her chest.

“What makes you think you can just waltz up into here and act like you own the place?” She asked, a nasty tone in her voice.Phoenixjust stared at her. Blinking once, she took in a small breath before replying.

“For one, I don’t think any of that,” She said in a voice so dead calm, it would make even the toughest of men shiver in fear. “And two, you seriously need to lose your attitude before I lose my temper…” Sakura just stared at her before giving a small, sarcastic smile.

“How about I show you a little of what we do here? Considering you are from the snow, you don’t know much about what we do here. How about a little spar?” She offered, placing a hand on her hip. Smiling inwardly,Phoenixraised an eye brow slightly.

“I like your spunk, girl. It’s a deal. Pick the spot and I’ll meet you there.”Phoenixsaid as she started to turn. Setting a place to meet, they went their separate ways and to their own teams.Phoenixshook her head some as she looked at Jynx. “Wish me luck, little one. Tomorrow is going to be a rough one.” She said, petting the fox’s head.

Suddenly, an arm came around her shoulders, along with a loud and much too cheerful voice. “Hey there, girlie!” Ino said, smiling as Choji and Shikamaru walked up beside them. “You ready for the tour?” Shikamaru asked in his too bored of tone.

Choji slapped Shikamaru on the back, grinning. “Lighten up, man! Smile, loosen up, have fun!” He exclaimed. Shikamaru groaned at his words. “Man.. If I knew this was going to be such a drag, I wouldn’t have agreed to it…” He said, walking ahead of them some.

“Shikamaru! You knowPhoenixis new here and you promised to show her around. Don’t go breaking that little promise.” Ino said in a threatening tone.Phoenixjust walked with them, listening to them and looking around at them. Maybe things would change sooner than she thought they would.

Shikamaru waved his hand at Ino. “Yeah, yeah, I know…” He said, sighing. “Come on, then. I’m hungry and I want some ramen.” He picked up his pace, causing the other three to run a bit to catch up to him.

After eating ramen and giving a very thorough tour of the town,Phoenixand her new team headed toHokageMountainwhere they sat and watched the sun as it set.Phoenixwatched the sun slowly set and looked down before looking at the others. Maybe life here won’t be so bad here after all.

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