Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [...

By _KayParrilla

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Meet Dinah Jane Hansen, a well known video and music producer who got into the business at the age of 19. She... More



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By _KayParrilla

A year later...

Dinah Jane:

So much has happened in a year. All good things of course. Lauren and I purchased our first house together and the kids absolutely love it. Lauren finally got her ass into the studio for me and sang a song that she wrote called Crush and I 'accidentally' linked the song to YouTube and SoundCloud, now her song is a hit and so many celebrities are calling her because they want her to sign onto their label. Believe me when I say that she was pissed at me but she got over it after I gave her that vitamin D.

Giovanni and Gabby are growing up so fast. Giovanni is a year old now and is so cheerful. He's definitely my child, he already knows how to play the drums and it's the cutest thing ever. Gabby's four now and is a genius, I went to get her registered for pre school but on her first day she was moved up to a gifted kindergarten class with other children who were just like her so to speak. She absolutely loves it.

Things for everyone else are going good. Ally and Lance got married on New Years Day and they're doing great. Normani and Camila are doing great as well, they've officially adopted Devon and Camila gave birth to Lyla. Taylor is doing great, she's set to have her heart transplant next month.


Today our lives change. For the better that is, it's our wedding day and we decided on a double wedding after Ally had suggested that we do it. Today feels like a dream for Normani and I but unlike her I'm a lot calmer and she's over here freaking out.

"Oh gosh, wait. Dinah fix my tie! Why'd I agree to wear a pantsuit? I'm gay as hell sure but you're the only woman I know that can pull off a pantsuit." She rambled as I quietly fixed her tie.

No lie, on the inside I'm freaking out but when your son hits his head so many times and he walks off like nothing happens you learn to stay calm through anything.

"Normani, relax girl. You look beautiful as always. Camila will be pleased." I reassured her before turning to look at myself in the mirror that was hanging in the wall.

"Thanks Dinah."

We're having our weddings in my backyard since it's big enough then the reception will be at a hall.

"Mama!" Two little voices said in unison.

Normani and I turned to see Gabby and Devon running towards us.

We both smiled and hugged them tightly. "Mama, you don't have a tie. You can't marry mommy today without it." Gabby said as she tugged at my shirt collar.

"I know baby I have to find it. Why aren't you dressed? You're supposed to have in your pretty dress that I picked out for you."

She shook her head. "I know but mommy is crying right now and Nana is hugging her."

"Who is? My mom?"

She shook her head again. "No. Sasha. Mama I think mommy is on her period again."

Normani snickered before turning her attention back to her son.

I smirked. "Really? Why?"

"Well she is, cause she yelled at Camzi for trying to fix her hair, then she's eating a cheeseburger...she won't share it with me or Giovanni." She said with a sigh.

"Gabby there you are. Come on little lady you need to get dressed. Oh my gosh look at my babies." Mama Drea said as she walked into my bedroom where Normani and I were getting ready.

She hugged us both and sniffled. "I can't believe that you two knuckle heads are getting married you both look so beautiful."

"Thank you," Normani and I said in unison.

"GG, I helped Ma pick out her suit." Devon said with excitement.

"Well you did a great job handsome, you look nice who are you trying to look handsome for?"

Devon blushed. "Um...Taylor." He mumbled causing us to laugh.

"My sister in law?" I asked.

He nodded. "Uh-huh. She's pretty and I'm going to ask her to dance with me tonight. DJ, just because I'm 7 doesn't mean that I'm not the man."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Bet money."

"Bet cheese sticks. If she say yes you gotta buy me some from White Castles."

I nodded. "Okay...but I don't like cheese sticks so I'll figure something out. You have a deal though."

Mama Drea chuckled and shook her head. "Come on boy, I need your help with something. Gabby come on."

The kids hugged us before leaving.

"Normani your son is going to be a little player."

"Yeah and I'll whoop his ass if he even thinks about it. Camz and I are teaching him how to be a gentleman. He's already so protective of Lyla, and he caught Camila crying a few weeks ago about her parents not wanting to come to the US for the wedding. He wasn't too happy about it."

I sighed. "So her parents don't like you still?"

Normani shook her head. "Nope. They think that I've turned her into ghetto trash...her mother's words exactly. Then her dad won't even look at the kids. She's sent them photos that we've taken but he sent them back along with a note saying that our children aren't really ours and never will be because Devon was adopted and Lyla was created through a straw."

"Wow. You sound a little too calm about it."

She shrugged. "Dinah I'm marrying Mila, not them. I get to love her, I don't have to love them. With that being said I don't give a rats ass what they say about me. Camila is what matters most and as long as my baby is happy than so am I."

I nodded to show that I understood. "She's lucky to have you Mani...just as I'm lucky to have Lauren."

She smiled and hugged me. "I'm happy for you Dinah Jane."

"I'm happy for you as well...oh gosh I can't wait to see her."

There was a knock at the door before it opened and my mom walked in. She smiled at us both and instantly started crying. "My babies...look at you two."

We hugged my mom and dried her tears away. "Milika please stop'll only make me cry."

"Well there will be tears today Mani, oh. Dinah I have something for you. Gabby is downstairs fussing at Lauren now about your damn tie, I figured you'd misplace yours so I brought this one for you."

I watched as she pulled a tie from pocket. It was a simple black tie which was what I needed.

"It belonged to your dad...Dinah he would have been so proud of you and I know for a fact that he'd love the kids and Lauren."

As much as I wanted to save the tears for later I just couldn't help the tears from falling. "Thanks Mom...Is this what he wore to your wedding?"

"Oh heavens no. Child, your daddy and I got married in Vegas. I didn't tell you this story?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No?"

"Well I'm about to, both of you sit down."

We did as told and sat on the edge of my bed. "I met him there, we got drunk and then we got married. I got pregnant with you there but I left before I found out. Luckily he wrote his number in permanent marker on my tit because I-"


Normani busted out laughing. "Dinah don't interrupt."

"Thank you Mani, anyways I called him and told him that I was pregnant he flew out to Cali to help me with you even though he didn't have to. Over time we fell in love and then had your siblings."

I sighed. "Seriously?"

She nodded. "Yes, Dinah don't act all innocent because we all know that you and Lauren had your little drunken one night stand after she spilled her liquor on you. Normani how did to meet Camila?"

"We were supposed to go on a date that Ally sat up for us but I ended up meeting her at Starbucks where she accidentally spilled her piping hot coffee on me then on herself as she tried to clean it up."

"See? Dinah people meet in odd ways. But as time goes on you began to fall for one another. Anyways, this tie was special to your dad because you and Kamila gave it to him as a birthday gift. You told him that it was a tie with super powers and that whenever he wore it good things would happen. He thought it was the sweetest thing so he wore it every time. He put it aside for you Dinah, before he died...he um, he said that deep down he knew that you'd find someone who would love you for you, and who would help you break out of your shell. Lauren did that...she walked into your life and just made everything better for you. It's like your dad knew and...I-today you get to have a part of your father here with you." She said as she reached forward to put the tie on for me.

"Thanks Ma." I said just above a whisper.

She nodded and leaned up to kiss my forehead. "You're welcome sweetheart. Come here Normani you're my daughter as well." She said as she kissed Normani as well.

"Alright, I'm going to go down and make sure things are in order." She said to us before leaving

"You feeling okay DJ?" Normani asked.

I nodded and stood. "Yeah, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be back."

As soon as I stepped out of the room Giovanni ran towards me. "Ma! Ma!" He shouted.

I smiled and picked him up. "Hi handsome. Oh look at you."

He smiled bashfully and placed his hands over his eyes. He was dressed in a pair of black slacks, a white shirt with a little bow tie, and to finish off the look he had on a cute little sweater vest that was covered in dinosaurs; his favorite.

"Did mommy dress you?"

He nodded. "Sissy?"

"She's downstairs I think Bubba. Go get her." The moment I put him down he took off sliding down the stairs.

Chuckling at the sight, I walked down the hall towards the bathroom, instantly stopping in my tracks as I heard a noise.

Furrowing my eyebrows I walked a little closer.

"Quiet down. You don't want anyone to hear you do you?"

"I don't care Lance just fuck me...I've been a bad girl and you need to punish me Papi. Punish me."

What the fuck?

I reached out to open the door and when I did I nearly passed out at the sight before me.

Ally and Lance were fucking in my bathroom. Ally was bent over the sink and Lance was showing her no mercy.

"Really?! You horny fuckers couldn't wait to do that?"

They jumped and separated. Ally crawled under the sink and covered her body while Lance struggled to put his boxers.

"Oh shit...D we were jus-"

I shook my head. "Don't lie Lance. Y'all were in here getting down. Normani! Girl they in here fucking!"

Normani appeared behind me. "Allysin in full effect."

Ally groaned. "Please stop."

I smirked and looked at Lance. "'s probably gay of me to say this the fuck is she not in a wheelchair by now? Your ass should be in prison for assault and battery."

Normani laughed and walked off. "And Dinah Dumbass decides to appear."

Lance furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I-"

"Babe, she's saying that rather large."

I looked at Ally. "Girl that's a damn midget's arm. Ally no wonder why you're bow legged. Just a horny little woman...where the hell are your kids?"

Ally glared at me. "Nobody says shit when you and Lauren decide to have sex in my backyard. Get the hell out please." She snapped.

"Alright alright....Seriously where are the twi-oh shit." I ran out of the bathroom and dodged as Ally threw things at me.

Today is definitely going to be an eventful day.



"Lauren. Lauren please calm down." My moms said calmly as they sat around me.

I had been panicking about this since the moment I woke up. It's not that I don't want to marry Dinah Jane. I'm just so nervous...what if she hates my dress? What if I'm not pretty enough? Oh gosh.

"Camila get her a glass of wine please." Mom said calmly.

Camila just sat there. "I don't think sh-"

"I don't want any wine mom! I just want to see Dinah...she always knows how to calm me down." I whined.

Ma sighed. "You can't see her right now."

"Why not? Ma I don't care about tradition....DINAH DIME!"

The door opened and Ally hurried in. "Sorry it took so long."

"What took you so long? Ally I want to see Dinah."

Ally hurried over to me. "Stop it, you'll see her soon. You're messing up your makeup...Camila! Why are you eating nachos? Who gave you nachos?"

Ally helped us plan everything and she even helped us get ready today. She's so damn bossy and I'm about four five seconds from kicking her in the throat.

"Mama Drea got them for me...Ally you're just as bad as you were in your wedding day."

Ally rolled her eyes. "Did anyone get Lauren a glass of wi-"


My moms and Ally gasped. "Lauren...are you pregnant?" Mom asked.

I busted out crying as I nodded. Ma pulled me into her arms. "Sasha, something is seriously wrong with your child...Lauren does Dinah know?"

"No...I'm going to tell her later on."

"Mommy. Mommy. I got chocolate for you." Gabby said with a smile as she ran over to me.

"Thank you so much, you look so pretty Gabreyella."

"Thank you mommy. Why you crying?"

I picked her up and sat her onto my lap. "Everyone is being mean to me Gabby." I told her before glaring at everyone in the room.

Ma threw up her hands before walking off. "Not dealing with your crap today Lo. I love you but nope."

"Mommy. Are you being mean?" Gabby asked.


"She is." Camila said.

I pinched Camila's arm.

"Mommy, it's okay. The chocolate will make your period be nice to you."

Ally and my mom busted out laughing. "Is she really 4 years old?"

"Guys, stop it...Gabby I don't have a period right do you even know what that is?"

"Auntie Mani, she tell me everything I want to know...why don't you have one?" She gasped and looked down at my stomach. "Mommy! Did you eat another baby?!"

I smiled. "No...but there is a baby in did you know?"

She shrugged. "I just know. Oh, mommy did you and mama do that thing again?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What thing Nugget?"

She titled her head to the side and looked at me as if I were stupid. "Did you and mama fuck to make that baby?"

Jesus help.

Camila started choking on her nachos and I just sat there in shock.

"Water! Ally I'm dying over here!"

Ally quickly gave Camila water and again I just sat there in shock.

"Okay. Why don't you and I go get chocolate milk while Mommy and Aunt Mila finish getting ready?" My mom said as she picked Gabby up from my lap.

Gabby nodded. "Yes! I like chocolate milk Nana! See you later mommy!" She shouted as they left the room.

Camila snorted. "Lauren...your daughter is too advanced."

I blinked and looked at her. "Yeah...tell me about it."

We sat in silence for a while until the door opened and Mama Drea walked in. "Ladies. It's time."

Oh shit.

Dinah Jane:

It's time. Normani and I standing at the altar waiting for our brides to come out. The wait felt like forever but as soon as everyone stood my stomach fluttered.

As soon as the patio doors opened my mouth dropped at the sight of Lauren. She was wearing a simple wedding dress but she made it look so much more than she just that.

"Holy shit!" I shouted causing her to laugh.

The moment Camila walked out Normani gasped. "DAMN GIRL! Can I have your number?"

Mama Drea ran up and smacked the back of our heads before returning to her seat.


Devon left the altar and hurried over to grab their hands causing everyone to awe as he brought them over to us.

"Hi," Lauren whispered as she stood in front of me.

"Hi beautiful."

Everyone sat down.

"Um...where's the person who is supposed to marry us off?" Normani whispered.

I turned my head to look at her. "I thought you called for one?"

"If I did Dinah, he'd be here."

"Dinah what's going on?" Lauren asked.

"This idiot forgot to call a pastor to marry us off."

"Um, no I-what the hell?" Normani elbowed me and nodded towards the patio door.


"Why is Ally not in her brides maid dress?" Camila asked.

When I turned to see Ally I busted out laughing.

This child is wearing a white robe and her hair is up in a bun. She's got a bible in her hand and I just can't.

She walked up to the front with her head held high. "You're both idiots, you're welcome. Now let's get this over with before I pass out from a heat stroke. This robe is like a sunna." She said before stepping up and turning towards the crowd of people who were sitting there with confused looks on their faces.

Well alright then.

"We are gathered here bond these two lovely couples."

I turned to look at her. "You're not saying it right Ally."

She glared at me and leaned forward. "Want me to beat you with this bible?"


"Okay, so shut up and let me do this...."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"We are here today to bond these two lovely couples in holy matrimony. Dinah Jane Hansen and Lauren Michelle Jauregui. Normani Kordei Hamilton and Karla-"


Ally sighed. "-Camila Cabello. Before I begin does anyone object?"

Lauren looked out at the crowd. "Stand up. I dare you, see what happens."


"Sorry." She mumbled.

"Okay! Moving on..."


"Dinah...would you like to share your vows?"

Normani and Camila were already married and now it's our turn.

I nodded. "Lauren...I actually wrote somethings down but your son ripped it up. Thank you Gio."

"We'um!" He shouted causing everyone to laugh.

"Cute. But no I'm just going to say what comes from the heart...if I say anything stupid just-yeah okay...Lauren, I love you. Like a fat kid loves cake. More than that actually and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. As a friend, a life coach, a lover, a mother to our children...just to have you that makes me the luckiest woman alive. In the beginning things weren't so easy but we've conquered so much together and I know that we'll continue to. Words can't describe how much I appreciate you but one thing is for certain, I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you."

Lauren smiled and wiped her tears away. "Dinah Jane...I love you so much. I'll admit that I was a little skeptical about you. I thought you were just some player who didn't give a damn about anyone else but yourself but boy was I wrong. You're a big teddy bear; my teddy bear in fact and the fact that you're so selfless is one of the many reasons why I love you so much. You have a heart of gold Dinah and there are times where I feel as if I don't deserve someone as special as you but holy shit am I lucky. I never thought that I'd have a family of my own. I never thought I'd be this happy but because of you and my babies I am. Dinah I need to tell you something and I want to tell you now because I don't want a repeat of last time." She said with a smirk.

I nodded. "What is it?"

"I'm pregnant." She said just about a whisper.

My mouth dropped and I pulled her into my arms. "WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! IM A BABY'S DADDY AGAIN YALL!" I shouted out in excitement.

Lauren sighed and smacked my chest. "Stop it. I'm not done."

"Oh sorry...go ahead."

"Okay...well I just want to say thank you for putting up with my mood swings, and for just listening to me nag about everything...I know that you're not listening half the time but the fact that you pretend is just so heartwarming. You're a dork but you're my dork and I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the years ahead with you Dinah."

I smiled and pecked her lips. "I love you too Lauren."

"Hey. I didn't say kiss your bride yet."

"Well hurry up." I hissed.

Ally kicked my leg. "Oops. Lauren do you promise to be there through sickness and in health and for rich or for poor?"

I'd definitely never hire Ally. I hope she doesn't think I'm paying her for the shitty job that she's doing.

"...I do."

"And Dinah do you pro-"

"Yes! Duh!"

"Rude...please give it up for Mrs. and Mrs. Jauregui-Hansen. I now pronounce you wife and wife. Kiss the bride."

She didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed Lauren and tongued her down.

Everybody clapped and Lauren moaned before her body trembled. "Oh gosh..."

I smiled into her kiss and pulled away. "Lo...did you just co-"

"Shut up Dinah Jane."


The reception was amazing and everyone had a great time. This day was one that I could definitely never forget even though it still felt like a dream.

"Bye mommy! Bye Mama!" Gabby shouted before she kissed us both and ran off to who knows where.

Lauren and I were about to go on our honeymoon and the kids would be staying with Mama Drea. The honeymoon was a surprise for Lauren and I knew that she'd love it.

"Bye babies! Thank you for keeping them Mama Drea." Lauren called out before getting into my brand new matte black Audi.

I shut her door and waved goodbye to everyone before pulling off.

The moment I pulled off Lauren peeled off her wedding dress leaving her in nothing but a matching bra and pantie set.

"You're not kidding I see?"

She shook her head and squealed. "Babe! We're married can you believe it?!"

I chuckled and reached out to grab her hand. "I'm still trying to, it feels like a dream. A dream that I wouldn't mind staying in that's for sure."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I can't fucking believe it. Baby where are we going?"

"Reach into the glove box and you'll see."

She did as told and pulled out two plane tickets.


I nodded. "Yeah, I figured you'd like to go. You want to right?"

"Fuck yes! Wait until we get on that plane Dinah. I'm going to fuck you so hard in that bathroom."

I busted out laughing. "Sounds like a plan babe...and then I'll return the favor and fuck you on the beach."

She smiled. "Oh yes, I can't wait."

There was a comfortable silence until she spoke again. "Even through my flaws saw past them. For that I'll hold you down no matter what."

"The same applies to you baby, Daddy's got your matter what gets thrown our way...oh and one more thing babe...thank you for showing up at my studio when you did."

She chuckled and gave my hand a squeeze. "You're welcome Daddy."

If she hadn't walked through that door that day, I would have never found my Video Vixen.



Authors Note:

It's been real guys. I want to thank everyone for giving this book more love than I expected. I definitely want to thank all of you goofballs who kept me laughing with your comments. Thank you everyone who has given me amazing ideas for this you are greatly appreciated. I love you all.


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