Avengers And Demigods: Sword...

By daughter_of_posei

658 26 7

All is well Trisha goes to her uncle but if one of their mission is get her brother and gang to help the worl... More

And the Problems came on
Not so Party
Wicked USB Card
What the Hack
Meet Them (Politely)
You're not knight in shining armor
Her bright side
Good singers
When All was (not) Undercontrol
Most first worst Propecy for her
Memories that need to leave
Paris Ambiance
Never defeated
Shit Day
Daughter of Bullshit! (Not actually)
Mine is Mine
Mine is Mine (Athena Version)
Hawai and Fame

Worse Battle Plan

6 0 0
By daughter_of_posei

Percy PoV

We just waiting Trisha. That was in her room. I know that she was sad and furious. She lost her friend,my wife, my stepmother. But i lost too. I lost my wife and children. Then that was she was worried too. Her nephews. She care about them.

"Attention!" A voice said. We all straighten.

"So give me the latest battle plan of my mother." Zeus give her a scroll. It was lock by a riddle. Need to answer or else. Flock of olws is going to peak you.

"I was important. All messege i carry. All secrets was on me. Even betraying on you I know. Every details of you i know. Who i am?" Easy it was Hermes.

"Told you Poseidon. Athena love me." Hermes smile mischiviously. "SHUT UP. The answer is scroll. Scroll was important. All messege is carried. You just carried the scroll so you are the messenger. A parachment of betraying is written on them. Like they know all. Your secrets. Yes YOURS. I didin't write in scrolls." Shit. Is there have limits in Athena's intellegence?

"So holographic blue-print of Tartarus pit. Remove all except the palace, entrance,exits, pathways. Underground and upper ground." She said. In one sway of hands a big hologram appear.

"Then copy the battle plan. Hologramic mode." The two hologram was on front. The Tartarus blue print was above the table when Trisha mix it and then wow. She tilt it so we can see.

"This was the battle plan. Now show all in Tartarus pit. Then remove trees from Olympus. Now, Artemis and Apollo is in upper ground. With Chiron and Hunters. You were the cover up dont let some monsters see you. Now in rescue team, Ares, Aphrodite, Poseidon. The chosen demigods will be in the back of palace. Silently attacking the inner palace. We gonna teach you the martial arts. The demigods will led by Hermes. The Alpha team was the six. Leading by me. The 10 memebers of Bravo team will lead by Aphrodite. The Delta is lead by Heaphaestus. Zeus, Hera, Hades, Demeter. You will be in above. Zeus send thunder clouds. Hera, peacock eyes can be use on hypnothesizm. Demeter use the branches in fighting. Hades,do what you want that was your domain. And for last Dionysus, you have the very special role. You will be the bait. So you can wreck inside." She move something else.

"But we have one problem... Gods weakness is the Tartarus pit. We cant use powers." Demeter said.

"Why did the guns and explosive device invented. Tartarus pit is design to weaken the powers. But not technology. And we can use jammer." Jammer? It's only for signals.

"The signals of power radiate the pit. So it was enchancing. So if we cut the signal. It will not detect us. The jammer was made by grandpa. And unfortunately. The mother board was on CIA." She explain alot. Our jaws drop.

"We can buy it. Or steal?" Hermes suggested.

"Why im gonna waste my money in my own thing. And why im gonna steal if it is belongs to me?" She said.

"Lets make MORE plans."

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