Unforgettable (Emison)

By awkopvris

66.8K 1.6K 187

5 years later. A reunion. With 'A' coming back into the lives of the liars, no one is safe. For Emily Fields... More

Chapter 1: "Reunion"
Chapter 2: "Memories"
Chapter 3: "More Secrets"
Chapter 4: "The Past"
Chapter 5: "visit"
Chapter 6: "Forest"
Chapter 7: "Insanity"
Chapter 8:"A"
Chapter 9: "Flirtin"
Chapter 10: "Just dinner"
Chapter 11: "I'm sorry"
Chapter 12: "Promise"
Chapter 13: "Hiding"
Chapter 14: "The Night"
Chapter 15: "Questions"
Chapter 17: "Anonymous"
Chapter 18: "Please forgive me"
Chapter 19: "Mission"
Chapter 20: "Fatal"
Chapter 21: "Its Happening"
Chapter 22 "The Short Story"
Chapter 23: "Questions"
Chapter 24: "Kiss"
Chapter 25 - "Tell tale"
Chapter 26: "Truth"
Chapter 27: "Car Ride"
Chapter 28: "Ocean"
Chapter 29: "Trouble In Paradise"
Chapter 30: "Nightmare"
Chapter 31: "Panic"
Chapter 32: "Loss"
Chapter 33: "Dust"
Chapter 34:"Remember me"
Chapter 35: "One Memory"
Chapter 36: "Fate"
Chapter 37: "Return"
Chapter 38: "Breakfast"
Chapter 39: "Top Secret"
Chapter 40 - "Get My Mind Off Things"
Chapter 41: "Family"
Authors Note
to continue or not to continue

Chapter 16: "A game or the truth?"

1.5K 47 14
By awkopvris

Arias POV
We're sat in a circle on the living room floor.
It's great being here, all 5 us.
We're sitting in front of the fire, shot glasses in the middle of the circle that are filled with vodka.

"Okay" Spencer laughs. We were all having our own conversations, well hanna was laughing with Spencer and Emily with Alison.
I was just admiring my friends.
"Let's start!" She proclaims, holding a shot glass in the air.
We all pick up a glass and hold it in the air.
"To us, for surviving A, surviving the doll house, and for being the best of friends" She shouts.
We all laugh and take the shot.
I cough, and so does Emily.
Hanna, spencer and alison look at us.
"Have ye never had shots before?" Hanna asks, who looks confused.
"Well yeah of course, just been a long time." I say, kind of embarrassed.
"Same here" Emily says and nods at me.
I smile at her.
"Okay so the game is called 'Paranoia'" Spencer starts, refilling the shot glasses with the naggin that's behind her.
"Basically, we go around in a circle, you have to whisper a question to the person next to you and they must answer honestly."She pauses to make sure we understand so far.
"The person who has to answer, must say it out loud."
"I will then flip this coin; heads, you need to say what the question was and tales, you take a shot and move on."
She finishes us.
We nod. "Who starts?" Hanna asks, looking around.
"I'll go" Spencer says, and whispers to Ali.
Hanna is to my right and Emily is to my left.
To Emily's left is alison and to Hannas right is spencer.
Alison laughs "Am many" She looks down.
Probably praying that the coin doesn't land on heads.

Alison curses and puts her head in the hands.
Spencer smirks.
"The question was: How many guys did you fuck in high school"
Alison groans into her hands and we all laugh.
Emily doesn't seem to be laughing.
She gives a small laugh but looks down and frowns.
"Okay my turn." Ali says and leans over to Em.
Emily's eyes widen.
"Pinning" she answers after a pause of thought.
Alison giggles and Spencer flips the coin.
"Yes!" Emily says, taking another shot.
She closes her eyes and coughs.
"Okay Aria my turn" She says in between coughs, I can tell she's already tipsy. This is gonna be fun.
"Who would you fuck in this group?" She whispers and giggles.
I look at her shocked. She smirks and raises her eyebrows.
I know what I want to say.
But there's a chance that people will know.
I pause.
Just say it Aria.
"Spencer" I say and blush.
Spencer raises her eyebrows.
"Well now i'm curious to see what the question was" she laughs, flipping the coin.
You have to be kidding me.
Emily laughs, swaying a bit.
"The question was" she mumbles loudly.
"Who would you fuck in this group" She giggles.
I look down and wince.
"Thanks Aria, I would fuck you too" She smiles. She's obviously joking but I just hope that she would mean it.
I smile nervously.
I laugh it off.

Spencer's POV
Aria wants to fuck me.
It makes me happy inside. She probably thought I was joking when I said that I'd fuck her too, but jesus, i meant it.
The game continues, weird questions, more shots.
Emily is out of it.
She's really giddy and keeps saying off topic things.
Example, did you know squirrels hibernate?
Things start to get interesting when we stop playing Paranoia and move onto truth or dare.

There's only one rule.
You have to do the dare.

We leave the drunkest one start first.
"Truth or dare Aria?" She practically shouts, hopping up and down in her seated position.
Aria giggles.
"Dare." She challenges. Emily smirks.
Oh god, what is she going to ask her?
"Kiss Spencer!" She shouts, pointing at me and starts giggling.
Aria blushes.
Blood rushes to my cheeks and they go red.
We both lean forward slowly.
I was only a quick peck, but damn, it was good.
"A shot for you!" Emily says, handing me a shot glass.
"And one for you!" Emily laughs, practically shoving the shot in Arias face.
We take it at the same time and laugh.
Either the alcohol is already making me sick, or I have intense butterflies from the kiss.
"You ask, Aria!" Emily points to Aria.
I think we're all drunk at this point.
Hanna is swaying around, looking lost. Alison looks confused and Emily... well.
Aria seems to be drunk as well.
Me for instance, i'm just having a good time.
"Hanna, truth or dare" Aria questions.
Hanna smiles and looks over.
"Dare!" She says excitedly.
"I dare you" Aria begins, crawling over to hanna.
"To make out with Alison" She whispers.
Hanna smiles.
"Sure!" She says happily and slides over to alison.
They start making out.
I see Emily go from a happy drunk to an angry drunk within seconds.
She looks away and bites her lip, curling her fists into a ball.
"Emily" I say quickly.
She looks over.
I shake my head and she loosens her fists.
I give her a small smile and she puts her fingers through her hair.

They make out for a few minutes before Hanna pulls away, out of breath.
She sits back in her place as if nothing happened.
"Hanna your turn" I say quickly.
She smiles.
"Emily truth or dare" She asks.
"Dare" she blurts out. 
"Hold Alis boob" She says simply.
I widen my eyes and raise my eyebrows at aria who looks as shocked as I am.
"Fine" she spits.
Emily slips her hand under Alis shirt.
I see them both smile.
My eyebrows raise even higher, probably disappearing under my fringe.

Alison's POV
It's been 5 minutes and Emily is still cupping my breast with her hand.
Honestly, I'm not complaining but it's kind of getting a bit awkward now.
They others don't even notice until Hanna looks over and laughs.
"Emily you know you can let go now."
Emily quickly takes her hand out from under my shirt and laughs.
I laugh too.

"Okay back to the game!" says Aria cheerfully, who's had one too many drinks alongside emily and Hanna.
"Yes!" Hanna and Emily say in unison.
"Spencer!" I laugh.
"Truth or dare" A smile mischievously, waiting for her to answer.
"Dare!" She says, laughs nervously.
"Make out with Aria." I smirk, they just kissed the last time.
Spencer blushes.
"Fine by me." Aria shrugs, pouncing at Spencer and engaging in a full frontal make out session.

This is when the 3rd stage of being drunk kicks in.
The emotional stage.
My mind begins to wander to dark places, places where i've never been to in years.
One of the main reasons why I don't drink a lot.

I can tell it's kicked in for Emily too, who I can hear gently sobbing beside me.
I stand up, too fast. I immiediately begin to wobble and nearly fall.
I steady myself, the room spinning.
I offer my hand to Emily, who looks up at me with teary eyes.
She takes me hand and I slowly pull her up, holding onto her for my own support.
I lead us over to the couch where I sit down and put my arm around Emily, who starts sobbing into my chest.
A/N they're intoxicated so their replies to anything and their thoughts will work differently
"Ali" Emily says slowly.
"Yeah" I slur out.
"When we were in high school, did you ever love me?" Her words stumble out slowly.
"Emily you know I loved you. Of course I do!" I say hugging her tightly.
"Not like that Alison" She says slowly again.
Still confused, I try to put together what she's trying to say and just about manage to.
"Emily it doesn't matter what I felt 5 years ago" I say, almost whispering.
"Of course it does Alison" She says plainly.
"Are they still making out" She says after a pause.
I look over at Spencer and Aria who are almost topless and rolling around on the floor.
"I don't know" I say, confused at the sight.
"What do you think they're doing" Emily asks, sounding as confused as I am.
"Sex?" I question
"Sex." Emily agrees.
A/n obviously they're not having sex but it's just what a drunk person would say.
"Where's Hanna." I ask, looking around.
"Over there." Emily points at Hanna, who's watching spencer and aria while sitting on a chair eating popcorn.
We both laugh.

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