Life At The Hidden Leaf Villa...

By SSBGogeta

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[#2018WattysLonglist] This story is be based on a normal 14 year old boy named Ryuki Yuzu who lived with... More

Chapter 1: Surprise
Chapter 2: Welcome
Chapter 3: New People, Weird Abilites
Chapter 4: Making New Friends
Chapter 5: Unlocked Potential
Chapter 6: Love Is In The Air
Chapter 7: Friend or Rival?
Chapter 8: Our First Mission
Chapter 9: Faster Than The Speed Of Light
Chapter 10:The Chunin Exams(part 1)
Chapter 11:The Chunin Exams (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Written Exams
Chapter 13: The Forest Of Death
Chapter 14: You Gotta Death Wish Pal?
Chapter 15: On to The Next Round!
Chapter 16: Things are getting intense huh?
Chapter 17: Sibling battle- Ryuki Vs. Rin Yuzu
Chapter 18: This Fight Is For You, Not Me
Chapter 19: Let's Go Shika!
Chapter 20: Training time!
Chapter 21: 3 Vs. 1- Ryuki's Do Or Die Training
Chapter 23: Ryuki vs. Sasuke! I'm Not Gonna Lose.
Chapter 24: It Ends Here!
Chapter 25: Our Darkest Hour
Chapter 26: The Hokage's Funeral. Until Next Time!

Chapter 22: Relaxation time- Big day coming up!

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By SSBGogeta

Ryuki: To the hot spring!! (Grabs shikamaru and runs off)

Ino: (Laughs) Why is he so excited?

Rin: No clue. (Shrugs) 

Ino: You know Rin, you've become a lot more laid back compared to how you were when you first arrived here.

Rin: What do you mean?

Ino: Well when you first were here, you was more shy and less open. After the whole team selection and the trails we've been through, it's like you're more chill.

Rin: To be honest, I just try to adjust just like how my brother does. I guess I've picked up on how he is.

Ino: Yeah. I can relate.

Choji: Coming through (Runs pass Ino and Rin) Wait up you guys!

Rin & Ino: Watch it! (Looks at each other and starts laughing)

Ino: Come on. Us girls need that hot spring too.

Inside the Men hot spring

Ryuki: Cannon ball! (Jumps into the water) 

Shikamaru: (Gets splashed with water and sighs) What a drag.

Ryuki: (Shoots his head out the water) Hey, where's Choji?

Choji: Incoming! (Jumps in the air)

Ryuki: Mother of!!!!

*Choji's makes a huge splash making some of the water come out, nearly drowning Ryuki, and hitting Shikamaru with more water*

Inside the girls hot spring

Ino: (Sits next to Rin) They are way to loud.

Rin: Tell me about it. Even with separate rooms you can still hear them. 

Ino: So rin, my mom and I are going shopping one of these days. Wanna come?

Rin: Yes! I'd loved to.

Back to the Men hot spring

Ryuki: Banzai!! (Jumps into the water once more) 

Shikamaru: Ugh. Please. Stop. (Moves over) 

Ryuki: (Sticks his head out the water and Finally relaxes) Man this feels good. Hey Shikamaru.

Shikamaru: What?

Ryuki: How good do you think my chances are to beat sasuke?

Shikamaru: I think your gonna win and I'm not saying that because your my teammate either. I really think your gonna win that match. I think you might win the whole thing, But I know that your going to become a Chunnin. You've really improved your skills over time and surpassed some of the higher class ninjas already. Your gonna become a great ninja someday. I know that.

Ryuki: That really touched my heart. (Fake cries)

Shikamaru: (Chuckles) Yeah yeah. (Leans back)

Choji: Man this really hit the spot.

Ryuki: Tell me about it. Us boys. Chilling in the hot spring. Brotherhood bonding.

Shikamaru: I wouldn't call it that but your right. It is pretty relaxing.

Choji: Hey guys, check this out! Expansion Justu!

Ryuki And Shikamaru: Choji No!

*20 minutes pass as they as meet each other outside*

Ryuki: That felt good!  

Rin: Agreed! (jogs in place) Oh look it's sakura. Sakura!! Over here! (waves at her) 

Sakura: Hey guys! (waves back and walks towards them and looks at Ino) It'll grow back right Ino. (Chuckles) 

Ino: Why you! (march towards her but ryuki holds her back) 

Ryuki: Down girl! (Rubs her hair) The hair looks nice! The hair looks nice!

Rin: Where's Whiskers?

Sakura: He's still off training. That's naruto for you. Always training.

Ryuki: He's still training huh? Figured.

Shikamaru: What are you doing anyways? 

Sakura: Well I was picking up some groceries for tonight but I saw something that caught my eye. After that I saw Rin waving at me.

Ryuki: Well I still got something I wanna look into. Later sakura. (Walks away) 

Ino: Later Forehead! (Runs and latches herself onto ryuki's arm)

*After Rin, Choji, and Shikamaru were finished talking to sakura, Ryuki and Ino were nowhere in sight*

Rin: Um...

Shikamaru: Where'd they go?

Choji: Those two are fast.

Rin: Ugh I can guess where they are going. Come on.

*Ryuki and Ino both walk through the village making their way to Ryuki's and rin's house*

Ryuki: (Opens the door) Ladies first.

Ino: Goofball (Walks in)

Ryuki: I was just trying to be nice ya know (walks in and closes the door) Thirsty? 

Ino: It depends on what you have. tea?

Ryuki: On the way (Jogs to the kitchen area)

Ino: So, you ready for tomorrow?

Ryuki: Eh. I'm feeling pretty good about myself to be honest. I feel that all the hard work I've been doing is gonna pay off. Still I need to stay focused and not make a mistake cause If I do....(shakes his head)

Ino: (Wraps her arms around him) You'll do great. I believe you will.

Ryuki: Thanks. Ino.....(looks at her)

Ino: (Looks back) Yes?......

*They face gets closer but before they lock lips someone approaches the door*

Rin: (Kicks the door down) I knew it!

Ryuki: Ahhh!! (Freezes in one spot and screams but once he realizes who came in the house, his facial expression changes and he becomes angry) You little.....(walks towards rin)

Rin: That reaction was priceless! (Laughs)

Ryuki: I'll show you priceless twerp. 

Rin: Bring it!

Ryuki: Come here! (Grabs rin as they both start fighting in a cat like manner)

Shikamaru: Seriously (Face-palms)

Choji: (chuckles) Ohh. Is that a limited edition Ramen bowl!? I've looked everywhere for that! (runs to the kitchen)

Rin: (Stops and stares at choji) Don't!

Ryuki: (Looks at Choji with the same expression) Touch!

Rin and Ryuki: My ramen!! (jumps at choji has he gets caught in the brawl)

Ino: Well there goes my moment alone with him. (Smiles)

Shikamaru: It was her Idea ya know. 

Ino: I know. (Laughs but stops as choji bumps her and makes her fall onto the ground) Why you little! (jumps into the fight)

Shikamaru: (Shakes his head) Man what a drag.

*After about 4 minutes of fighting they all decided to lay down and relax and have a fun time*

Shikamaru: (Looks outside and sighs) Well looks like it's about that time. (slowly gets up)

Choji: Yeah it's getting pretty dark out there.

Ino: I'm leaving too. (gets up) It's bad enough I wasn't at the shop all day, but it was worth it.

Ryuki: Glad you guys had fun today.

Rin: Yeah I know right.

Shikamaru: Next time try to let me know what we're doing before dragging me out my house. (opens the door and leaves) Later.

Choji: Yeah later guys! (runs out behind shikamaru)

Ino: Try to get some rest you two okay? (kisses Ryuki on the forehead and hugs Rin)

Ryuki: I'll try (waves)

Rin: Sure thing. See ya tomorrow. (Closes the door after Ino leaves) So, ready for tomorrow big brother? (Flops on the couch and eats some pocki)

Ryuki: I'm more than least something like that. (Sighs) I just don't wanna screw up ya know. Especially against sasuke. 

Rin: Your thinking about it the wrong way Ry-Ry. Just go in there and kick some butt. So what If you mess up, We're still young and inexperienced. It's all a learning process. Plus you've really been working hard on your skills. The last thing you wanna do is put bad things like that in your head. Just have fun. Then after the match is over, win or loss, do the same thing you did to me after our match. Train. (smiles)

Ryuki: (Smiles a little) Thanks Rin. I'll make sure to keep that in mind. 

Rin: Thank me after the match. (Gets up) I'm going to sleep and you should too.

Ryuki: Why are you suddenly treating me like the younger sibling? (Stretches out his arms before getting up)

Rin: Cause your an idiot. Goodnight (Closes her door)

Ryuki: Yeah yeah. (Walks into his room) Crap I don't know what time to wake up. (sighs) I guess I'll wake up early. (Lays on his bed) 

*With a decent sleep ryuki wakes up with the sun beaming in his eyes and the sound of birds chirping*

Ryuki: (Wipes his eyes and yawns) Another day.....Another nickel.....(Slowly gets up and walks into the kitchen) It's awfully quiet this morning....(Looks around) That must mean Rin left already. Well I can't waste another minute time to prep myself up for the match! 

*After Cleaning himself up he throws on a different clothes attire for the match. Wearing a white muscle shirt w/ an arm sleeve going down his right arm and white pants. He also moved his katana horizontally across his lower back and his special kunai given to him by kakashi down to his ankle.*

Ryuki: Okay the group is probably already there so I'll just go. (dashes towards the arena)


Rin: (Taking her seat next to Ino and Sakura) Man this place sure is packed.

Ino: I know right and what's taking Ryuki so long......(Boils her fist)

Rin: (Chuckles) Funny story actually...

Ino: It was your fault!!

Sakura: Cut it out you two!

*Down in the arena* 

Naruto: Wait a second where's sasuke? (Looks around)

Shikamaru: Yeah not to mention Ryuki...(Sighs) 

Ryuki: Guys!! Don't start without me! (comes running towards shikamaru and Naruto) Did I make it on time? (Nervously chuckles) 

Shikamaru: If Ino was here she'd probably knock you across the head ya know.

Ryuki: I know (shivers) I can feel her anger.....

Naruto: You made it Ryuki! and cool outfit.

Ryuki: I know I had to make a nice appearance ya know. (Looks around) Hey....where's sasuke...He'd better not have chickened out (A Burning aura builds behind ryuki with anger)

Naruto: If I know sasuke....He's no punk.

Shikamaru: Yeah guess your right.

Sakura: I gotta say Ino. You have nice taste. I mean look at ryuki and his new outfit. (Points at Ryuki)

Rin: Whoa! That outfit is sweet! Where'd he get that?

Ino: Stunning. (Blushes)

Sakura: To bad he's allllll the way down there and your alllll the way up here (chuckles)

Ino: What'd you say!?

Rin: Hey knock it off! 

*Back down to the arena*

Hayate: Hey Cut it out back there you three.

*Shikamaru, Naruto, and Ryuki all stop and look at Hayate*

Hayate: Stand up straight and admire yourself to the spectators. Get ready for the final competition.

Ryuki: Guess It's time to get serious. (Waves his hands in the arm while looking around in the crowd)

*The crowd cheers loudly at the warriors inside the arena*

Hayate: (Stands in-front of the fighter) Another thing. Take a look at this (pulls out a piece of paper with the match-ups) There's been a little change in the matches. See if your one of them.

Ryuki: Shikamaru, Your still fighting a girl ya know.

Shikamaru: Yeah I know. Man this is such a drag.

Ryuki: Still....where's sasuke. I swear If he blows this one off I'll never forgive him.

Sakura: Where's sasuke? If he doesn't come before his match, He'll be disqualified.

Ino: Not only that Ryuki will be furious.

Rin: Agreed. He was the only reason he trained that hard.

Ino: You shouldn't worry that hard on sasuke anyways. You still have Naruto ya know.

Sakura: (Shakes her head then nods in agreement) Yeah your right.

Hayate: Okay listen up. Even though the landscape may be different, the rules are still the same. There are no rules. Anything goes. The match will only end if someone gives up or dies. If I decide the match is over I'll stop it. Don't argue with me over it got it? (pauses) The first match will be Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuuga. The rest of you go back to the waiting room. 

Ryuki: (Walks past Naruto) Don't lose. Cause after I'm done with sasuke, I'm coming for you. (Walks off into the waiting room with the others)

Hayate: (Stands between neji and naruto) If you two are ready nod your heads.

*Both Neji and Naruto stare at each other for a couple of seconds then slowly nod their heads. Hayate then begins to move back*

Hayate: Okay. Begin!

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