Cowboy Take Me Away

By roansNropes

1M 16.8K 3.4K

#1 in Cowgirl #1 in Rodeo #1 in Farm #1 in Country Cooper Blackwood, new to Hudson, is a deep-roote... More

Wolf Girl
Ex boyfriend
His Story
Screw Feelings
I'll Find out
Hangin' With The Boys
Blood On My Tiles
Hold It
Author's Note
Check Yourself
Oh Man
Everything But This
Not Helping The Situation
Cat's Out of The Bag
Well What A Shame
Mixed Feelings
Think of Me
I Already Knew
Sister Sister
Dancin' Boots
The Outlaw
Excuse Me?
Son of a bitch
Only Memory
Oh, Okay
It All Comes Out
New Beginnings
Oh, thanks?
The Scar
Glass Heart
Wasted Time
Church Whispers
Dammit Mom!
The Speech
The Picture
Never Go Home
The Picture (Cooper's POV)
20 Questions
Mr. and Mrs.
Other Works By Me!

Dad no.

22.1K 377 135
By roansNropes

I woke up the next morning, smiling? I searched my brain as why I was smiling, and the only thing I could think of was Cooper. Cooper and his gorgeous eyes. Cooper with his charming smile. Cooper and his cheesy and funny jokes. Cooper and his punches... Cooper and his protective ways.. Cooper Blackwood.. 

I sat up in my bed and remembered last night. I only thought about the whole Mason situation for a second, because my mind was preoccupied with Cooper saving me. Honestly, I would never thought of Cooper handling it like he did. 

I know he punched Mason, but I would of expected him to just pound on Mason. But no, just one shove and punch, sending him a message and he was done. He knew it was a delicate moment and he didn't try to get me to talk. 

And that hug we had, oh that hug.. Least to say, it was perfect. I really wanted to do it again. But I couldn't, Cooper probably didn't want me to. 

I know he said he cared, but so did Mason. Mason said he cared about me, but look at what happened. I think Cooper was just in the moment and it would only be last night... 


I'm taking the dogs for a run, I'm planning to go to Crazy Man Hill. The dogs really enjoy going there and so do I. It was so open, the hills rolled and the mountains in the horizon seemed like they were glowing. Micah and Gauge were best buddies and they would run side by side with each other, stopping occasionally to have a quick fight. 

It felt good to go on a run, it really got my steam out and my mind off things. I really need to do this often, I've ran two miles and I'm started to get pretty tired. I stopped on the top of hill to catch my breath. 

Then it thundered, and I looked up at the sky and it was darkening by the second. Next thing I knew, it was pouring cats and dogs. I looked up, the rain droplets pounded my face. "Great." I mumbled. I looked around and dogs were sitting side by side looking at me basically saying, 'What are you gonna do?' 

I looked around and saw a house, as I looked harder, it was Cooper's house. I turned around in the direction of my house, it would be too far to run in this rain and not get sick. I almost start to hit myself, because I wanted to go to his house, but at the same time I didn't. "Ugh, come on boys." I say and wipe the rain off my face and I start jogging. The dogs begin to bark as they run in the direction I am. 

I reached Cooper's house in no time, because of the angle I was running down. By now, I was drenched and so were my dogs. I went onto their porch and rang the doorbell. The door opened and Cooper's mom answered it. She looked a little confused but then her lips turned into a smile. "Come in!" She waved her arm and opened the door. 

"I am so sorry Desiree, I don't want to make your house a mess." I say and stay on the floor mat. 

"Oh honey no worries! So what were you doing?" She yells as she walks into their bathroom. 

"Well I was running with my dogs and it just started pouring!" I say louder so she can hear me. 

"Well I'll go out there and take care of ya puppies! Here's a towel, you can go up stairs and use the shower." 

"I hate to be a bother Desiree." I say taking the towel from her and start to dry myself. 

"Oh it's not a bother! Oh and Cooper's in town right now, but he should be back any time." She says and she goes behind me and grabs an umbrella and puts her Muck boots on. 

"Thanks Desiree." I say and she smiles and then goes outside. 

I take off my shoes and look around Cooper's house. I like how rustic and charming it was. Little country decor was all over and pictures were neatly arranged on the walls. As I walked up the stairs I enjoyed the school pictures. Cooper was so cute as a little kid! Reese was equally as cute, and they looked very much alike. 

I walked up stairs and opened every door to see which was the bathroom. I finally found it and honestly could not wait to get in. 


After my shower I realized I have no clothes to wear. I looked in the drawers for a comb and I found one.  After I combed my hair I re secured my towel around myself and then opened the door and stepped out. I walked down back the stairs, looking for Desiree. "Desiree?" I say and look around. 

"In here sweetie!" She says and I follow her voice into another room. I enter and see that she's doing laundry. 

"Um, I don't have any dry clothes." I say and she nods her head at me. 

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind I picked 'em up and are washing them now. And I'm sure Cooper wouldn't mind you wearing his clothes." She shrugs and continues to do her laundry. 

"Well do you think you have any clothes for me?" I ask shyly, it would be kind of awkward wearing something of Cooper's. I mean I wouldn't mind if he gave me a sweatshirt or something, I just don't want to take something. 

"Come to think of it I do have a pair of PJ pants for you." She says and then stands up and walks away. 

I enter their living room and I see someone sitting on the couch. It's Reese! "Hey Reese!" I smile and his head turns towards me. He looked a little confused. 

"States?" He said which made me smile big. 

"Yep, that's me." I laugh at him and go sit down next to him. I looked at the a the TV and he was watching Spongebob. 

"Why are you in a towel?" He asks me and then I clutch the towel more. 

"Um, your mom is getting me some clothes." I say to him and then look back at the TV. 

"Here ya go." Desiree came in and holding a pile of clothes. 

"Thank you so much!" I smile and stand up and take them from her. 

I giggle at Reese as he plays with my hair. All he was really doing was flipping it up and down and putting in random ponytails. "Do you wanna go meet Gauge and Micah?" I ask him and I feel him stop playing with my hair. 

"They're here?!" He excitedly says and then slides off the couch. 

"Yeah, why don't you ask your mom if they can come in!" I say to him and stand up and grab his tiny hands and pull him up. He grabs his crutches off the side of the couch and goes into the other room. 

Soon all I see is my dogs bursting into the living room and they playfully attack us. I'm not worried about them hurting Reese because dogs have this special sense about how old someone is, and they're actions change because of it. 

Reese's giggle fills the room, making me smile and really appreciate how lucky Reese is. I'm sitting on the couch while Reese is on the floor, having the dogs lick all over his face. "Do you know what types of dogs these are?" I ask him. 

"Gauge is a lab!! We used to have one, but dad took him." He says sadly as he scratches Gauge's stomach. 

"And what was his name?" I ask him. 

"Roofus." He smiles and starts to drum against his stomach. 

"And where's your dad?" I ask him out of curiosity. Cooper has never mentioned his dad and if I do bring it up, he changes the subject. Reese seemed sad talking about his dog, which must of reminded him of his absent father. 

Before Reese could answer, the screen door opened and in came in Cooper. He was wearing a long trench coat you see cowboys wear in the movies, and a straw hat on. "Cooper! Look!" Reese's little voice says and Cooper turns his attention to the living room. 

His eyes lit up when he sees us, and he kicks off his boots and walks over to us. "What do we have here?" He says as he kneels down and starts to pet Micah. 

"Well DaKota was running this morning it started raining, then she came here and then took a shower, and now is wearing mama's pants and your shirt." Reese rambles quickly and then I look at Cooper and he looks at his shirt. 

It was an old baseball shirt, and Desiree didn't have a tee shirt for me. It was just a gray tee, but it was huge on me. Cooper smirks and says, "They say Farmers praise the rain." He looks me up and down and continues to pet the dogs. I blush at his flirty comment. 

Cooper gets up and sits right next to me, so our legs are touching. "So what were you doing?" I ask him and nudge him a bit. 

"Just doing some guy stuff." He said with a smirk and looked at me with his eyes. 

"Guy stuff, huh?" I say and lean back on the couch and he copies me. "Like what?" I ask him. 

"Cowboy shit." He whispers in my, making sure his voice sounds like a stereotypical cowboy. He makes me laugh and I elbow him in the side. 


Reese was sleeping on the floor, cuddled up to the dogs and was sleeping like a baby, he was tired out by playing with the dogs. Cooper and I were just chilling on the couch, it was still raining outside. I was facing Cooper, laying at one end at the couch and he was facing me, laying on the other side. "Hey Cooper?" I ask him, while playing with the fringes of the couch pillow. 

"Yes?" He says and opens his eyes to look at me. 

"You didn't tell anyone about last night, did you?" I ask him, and he moves around uncomfortably. 

"No." He said like he wouldn't even imagine of doing it, "Well, it wasn't just anyone.." He said softly and I immediately sat up and gaped at him. 

"What does that mean!?" I asked through clenched teeth. Cooper's facial expression was sorry, but also not sorry.. "Who did you tell?" 

"Caleb.." He says looking me in the eyes and I almost jump out of my skin! How could he tell my brother! That is worst person to tell about the situation! I'm going to kill Cooper! 

"Cooper!!!! We have to go, now!!" I say and jump off the couch and stand in front of Cooper. 

"Why?" He asks me, looking up. 

"WE have to go see if Mason is still alive!" I say and crouch down and grab his hand and pull him up.  "Come on dogs!" I hiss and they pop up and follow Cooper and I out the door. 

Cooper and I pull into my drive and I'm happy to see Caleb's truck still here. My heart rate slows and I look at Cooper and he looks as relaxed as a bloodhound on a porch. "See wasn't that bad." Cooper says calmly. 

"But you should of asked me first, what happened when you told him?" I ask him as I take off my seat belt. 

"Well he just stood there, shook his head, and didn't really do anything. He wasn't calm but he didn't seem in a murderous mood." Cooper shrugs and I roll my eyes. 

"Great, now Caleb won't let me out of the house again." I sigh, but I panic when I figure out what I just said. 

"What was the first time he didn't let you out of his watch?" He asks, very amused. But he wouldn't be amused if he knew the real reason. 

"Oh it was nothing." I awkwardly laugh. I hear the screen door shut and I see my father and brother coming out. Or should I say storming out.. They looked absolutely pissed and very determined. "Oh shit." I say and I open the door and jump out of Cooper's truck. "Where are you guys going?!" I yell at them. 

"Settle some business.. You stay here! And we'll talk about that later!" My dad yells as he loads up into the truck, but I see him look at Cooper's truck. 

"Yeah, right." I grumble and head back to Cooper's truck. I knew where they were off to and Cooper was going to take me there. 

"Where we goin'?" Cooper asks as I climb into the truck and start to put on my seat belt. 

"Just follow them!" I instruct and run my fingers through my hair. This is going to be very chaotic. 


We arrived at the scene just as my dad and brother were jumping out of the truck. We were at Mason's house and he just so happened to be outside, I guess at the right time.  I ripped off my seat belt and followed my dad. "You got some nerve kid!" My dad yelled and Mason looked scared shitless. 

I started to run and I got in front of my raging dad and brother. "Please, stop.. He was drunk and didn't-"

"Shut up DaKota!" Caleb yells at me and I automatically feel stomped on by him. 

"What's going on?" Mason says and starts walking backwards. If I was him, I would start running. My dad wouldn't catch him, and Caleb would try but I don't think he would catch him. 

"You think it's okay to sexually harass girls?" My dad yells and then shoves Mason backwards. Mason looked very guilty, and very much ashamed of himself. 

"Caleb, Dad!" I yell at them and then step in front of them. Both of them looked down at me, both steaming like a mad heifer. They don't say anything but my dad just shoves me out of the way, making me stumble a bit. Although, I was caught by Cooper. 

"Cooper." Caleb says and then looks me up and down, motioning Cooper to keep me there. I try to get out of his grip, but Cooper just holds me tighter. 

"Cooper, let me go!" I say, struggling more and more. 

"You know he deserves this DaKota." Cooper says to me.. I know it wasn't right, but he didn't need to get punched until he pukes his guts out. 

So there I stood, watching my dad and Caleb gain up on Mason. Mason just stood there, as if he was going to take it like a man.. This isn't right, I hate how they do this. 

"Mason, run!-" I start to yell but then Coopers covers my mouth with his rough hand. I start to yell into his hand, but nothing is comprehensible because of my 'muzzle'. 

Then the first punch is thrown by my father, and then Caleb jabs him one in the stomach. I couldn't watch them hurt Mason. "I can't watch." I say and then I turn into Mason's chest and clutch his shirt with my hands. I try to block out Mason's grunts and groans of pain, but they're just too loud to block out. 

Cooper wraps his arms around me tighter, comforting me like he did last night. "Alright, he's had enough." Cooper speaks up and I pick my head up from Cooper's chest and look over at the boys

I ripped out of Cooper's grasp and ran over to Mason. He had a bloody face, cuts and scraps on his eyebrows and a big ol' goose egg on his forehead. "Mason, oh my gosh.." I say as I kneel down next to him. 

"I'm so sorry DaKota.." He cries out and painfully looks at me. 

"No I'm sorr-"

"No what I did was stupid, I am so sorry! I'll be alright, please just go." Mason says and I nod and stand back up. I turn around and look at Caleb and my dad standing on guard, still with clenched fists at their sides. I was full of anger and sadness. Anger because of what they did to Mason, and sadness because of the reason they did it. 

"You guys are so immature." I snarl at them as I walk past them. How could they just do something like this?! 


There we stood, across from each other, both with our arms crossed. We just stared at each other ready to blow off our steam. And in between us was mom, and ready for entertainment was Caleb. "How could you feel bad for him?!" My dad shouts at me and I roll my eyes and I see my mom sigh. 

Her and I talked before my dad came here. She completely understood why I wasn't so mad at Mason, but no one could get through his thick head. See I knew Mason, I knew it wouldn't happen again. And after Caleb and dad kicked his ass, it definitely won't happen again. 

"He was drunk and didn't know what he was doing! Mason isn't that type of guy and you know it!" I shout back at him. 

"Yeah well it still happened! Have you not forgotten about the other time th-"

"Of course I haven't forgotten. How could you even say that?" I snap at him and he throws up his hands in frustration and looks at me, then away, then back at me. 

"Because you're acting like it's not a big deal!" He says and then puts his hands on his hips. 

"Dad it only happened for like 30 seconds!-"

"But if Cooper wasn't there it would of gotten worse.." Caleb's voice pops out of no where, cutting my voice off. Slowly my dad and I turn our heads to look at my idiotic brother. He just sits there looking like he did nothing wrong.

"Shut up, Caleb." We both say. 

"It's over with now, you made him pay for it. Please don't hold it against him.." I say and I turn around and start towards the stairs to upstairs. 

"You come back here young lady!!" My dad yelled as me as I was half way up the stairs. I internally groaned and rolled my eyes. What does he want now? I stomp back down the stairs and I lean against the wall, still on the bottom step. "We still need to talk about that Blackwood kid." Well I was not expecting this, I scrunched my eyebrows at him. 

"What with Cooper?" I ask him. 

"You didn't ask me to be hanging out with him." He says, using his big dad voice on me. 

"Yes, I'm sorry dad. I should of asked you before. I am deeply sorry.." I say very sarcastically, but my dad is so egotistical he believed me. I knew how my dad worked, and I knew very well how to take advantage when I needed to. 

"Okay, great." My dad nodded his head in approval and gave me an understanding small smile and slapped his hands together and turned on his heels away from me. I rolled my eyes and look at Caleb and he gave me a thumbs up. 

When I got to my room I grabbed my phone and I texted Mason, "I'm really sorry what happened to you :( I know you weren't in the right state of mind, I hope you know I'm not mad at you."

I looked outside and it was getting dark, I grabbed my quilt and my headphones and I walked out to my balcony. I threw the quilt on my cushioned chair and then walked up to the balcony railing. I looked up at the rising half moon and admired it. It's the thing people dread when they see because it means the day is ending. But yet they admire it when it's at the highest point and they are laying under it's light. 

I walked backwards and laid back on my chair and I pulled my quilt over my chest. This quilt I made with my grandma when I was 13, it had great memories with it. I missed her, she died in her sleep just before I left Hudson. 

I plugged my headphones into my phone and went onto Pandora and clicked on Outlaw country radio. I could stay here all day if I could. It was so peaceful to look at the mountains and watch everything that passes by them. I turned my head and before I knew it my eyes began to close. 

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