I Trusted You. [Sequel To 'My...


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It's been months since they ever said 'I love you' to each other.Budo went out to college,Ayano still the sen... More

I Trusted You|Chp.1
I Trusted You|Chp. 2
I Trusted You|Chp.3
I Trusted You|Chp.4
I Trusted You|Chp.5
I Trusted You|Chp.6
I Trusted You|Chp.7
I Trusted You|Chp.8
I Trusted You|Chp.9
I Trusted You|Chp.10
I Trusted You|Chp.11
I Trusted You|Chp.12
I Trusted You|Chp.13
I Trusted You | Chp. 15
I Trusted You | Chp. 16
| I Trusted You | Final |
| I Trusted You |
Check Out My Other Yandere Simulator Books! [If You Want.]

I Trusted You | Chp. 14

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     Couple of hours explaining, Ayano and Budo listening closely, Inkyu comforting her bigger sister and Sho watching the whole thing form right before his eyes. Sakyu lastly finishes with the sentence, "so that's why I had to join Noriko-chan.."

A moment of silence took place

"That's it?", Budo ask earning a nudge from Ayano. "Wait wait, your telling me that the reason you joined her was because you needed to pay for your protection?"

"Its was deal...", Sakyu leans on Inkyu's shoulder

"What kind of deal is that?", they both ask, leaving her to sigh

     "You just don't understand.. now..", she covers her face while they all waited for her to finish her sentence. "Sis...", Inkyu calls out worriedly and Inkyu places a hand over her forehead. "Sorry.. I'm just worried."

    "About what?", Ayano ask

    "She's gonna kill me..", Sakyu informs leaving Inkyu to gasp. "Why?", Ayano ask. "Because seeming I told you everything..I'm gonna get targeted as well."


     "Ayano-chan, Budo-kun. Noriko-chan is back and of course.. she wants to get revenge after what you did to her.", Sakyu informs leaving the two to freeze in place. "W-What?" "She's back! And she knows I'm telling you this, but I don't care anymore! She's back, she escaped and you need to kill her! Putting her behind bars isn't gonna do anything to her.", Sakyu orders as Budo takes a step forward

     "We aren't killing anyone..."

     "B-But... She grew more intelligent and kno---"

     Nothing came out of her mouth after then but instead was to push Ayano out the way. What was heard instead was a window breaking. Instantly their attention was there, seeing a hole in the window.

     "What the hell happened?!", Sho yells out before hearing coughing, all of them turn to see Sakyu holding her neck. "SIS!", Inkyu yells out running towards her, there Sakyu laid on the ground seeing a rash forming around her neck.

     "She knows we're here..", Ayano looks back to the window, glaring right at it. Going up to it, opening the window seeing glass shard all over the place.

     "I'm not scared of you!"


     "Dammit I missed!", Noriko mutters under her breath and aiming before seeing Ayano sticking her head out the window. She pulls it instantly o lu for nothing to come out, checking the loads to see nothing. "I ran out of shots?!", Noriko kicks the gun

     "I wasn't even gonna kill her either way.. I want her to survive for me at least.", Noriko mumbles to herself before crossing her arms.

     "I have an idea.. Just wait Ayano-chan and Inkyu-chan, if you haven't forgotten.. I have something the rest don't."

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