ROTG-Frozen Wonder

By BlitzVan

45.2K 1.2K 187

Natalia is Jamie and Sophie's teenage sister, who still believes in the Guardians. One day she runs into Jack... More

((Short)) 2 ((Filler-ish))
Alternate Ending?


2.4K 63 3
By BlitzVan

  Pitch's army of Nightmares begin to charge. Then suddenly, the sound of bells and reindeer echo in the distance as a sleigh bursts through the clouds. We all look up into the sky as it circles overhead and turns toward Pitch, only to fly a few feet over his head. Pitch turns as it passes over him, slightly confused. During his, convenient, confusion, I manage to grab a nearby pipe before taking my place beside Jack once again. North's asleep at the wheel, along with Bunny and Tooth. Suddenly, the sleigh clips one of its skis as it flies over City Hall, jolting North to attention.

Still battling Nightmares, Sandy propels himself and Jack into the air with a stream of dream sand and launches Jack away from the Nightmares. Jack quickly orients himself and knocks an oncoming Nightmare with his staff as I do the same with my pipe, giving a small grunt from the effort. Tooth quickly jumps off the side of the sleigh toward Jack and Sandy, right into the fray through the swarm of Nightmares, slicing them apart with her wings, causing them to explode into black sand.

Pitch gives some sort of signal and leaps into the air, leading another wave of Nightmares after North and Bunny. Back in the sleigh, Bunny jumps out and lands on a nearby roof before quickly tossing his boomerang which disintegrates every Nightmare in its path before returning to the large rabbit who proceeds to leap off the roof and grab the skids of the sleigh as it passes by. North stands, drawing both his scimitars, and dices the oncoming Nightmares to bits as they attack.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Come on!"

Jack heads back to the sleigh by dodging two Nightmares as they attack, As he continues his descent, Jack is suddenly blind sided by another Nightmare, which knocks the staff from his hands. For a moment, Jack is in a state of panic as he finds himself in free fall. I was about to run towards him, though I knew that I couldn't really do anything, but he finally manages to hook onto the staff, control his descent, and land on the sleigh as it flies past. I let out a sigh of relief and smile before facing the oncoming Nightmares and taking care of them on my own. Jack ducks as a Nightmare rears up behind him, but one of Bunny's boomerangs blasts through it and zips back to Bunny's waiting paw.

Sandy, high up in he clouds, does his best to contain the mass of Nightmares that are swirling around him as Pitch rises from behind another, similar, group of Nightmares. He stretches his arms as an arrow of black sand forms beside him. Jack and the Guardians watch as more Nightmares speed away to join their herd and Sandy looks overwhelmed by the onslaught, making me yell out to the others.

"You have to help Sandy!"

It seems that North heard me as he cracks the reigns, turns the sleigh, and heads toward the swirling cloud of yellow and black sand. I see Pitch take aim and release the arrow. It flies through the air and into Sandy's back, exploding on impact. All of us look on, horrified, and I feel the shock and horror spread through my body as tears fall from my eyes and onto the ground.


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