Ebony Mist -Original

By ElfyTheRinger

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To save her people from a plight of darkness, ten year old Alaura promises herself to a mysterious dark Druid... More

Forward -Please Read!-
Intro: The Promise
Part I: Power of Muse
Part III: To My Master's Manor
Part IV: Xi
Part V: Dinner
Part VI: Canvas Blood
Part VII: Runaway Kitten
Part VIII: Dungeon Dread
Part IX: Escape The Darkness
Part X: Floating Stars
Part XI: Calm Before the Storm
Part XII: Hurricane
Part XIII: The Price To Pay
Part XIV: Shaman Art
Part XV: The Library
Part XVI: Strength of Kiss
Part XVII: Trespasser
Part XVIII: The Ride
Part XIX: Fog of Loneliness
Part XX: The Army of Everim
Part XXI: Prepare for Siege

Part II: Mirror and Anger

128 10 4
By ElfyTheRinger

The ball lasted well into the night, the butterflies eventually disolved into thin air like smoke taken away by a breeze. The party-goers began to retire for the night, and so Alaura was made to stand near the door so they could all wish her a happy birthday and a congratulations on their way out.

Finally Alaura herself felt tired, her feet beginning to hurt from all the dancing and standing. Though there were still guests, the princess excused herself from the ballroom with permission from her parents. She exited the grand hall, moving quickly through the corridors, the heels of her shoes clicking with every step. Tapestries and torches along the walls were the only thing that kept the cold stone interior somewhat homey and welcoming. Little did she know that she would find that these walls were very friendly compared to others, and that she would dearly miss them.

Up a flight of stairs to a tower, and she was at the door to her chambers, a guard standing watch just out side. He opened the door for her, and she thanked him as she ended. Bearskin rugs covered the floor, and paintings, papers, and art utensils were scattered about along with shelves of books. The room was lit by a cheery fireplace on one wall, shadows from the four poster bed dancing around the room and out the french doors to the balcony beyond.

With a tired sigh, Alaura kicked out of her shoes and sat at her vanity, taking off her jeweled crown and setting it on a pillow. She started pulling the pins out of her hair to let the flame colored locks fall in their gentle waves down her back. She was about to reach for her brush when she noticed the box there. Alaura smiled when she saw it. There was always a gift there. Though this one was a bit bigger.

She untied the black ribbon and removed the dark blue paper, opening the box's lid to reveal what was inside. A hand mirror, it's frame and handle made out of dark metal formed in twisting and curving designs. Alaura lifted it up, admiring the beauty of the gift. Her blue eyes were then drawn to her reflection, but she frowned, tilting her head. Everything in the mirror was colorless and dull. Then her eyes slipped to the relfection of what was behind her over her shoulder.

With a gasp she dropped the mirror and stood abruptly, turning to face the figure she had seen in the mirror. Who had been watching from the shadows of the room.

"What are you doin in my room?" Alaura demanded, her hand instictively going to clutch the locket that hung at her neck. She took a step back, only to find herself against the vanity. The cloaked figure stepped out, cowl covered his face save for a chin with a light layer of black beard.

"I've come to claim what is rightfully mine," the deep voice whispere to her. He tilted his head back, revealing the strong, handsome features and forest greet eyes. Despite being a different color, she knew those eyes, that face. Lost memories flooding back.

"The black druid," she breathed. "It's been ten years, but your face has not changed at all, as if it were yesterday. Only your eyes are different."

"I couldn't let myself grow old before getting my payment, could I?" the black druid replied, taking a step closer.

"Wait! No! You can't! I won't go with you! I'm happy here. It's been ten years, all that happened has been forgotten," Alaura said quickly, but the druid only looked down at her with a cold gaze, his eyes turning a stormy gray.

"What was it that a child had once told me? That she wanted everyone to get better, asked politely for me to help her people, then said that she will come with me," his voice growing darker, as he loomed over her, glaring down from his hood at her. Alaura swallowed hard, looking away.

"I was a child that did not understand. What did you expect from a child?" she said quickly.

"And you are no longer a child!" he said, his voice rising in volume. "You are a woman who has an obligation to fullfil that was set upon her as a child. Or would this pretty face prefer for the darkness to return?"

Alaura said nothing, feeling tears well in her eyes. The silence stretched out, the crackling of the fire becoming the only noise. Then the rustling of cloth as the druid reached out a strong hand and took her chin, forcing her to look up at his face.

"It was your choice, princess. And it is your choice again. What do you choose?" he said, his voice back to that powerful whisper. Alaura felt herself trembling as she looked up into those eyes, their colors shifting with every blink.

"The plague can't come back," she whispered. "But please, not like this. Give me one more day. Let me be able to say good-bye."

The druid let go of her chin and stepped away. "So be it. One more day. I will come for you on the morrow. Make sure you are ready," he said, going to the french doors and opening them. He stepped onto the balcony and seemed to blow away in the wind.

Alaura ran to close them, pulling curtains over the windows before running to her bed to cry into her pillow.

Two maids and the queen entered the chambers, coming when the guard claimed to have heard voices in Alaura's room. The queen closed the door behind her, and frowned when she saw Alaura laying on the bed, still in her ball gown, and heard her sobs.

"Alaura, dear, what is wrong?" she asked, going and sitting on the bed. Alaura looked up only to quickly wipe away her tears and stand up. She turned away from her mother and motioned with her hands for the servants to help remove the dress, to untie the back and help remove the hoops and corset.

"Alaura, speak to me," the queen asked, facing away from her daughter so she would have privacy while she was changed into a simple night gown. When that had been done, the servants placed the dress away in a wardrobe.

"Leave us," Alaura told the two servants, how curtsied and left the room. Finally the girl turned to her mother, new tears coming to her eyes. "He came for me," she said. "Just like he said he would. He came."

"Who did?"

"The black druid," her words were heavy in the air between them. The queen stood and faced her daughter, face fear filled. She went over to her daughter, to hug her tightly, pressing the girl's head to her shoulder.

"Alaura..." the queen whispered.

"I told him I no longer wished to go with him. That it had been just the promise of a child. But he said if I don't leave with him tomorrow when he comes to fetch me, the darkness will com back. The plague mist will return again, and everyone will get sick all over again," Alaura started to sob into her shoulder. "I can't leave here! This is my home!"

"My dear daughter," her mother said, pulling her away, and holding her at arm's length so she could look into her daughter's blue eyes. "It has been ten years since that day, but your father and I have raised you to keep your promises, even those made as a child. You were strong, the way you looked into the eyes of the black druid back then, and you have to be strong now. This day was coming, and I fear this was why your father was unhappy tonight. Because he knew he would loose you. There is a reason he had not allow you any suitors, Alaura. Don't worry, you can go knowing that we are all well thanks to you. And we will be together in heart."

Alaura looked into her mother's eyes, her lips trembling. She blinked a few times, blinking away the tears. The day she faced the druid coming back to her in a clarity. His eyes had been blue when he had looked at her. But with the danger of the mist a lost memory, a selfish part of her balked at her obligation like a rebelious princess refusing an arranged marriage, for in her eyes this was what it was. An arranged marriage that she had made for herself.

An anger started to boil in her, as she clenched her fists and pulled away from her mother. "It's not fair!" she cried. "It's not fair! To have such a life here, to grow up here with people I love. To be denied falling in love with who I please! To become the... the... PET of a sinister druid. Why me? What does he even want with me?"

"Alaura, calm down!" the queen said, shocked by her daughter's sudden outburst of anger.

"No! I thought this gift of art, and this power would be a great thing! I paint such beauty!" Alaura went over to where some of her paintings leaned against a bookshelf together. "It is the bane of me! I hate it all! I'll never paint again!" A heat filled her chest, and she reached out and slammed the painting onto the ground, breaking the wooden frames that held the canvases tight. The heat burst from her hands and the horse from a painting jumped from the canvas. An eagle flew off of another, and fire from a third started licking away at the canvas that had depicted it. The horse reared in fear of the fire, and ran, kicking the door to the room and running off. The eagle cried and flew around as the fire spread.

"Alaura, stop!" her mother said, grabbing a blanket and hitting the fire with it till it was out. Then she went and hugged her daughter tightly. When the paintings had come to life, she had stood in shock until her mother embraced her. Then she started sobbing again.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't know how that happened! I can't believe I did that! I'm sorry! I-I'll never paint again!" Alaura cried into her mother's shoulder.

"Hush, child. It had not been on purpose. I know it's not fair, none of it is. But you made the promise for the good of your people. Just know that I am your mother, and no matter what I always will be. I love you, Alaura. Everyone will miss you dearly. Do not forget that there are people who love you. If I could change things, I would. But it is best not to anger the black druid. Alright? Now rest. Tomorrow we shall say good-night. For now I shall just say till I see you in the morning."

After a final hug, the queen let go of her daugher, and left the room. Alaura wiped her tears with ther sleeve, looking at her knocked over, ruined and charred paintings. With another sniff she stepped over them and crawled into her bed before going to sleep.


Poor Alaura. Nothing's going her way now, is it? :/ What happened to the brave little girl in the intro? But then again, it has been near ten years, and people change. Perhaps she'll find her bravery back!

This part was originally two shorter parts that I've put together!

Don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think! And if you liked it, vote if you would be so kind!



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