Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Day One at Seirin! Don't Pet the Service Dog!

Just as the previous day, Kimber woke up and got dressed. He put on the itchy school uniform and sighed as his little puppy jumped and snapped at his feet, begging to be fed. He looked at Lucia, who kept herself comfortable in her bed, and laughed. Putting the food in both bowls he called; "LuLu! Time to eat!" The service hound jumped up and ate her food, as her blond and red haired owner got his bag ready. Unlike others, Kimber did what Aomine had done before. He used a normal back pack, like the ones he got to use in America.

He got Lucia in her vest and got ready to go. Then a knock echoed through the small apartment. He opened the door to Rique! The manager. She had such a high rank in her job but she was only eighteen! It was amazing to him. He asked her if she'd watch Mizu the following night and, she agreed! He was happy and he thanked her before heading off to school.

When he had gotten there, he could tell that he was a bit late. The bell had rung and he had been jogging through the halls in attempt to get to his home room. "Class 1B. I hope I'm not too late..." He panted slightly. From inside he heard; "And today, we'll have a new student. He's the only child of the famous Hizuki family, so make sure you all treat him with respect. He should be here pretty soo-" she stopped when he slipped through the door. "Oh! Kimber! We've been expecting you!" She smiled. "Kimber Hizuki everyone." She said perkily. Lucia walked ahead of Kimber, who had been getting distracted and was about ready to trip over his own feet, had let out a bark and snapped everyone's attention back. "Um...Kimber. I didn't know you were blind..." The teached mumbled. "Why does everybody think that..." He sighed in annoyance. "Miss, he's not blind, he's got a neurological disability." Kuroko spoke up from the back. Kimber smiled at the voice. "Thanks Kuroko-kun." Kimber smiled. It was a bit embarrassing but it was the truth.

After he'd gotten settled in, the lesson had already started. Lucia had laid down on the floor by his feet, and the girls kept reaching down to pet her. "Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!" She snapped at each hand that came near her. The teacher, whom he had found out was named Miss Kureiha, was starting to get annoyed. He cleared his throat. "Please...don't pet the service dog." He asked quietly. The girls looked at him with that type of 'are you actually serious right now?' Kind of look, that only made him sigh. Lucia was getting tired of it too. She finally just army crawled behind his legs to keep the girls from touching him. But they still reached around to try and pet her. "Girls! Leave her alone! The vest she has on clearly says 'Please Don't Pet Me, I'm Working!'" Miss Kureiha growled. The girls rolled their eyes but turned back around in their seats.

The day had just been coming to a close, and when the last bell rang, Kimber followed Kuroko to the locker room, getting changed into so,e practice clothes for basketball. "You've always amazed me, you know that Hizuki-kun..." Kuroko suddenly stated. "How so?" Kimber asked packing his uniform into his back pack.

" it's just, even with your disability, you're still a great basketball prodigy. And nothing stops you from winning. Did you ever lose in America?" Kuroko questioned. "Of course not...." Kimber said solemnly. "I was basically the whole team, the rest where just so amateur that it got boring. I just want a challenge..." Kuroko's eyes lit up. He knew that Kimber would have a bit of a challenge if he played Kagami. "How about Kagami-kun. He's pretty good. He's defeated Kise And Midorima." Kuroko explained. "I dunno Kuroko-kun..." "He kept Aiomine-kun on his toes." He said quietly. "Kuroko, I'm not sure. I just don't kn-" "he's my light..."

A long silence passed. "I want a game." Kimber said quietly. Kuroko smiled and nodded, jogging out onto the gym, explaining to Kagami what Kimber had agreed to. The loud laugh and taunting Kimber had received when he walked out of the locker room with Lucia. "So this little blind boy wants to go against me? Bring it on." But Kimber hadn't been listening to the red head. "Bark!" Lucia let out a loud echoing bark that snapped Kimber back into the reality of life. " yeah yeah, let's go." He said annoyed. Riko had agreed to it as well. Sort of as an...evaluation for Kimber. "Okay, thirty minute game. Normal game scores. Twenty nine foot and closer is two points. Thirty foot shots are three points and free throws are one. Fouls are counted. Get in the middle you two." Riko announced as she went to grab one of the special game balls.

Riko threw the ball and called from across the gym. "Mitobe, do the jump." Mitobe Rinnosuke. The Serin center. One of the tallest members on the team. All three of the boys walked to the center of the gym, and waited for Riko's whistle. She got the score boards on and had Kuroko next to her to help her operate the machine. She stood in front of the table. "Hizuki-kun, your basket is left, Kagami, yours is right. There will be a break after ten minutes. Five full time outs, and five thirty second time outs for each of you...." She said grabbing her whistle she blew, and Mitobe threw up the ball.


Cliff hanger anybody!? *v* I just pissed so many people off (actually no xD) hope you all like it thanks for 17 reads and 4 votes!

The Seventh Miracle (A Kuroko's basketball fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz