Phan oneshot collection

By phanallamallama

1.2M 33.5K 70.4K

All the oneshots I write which you should 100% read as they're what I'm best at More

Phan one shot collection
Books and adventures
Chestnut hair and deep brown eyes
All love
This is halloween? (Part 1)
An ancient curse
Getting married today
The boy on the bus
Lights, camera, action
Never kissed him
3am I watch you sleep
Moonlight and shadows
Tent troubles
Potions to remember
University roommates
Business trip
My story
3am with you
Across the street
Start to end
I cheated, then fell in love
Eyes you can drown in
Breathing underwater
A ceiling full of stars
On a crowded tube
Waiting for the lights
Letters for bear
Seven days
Met you in the waiting room
Balanced on a box of cereal

Right in front of your eyes

39.2K 1.3K 3K
By phanallamallama

Genre: very very cute

Like squealing hugging a pillow awwwing cute.

Word count: 5490

Phil's phone buzzed in his pocket. He looked around, making sure Miss Watt's back was turned and pulled it out under the desk. Dan had texted him:

Phil I'm bored. History sucks and I don't have you to talk to. Can we meet up in the toilets on the second floor? X

Phil had always wondered why he and Dan sent each other kisses, none of his other friends did, but they had done it ever since they had met, so it didn't seem like something had changed recently. Meeting up with Dan didn't sound like a bad idea and wasn't too uncommon either, there was nothing that bad about skipping history, it's not like he was learning anything from his lesson, so he decided to go. He texted Dan a quick 'yes, meet me as soon as possible :) x' and put his hand up.
"Yes Phil?" His teacher said, stopping her rambling to answer him.
"Can I go to the toilet?" He asked.
"Alright, but be quick," she said and went back on with her grumbling. He stood up and walked through the door in to the silent halls. Luckily he was only a corridor away so he slipped into the toilets without encountering someone awkwardly. Dan was already sitting on the windowsill, swinging his legs due to boredom.

"Hey," he said as soon as he saw Phil.
"Hey. You alright?" Phil asked him.
"Yeah. I'm good, you?"
"Yeah I'm all good. Oh I didn't say. This morning when you were on your way to maths I got my book out of my locker and I found a letter. Look," Phil told him, taking it out of his jacket pocket and passed it to him. At the moment he was acting casual about this note, when honestly he had been smiling about it all morning. It said:

Dear Phil,

I think you're perfect.

From someone right in front of your eyes xxx

"Isn't that really sweet?" Phil asked, acting a little shyer than usual. Dan smiled at him.
"Yeah it is. Who do you think sent it?" He asked, coughing slightly.
"I don't know, someone close to me. I am guessing it's a guy as it is pretty obvious I am gay and no girls have ever taken interest in me really," Phil said shrugging, but Dan saw a blush sweep across his face.
"So no one specific you have in mind?" Dan said, trying to find out what Phil was thinking.
"Not yet, the handwriting seems a bit familiar though but it doesn't sound like anyone I know... I will see if I get anymore notes first before going all Sherlock on it," he replied. He glanced at his watch. "Oh crap I need to get back or Miss Watts will literally come in here and drag me out, even if that is illegal. See you later, text me if you get too bored." He said, turning and heading back to class. Dan just sighed deeply and stared back out the window.

The next morning when Phil opened his locker another envelope, this one a pale pink, fell out at his feet. He yelped a little then giggled when he realised what it was, bending down and retrieving it from the floor. He slid his finger under the flap and opened it, pulling out a piece of paper. He unfolded the paper and read it.

Dear Phil,

Everyday you seem more and more beautiful. Please never change.

From someone right in front of your eyes xxx

He grinned at the piece of paper and tucked it into his pocket. He would show Dan later. He got his book for English out of his locker and walked to his lesson, slumping down in a seat next to Pj.
"Someone seems happy this morning," Pj said, raising his eyebrows.
"Erm well yesterday I found a letter in my locker and it was a sort of love note. I thought it was a one off thing but I got another this morning," he slid the note out of his pocket and have it to Pj. He scanned it and smiled.
"Any ideas who it could be from?" He asked. But he had a look in his eye, like he already knew.
"No, do you?" Phil asked casually, hoping he would input his thoughts on who this secret person could be.
"I don't know, are they both signed off from 'someone right in front of your eyes'? Because if they are then they at least trying to hint that they are close to you," Pj told him. Something about how he was smiling made Phil think otherwise, but he shrugged it off.
"Yeah well, we shall see," Phil said as their teacher started the lesson.

He spent the rest of that lesson, then the rest of the day, wondering who it could be. Right in front of his eyes? Who was he close to that could feel that way about him? Not Pj as he knew he was straight, Chris was doubtful, but very maybe. Alex? Bribry? He had no idea. His mind wandered constantly away from his work and he kept fidgeting with the note in his pocket, stroking the paper with his thumb. Even that night as he lay in bed he thought about this mystery person, going over names again and again in his head of who it could be. He looked at the paper for the millionth time, trying to remember where he had seen that handwriting before. Maybe it was just a common type thar most people had. Would be his luck if it was. He slid the note under his pillow so it lay alongside the one from the day before. He switched off his lamp and snuggled into his bed, falling into a dream about letters, love notes and mystery senders, and a tall boy with dark hair which he wouldn't remember in the morning.

The next day there was another note in his locker, this time a light blue.

Dear Phil,

I have such a huge crush on you, i don't get how you can't see it. I talk to you everyday and you just stare past it. Maybe your eyes are covered with mist. Who knows? I wish they would clear.

From someone right in front of your eyes xxx

He read over it and smiled, sighing. It was a nice feeling knowing someone liked him that much. He leant against his locker and closed his eyes for a moment, wondering who it could be.
"Another one? This guy must like you a lot," a voice said. He opened his eyes and saw Chris standing in front of him, looking at the note in his hand. He looked less pale than usual, his cheeks darker and tinged with pink. Maybe it was Chris? They did talk everyday, maybe he just wasn't looking hard enough.
"Hey, and yeah. They must. I really wish I knew who it was. Then I might be able to figure out how I feel about them," he said, hinting slightly. If Chris was the sender maybe this would provoke him into telling him. Chris rolled his eyes.
"Come on Juliet, we have drama. Don't want to be late so you can act that you swoon over love notes. Oh wait, you do that anyway," he joked. Phil pushed his arm and they started towards the drama department, Phil watching Chris very carefully out the corner of his eye.

2 days later-after receiving 2 more letters, each deeper then before- he was in a science lesson. He was sitting next to Dan and they had to copy out notes faster than the speed of light because their teacher was insistent they learnt every little detail of everything. When the lesson finished Phil only had half the notes. He looked over at Dan shoving his full page of them into his bag.
"Dan can I copy up your notes this weekend and give them back on monday? I didn't get them all." He asked him.
"Sure, I think I got everything we needed," he said taking his notes back out and passing them to Phil.
"Thanks Dan," Phil said grinning at him. Dan beamed back and they walked their separate ways down the corridor, saying they would meet up by the lockers at the end of school. It was lucky their's were next to each others, it was part of how they became friends.

That evening when Phil was copying up Dan's notes he realised something weird he recognised in them. He pulled the dusty gold letter he had received earlier that day and held it against Dan's page of sloppy notes. Some of the letters were the same, like the e's and g's. All looping in the same way, smudging slightly.

He slid the note back into his pocket, shaking his head. He must be really tired, he was comparing his best friends handwriting with a love note from someone who he didn't even know properly. He finished copying the notes up, pushing the letter to the back of his mind along with his pocket.

That night before he fell asleep, he sat up wondering if it actually could be Dan. He had never shown any signs of liking him in that way, but Dan had always been pretty private with his love life. He ended up thinking of Dan, imagining what it would be like if they were together. It didn't even seem like a horrible idea. Sadly as soon as he rested his head on his pillow, reality hit the back of his head. It wouldn't be Dan. They were friends and didn't like each other that way. Nothing more no questions asked. As Phil's eyes dropped and sleep was quickly approaching a word came briefly into Phil's head.

And with those 6 letters, he fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

That weekend wasn't that fun for Phil. He felt weird not getting a letter on saturday morning, not finding out more about this mystery person and his feelings. His mind was set on finding out who it was, so on Saturday he had another look over the notes Dan had lent him and chewed his lip thoughtfully. There were some similarities, but quite a few differences. He kept thinking up all sorts of ideas for connections with people who it could be until it gave him a headache. It was then he realised he needed to stop. He told himself that anytime he started to wonder who it could be that weekend he would stop. A couple of days off thinking about a secret admirer might even help. At least he hoped it would.

On Monday morning he found another note, today a light green colour with a tiny star doodled on it. They always set his day off to a good start, even if it did make him pay less attention in classes. He had really missed them over the weekend. This mornings read:

Dear Phil,

It has been about a week since I first started sending you these. It has been around a month since I started liking you, maybe more. But it has been a day that you have started paying more attention. Keep looking. You are getting closer.

From someone RIGHT in front of your eyes xxx

Just at the moment Dan appeared.
"Hey," he said opening his locker. Phil looked up from the note, and stared at Dan. 'RIGHT in front of your eyes' he thought. Was it a sign?
"Hey," Phil said back. He decided to see what would happen if he tested to see if it was Dan. "I like your shirt, it looks really good on you," he said, looking down at his body then flicking then up to stare into Dan's eyes, leaning back dreamily against the lockers.
"Thanks I guess," Dan said, raising his eyebrows, looking confused. "You okay?"
"Yeah, fine," Phil replied, subtly slipping the letter into his pocket, but Dan saw it and grabbed it from his hand.
"OOOH, another one," he laughed, swinging it in front of Phil's face. Phil made a grab at it but Dan pulled it away. He paused before opening it. "Can I read it?" He asked, checking he wouldn't upset him if he did.
"Alright, as long as you don't scream it out to the whole school," Phil sighed. It couldn't be Dan. He felt pretty terrible because he was starting to like this sweet romantic side of him, even if it was only produced in writing. But it wasn't him. He was getting a crush on Dan, when an invisible man, had been sending them to him. And this man was never to be seen, only ever to be longed for.

He didn't watch Dan read it, he just started fussing around in his locker. He heard Dan cough to get his attention and faced him.
"That person is really sweet. Whoever he is it does look like you are noticing him more. That's a good sign, isn't it?" Dan told him, his cheeks slightly flushed.
"Yeah, I suppose. I just wish I knew who it was. I really want to meet him," Phil said, sighing heavily.
"You will find him one day I'm sure," Dan told him, patting his shoulder. Phil clapped him back and waved goodbye as he walked to his lesson, his head drifting from white fluffy clouds to dark rumbling thunderstorms.

He really wished it had been Dan. It sounded weird for Phil to admit it to himself, but he had always thought Dan was sweet, and at least he would be able to explain to him that he didn't want to risk anything. He also felt funny when he was around Dan, and he knew the feeling pretty well. And it wasn't a friendly sort of feeling, more a wanting to hold his hand and kiss him sort of one. But he knew it wouldn't work. It just wouldn't. Not that he had the chance anyway.

His mum noticed he was quiet at dinner.
"Are you alright dear?" She asked him.
"Yeah, I suppose. I just feel all confused and weird."
"Why are you confused?" She said, starting to pile up dishes and plonking them on the draining board. Phil decided he may as well tell her. He was pretty close to his mum so he knew she would at least understand, if not help him.

"Well... For the past week or so I have been getting letters put into my locker. Love letters. I am confused as they were signed off a from a guy who named themselves 'Someone right in front of your eyes'. It is one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me, and I want to know who it is to thank them. I thought it might be... Lets just say he's a close friend of mine. I even started getting a bit of crush on him. I don't think it is him anymore though, and if it is him he has covered it up very well. But the thing is, I think I kind of like him still. But because I don't know it's him I will never know if he likes me back. But I still want to know who my mystery writer is. I am just so confused with this whole thing!" He said, resting his head on the table.

His mum stood behind him stroked his hair, comforting her now crying son.
"Phil sweetie, I know the person who who is sending you the letters must like you a lot, but you don't even know them, not really. If it does then out to be the guy you like then that is perfect, but if it's not, what's stopping you from going for it? If you really like him then at least tell him you think you are getting a crush on him. If you are as close as you say you are the he won't blank you as leave you out if he doesn't feel the same. Anyway sweetie, me rambling wont help. Just go with whatever your heart tells you to do. I promise it will be the right thing."

Phil stood up and hugged her, clumsily kissing her cheek.
"You're the best, you know that right?" He told her.
"I know," she said, smiling.

The next morning Phil got into school earlier than usual. He had left his jacket in school by accident as he hadn't been wearing it when he got home. He wondered if he had left it in his locker and decided to check since he had the time.

He walked through the deserted hallways, only hearing the sound of his own steps. It was different when no one was around. Quieter, cleaner. Phil liked it. He got the the corridor his locker was on and stopped, backing behind the doorframe, peering out around it. Someone in a black jacket was slipping something into Phil's locker. The hood was up on it so Phil couldn't see who it was properly but the person scanned the area, making sure no one was around and pulled down the hood, unzipping the jacket and stuffing it quickly into the locker. He walked out the double doors at the other end of the hallway and out of Phil's sight.

Phil just stood there, too surprised to move. Though he had only seen a glance at the person's face, he now knew who it was.

Dan. His best friend. He went over to his locker and twisted in his combination shakily. He had to put it more than once to get it right because he couldn't concentrate enough and his hands were fumbling. He pulled it open to see a letter placed neatly on his jacket. At least he had that back now. With trembling hands Phil grasped the letter and slid it open.

My dearest Phil,

Every night I dream of your face. I wonder if you ever dream of mine.

From someone right in front of your eyes, no matter where you are xxx

Dan had written this for him? The only thing he could think of was that Dan had been sending him these all along. Dan has admitted he had a crush on Phil. Dan had said he was perfect. It was all Dan.

The rest of the day was a blur to Phil, he hardly talked to anyone much, just stayed lost in his thoughts. What should he do about Dan? Tell him he knew it was him? Maybe he could ask someone what to do. Questions swirled his mind all the time. He managed to avoid Dan as much as possible, but not too much to make it seem like something was up. He sat with Pj, Chris and Dan at lunch though. It was difficult to try and keep things normal.
"Phil? You alright?" Pj asked him quietly while the the other two were flicking food at each other.
"Not really, can I talk to you at some point today? I need your advice," he said to Pj, staring into his face.
"Sure, how about next period seeing as we sit together?" Pj pointed out and Phil realised he had forgotten.
"As long as no one overhears," he told him. He put on a fake smile and readied himself. They joined back in with Dan and Chris's jokes and Phil felt just a little better, knowing he could confide in Pj and that he would help.

When English came around he walked with Pj, trying to keep the conversation normal when really he was burning to talk to him about Dan. When their teacher had stopped talking after setting them a task the whole class burst into noise. Chatter was going on everywhere.
"So," Pj said. "About this secret admirer," he said.
"How'd you know that's what I wanted to talk about?" Phil asked a little surprised.
"I had a hunch. And you have been acting a little weird since you first got those letters. Happier, but more thoughtful. Until today. What happened?"
"I found out who he was. I saw him putting the letter in my locker this morning." Phil took in a huge breath. "It's Dan."

Pj's eyes stretched wide for a few seconds.
"And do you like him back?" He asked.
"I hadn't really thought about him in that way until recently, but I think I do. And knowing the way he feels about me..." He trailed off, staring into space. Pj snapped his fingers at him and he shook his head, slightly dazed. "What should I do?" He watched Pj chew his lip thoughtfully.
"I think you should wait. I know it will be tricky but Dan will tell you at some point soon if he really does like you. It sounds weird and awkward but if you get a little closer to him, flirty even, he might tell you because it could seem you feel the same way about him. Which you do. So wait. Patience can be a pain in the ass as well as a virtue," he told Phil. Phil pulled a disappointed face, but he knew Pj was right.
"Okay, I will wait. But it had better be soon, or i might have to crank the flirting up a little higher," he smiled again and winked, cracking his first proper joke for the past few days. Pj beamed back and they started working, chatting and laughing as they wrote.

The next day, another note.

Dear Phil- my little lion,

I am sorry if it is frustrating you, not knowing who I am. But I will reveal myself soon. I promise.

From someone right in front of your eyes xxx

Phil beamed at the note, hugging it to his chest. Some people glanced at him weirdly but he couldn't care less. Dan joined him at the lockers and leant against them.
"Another one? He really makes you happy, doesn't he?"
"Yeah," Phil said, staring into Dan's eyes, longer then he knew he should. "He really really does," he saw Dan's face redden a little. Aha. Pj's idea was working.
"Glad to hear it," Dan grinned at him. Phil smiled back, sticking his tongue out the corner of his mouth. Dan stuck his tongue out back, and the burst back into a smile. He just couldn't seem to stop. "To science?" He asked.
"To science!" Phil said loudly, striking a super hero pose and pretending to fly towards their class. Dan laughed and chased after him. Phil grabbed his wrist and pulled him faster, still 'flying'.
"I will save you poor citizen!" He cried and then laughed. Dan clutched his arm back, going along with Phil's little game, giggling.
"Oh Phil, thank you for saving me, I will be forever in your debt," Dan started squeaking in a high pitched voice, pretending to swoon.
"No problem handsome man, all part of a days work," he said, letting go of Dan's wrist when they were outside their classroom. He struck a silly pose, puffing out his chest and grinning. Dan was almost on the floor with laughter, cheeks scarlet. Phil guessed it was the comment Phil had made more than the pose that had brought on the colour.

Phil found more flirting opportunities at lunch. They were joking around and the neckline on Dan's top had started to slip down, showing his clavicle.
"Dan, your cleavage is showing," Phil told him, then leaned over to the boy opposite to him as pulled it up, gently letting his hand slide against his collar bone. He sat back and smiled naively at Dan, eyes wide and innocent. Dan coughed slightly and Phil looked around to see Pj wink at him. Chris just looked confused.
"Phil are you trying to get into his-" but he got cut off by Pj kicking him swiftly under the table . Chris must have got the hint to shut up and flexed his arms, because he changed the subject. "I'm really hot. And have such huge muscles. I bet I could beat any of you twats in an arm wrestle." Pj stuck his arm on the table, elbow poised.
"Oh yeah? Lets see shall we?"

Phil glanced over at Dan. He still looked a little flustered. He put his arm on the table.
"You vs me Howell." He stated.
Dan shoved his arm on the table and grabbed Phil's hand. Phil squeezed it gently and smiled at Dan. "3...2...1...go!" He yelled and and starting trying to move Dan's hand down flat against the table. It was pretty pointless. Dan was extremely strong somehow. He pushed Phil's arm down in about 30 seconds. It only lasted that long because Phil tried to keep hold of his hand for as long as possible.
"Okay, you win," Phil said, laughing. "But seriously your hands are really smooth, do your moisturise them or something?" He asked, holding it between his fingers and stroking the palm of it. Dan never got a chance to reply as Chris pounced on him, tearing his hand away from Phil's.
"You are next to be defeated," he yelled.
"Chris, this isn't Sparta," Pj said, shaking his head and grinning. Phil laughed too, pushing Pj.
"That was fabulously cheesy," he told him.
"Well i am fabulous," he said, batting his eyelashes.

Phil saw Dan staring at him and Pj mid wrestle and he looked a little, well jealous. Phil giggled internally. He was becoming a tease. It was pretty fun.
"Hell yeah! I win again. All bow down to your superior!" Chris bellowed, standing up and flexing his arms. None of them moved a muscle.
"Fine then my statues, I will make you bow?" he grabbed Dan's head and started pushing it down.
"Stop it Chris, I think we would all prefer a living Dan with a head," Pj said, raising his eyebrows. Chris let go and Dan raised his head slowly. His hair was all messed up and he looked a little seasick.
"Dan, hair," I pointed out. He fixed it as best as he could but missed a small section. Phil moved his hand up to his head and flattened down the part he had missed. He then smiled sweetly at him, retracting his hand, watching the blush run over Dan's cheeks. This was getting interesting.

That night Phil went to bed as early as possible. He couldn't wait for the next day. He was really enjoying the notes Dan was sending, and touching him whenever it was sort of necessary, or just when he wanted and could make up a reason. When he fell asleep, he dreamed of Dan's face, lingering just in front of his. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever dreamt of.

Dear Phil,

I think you are starting to realise who I am. I hope you are, or you are accidentally torturing me. I really hope you know though.

From someone right in front of your eyes, and maybe even in your heart xxx

Phil went bright pink when he read the letter and pressed it into his pocket. He grinned and knew today would be perfect. He grabbed some books from his locker and went to his lesson, trying to keep himself from skipping there, grinning as Dan's smiling face appeared in his mind.

That afternoon in history he felt his phone vibrate against his thigh. He checked he wouldn't be caught and whipped it out.

Meet me in the toilets, I need to give you something and I am super bored :p xx

Phil replied quickly and put up his hand. He managed to excuse himself and he left the room, walking quickly towards the toilets. As he opened the door Dan was in his usual windowsill spot, staring out the window.
"Hey," Phil said.
"Hey," Dan said beaming and jumping down. "I got told to give you this," he told him, pulling a dark red envelope out of his bag. He handed it to Phil and stood quietly, watching him open it. Terror was filling his eyes a little, but he was still smiling determinedly.

Dear Phil,

I think I love you. I hope maybe you love me back.

From the person in front of your eyes xxx

Phil looked up slowly and saw Dan's face as still as a statue. He started to smile and and it spread wider. He leant forwards and kissed Dan's lips, finally being able to do what he had desired for what seemed like forever. He felt Dan place his hands on his waist and pull him closer, pressing his lips more firmly against his own. Phil cupped his cheek and stroked his thumb along it, stopping at the end of his soft skin. His other hand was in Dan's hair, stroking it gently, brushing it away from his face, messing with the tangles. He wanted to stay like this, just standing there kissing Dan forever, but he got interrupted. He heard the door swing open and he jumped away from Dan, turning to see who had just come in.
"So I guess he told you?" Pj grinned, raising his eyebrows. "Miss sent me to get you back, and you should come as she will probably eat you if you don't," he said, walking back out the door. Phil kissed Dan's lips quickly then turned around, walking towards the exit. He looked back when he was just out the door, propping it open.
"See you tomorrow gorgeous," he winked, then walked off, back to a boring lesson he could now happily devote to daydreaming about Dan.

The next morning when Phil opened his locker, there was no note. He hadn't expected there to be one. When Dan appeared he grinned.
"Morning gorgeous, have sweet dreams last night?" He asked him, kissing his cheek.
"A few. All including you of course," Dan replied happily. He opened his locker and around a dozen multicoloured letters fell out onto the floor.
"I thought I would write you replies. For every single one you sent to me. But here is the reply to your latest that I think you should read now," he said, passing it over to Dan. He watched him pull out his own part of the letter and tuck it behind the envelope before taking out Phil's reply.

Dear Dan,

I love you too.

From your loving boyfriend, Phil xxx

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