Try Not to Bleed Out... (Read...

By Zeal1999

73.6K 2K 424

(Completed story !) She gripped the rim of the bedroom sink, then ran her hands over her face.Looking up to w... More

Overdue Check-ups?
The meeting
Medication halusination
In need of a partner
Im sorry !
Mirrors aren't perfect
Cuffed for life.
Family ?
Laughing fits
You. Cant ....
'Dear god, please be wrong!'
Its not silly
Almost loss
Hospital trips
Congratulations !
The finish line ?
Authors notes!

Freedom at last.

2.5K 77 11
By Zeal1999

Word count:945

" You can't be serious right ? Why would you even consider being with a nobody like me?" You question him after seeing his serious face.
" You are NOT a nobody  !" He shouts before breathing in deeply through his nose." I know you struggle with mental illnesses and anyone in your circumstances would.  But you're anything but a no one .  You are special to me and you are the only one who's been able to make me feel something I never thought I would," he confesses. You just stare at him, unsure how to react. He takes your silence as a rejection and his face drops slightly, so you quickly intervene." I-I like you too, it's just that.. I've never had someone confess to me ," you stutter looking downward. He tilts your head up and looks into your eyes. You're leaning in and just as your lips were about to meet Sherlock slams down a book and you both jump apart." Well now that's settled, I need your help with a case and you are both to go on a date which will be monitored," Sherlock tosses the keys to the cuffs and a file. " Now I must take your date shopping for more of an appropriate attire," he drags you by your now free wrist and drags you off behind him.

" I did it because we have limited time and I didn't want to see my brother kissing you or vice versa," he shudders before stopping to hail a taxi.
" What?" You ask baffled and still a little dazed from the almost kiss.
"Never mind. Now about the case.."

* time skip*

" Okay, so let me get this straight. You want us to go on a date at The Ivy and pretend to have a fight and breakup. After that I'll storm out and arrest the blonde 6'3 man who will approach me. Only after obtaining the information needed from him?" You ask while absentminded following the tall man around the shops. " Correct."
" Well as you'll be aware I'm going to need backup then and handcuffs if you plan on me arresting him. As I spy you know I don't normally require either so it might not go smoothly. "
" I am aware, that's why after you buy this we're heading to the station," he simply walks off after that to head for the checkout. You sigh inwardly.' I have a bad feeling about this.'

* time skip *

" Hey," you chirpy say as you go to sit down across from Mycroft.
" Hello dear, you look stunning tonight," he flashes his famous fake smile....

It was going pretty well until you got the text...
-He's here. Don't mess this up. [S.H]

" Oh by the way, I have something I wanted to tell you," you say and before getting a chance to continue he smoothly replies," you love me yes. Pity it's not mutual."
"Oh ? I'm sorry but you're wrong. I already knew you were cheating on me. I was actually going to say-"
" Save it." He says turning away to look elsewhere .
"Why are you being such a prick to me! Was I really not good enough doe you ? Was I not better than the little slut you cheated on me with ? I hope you die alone asshole !" You shot back at him loudly, causing other in the restaurant to turn and watch it unfold. To add to it you throw your drink in his face then storm off. Heading straight for the door, trying to control yourself. For some reason yelling and having that argument made you feel angry at him. It made your doubts about him liking you come back and you hated it. You stormed off so quickly, you missed his look of utter shock.

"This is ridiculous ! " you shout to no one in particular. A few seconds of silent calms you before you flinch as a hand lands on your shoulder. " I know breakups are always hard , but you will be okay beautiful," the blonde reassures you. You turn to look properly at him. ' Sherlock was so wrong about this guys height. He's barley 5'7.' You look back and forth in his eyes before answering him. Sighing at your flat mates stupidity you play it off and answer," I know. But... It, it still hurts so much!" You say before bursting into tears." How could someone he so cold ? He's no better than a murder. Running around and ruining people's lives ! At least those murdered will die in peace not pain!" You sob more before apologising." It's sorry. I don't know what I'm saying." You look down pretending to be disappointed in yourself.
" I'm sorry you have to feel this way. If you want I could walk you home and can you can let it all out?" He looks at you before grabbing both your hands and looking into your eyes. " You'd really do that for me ?" You look down and he tilts your chin with his hand. " Of course, anything for you." Then leans in no goes to stab your back. So you swivel around push him to the ground before signalling for help. Then you handcuff him and hold him to the ground. As you pull away slightly he flips over and kicks you, forcing you off of him. Luckily backup has arrived and are taking care of him.

Coming  round to your senses you follow legs to find Mycroft's hand outstretched towards you. You let him help you up and check you over before saying," you can stay at mine tonight. Sherlocks not going to be in for a week or so." Then still holding your hand leads you off.

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