I'm In Love With The Next Doo...

By justadreamer65

135K 1.9K 373

Zoe is the new girl in town, with her brother Chace, they moved all the way from Ireland to America. Big chan... More

Chapter 1 <3 (Picture of Chace)
Chapter 2 <3 (Picture of Zoe)
Chapter 3 <3 (Picture of Tate)
Chapter 4 <3 (Picture of Mattie)
Chapter 5 <3 (Picture of Ayla)
Chapter 6 <3
Chapter 7 <3
Chapter 8 <3
Chapter 9 <3
Chapter 11 <3
Chapter 12 <3 (Picture of Alissa)
Chapter 13 <3
Chapter 14 <3
Chapter 15 <3
Chapter 16 <3
Chapter 17 <3
Chapter 18 <3
Chapter 19 <3 (Picture of Mr Walsh)
Chapter 20 <3
Chapter 21 <3
Chapter 22 <3
Chapter 23 <3
Chapter 24 <3
Chapter 25 <3
Chapter 26 <3

Chapter 10 <3

4.5K 78 28
By justadreamer65

All Rights Reserved.



"Zo, you ok?" I heard Chace's voice I turned around to his soothing voice.

"I'm ok." I gave a little smile. I closed my eyes as another tear fell out. Chace pulled me into his chest I breathed in his scent he was the only person that knew what happened and how much on an effect on me.

"It's the memories isn't it? I will never ever let him hurt you again Zo. Are you sure you ok? We could just go home?" He looked at me worried.

"No I like school; it gets my mind off things." I grimaced. I wasn't lying it really did, but I was fine now. I only have flashbacks rarely but when I do. I want to break down.

"Come on Zo, Zo. Let's go. We have got Biology together." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laughed. He always gets me in a better mood when things go bad.....


Chapter 10:

There are some days when I feel like I'm being watched; today is that kind of day. I can't concentrate on anything. Mr Walsh is talking, I can see his lips moving but I can't understand what he is saying.

I can't shake of the feeling that someone is watching me; I had it since this morning when I was out getting the mail I had a feeling that someone was watching me. I know I'm over thinking it or just being paranoid.

"You ok?" Oliver whispered to me. He looked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I gave him a slight smile. "Just thinking…"

* * * * Past * * * *

12 Year Old Zoe

No one can't tell how fucked up my life is. I can put up a very good front. On the outside I'm this happy bubbly person, but on the inside, I'm being torn apart bit by bit, layer by layer. I can't take it anymore.

Alissa is the only one who knows what I'm really like, she knows me. She helps me out.

Some days it's like I can't deal with it anymore, but she helps me. She was the one who finally convinced me to tell someone about what was happening. I told my next door neighbour, and his family really helped me.

My neighbour was also my best friend, he helped me through everything, but he never knew what that asshole did to me. When he was drunk it was even worse.

* * * * End Of Flashback * * * *


Ever since my childhood, I don't like people touching my legs or arms because he always touched them in ways that no child should have gone through.

With Tate it's different for some reason I trust him, that he doesn't want to hurt me, he wouldn't make me do something I'm not comfortable doing.

He really was a nice person.

"Ms Ward?" I was brought back to reality by Mr Walsh saying my name. "Do you agree?"

Just as I was thinking that I have no idea what he is talk about, I was saved by the bell. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door.

"Have you got a minute, Zoe?" I turned on my heel, and watched as everyone left the classroom. What does he want? Today I just didn't feel like doing anything, I just wanted to go home. I felt awful and sick.

He sat on the edge of his desk and just looked at me closely. "Is there something wrong Zoe?"

I could feel my palms sweating and I started fidgeting, "N-n-no, everything is fine." I stuttered.

"Zoe, you can tell me if there is something wrong." He gave me a concerned look.

"Thanks Sir, but I really have to go my ride is waiting." I ran out the door before he could say anything. I didn't want him to know what is going; I don't know him so therefore he shouldn't know me. I don't want anybody to know.

I wanted out of the classroom and straight into someone. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"You’re so clumsy." I felt an arm slung over my shoulder. I looked up to see Tate smiling at me. I gave him a forced smile, hoping he wouldn't see through it.

"What's wrong?" His eyebrows joined. "There is something wrong, what is it?"

"Nothing" I shook my head. "I'm ok really." I gave him a small smile.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He kissed my forehead. There and then I wanted to, I wanted to tell everything, but I couldn't. I couldn't tell because I would be pitied by everyone and I didn't want their pity.

"I know. Thanks." I gave him a smile, and hugged his waist, while we made our way to the parking lot.


Tate's POV:

The past week Zoe hasn't been herself, there is something wrong but she won't tell me what, but I guess she will tell me in her own time. I don't think she realises how much I have feelings for her, I don't think I even realise how deep I'm in.

Every time I'm around her, I smile until my face is sore. I get an ache in my heart when she smiles, she is so beautiful and I don't want her to feel she is alone, because she isn't she has so many people who love her.

There is a secret that she is keeping and I can even tell it's big. While we were walking to Ayla's car I asked her "What were your friends like?" I have a feeling the thing she is holding back is something got to do with her life before she came to America.

She smiled when I said friends, "I only had two true friends, one was Chace he was always my best friend, and the other was Alissa, she was my best since we 3 years old. She is the sweetest most caring person you could ever meet, she was always there for me through everything," she grimaced as she said that, I was watching her very carefully she looked like she about to break down. "I really miss her." She gave me a sad smile. She closed her eyes and a tear slid out.

I kissed her tear away. "You will see her soon, right; she is going to visit you?"  I asked as I pulled her into my arms.

"Maybe but not for a while her family don't have much money." I could hear the sadness in her voice and it killed me.

"She will come and visit you soon. Don't worry baby." I kissed her and I really didn't care who was watching because I was seriously in too deep already over this girl. "But in the meantime, you’re going to just have to deal with me." I said giving her a wink.

She laughed and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I think I might be able to deal with that." She said looking up and me with a smile plastered on her face.

I felt my heart ache when I look at her, because she is not mine, yet. I will work on it eventually she will be mine and you can count on it. 


Mystery POV:

"Did you find her?" he asked me.

"Yeah I found her, what are you planning on doing?" I asked him cautiously, I didn't like or trust this man but he had things over me and made me do what he wants.

"Well I'm going to get Zoe back, after all she is mine, once I get out I mean." he smirked at his plan.

"What do you want with her?" I questioned him; I hated that smug look on his face.

"That's none of your business, now is it? Your just am what is the word I could use the messenger. You just have to get close to her and don't leave her out of your sight. Find out everything you can about her, otherwise everyone will find out about your little "affair"." He threatened.

I hated this asshole making me do his work because he can't he is too busy being locked up in a jail cell.

"Okay, I will, but who says she will trust me?"

"Believe me, Zoe trust's people easy well when I knew her before she did." He smirked again. What did he do to get in here?

"What did you do to get in here?"

He dismissed my question with a wave of his hand. "That's irrelevant. Just watch her for me and try and get her to trust you." It wasn't really a question it was a demand.

"Okay." I said as I got up and walked out of the jail.


Zoe's POV:

Talking to Tate made me feel so much better, I smiled to myself. When I walked in the front door, Tate came inside with me and was at my heels.

He said he wanted to come and talk to Chace about their game tomorrow.

"I'm home." I called out as I walked in.

"Hi sweetie." I heard my mom say from beside me. "Hey Tate." she smiled at Tate. He went over and kissed her cheek "How are you doing, Ms Ward?"

"Please call me, Melanie. I feel old being called Ms Ward." They both laughed.

"Ok, Ms W- I mean Melanie." He corrected.

"Sweetie, there is a surprise waiting up in your room for you." Mom said grinning from ear to ear.

"Really? From who?" I gave her a questioning look.

"Well from your dad, the bailey's, Chace and I, Tate insisted that he chip in." I looked at Tate to see him going red; he scratched his beautiful brown hair and smiled.

"You shouldn't have spent your money on me." I said shaking my head.

"Please you deserve it." Mom said smiling at me.

We all heard the door burst open, "Did she find out what it is?" Ayla said as she was bent over hands on her knees.

"No she didn't so shut up." Tate told her.

"Good, can't wait to see your face." she said smiling at me.

"Come on, let's go see what it is." Mom said dragging me up the stairs. I groaned I hated surprises.

"Please tell me it's not a shopping trip?" I groaned again. They all just laughed.

We were all standing at the door and Chace came over and stood there too, smiling at me. "Did everyone know about this suprise except me?" I said annoyed.

"Yup" Tate said popping the P and smiling at me.

"Open It! Open It! Open It!" Ayla said jumping up and down.

"Fine" I mumbled. I turned the handle and the door swung open. I heard a scream come from inside the room and looked to see Alissa running towards me, laughing, her black curls bouncing as she ran towards me and her brown eyes were sparkling.

I couldn't move I was in shock I stood there, trying to register what is happening. My best friend is here in my room, she travelled around 6,500 miles across the world and is now standing right in front of me.

I started crying with happiness and hugged her back. I missed her so much and she is finally here. 

"I'm staying here with you for 6 months, Zo." I could hear the smile in her voice, she was crying with happiness to. "I'll be finishing the school year in your school with you." She pulled back and grinned at me as she wiped away her tears. "I missed you so much Zo." she hugged me again.

"I missed you too Liss." I said truthfully. I think I could burst with how happy I am. I have all the most important people with me right now. This is going to be a good year I said grinning ear to ear.......


A/N: So what did you think? :)

Who is the mystery POV? :O I loved that chapter... I can't wait to write about Alissa, who is watching Zoe? :O ........

Thank you so much everyone who had read, voted, commented and fanned..

I appreciate it so much :)

Again thanks for reading :D

Please give feedback it’s my first so I want to know what you think, please comment and let me know what you thought. :)

Vote, Comment, Fan :)

- Ciaarzie xo


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* Thursday *


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