The Accidental Babies (Hart #...

By Mindlessly-Wondering

97.5K 2.5K 56

She didn't mean for it to happen, he was there and then they were doing the worst thing they could. He had a... More

The news
The dinner
Thank you
The Funeral
Waking Up
How It Happened
15 Hours
Time Jump
Extra Scene
So Twin
Babies For Everyone
Oh Please
The Man
I'm Sorry
Lost Time
Alternative chapter
Authors note


1.4K 48 0
By Mindlessly-Wondering


"Scarlett, Sebastian. We gotta get going." I called as I heard footsteps down the stairs.

The two twins running to stop in front of me.

"Come on, let's get shoes on." I said as they both nodded and I lifted them up.

They squealed and laughed as I smiled setting them down.

"Josh, are you torturing the kids again." Dani asked raising a eyebrow as I shook my head.

"Not at all Dear." I said as she looked me over.

"Mommy." Scar said running to hug Dani's legs.

"Hi honey." Dani said as she patted her back.

The kids now almost 2 actually. Yeah they were getting up there. They are 22 months old.

Dani smiled a little and picked the little girl up so we could work on her shoes and I finished Seb's.

"There you go buddy, go get your coat." I said softly as he nodded at me in reply.

"Yes daddy," He agreed as I smiled kissing his forehead.

Scar went off also and Dani stood next to me.

"What took you so long." I asked as she shrugged at me.

"Forgot my rings, still getting used to them." She said as we looked down at her hands.

The diamond ring and then matching band to light up her finger. I smiled a little at the rings as she did to.

"Well you shouldn't lose those, I spelt a lot of money on them." I said as she rolled her eyes kissing me quickly.

"We're done." The kids said as we walked to them.

They still couldn't zip the coats so we had to for them. But that was very hard as they like ran off to the car.

To buckle them selves in as I drove to the park. Where I saw the couple waiting for us.

"Hey guys." Dani said as we got out and she took Scarlett's hand.

I had Seb's and they smiled at us.

"Hey, you guys ready." Dan asked as we nodded looking down.

"Hi Alex." I said to the little boy who waved a little.

"Hi." He said softly as I smiled at him and his sister.

Dan and Jess's twins were 13 months now with Dan's dark hair and Jess's bright green eyes.

"How are you today." I asked picking up the boy.

"I'm good, how about you." He asked me and he didn't mess up this time.

He was getting good but still had trouble with a few words.

"I'm great." I smiled as I set him down feeling arms on my leg.

"Uncle Josh." Avery said as I chuckled a little.

"Hey Avery, what are you doing down there." I asked as I saw Dani take the Seb's hand.

"Not much." She said in a small little voice like normal.

I leaned down to her height as I meet her bright green eyes. They were much like mine and Jess's.

They had all your attention and you didn't have to try.

"That's my girl, go back to daddy." I said as she nodded and ran back to Dan.

Who easily caught her body as she faced him.

"Hi daddy." She said as I stood up to take Seb from Dani who gave me a brief smile.

"Hi Daughter, you ready for this." He asked as she nodded at him.

"Yes." She said as he smiled at her and we all walked away.

To the park and walking along the kids next to me and Dani walking also. She was simply trying to contain the jumping girl.

Yep Scarlett, just loved jumping up and down. All the time and she didn't stop for any one of us.

You could defiantly tell she was very excited.

"Okay, you gotta calm down a little Scar." Dani said as the hazel eyed girl nodded.

Dani smiled pushing the kinda dark brown hair back as she stood back up again. It was kinda surprising how Scar's hair went a little above her shoulder.

It was thick to, but then again so was mine and Dani's. Seb's was a messy mop of thick curls on his head.

He never liked anyone touching his hair. So we all loved to mess it up and he hated it.

We got to the blankets and there waiting was my parents and the kids took off.

"Grandma." They all 4 said as they ran to like tackle mom.

Who laughed smiling at them all.

"Hi guys, what are you all doing here." Mom asked as they all stared at her a big mop of dark hair.

"We came to see you." I heard Alex say as mom smiled more.

"Well then, why don't we go get grandpa." She said as they all moved to tackle dad.

"Hi kids." Dad said as we all stood there laughing at them.

"Grandpa." Scarlett said as he smiled at her.

"Yes Scarlett." He asked her as she kept standing there.

"Why are we here." She asked as he shrugged.

"I don't know, Daddy picked it. You should ask him." He said as she turned briefly to face me.

"Okay." She agreed before moving back to me.

I waited and she tugged at my jeans as I looked down at her. The usually bright Hazel eyes staring up at me.

"Yes dear." I asked as I bent down to face her.

"Why are we here." She asked as I chuckled a little.

"Because we are, but you want to know a secret." I asked as she nodded at me.

"What." She asked me and I smiled at her.

"Grandpa and Grandma used to take me and Anut Jess here when we were young like you." I said as she nodded at me happily like her normal tone.

Happy and bubbly, a very amazing child.

"Really." She asked as I nodded at her easily.

"Really, daddy was here once a week when he was your age." I said as she moved to hug me.

As best she could but she was still pretty tiny. My arms to move around her also.

She was very warm, like Dani she might as well have been a heater. I smiled a little as she kept against my body.

"Alright go play." I said as she ran away with all the other kids.

It was then I got to hug my mom who was smiling.

"Hi mom." I said as she smiled a little more.

"Hi son." She said as I kissed her cheek.

"Mommy." Dani said as me and Jess rolled our eyes.

"Your not her daughter." We said as she rolled her eyes.

"Hi Dani." Mom said as Dani smiled at her.

"And actually Josh, we got married so that means I am." Dani said holding up her hand "In Law, but still counts."

"Okay I'll take that, your clearly not ever going to drop that." I said as she smiled a little kissing me quickly.

"1 month guys, 1 month." Jess said as Dani chucked a little.

Jess was set to marry Dan in as she had previously said a month. Me and Dani only having been recently married.

We were at what 2 months now, close to that if not more. But I still twisted to move the ring center on her finger.

"Oh thanks." She said as I shrugged at her.

"It bugs me." I said as she chuckled a little her hand moving in mine.

Her fingers clashing with the plain black medal of my wedding ring. Jess got a really pretty ring with one big diamond in the center.

The sides with tiny diamond but it was shiny. Dani's won though to say the least.

But that thing was extremely expensive.

"So guys, I just remembered we only have a few weeks and we're 21." I said as Jess pointed at me.

"We can drink legally." She said as we all laughed.

"Yes finally." I said as she gave me a grin.

"That means we only have a month and a half." Dan said as Dani smirked at him.

"Oh how lovely it'll be to order alcohol at a restaurant." She said as he laughed at her.

"Good point Twin." Dan said as she smiled a little.

"I am entirely to young for kids, more so ones about to turn 2," I said as they all rolled there eyes.

"Then maybe you shouldn't be off getting poor Dani pregnant." Mom said as Dani smiled.

"Yeah Josh, so mean." Dani said as i faced her raising a eyebrow.

"Really Danielle, we both know you loved every part of making those little kids." I said as she opened her mouth to argue.

"You go ahead and tell me you didn't, see what happens." I said as she closed her mouth.

"Shut up Josh." She muttered as I smirked more.

"Thought so." I smirked as she glared at me.

I felt the tugging on my jeans as I looked down.

"Yes Seb." I asked as Dani looked down also.

"When are we going to eat Daddy." He asked with big eyes that I wanted to cave to now.

"Soon buddy." I said as he gave me a small nod and left to go back to the other kids.

It was a few more minutes and I heard a cry and turned.

"I'm gonna check it out." I said as they nodded nod I walked to the park.

But as soon as I got there I saw a shadow that appeared to be bolting.

"Kids, Come on guys." I called as they all came to me.

I got us all back to the others where they dispersed to my parents.

"I saw a shadow, it looked to be running away so I wouldn't leave them alone." I warned as they all glared quickly.

"Someone tried to touch my babies." Dani said glaring as I looked her over again.

"Maybe, not sure." I muttered my eyes trailing to the park.

"Just to be sure," Mom said as we all nodded and it was Alex to speak up first.

From his place next to his sister and with my mom.

"Daddy, who was that man." He asked as Dan looked towards him.

"What man Alex." Dan asked as the little boy faced his father again.

"The one at the park, I could feel him and he seemed scary." Alex said as Dan walked to him sitting in front of him.

"What man was at the park Alex," Dan asked again but he wasn't rushing the child.

"He was creepy Daddy, he was in all black and he had a hood up." Alex said as it to prove a point pulling up his hood.

To cover the dark hair as Dan kept sitting with him.

"Really, did you see the mans face." He asked as he gently pushed the hood off of Alex's face.

"Kind of, he had this really light hair Daddy. Like the sand on the beach we went to." Alex said as he moved to sit on Dan's lap.

Dan nodded and we all stayed silent not to disrupt or scare the small child.

"Is that all." He asked as Alex took a large breath.

"I think his eyes were Blue, or green. I couldn't tell." He said as Dan looked towards Jess.

She nodded moving closer to Alex who smiled at him.

"Come on Alex, let's go take a walk and you can tell mommy about this man." She said softly as he took her hand.

"Can we get a snack mommy." He asked looking up at her.

"Maybe later, we have to eat dinner first." She explained as he kept looking up at her.

"But snacks are better." He said as she laughed a little.

"Yes they are, but dinner is more important then snacks." She said as she looked down at him.

She pulled him off for the walk and he kept talking as they left.

"Why is dinner more important." We heard him ask before they got to far away.

We also heard her laugh at the small boy.

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