Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:
Your Best Friend Is Who?!

Later on that day, Riko snuck into Hyuga, Kimber, Kagami, and Kuroko's room. It was three in the afternoon, and Kimber was still asleep! Shinji followed behind her and whined; "How long is he gonna sleep!" The brunette whined. "Shinji, I brought you guys here to relax, that's exactly what Hizuki-kun's doing. This is his way of relaxing I guess." She sighed. But she did not spend all of this money, and drive nine hours to this resort just so Kimber could sleep the whole time! So she decided to wake him. "Hizuki-kun. It's a good time to wake up now." She said quietly. The Cherry Blonde's eyes opened slightly as he looked at his coach. It's three o clock in the afternoon. How about you come eat?" She said, coaxing him out of bed. He sat up, rubbing his blue eye and yawned. Riko was very intent on how toned the male's stomach was. "Wow're really fit..." She said surprised as she ran her hand down his stomach. The player shivered a bit. The sensation of Riko's nails down his chest gave him goosebumps. She only chuckled and pulled him the rest of the way out of bed.

As she walked, with Shinji and Teppei, the basketball center noticed something. Kimber's back was really tense. Especially around his shoulder. But that wasn't really much of a surprise. " about I take you to get a massage." He suggested. At first, he was a bit skeptical but soon agreed. When they got to that area, the masseuse shook her head. "Listen, I'm a professional. Not a miracle worker." She sighed. Kimber only chuckled weakly. He knew that his muscles were stiff, and he was asking a lot by wanting a massage. "You go ahead Teppei. I'm still really tired. I think I'm going to go find Hyuga and maybe lay up his relationship down for a bit." He chuckled.

After wondering a bit, and looking around, Kimber decided he would get something to eat. So he got a bagel. As usual his appetite wasn't really into the whole eating idea but he forced it down to get something in his system. He soon encountered Kuroko and Kagami. They where just lounging around. Kuroko had actually been clinging to his left arm, glaring at Kagami. "You're pissing me off Kagami-kun." He hissed in annoyance. Kagami growled again. "Come on Kuroko!" He sighed. Kagami pulled at the back of Kuroko's shirt. "You were talking down to me again you jerk. Ya know that, you're a jerk!" "I know. And I'm so sorry. Just please!" The red head begged. The icy haired boy growled a bit then sighed. "I won't talk to you like that again." He begged. "Is that a promise?" He asked skeptically. Kagami nodded pleadingly. "Alright." Kuroko mumbled reluctantly, releasing his teammate's arm.

"K-Kimber?!" A voice from behind startled the Cherry Blonde. As he turned his face showed udder confusion. "M-Makoto?!" He blurted out. Kagami looked up and growled. Makoto Hanamiya. He managed to piss off so many people. An uncrowned king. "Hey. You're the one that caused Kiyoshi's injury aren't you..." Kagami hissed. "You're really a bastard you know. I can't wait to beat the shi-" " Oi Kagami!" Kimber growled. The red head glared at the Cherry Blonde. "What." He barked. "Makoto isn't that bad. He's just going down a dark path. Leave him be. It's not his fault." Kimber whispered. "I...didn't know that you came back to the country..." The ebony haired male said quietly. "I uh. I did. But I didn't expect to see you here." He said quietly as he looked to the side, rubbing the back of his neck. "Y-yeah..." Makoto said quietly. "I missed you so much." The raven haired boy whimpered slightly pulling the Cherry Blonde to his chest, Kimber made no struggle.

After a minute or two of catching up Kimber looked down in embarrassment when Makoto brought up Aomine. "That's in the past Makoto, don't talk about it." The raven haired king smirked at the anger in Kimber's eyes. "Aw why?" He laughed. Soon Kagami and Kuroko where getting annoyed. Kagami, because he hated Hanamiya, Kuroko because Makoto was pissing of Kimber! But when Kagami tried to interfere things went south. "Back off!" Kimber snapped. He knew how Makoto was, and he knew how he liked messing with people. "I know how he is so just...leave me alone." He said hesitantly. He wanted the help, but he knew he didn't need it. "Let's get Hyuga, he'll listen to Hyuga." The icy haired boy whispered to his fiery accomplice. Kagami nodded as the two went to venture to get their captain.

"You idiots, what the hell are you up too." Hyuga growled at the second years. "Just come....on...?" Kuroko stared in confusion at a hoard of people. This wasn't normal, and he didn't like the feeling he got from it. Kuroko pushed by a few people to an unsettling sight, Kimber and Hanamiya were fighting! What the hell? They had never fought before otherwise everyone would know! So why now?! "Well....that escalated quickly." Kagami said blankly as all three of the basketball players stared at the feuding two. "Oh so you have a soft spot for that little captain of yours huh?" Hanamiya mocked as Kimber growled, continuing to throw missing punches at the other. Hanamiya dodged them as if they where nothing. Because they weren't. Kimber was never really violent, but Hanamiya knew that Hyuga was something special in the Cherry Blonde's heart, and that made him jealous. "Alright, that's enough." Hanamiya growled. Kimber didn't listen. "I said, 'that's enough!'" He growled yanking hard on Kimber's right arm. Kimber yelped, and slid forward falling on the carpeted floor. Hanamiya saw his chance, and decided to strike, but Kagami and Kuroko got in his way, as Hyuga went to the second year's aid.

Once they got Hanamiya to go to his team and leave them alone, they looked at the surrounding guests who were very confused. "We're sorry for the disturbance, please, ignore this and go have a good time!" They said in unison, smiling innocently. The people essentially dispersed and went on their way, so the two went to check how Kimber was doing. He was sitting, and clinging to Hyuga. The pain was unbearable. "I'm sorry..." He whimpered quietly into his captain's chest as Hyuga pet his head with his left hand. "Shh. It's okay. Everything's alright Hizuki. Just try not to get so easily steamed." He chuckled. "He doesn't normally react violently, I think it's because Hanamiya-kun was talking bad about you." Kuroko said blandly. The baskeball captain felt a blush warm his cheeks as he looked away. "That's stupid, right Hizuki?" He chuckled. Kimber didn't respond. Hyuga helped the other up and looked at his shoulder. "You really should've gone to the hospitall..." He sighed. Hyuga lightly tapped the Cherry Blonde's head, and chuckled. "Baka."

Done with 13 yay! I'll be starting 14 soon!

The Seventh Miracle (A Kuroko's basketball fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें