The Boy (Creepypasta x male!c...

By Tomboy_Love

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Little (M/N) and his little sister Lisa were abandoned in the woods bye their parents. Without anywhere else... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

7.5K 171 77
By Tomboy_Love

(M/N) P.O.V

As soon as I woke up by someone knocking on my door I new it was early. The sky was a little darker that usual. I looked at my clock and it showed that it was 6:45 a.m. I got up and opened the door top show Hoodie standing there "I-it's t-time wa-ake up and g-get read-dy for your tr-training." He stated. "Ok, let me take a shower and stuff and I'll be down there." I said shutting the door before he could reply. I walked over to my closet and opened it to see more suits like the one I'm suppose to kill in. 'Trender must have put these in here.' I thought to myself. I dig past the clothes and pull out a F.O.B sweatshirt, black Adidas pants, and black and white converse. I pit my shoes by the bathroom door and I go to take a shower.

~Time Skip~ 30 minutes

After taking a shower, getting dressed, and brushing my teeth and washing my face. I walked out of the bathroom, put my shoes on, grabbed my weapons and walked downstairs. Once I made it downstairs I went to the dining room and saw Masky, Hoodie, Toby, and Lisa at the table with a bowl of cereal waiting for me. When I say down I noticed what Lisa was wearing. She was wearing a F.O.B sweatshirt also with soccer pants, but she had purple converse. We finished our breakfast quickly and went outside. Once we made it outside we saw that the targets were already set up. I pick up my gun and Lisa picked up both of hers. "Now first I will show you how to load and unload your guns, the Hoodie will teach you speed shooting and accuracy, you will learn how to use every gun but today we will start with the easiest which is the pistol." Masky explained

~Time Skip~ After training~
Author's P.O.V

After training Lisa looked tired, "Lisa do you need a nap you look tired." Toby spoke. "No I'm fine." Lisa replied quickly. Masky looked at (M/N) and his eyes were a dark tan color. "(M/N) what does that dark tan color mean?" Masky asked. "I would say its light brown, but it means Lisa is lying she's tired and needs sleep not much though about 30 minutes should be good." (M/N) explained. "O-oh well its ab-bout lunch t-time so Lisa c-can eat and-d sleep after." Hoodie spoke. "Sounds like a plan I'm gonna eat waffles!" Toby exclaimed running into the mansion. Everyone else walked through the door and sat down at the table while slender was sitting down everyone's lunch. "This sandwich looks so good!" Lisa exclaimed before she started to munch on her sandwich. After Lisa finished she waited on (M/N) to finish to. When (M/N) finished the two got up, put their dishes in the sink and walked upstairs. Before (M/N) could walk into his room Lisa stopped him. "Big brother can you sing to me before I take my nap?" She asked shyly. (M/N) nodded , but before he walked into Lisa's room he walked into his. When he came back out he had a phone in his hands the phone was a Samsung grand prime it was all black with
(M/N)'s symbol on it. Hr stopped in front of Lisa turned to phone on and walked into her room. As Lisa laid down under her covers (M/N) pulled up a chair and Lisa closed her eyes while (M/N) started to play a instrumental of a song as he started to sing softly remembering a song he wrote for Lisa.

I know it hurts sometimes but
You'll get over it
You'll find another life to live
I know you'll get over it
I know your sad and tired
You've got nothing' left to give
But you'll find another life to live
I know you'll get over it
So when your caught in a landslide
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
And when the rain gives you sunshine I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
And every time that your lonely
And every time that your feeling low
You should know
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you, you know
I know you hope is heavy but
You'll get over it
You'll find another life to life
I know you'll get over
And I know you feel like everything is fallin' to the wind
But don't you let the thunder in
'Cause I know you'll get over
So when your caught in a landslide
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
And when the rain gives you sunshine
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
And every time that your lonely
And every time that your feelin' low
You should know
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you, you know
You fell down by the wayside
Love locked in an overflow
And you threw stars at the starlight
As I stood on the sideline tellin' you
That I get that you lonely
And I see that your feelin' low
But I hide in a heart beat
I'll be there for you, you know
So when your caught in a landslide
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
And when the rain gives you sunshine
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
And every time that your lonely
And every time that your feelin' low
You should know
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you, you know
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you, you know
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you, you know
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you, you know
And every time that your lonely
And every time that your feelin' low
You should know
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you, you know

As the song came to an end (M/N) looked at Lisa. She had a smile on her face as she fell asleep. 'She looks so peaceful.' (M/N) thought to himself. (M/N) looked at Lisa one more time before he got up unknown to him,
(M/N) had a small smile on his face.

A/N: This is the eye color for when Lisa was lying

And here is the name of the songs I've used so far:
Crossfire by Stephen
Landslide by Oh Wonder

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