The Seventh Miracle (A Kuroko...

By CurseHydraulic

23.9K 512 95

Kimber is the unknown seventh miracle of the generation of miracles. He finally comes home to Japan to join i... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Basket Ball Terms
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Who needs life when I have yaoi ;-;
Halp! Jaeger's Pick A Senario!
Chapter 20
Im back<3 (please read)
The Seventh Miracle; Updates Coming Soon!

Chapter 12

1K 25 6
By CurseHydraulic

Chapter 12:

Finally Arriving: A Possible New Love?!

After arriving to the resort, Riko had to do the deed of waking up seven, very tired, basketball players. She decided to wake up Hyuga first. "Hyuga, wake up" the male's eyes opened sleepily as she nudged him. "We're here, get Teppei to grab Shun so you can get Hizuki-kun." She giggled. Just like that, Hyuga shook Teppei and Kagami awake, who where both exhausted. Teppei got out of the back and Kagami pulled Kuroko out, carrying him bridal style. Teppei grabbed Shun, carrying him the same way as Kagami did Kuroko. Hyuga pulled Kimber from the car gently, making sure not to put pressure on his shoulder, while Riko woke Shinji. Soon, they saw Mitobe's car pull up behind them. Hyuga greeted his classmate as he carried Kimber, with the second year's head rested on his own shoulder, and held him up by his legs.

Mitobe grabbed Shun from Teppei and Teppei picked up a tired Shinji. Riko's father was so relieved. He was 99% sure that they where all gay! Well, most of them were bi not gay but still. They had each other, and he didn't need to worry about them screwing with his daughter. Riko chuckled at the freshmen. They where a bit jealous that they had to wake up and walk but their superiors didn't. Well, most of them anyway. Riko and her father grabbed all of the bags, and made the freshmen help. After all, the third years, aside from Shun and Shinji, kind of had their hands full.

As the large team followed Riko into the large resort hotel, they seemed to attract a lot of unwanted attention. Especially from girls. Riko approached the front desk and told them of her reservation that she had made the last week. "Ah yes, Serin basketball team. I have you down for... Four rooms?" She asked hoping that she was right. "Yeah, that's right!" Riko praised happily. Hyuga looked at her suddenly shocked. "But Riko... There are fourteen of us..." He whispered. She chuckled. "I know. All of you players will be splitting a bed. Like you and Hizuki-kun I would assume." She giggled. "My father and I will have our own room. Since we are paying for all of this." She smiled. Hyuga only nodded. He knew fighting with the couch over this would only end badly.

The female employees where completely star struck at seeing Kimber. "Oh my gosh! He was a part of Teiko's Generation of Miracles!" One whispered excitedly. Many other of the employees gathered around Hyuga and completely mused over him. The commotion woke the Cherry Blonde. "Hyuga Senpai...what's happening..." He asked quietly, rubbing his green eye. "The one with Heterochromatic eyes?" She asked as she lifted his blonde bangs. His tired gaze stared at them with a raised brow. "Omg he is so cute!" She mused as she scratched the top of his head. "Hyuga, come on, Riko's showing us the rooms." Kagami said nonchalantly. The basketball team captain nodded and pulled Kimber away from the crowding girls.

Finally reaching their rooms, the team sighed and grabbed their bags from the freshmen. "Wait a'd Riko pack all of our stuff. I mean come on, how'd she actually get our clothes?" Kagami asked confused. "It's better not to question it." Hyuga sighed. Kimber stepped down from the older player's grasp, but still used his captain to stabilize himself. "You alright?" He asked quietly. Kimber nodded and yawned. 'damn why are you so cute.' Hyuga thought to himself and gave a sigh. "I dunno about you guys, but I'm gonna take a shower." Kimber yawned. "That sounds like a good idea. I'm going as well." Kuroko said out of no where. "I thought you where asleep dammit!" Kagami roared. "No, I just didn't want to walk." The blunette stated blankly as he grabbed some clothes from the bag Riko had packed him.

After Kimber and Kuroko took their showers, they saw that the third years, and Kagami, had too. They where relieved that they didn't have to smell sweat all night long. "Thank goodness! I thought you guys would do the smart thing and shower." Riko taunted. She was used to Kagami back talking her but, since he'd already gone, she got the beautiful gift of silence. Kimber winced at his aching shoulder. The pain was excruciating. Every time he moved it, it screamed at him with treacherous agony.

Kuroko looked at the boy next to him. "It still hurts?" He asked. Kimber only nodded. Kuroko was wearing his normal gym shorts and white t-shirt sleepwear, while Kimber went with his. Sweatpants~! Nope, no shirt whatsoever! The girls in the hall where just about to die of too much of the sexy. Behind them, Kagami decided to taunt his captain. "Yeah, Hyuga, look a that ass." Hyuga growled at the second year as he gave him a death sentencing glare. "Shut up, you idiot." The four of them reached their room and Kimber decided to lay down. He had a really bad migraine, and Kagami's constant yelling wasn't helping. Hyuga sat next to him, rubbing his back in attempt to calm the Cherry Blonde, which actually worked!

After about ten minutes, Kuroko and Kagami laid down together and started watching T.V. Some stupid shit like American Dad or whatever. 'Why are they watching that American bull shit?' He sighed and lied down next to Kimber, who was exhausted and almost just completely passed out. Hyuga lifted the second year into his own stomach, and Kimber automatically rolled over, nuzzling his cheek into his captain's chest. Kagami looked over, and was a bit jealous that Kuroko

wasn't being that affectionate. Kuroko never nuzzled himself into the red head.

Hyuga didn't seem to mind. But he was a bit surprised that the Cherry Blonde wasn't wearing a shirt. He assumed it was annoying his shoulder. Hyuga himself was wearing, a grey tank top with some black and white gym shorts. He skimmed his finger tips over the bruises on Kimber's shoulder, but the other didn't really seem to notice. Hyuga continued to rub Kimber's back, hoping he'd go to sleep. He turned off the light on the nightstand and pulled the comforter over the both of them. It was three in the morning and Kuroko and Kimber were asleep. Kagami sighed in annoyance. While Kimber slept on the captain's stomach, Kuroko had rolled over, back facing the red head. Kagami eyed Kimber, wishing that Kuroko would do things like that.

Hyuga never seemed to notice though, and fell asleep easily. Then he woke up. Kagami had been awake, just lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. "What's wrong Kagami?" The Serin captain asked. "Just a bit jealous." He admitted shamelessly. "Of?" Hyuga asked. "Well. You're relationship with Kimber is still growing, and Kuroko and I have been going out for six months, but he never cuddles up to me like that." He growled in annoyance. Hyuga thought for a bit. "Well, tomorrow night, you and I will stay out longer than them, because Kuroko seems to follow Hizuki. And when we come back, just climb into bed with Kimber and, I'll sleep in the chair. When he wakes up, he might get jealous that you're not sleeping with him." Hyuga suggested. Kagami chuckled and nodded at that plan. So it was set for the next night. It didn't take long for the two to fall asleep once more.


Thanks so so much for 633 reads! It doesn't seem like much to most but I'm so happy that people are reading this! Thanks everyone! I'll be posting more frequently after Christmas I'm sorry for the wait!

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