ROTG-Frozen Wonder

By BlitzVan

45.2K 1.2K 187

Natalia is Jamie and Sophie's teenage sister, who still believes in the Guardians. One day she runs into Jack... More

((Short)) 2 ((Filler-ish))
Alternate Ending?


2.2K 65 14
By BlitzVan

  Jack, Bunny, and Tooth arrive gracefully in the warren's antechamber, while North and the yetis comes to a crashing halt, And me? I fall right into Jack, almost knocking both of us down to the hard ground. He quickly caught me, setting me back onto my feet.

"Well, I can tell you aren't exactly graceful. Are you?"

I blushed, mumbling a small 'whatever' which only made him smile more. I was about to move when I noticed his hands hadn't left my arms yet, making my blush slightly deepen as I cleared my throat.

"Um, Jack?"

He seemed to snap out of a trance and his eyes met mine.


"You can let go now."

He looked down at his hands resting on my arms and quickly drew them back.

"Oh, uh, sorry."

I smiled.

"It's fine."

North chuckles.

"'Buckle up.' Is very funny."

"Welcome to the warren-"

Bunny stands before us when suddenly, he shifts his attention. He turns, his ears perk up and his nose sniffs the air.

"Something's up."

A faint, familiar, scream begins to echo from within the depths of one of Bunny's egg tunnels and tiny eggs come scuttling out from the tunnel.

Bunny grabs his boomerang, North draws his sword, and Jack readies his staff before moving to stand in front of me as the sounds of booming footsteps, screams, and the rustling of foliage grows louder.


Bunny begins to charge toward the tunnel. At his side are the Guardians, yetis, and sentinel eggs all bellowing their loudest battle cries until...Sophie bursts out?

All momentum comes to a halt before I step towards her.


They others immediately withdraw their weapons, mildly embarrassed as Sophie giggles and immediately runs after one of the elves.

"Elf, elf, elf!"

"What is SHE doing HERE!!?"

North looks down at his coat pocket as he pats himself down, a look of slight panic overtaking his features.

"Ah, snow globe."

"Crikey! Somebody do something!"

"Don't look at me, I'm invisible, remember?"

Sophie giggles as she drags the elf by the bell atop its uniform.

I was about to go over to her and get her to let go of the elf when Tooth flew ahead.

"Don't worry, Bunny. I bet she's a faerie fan."

She then flies up to Sophie, a soft smile upon her lips.

"It's okay little one."

Sophie's face lights up and I smile at the look of happiness on her face.


"Awww! You know what, I got something for you. Here it is."

She then pulls out some teeth, making me raise my eyebrow and lean towards Jack.

"She plans on giving those to my baby sister?"

Jack looked down at me, amusement on his face before we both look back at Tooth, who has made Sophie cry.

Rage fills me as I see the tears leave my baby sister's eyes and I quickly jog over to her, taking her in my arms and brushing her hair, making her quickly calm down.

Jack walks forward as Sophie pulls me along with her and I willingly followed, a smile on my face.

"Blood and gums? When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?"

Meanwhile, Sophie and I run around the warren, exploring and playing as Sophie pokes her head into a small tunnel.


I see North start to look embarrassed out of the corner of my eye, making me internally laugh a little.

"We are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time......for children!"

Jack walks toward us, forming a snowflake in his hand, which floats over toward Sophie. She tries to grab at it and I smile once more as my eyes drift up towards Jack, but he's already turned away.

"If one little kid can ruin Easter, then...we're in worse shape than I thought."

Sophie follows the snowflake as Jack leads it over to Bunny. I leave my sister's side and find my way to Jack's, my arm touching his, making him smile down at me. But I keep my gaze on Sophie as she stands by Bunny and the snowflake lands on his nose, his concerns suddenly seeming to slip away. Bunny leads her to a little flower that opens to reveal and egg that soon grows little legs.

Bunny, proud, and Sophie, amazed, look on.

"You wanna paint some eggs? Yeah?"


"Come on then!"

Time then went on as the eggs were made and Sophie soon fell asleep. Bunny looks out proudly at the eggs gathered in front of the tunnels in the distance as Jack approaches from behind and makes his way alongside Bunny, who holds Sophie in his arms.

"Not bad."

Sophie yawns and turns in the giant rabbit's arms. Bunny turns to Jack with a smile.

"Not bad yourself."

"Look, I'm sorry about that whole, you know, 'kangaroo' thing."

"It's the accent, isn't it?"

North comes up from behind with Tooth at his side. They turn toward Bunny, marveling at the sight of Sophie, fast sleep. It's touching. Bunny's face softens, as if remembering a distant memory.

"Ah, poor little ankle-biter. Look at her, all tuckered out."

Tooth smiled down at her, fondly.

"I love her!"

They look up from the sleeping toddler toward Jack. He's taught them something today.

"I think it's time to get her home."

Bunny hands the sleeping Sophie over to Tooth.

"How about I take her home?"

"Jack, no! Pitch is--"

Jack then twirls his staff.

"--no match for this.

"Which is why we need you here, with us. "

The Guardians look at Jack with concern.

"Trust me, I'll be quick as a bunny."  

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