The Ex Porn Star

By ForeverLove021

455K 2.9K 257

Sophia Brookes is a young woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders. With an absent father, an abus... More

Chapter Two: The Last Straw (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Three: You Don't Have to Cry Anymore (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Four: The Bargain (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Five: A Penny for your Thoughts? (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Six: Reunited and It Feels So Good (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Seven: The Departure (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Eight: Dinner with the Parentals....Oh Joy (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Nine: The Apology and Announcement (COMPLETED REVISION)
Chapter Ten: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter One: The Beginning (COMPLETED REVISION)

100K 581 53
By ForeverLove021

    I walked in the house, not bothering to be quiet. It was dark, but I knew better than to think everyone was asleep. The music blasting from upstairs was a dead giveaway. I walked to the stair case, having knowing my way around.

My foot steps were quieted by the carpeted steps, and my black canvas shoes weren't exactly loud either. I did make sure I didn't bang on any walls though. Maddie was surely asleep, but with the music blaring, it was possible she wasn't.

The music was throbbing through the walls as I got to the top of the stairs and it felt as if I was in the room. The only breaks in the music were the familiar yells. I recognized Steve's voice, but the music was making it impossible to decipher his words.

This was routine. They start drinking, the argument starts, the music blares, then comes the loud banging from the bed hitting the wall and the occasional moan. A glow came from the end of the hall from my mother and step-fathers room. I could faintly hear the yelling over the music, and could see the shadows dancing toward me as the figures were going back and forth behind the door.


I turned around with my hand on my door knob. Maddie's room was directly across from mine. It was dark, but her golden curls still fell around her shoulders like a halo, and her wide green eyes were red from crying. She looked unusually small standing in her doorway.

"What's the matter Maddie? Why're you crying?" I wasn't exactly panicked. Maddie cries almost every night.

"I wanna go to Aunt Lucy's house," she whined. Lucinda is my Mom's younger sister. Everyone says I look a lot like her, but that's to be expected since I look a lot like my mother. I looked at Maddie and sighed as I held out my hand.

"Come on. You can sleep with me tonight and we'll call her in the morning."

She took my hand and I guided her into my room. I flicked on the lamp beside my bed and it gave off a yellowish glow.

The walls were a deep purple, a color I loved and it happened to be convenient to cover up the flaking yellow paint, with a cheap wooden bed pushed against the wall. A large black and white Marilyn Monroe picture hung above the bed.  A dresser was beside the closet door opposite the bed and there was a black and white photo of me when I was a toddler. A computer desk was on the right as soon as you walk through the door, and an old and ancient desktop sat on top of it.

Maddie immediately climbed into my bed and I walked over to my dresser and started stripping down. I threw my dark grey and neon green sweatshirt on my computer chair and my black skinny's in the laundry basket. I kicked my canvas shoes in the closet and grabbed a pair of light blue cotton boxers and kept my white tank top on. I was careful to not let my bruises show. I could feel the tenderness from where his hands gripped too hard, leaving finger marks all over my skin. There was a matching bite mark on my shoulder and a hickey on my neck.

"If you go to Aria's tomorrow, can I go with you?" she asked as she snuggled into my bed. The black comforter contrasted against her blonde hair and she looked stunning. Maddie and I look like twins, even though we were total opposites.

While Maddie had blonde hair that stopped in natural curls at her shoulders and round green eyes, I had long black hair that fell in a wavy curtain down to my waist, and my blue eyes have been continuously described as exotic with their almond-like shape. Our features were similar since we both looked like our mom, except my lips are poutier and my cheek bones are higher. I never studied Maddie like this too often, and tonight I noticed that her chubby cheeks were beginning to slim down. But those eyes I loved so much studied me, waiting for my answer.

I hesitated as Aria flashed across my mind. It had been awhile since Maddie had mentioned her.

"I have to work tomorrow pumpkin. Maybe another day." Guilt swam over me as I thought about my former best friend. I wanted to talk to her, but I'm sure she still wants nothing to do with me.

She nodded and closed her eyes, and a few seconds later, she was fast asleep. I climbed into bed and reached over to click my lamp off. I stared into the darkness that absorbed my ceiling, trying to block out the expected moans emitting from down the hall. Or more like shrieks.

I closed my eyes, willing myself to block them out and go to sleep, but my body was still wound up and alert from tonight's earlier activities. My thoughts drifted to a place that wasn't here, and the illusions helped to force my reality to the back of my mind. I was seemingly lost on a beach, the sun bright and brilliantly shining across the turquoise water. The sand was soft, yet rough between my toes, and the salty breeze kissed my skin. I stood up, my naked body glowing from lying beneath the sun, and made my way to the water. My toes sunk into the sand with each step. When I finally reached the water, my skin sighed of relief from the coolness. I kept going deeper as the water licked at my calves, my thighs, and kissed the tender spot between my legs. I released a moan, the coolness washing over the tender flesh. I continued deeper, my fingertips grazing the water as it enveloped my rounded hips, my slender stomach and until my heavy breasts were fully covered, my nipples hardening from the cold caresses. I felt weightless, my senses heightened from the hot and cold endurances. I was surrounded by blue, as the sky met the horizon, and it seemed endless. I wanted to explore it. I took another step, and I was suddenly swallowed by the ocean, my weight suddenly and impossibly returning as I fell into the black trenches below.

I jerked awake, sweat covering my torso and I could feel my hair sticking to my face. I looked over at my sleeping little sister, her even breaths the only sound I could hear. The music and moans had finally stopped. I looked at the clock on my bedside and it read 3:27 AM.

I sighed. I had only fallen asleep for about forty minutes and I had to be at the set in five hours.

I flipped over and saw the moon in the window, bleaching everything white. Making everything pure and safe.

Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep...

"Sophia, turn off your alarm!" Maddie groaned.

The grogginess was thick but it slowly wore off as the beeping registered in my brain. I slammed my fist and it stopped. Sitting up, I and saw the sliver of light just breaking over the horizon. Geez, I felt as if I had just fallen asleep a few seconds ago, but I better get moving if I don't want to be late.

Showering quickly, I slipped on some black short shorts, a deep blue tank with a white woven cardigan and my black canvas shoes.

I left my hair wet to dry wavy. I kissed Maddie and slipped her a twenty dollar bill beneath her pillow to get her some breakfast and lunch until I came back. I checked in Justin's room and saw he was still gone. I haven't seen my brother in a week. I'm not worried too much just yet though. I didn't bother to tiptoe through the house, knowing that Steve and Mom were dead to the world. I stepped out the front door, making sure to lock it. My beige 1993 Camry sat on the street, looking lonely. I can drive today now that I have gas money. I hated having to take risky bus rides to my side of town in the middle of the night. But I make sacrifices so that I can save money to get the hell out of here. I've only been working in my line of business for about eight months. I used to be a struggling bartender at a titty bar, but I needed more money and fast. The pay was ten times better, seeing that I get about three grand a gig. I've done eight so far, and I get almost two grand after giving my "manager" his forty percent cut.

I try to keep only four hundred on me for the two weeks until my next pay check, which normally goes to food for me, Justin, and Maddie. Everything else goes into my savings so we can get away from this shitty town. I rolled down my windows, and sped off to start my day, determined to do anything to permanently put distance between me and my personal hell.


The location for today was a private beach about an hour away. It was already hot and humid this early in the morning, so I'm hoping that we'll be under some shade. I filled up my tank and hit the road, heading west from my small town of Dock Chester.

My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten last night. Coincidentally, there was a diner coming up. It was a cozy looking place. Sturdy with bricks covering the lower half of the wall and then gray wooded paneling running horizontally around the place. A large blinking sign was flashing Jillian's in bold red letters, and showed fluorescent even in the daylight. I pulled into the lot. It looked like a fair place to eat. I parked next to the other nine cars in the lot. I noticed a flashy pure white corvette shining flawlessly despite the lot being made of dirt. I wondered what someone with obvious means of being well off was doing in a place like Jillian's. No offense, but I'd think the owner would be dining in their very own penthouse, or by the pool with their waiters.

But who am I to judge someone? I thought, and my cheeks tinged pink as I chastised myself. I dismissed it all together and headed into the diner.

The door dinged as I walked in and a girl around my age greeted me with a bright smile. Her hair was a bright red and her brown eyes were so dark, they looked black.

"Hey there! My name is Kelly and I'll be your server today. Would you like a table or bar seat?"

I smiled back at her. "Bar please."

She nodded, picked up a menu and led me over to a bar seat. It was near the end, but there were maybe two people beside me.

My seat was beside a guy with a low man-bun, who had on a crisp white button down shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and khaki shorts. Light brown Sperry's were on his feet and he was wearing a thick gold ring on his right hand. I could see the tension coiled in his back, and regretted asking for a bar spot. I really didn't want to be near anyone who was not only expensive looking, but to someone who may think being a jackass is the only language known to man.

I swung my feet around, trying to scoot onto the bar stool, and accidentally kicked my neighbor.

He jerked, a look of irritation already etched on his face and I braced myself for a snippy remark, but when he saw me he smiled politely and I smiled back, unsure. I wasn't prepared for him to smile at me like that. I was ready to tell this guy to fuck off after he surely insulted me for bumping him.

Since that was his reaction though, I would go along with it. No reason to not take advantage of his unexpected pleasant mood.

"I'm sorry! I'm such a klutz. My Mom used to say I could trip on fallen leaves."

He chuckled, a deep throaty sound that sent a chill through me. I liked the sound of it. It was a genuine sound that made you want to be happy. It was contagious. It was also suspicious. Why his sudden change in mood? I guess I shouldn't have pegged him as an asshole. I'm normally not so judgmental, but this morning I woke up to an obnoxious alarm and a foot in the middle of my already sore back.

"It's alright. Good thing I'm not easily breakable," he joked. I noticed his hazel eyes and dazzling white smile. His eyes were like molten caramel, and it made me feel warm inside. They just seemed to gaze right into you. I looked down, feeling my cheeks turn pink from staring. I heard him chuckle again, and I felt myself go redder.

"That would definitely be a shame if I broke you," I giggled. I looked up at him and noticed he'd raised an eyebrow at me in response to my little quip.

"Well, that depends on how you go about it." His voice was low and smooth, and I felt a tingle between my legs. I was shocked. Even in my profession, my body has never reacted with such ease.

I felt my eyes go wide and a flush creep across my cheeks again. I let my hair fall between us as I felt a tightening in my stomach. That same feeling I get when my brain releases endorphins to my pelvic area, and I felt a slight dampness in my panties.

A shame right? How am I supposed to be a porn star? Bold enough to have sex in front of a camera and others, but not enough to flirt with a stranger.

Clearly you're half ass backwards, I said to myself.

"I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to offend you," he apologized. His bone structure was strong and his lips look absolutely delectable. I could see his muscles in his arms and shoulders through his shirt coil as he readjusted himself on his stool to face me. I spontaneously wondered how it would feel to have those arms around me as I locked my fingers in his chocolate brown hair. The thought made me cross my legs.

I bit my lip, as a sudden boost of confidence speared through me.

"It's ok. I'm just a little rusty in this department," I told him honestly, a playful smile on my lips. Practice makes perfect, right? I hoped that I at least didn't look like an idiot in front of this gorgeous man.

He frowned. "At flirting? You can't tell me a gorgeous girl like yourself is a virgin," he answered, his voice feigning shock, but a hint of true curiosity.

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at him. Did he really think I was going to give him an honest answer to his assumption?

He sucked on his bottom lip and the urge to pull it out of his mouth and into mine came on strong.

"Too straightforward?" he asked.

I nodded, but gave him a reassuring smile. Kelly came over at that moment, kind of shattering the illusion in my head of me and...wait. What's his name?

"So what can I get for you today?" her accent was thick and southern and from her tan, I knew she was from Texas.

"I'll have the Belgian waffles with scrambled cheese eggs and turkey sausage links and an orange juice."

She nodded and wrote it down on her mini writing pad. She asked me if I needed anything else and I shook my head, wanting her to go away so I could resume my conversation with mister cocky.

"So um, what's your name?" I asked.

"Liam, Liam Easton. I'm sorry, I usually have much better manners than this. I was just sidetracked by your beauty," he said.

"Well, Liam, your rudeness is actually quite cute. And I'm Sophia."

He laughed and his eyes lit up. "Cute? Ms. Sophia, I'm nowhere near cute. Cute is for little boys who don't know when it's time for business and when it's time to play."

His words sent a shiver up my spine and the air around us suddenly got thick and tense. I could feel an electric spark running through my veins as I resisted the urge to kiss him.

I'd like to think of myself as more...charming," he countered. I smiled seductively at him.

"Well that's too bad, I like to play all the time. So the question is, could you keep up?" He smiled largely.

"You're definitely getting better at this."

The tension broke, and I felt my whole body begin to shake. I jerked back, realizing how close we were.

I gave him a shaky chuckle, just as Kelly came back with my food. She placed it down in front of me and I happened to notice a glint off of a watch on her wrist and I glanced up at the clock. It had only been fifteen minutes, but I was really pushing it. I had to be on set in about forty minutes and I still had a ways to go.

"Um, Kelly? Can I get this to go? I have somewhere to be." She smiled politely and told me she'd be back with a box and the check in a moment.

"Are you on the run or something? Because I thought we were having a good time flirting and getting to know one another," Liam asked me, curiosity all over his face. A face that women probably fawn over all the time.

I shook my head. "No. I'm late for work actually," I murmured, getting extremely uncomfortable. I knew what his next question was going to be.

"What do you do? As gorgeous as you are, you have to be a model," his answered, with twinkling eyes. He was amused with even himself after that cheesy ass line. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"So? Are you going to tell? Where do you work?"

Oh that damn dreaded question. I should burn it in effigy.

"Um, I'm in between jobs, but mostly sales. I pose for a small magazine," I answered him teasingly. I wanted to smack my forehead. Now he's probably going to become more interested instead of picking up on my teasing him because of his model comment.

He nodded. "Sound interesting. I may have to look you up one day.

"NO!" I shouted. I slapped my hand to my mouth, embarrassment coating my skin.

Great way to make a total fool of yourself, Sophia.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout," I announced to the rest of the restaurant. I turned back to Liam. He seemed to be amused as a playful smile pulled at his mouth, but mostly curious.

As if an angel came to my rescue, Kelly came with the box and check. I slipped her a twenty, immediately telling her to keep the change, dumped my food in a box and ran out the store with so much as a goodbye.

The humid air hit me hard and I began to sweat more than what I already was from my little show. I unlocked my car and had stuck my foot through the door.

"Sophia!" Liam shouted. He jogged over to me. His frame towered over me, and I pegged him to be at least six foot one. His grey t-shirt under his white button up clung to him in all he right places and his shorts hung off of him just right. What is this guy? A model?

"Listen, do you think I could see you again?"

I was taken aback by shock. Why would he want to see me again? I guess I flirted a little bit too much.

"Really? I didn't think my flirting was that good."

"Trust me, you probably could have told me to go to hell, and I still would have asked to see you," he laughed, "So how about it?"

I rolled my lips as I looked at his handsome face. His stubble was controlled and accentuated his features perfectly, and I wondered how it would feel skimming across my nipples. The buds immediately hardened against the fabric of my tank top, and I quickly crossed my arms so he wouldn't notice. This guy is trouble. I may not be a virgin, but I am definitely inexperienced when it comes to dating. I've never had a date, let alone a boyfriend. I didn't plan on letting that change now either. I could tell that Liam might be a nice guy, but I also knew that he has broken many hearts.

"I'm sorry. I just can't. I have a lot going on in my life, and trust me, you don't want to get mixed up with me. It was really nice to meet you though."

"Ouch! The busy card. Well, I can take a hint. It was my pleasure Ms. Sophia. You take care."

He flashed me a dazzling smile before he turned and walked away. I felt bad all of a sudden and the feeling of dread came over me. The truth is, I really did want see him again. Deep down, I enjoyed our little game, and it was nice to have a conversation with someone of the opposite sex who wasn't about to ram my face into a headboard, or someone who was about to ram my face with their fist. But in reality, we probably would have never worked. The plan is to not get attached to anyone while I was in the adult industry.

"Well, the next time we meet, which will hopefully be soon, it'll be my treat!" he yelled suddenly.

I smiled, shaking my head and got into the car and drove off.

Strange Clouds by B.O.B. played through my speakers and I bobbed my head along to the music, trying to cheer myself up, bumped up my speed and thought to myself.

My "occupation" is something that I've been keeping secret from my family for a little over eight months. My Mom probably wouldn't care, but if she knew the type of money I was making, she'd try to be my best friend. I scoffed.

Mom and I haven't spoken directly to each other for about a year and a half. Seems impossible doesn't it. It isn't. Not with her for a mother.

She started resenting us when Steve tried to start barking orders at us and we basically told him to go screw himself. Maddie had to listen since he was her father, but when Justin and I refused, all hell broke loose. The abuse started not long after that, and things haven't changed much in the last seven years. That is until I decided to fight back. I called the cops on Steve but they couldn't hold him because there was no evidence of the abuse. We haven't spoken since. I just ignore Steve. It just sucks because the only person I told wasn't even a part of my family. If I can't tell my own family about my life, what makes me think that I could tell someone like Liam? I'm sure he would judge me, too. Label me a whore, just like my best friend.

A pang of guilt and longing hit me hard. The hardest thing I ever had to do was lose my best friend. Being lonely isn't fun either, and that what I was most days. When you have a secret as big as mine, you learn that no matter the reason behind the actions, if someone thinks its wrong then nothing will deter them from their opinion when they feel so strongly about it. There were day's where I wished I could take it all back, but then I think about how much Maddie and Justin depend on me. Maddie does anyway. Justin just comes and goes as he pleases and never lets anyone know where he's laying his head. I worry all the time that he's out getting into trouble, dealing drugs with his low-life friends, or worse being the one buying them with the money I leave under the porch mat for him.

Justin has very explicitly expresses his hate for me in the past year, and I could never figure out why. I take care of him anyway because he's my little brother. I'd feel guilty if I didn't. Now, I am starting to realize that you can only help those who want help. Clearly he doesn't want all of my help, just my financial help. Guessing that didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. It was quite obvious. Now that he's eighteen, sparing him the need to get a job wasn't needed anymore. Since he wanted to go out and do whatever he wanted, he could. Just not at my expense.

My thoughts we all over the place as I made up my mind about my brother. I knew the day was coming, I just didn't think it'd be so hard. Parenthood was definitely nothing to joke about, and I always wondered why our mother failed so horribly at it. I guess she just didn't give a damn.

I saw the sign for Bay Point beach where we were shooting at and swerved my car for the turn, almost missing it.

Jet's SUV was already here, so I parked beside it. I looked at the clock and it read six minutes to eight. Right on time.

Before I made my way over to the cabanas I could see in the distance, I pulled the long blonde lace-front wig out of my book bag. I stuffed my waist length dark hair into a netted cap and pulled the wig on and played with it so that the lace blended in with my skin. It was the same wig I always wore on the job.

Jet saw me and made a gesture for me to come over. He's my 'employer' but calls himself my manager. With long jet black hair and warm brown eyes, he easily convinced me to go into this business. He can be persuasive. He also kicked this guy's ass for me that tried to short change me at the bar after he groped my ass.

That's how he got me. He's a real sweetheart and a good friend.

His jaw was sharp and angular with a five o'clock shadow and a small, goatee was forming. His cheek bones were high and his mouth was thin.

"Roxanne!" his voice purred as I reached him. Of course he knew my real name, but we don't use it in company of others. He kissed me full on the mouth and I kissed him back. We were never exclusive. Just an occasional fuck here and there. Not really, but he wishes. That is just how he greets people. Well, women anyway and for some reason, we grow to accept it.

"How're you today princess?" he asked, as his attention focused back on flipping through the clipboard in his hands.

"Maddie is still crying every night and I don't think Justin has been home in about a week," I answered meekly and a slight shrug of a shoulder. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Things will fall into to place real soon. I'll make sure of it."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "How're you going to do that?"

He smiled and walked over to me, reaching in his back pocket. When his hand came back around there was a think envelope.

"What's that?" I asked, hoping that it wasn't another contract proposal. We've been going head to head because I refuse to sign one.

"This is your paycheck for the work you've done so far." Relief coursed through me. I really didn't have it in me to fight with him today. A sharp pang still coursed through my body, but I didn't let it show. I didn't like the 'so far' part, which meant that the fight for the contract still wasn't over.

I took the envelope and opened it. The check was made out to me for ten thousand dollars. My eyes bugged out of their sockets. Well they would have if that was even possible.

"Ohmyeffinggosh!" The words tumbled out, blending together before I could get my thoughts straight.

"There's more where that comes from darling. You'll get another five at the end of the day." Now, let's go get you sexy and fuckable!" he cheered, slapping me on the ass. I closed my mouth, still in shock and slipped the check and envelope into my back pack.

I followed Jet to another cabana where there were stations and there were three other girls getting ready.

"How is that even possible Jet? What did you do?" I asked, completely stupefied.

"My job. I could've gotten you more since that first scene you did had two extra bodies, and you aren't in a contract," he gave me an annoyed glance and I just blushed. "Anyway, I hope you slept last night gorgeous. You have an oral scene today."

"Girls?" I asked. My voice was a little tight. I had never had sex with a girl. So far, we've avoided the girl on girl scenes.

"Nope, there are four different scenes. You're going to be doing a scene with a hunky guy. Just one oral scene and for the rest of the movie, you play a married couple who are couple counselors."

I nodded in relief. My body was still sore from yesterday. But wait...

"And this scene is worth five g's? I don't get it."

Jet stopped and turned to me, placing his hands on both of my shoulders. I slightly winced from last night's bruising, but if Jet noticed I couldn't tell.

"Listen to me, princess. You are becoming quite the hot commodity. You are in high demand so yes, it's worth five g's. The problem is, you aren't in a contract and you refuse to travel, which I get because of your home situation. But if you want to make some real money, something is going to have to give."

I swallowed, reality hitting me. There was no way I could leave my brother and sister.

"Just think on it, alright? For now, get your stunning ass in make-up and wardrobe," he smiled and turned me towards the wardrobe cabana and slapped my ass.

I stepped into the cabana and I was immediately swarmed by stylists. Time seemed to fly by in a whirlwind and I felt like I hadn't even had a chance to catch my breath. They left my hair wavy, and made my make-up dark, to give a soft but seductive look. Surprisingly they kept my shorts, but gave me a gold triple layered link necklace, and painted my toes white. The artist made sure to accentuate my already heavy breasts with a bronzer and highlight to give my skin a glowing effect. Thirty minutes later, we were walking to a bed in the middle of the beach. It was a canopy bed made of dark oak wood with white fabric flowing around it in the wind. It was also under a cabana which was white, just like the canopy and comforter. I stood there, reading the script and saw the guidelines and directions for the oral sex scene.

When it was time for the camera to start rolling, I got in place on the middle of the bed. I was to act as if I was asleep and my husband is supposed to wake me. Totally cliché right?

I laid there, enjoying the breeze across my already hardening nipples with my eyes closed. I heard Jet yell 'action!' and the bed dipped. I kept my eyes closed, and instead pictured someone other than a stranger about to ravage me. Liam Easton popped into my head, as I imagined the feel of his body on mine. His shoulder length chocolate hair falling into his hazel eyes that looked like warm caramel. He gave me a dazzling smile, before I felt him kiss me and it was like no other kiss I had experienced on set. It was delicate, but firm and most of all detached. There was no connection, except just feeling each other. Imagining Liam was just for fun and the benefit of not recoiling at a total strangers touch. I usually imagine that it's Jared Leto or Chris Hemsworth, but Liam was...forbidden fruit. Something I knew I couldn't have, and that made everything I was feeling more sensual and exciting. The only feeling I wanted to be doing, was endorphins spreading all over my body when I orgasm. That's just the way I liked it.

I kissed him back, licking his bottom lip and a groan was muffled against my mouth. His lips molded into mine perfectly and he placed his hand on my hip lightly, just where the other guy bruised me the night before. The touch made my heart sputter frantically like it always does when my nerves start to get to me.

Liam's lips left mine and trailed butterfly kisses down my jaw and then down my throat. His hand came up to palm my right breast, his finger rolling my nipple with such gentleness. My pelvic area was squeezing tight and I felt my body having spasms. A moan slipped from my lips. I felt like there was fire burning into me, and it was suddenly twenty degrees hotter.

My shorts were slipped off with ease, and his hands roamed over my hips and thighs as his kisses trailed lower and lower. My heart was pounding in my ears by now, as I impatiently waited for the kiss I was yearning. Liam then positioned himself between my thighs, the back of my legs resting on his shoulders. I felt him grip my hips firmly, and as if I had the ability to fly, I was in the air.

I gasped in surprise and I looked down at Liam, who sat kneeling on his knees in the middle of the bed. My feet locked together as a precaution, even though he now had an iron grip on my ass. My fingers locked into his hair to brace myself, but not too tight. He licked the inside of my thighs before he very light dragged his tongue down my swollen slit. A shudder passed through me along with a small moan.

It was as if my moan had set him off, because the nest thing I knew I was screaming out in pleasure. His tongue made love to me and I knew that it wouldn't be long before I would be in ecstasy. Round and his tongue went, slow and agonizing. My nipples were aching to be touch, so I took one of my hands and rolled the nub softly between my fingers. I could feel the climax building, but he wasn't applying enough pressure. He knew this, as he would slow down even more when I get near my end. I groaned in frustration and my hips began to move. At first I thought that I would throw off our balance, but Liam just moved his hands from my butt to my back to support me better. With that, I began to grind on his tongue harder, I could feel a sweat break out along my thighs and back but the breeze that had my hair flowing around me kept it at bay. My nerves were on raw endings as my body screamed for a release.

"Harder," I moaned. Liam's tongue did two more swirls, before he caught my clit between his lips and sucked. I reached my peak just as his teeth bit down gently on the tender flesh, and I crashed down fast and hard. My head rolled back as my body continued on the ride and I felt weightless.

Reality came back once my orgasm began to subside, and I easily slid off his shoulders and into his arms, my legs now wrapped around his waist. Liam kissed me, and I could taste myself on his lips.

He trailed his kisses up my jaw and he softly kissed the spot below my ear, immediately sending another spasm through my body. Suddenly he spoke.

"I told you it would be my treat," he murmured, only loud enough for me to hear. I tensed in his arms, his voice washing over me.

There's no way that this was real! I thought in my head. Just calm down Sophia, it's all in your head, remember?

My eyes flew open and sure enough, I was in the arms of a co-star that I had dealt with twice before. He was a nice guy, amazing at giving oral and had never hurt me during a scene. I blinked, and I felt myself go red as I chastised myself. The man in front of me didn't resemble Liam with blonde hair and sea foam colored eyes. His jaw was more feminine and he had a slightly over large nose.

"I said, I missed you my sweet," he repeated and I remembered the line I was supposed to say. Sighing in relief that I had imagined everything, I continued on with my role.

After our scene was over, I stepped off of set for a moment to slip into a taupe off shoulder top and some black thong flip flops. We then walked over to the next cabana and filmed all of our vocal scenes. By the time we were finished, it was rolling into six in the evening, and the sun was starting its slow journey into setting.

I was sitting on the beach as everyone packed up when I heard Jet call me.

"Roxanne, princess are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost earlier."

My gaze slid from the water and over to Jet when I was about to open my mouth to tell him I was fine, except I was frozen. Standing next to Jet, was none other than Liam. My mouth fell open in shock.

What the hell was he doing here?! I can't believe he was here right now!

Wait, I was in a wig and make-up. There was no way he would recognize me. I was still lost for words and only nodded at Jet.

"Good. I'll be able to edit it out so no biggie. I just wanted to check on you." I smiled at him in appreciation and he turned to Liam.

"This guy here is a potential investor in the porn industry. Make sure to be nice to him?" Without waiting for a reply, Jet turned on his heel and headed back to finish bossing people around on set. Liam didn't say anything, but I looked into his eyes. They were guarded, but I could still see the look he was trying to hide: pity. He knew exactly who I was. I just sat there in stunned silence and humiliation. Looking away, I swung my hair to hang over my right shoulder as a barrier. Hot tears stung my eyes. They fell fast, a few sobs breaking the silence other than the crashing waves.

Liam just came and sat next to me. He still didn't say anything. Instead, he just found my hand that was buried in the sand and clutched it as if to let me know that everything was okay. And for a moment, it felt as if it was.

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