The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

183K 7.4K 4.3K

(Sequel to The Fighter) You can take the fighter out of the fight, but you can't take fight out of the fighte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 41

3.2K 142 52
By BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

I held Zayn's hand tightly as the sound of our baby's heart beat filled the room. Zayn seemed to be getting emotional like he always did during sonograms. I think it just always hit him that we made a baby and it was perfectly healthy.

"One more month to go. What are you feeling it's going to be, since you both like to be surprised?" Doniya asked. Niall and I both looked at each other before shaking our heads because we both disagreed.

"I feel like another boy. Just the way the baby moves and how much it feels like it did with the boys. I'm not really sure, but I just feel it." I answered her. Zayn leaned down and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear that I should try making it a girl. I laughed and turned to kiss him back. The whole time without us really knowing, Doniya was watching us like she couldn't be happier that she could see the love we have for each other. I couldn't believe it either.

"Well you can always try again, guys. The way Niall's body reacted to the hormones I gave him really helped keep him and the baby healthy though out this pregnancy. You're heading into your last month now, so you both know that he can go into labor after the first week or two. With this one, I'd say you might make it all the way to the end just because your body is used to having babies. Just always be ready for whatever is to come. This is exciting for all of us." Doniya said as she took the wand off my belly and gave me towels to wipe myself down. Zayn helped me then kissed my belly before he pulled down my shirt.

"Niall, can you go to the receptionist and tell her that you'll be needing to have a doctor ready for you at any time for when you go into labor? I need to talk to Zayn about something." She asked me. I just kissed Zayn and walked out of the room to do what she asked me to do.

I always hated this part of being pregnant. I was always excited to meet the little one I had been growing and keeping safe for months now, but I was terrified of what I would have to go though. I know most people say they forgot the pain once their baby was in their arms. It's true until a few hours later and you're sore and it all hits you. With Ezra, I was in labor all throughout Zayn's fight with Liam which helped me get distracted from the pain. I remember being in the locker room with Zayn and feeling the baby moving and feeling my back cramping and just knowing that I was in labor. We were back there for two hours, but once the fight was going on I never imagined that anything could hurt so bad. Then I forgot it all once I met my baby boy. With Ethan, I got some back pains and I told Zayn I needed to go have a baby. We were in the middle of making dinner. It took me three hours of the laboring part then only forty minutes to have him. I guess you could say I was a pro at this. That still didn't make me any less scared of what was going to happen.

"You don't even care how wrong that is!" I heard Zayn yell as I waited for him to come back out to the lobby. He slammed the door to Doniya's office and came storming down the hall. I waddled closer to him and he grabbed my hand to start helping me to the car. I could feel the anger radiating off him, but I knew the best thing to do right now was to keep my mouth shut.

He opened the car door for me and helped me get in then closed the door. I saw him take a minute to get himself calmed down before he even got in the car with me. When he did, he just sat there and looked over at me with that look that most people would be afraid of, but I'm just immune to it.

"Doniya was seeing fucking Liam Payne." He told me. My eyes probably bulged out of my head because I wasn't expecting that at all. Especially from her. She hates how stupid of a sport boxing is. I never imagined she would just decided to date a boxer. Especially one that hates her brother's guts.

"How did that even happen?" I asked him. Zayn grabbed the wheel and gripped it. I kept my hands on my belly as if to show him he needed to calm down and just talk about it instead of explode.

"When he was here for the press conference I guess he went out for drinks and she did too and they met up. He stayed with her a few days before going home. This is bullshit!" He yelled, slamming his fits on the steering wheel. I reached over and gently touched his shoulder that was moving up and down as he took in deep breaths.

"Are they still interested in each other?" I asked him softly. He shook his head and looked at me.

"She said she felt too guilty to keep seeing him because of Harry and because of me. They still were with each other though! She fucked someone I hate mote than my own parents!" Zayn said. I didn't even know what to tell him. I wanted to say that he needed to calm down because it was over, but I also wanted to say he had every right to feel angry. I didn't expect something like this from Doniya just because I know she tries hard to keep her brother's trust. I know that I would be angry if a sibling did that to me, but Zayn just deals with things differently.

"Do you think you could understand it in the sense that people aren't always in control of who they are attracted to? With us, I know if I knew a head of time that you were a boxer and you were going to give our own son that same boxer gene then I would have made different decisions the night we got wasted. But now that I've been married to you for ten years, I wouldn't change a thing. The point is, I didn't choose to be attracted to you so give Doniya some leniency on this because she didn't purposely go out to find Liam and sleep with him. It wasn't like that and you know it." I said. Zayn didn't look like he wanted to take what I said as something that could be true, but he knew it was a more mature way of dealing with this.

"If she does see him again then I'm never speaking to her again. That's a promise." I sighed at Zayn's comment but left it alone as he drove us home. The whole time I made sure he wasn't going to loose it. He seemed to be cooling down, but I knew him better than that. He's not going to let this go util he's in the gym hitting a punching bag as hard as he can. That's why I needed to get home fast.

When we got home, the boys were playing some football with Louis in the backyard as Harry just sat off the the side and watched. Zayn was calmer when he waved at the boys and sat next to Harry. I sat next to him as well and tried to take off my shoes. In the end, I had both Zayn and Harry on the ground getting them off for me.

"How was your appointment?" Harry asked us. Zayn looked at me to answer that as they sat down again.

"It was good. The baby looks really healthy and has a strong heartbeat. I only have a couple more weeks being pregnant." I told Harry. He nodded and reached out to touch my belly. The baby started kicking excitedly making a fond look grow in Harry's eyes. I knew he wanted a baby now, but I just hoped he could wait a little longer so they both could find the right way to do it.

"You're parents are coming in town soon, right?" He asked me. I nodded and pressed my belly to get the baby kicking at Harry's hand again.

"They should be here next week. They're going to stay until after Zayn's fight. You know, to help with the baby while Zayn is kicking some arse." I giggled and looked at Zayn who was watching Harry closely. That made me roll my eyes fondly at my husband because he's even over protective when it comes to his best friend.

"Speaking of, I need to head to the gym before Mark kicks mine. Are you guys going to stay until I get back?" Zayn asked Harry. Harry nodded and reached out for Zayn to make sure he was okay, but Zayn just walked away. The look Harry gave me was a question if we were loosing him again. I knew we weren't, I just knew it annoyed him that his own sister didn't have better judgment as to who she hooked up with. I think he was scared that he wouldn't have his sister in his corner. I know most people would say it's selfish to need so many people for you, but really, Zayn needs all he can get. He fights to protect what he has. If he looses one of us then he'll feel like he's slowly loosing reasons to fight as hard as he does.

"Doniya had gotten together with Liam I while ago and they tried the dating thing. It didn't work out, but Zayn's still pissed she would have done that to him." I told Harry quietly incase the boys decided now would be a good time to run over and listen in on our conversation. Harry's face looked like he wanted to be shocked and he wanted to be understanding of this too.

"He has the right to be mad. I don't think I'd ever talk to Gemma ever again if she pulled something like that." Harry said. I looked at my two boys and saw Ezra take the ball from Louis before passing it to Ethan, who picked the ball up and ran with it. I smiled and only hoped that my boys would never let anyone go between their relationship.

Harry and I went inside to make lunch for everyone. He kept touching my belly and rubbing it as much as he could. He sighed and leaned against the counter after he had most of the sandwich stuff out for us to make stuff with.

"Gemma said she would carry our baby for us in a few months from now. I just don't know how she'll feel about giving us the baby after spending nine months with it. I mean, it will be pretty much like Louis and my sister having a kid together." Harry said softy. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him seriously.

"Why don't you get another surrogate to carry the baby? Still using what Gemma gives you and Louis too." I asked him. He shrugged but I saw he wanted to be close to this baby and make sure he knew who he was trusting to carry his child.

"I'd offer to carry it, but I feel like I deserve a break from being pregnant." That made Harry laughed and come over to hug me. I hugged him back as best as I could, but I felt like there were emotions beginning to boil between all of us. There were a lot of events coming up that I knew this hug was showing how strong we all needed to be together to get through them.

A/N: well I'm a horrible person and didn't update at all for a week. Hope you can forgive me! Haha who is some you lean on when you need someone to go to?!?!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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