Loved You First

By tyler-seguin

111K 1.6K 309

"I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even mo... More

Loved You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 11

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By tyler-seguin

The week and a half go by faster then I thought it would with Brooke back. She stayed the whole time at my house, getting up and going to school together everyday.

Tyler called every night, except for maybe two or three. I miss him so much when he is gone, but I know he will back in just a short amount of time.

That is the troubles of being in a relationship like ours, we are so close and always together that when he leaves for road trips, no matter how long they are, it feels so weird and lonely without him.

I found out that I am going to be interning with the Boston Bruins, shadowing with the athletic trainers. I haven't been told which one I am going to be shadowing yet, but I should find out either today or tomorrow.

"What time do you have to go pick up the guys?" Brooke asks from the kitchen. I look at my phone, it is almost 2:30 in the afternoon.

"Crap! Their flight comes in 15 minutes." I jump from the couch, grabbing Tuukka's truck keys and running out the garage door.

I'm wearing comfy clothes, as usual, leggings and a sweatshirt, my hair probably looks like shit seeing I didn't do anything to it, but it's the least of my worries. I start the truck up and head to the airport.

By the time I find a parking spot, it is almost 3. I walk inside to the waiting area. No sight of the team yet anyways. I look at the flight screens and the flight hasn't come in yet, must be running late. I sit and wait.

"You waiting for anyone?" A young man asks.

"Yeah, waiting for the Bruins flight to arrive." I turn around to where the voice came from. A guy, probably around Tyler and I's age, with brown hair stands there.

"Really? Why's that?"

"My brother and boyfriend are on the team and I'm picking them up."

"Your brother and boyfriend? Who are they?" He walks around and sits next to me, leaving a seat in between.

"My brother is Tuukka Rask and my boyfriend is Tyler Seguin."

"That is so cool! Is it weird?"

"I'm pretty used to it." I laugh shyly.

"I'm Torey, Torey Krug. I'm from Michigan. I'm waiting to board my flight." He sticks out his hand. I shake it.

"I'm Meghan, Meghan Rask. I live here in Boston." I greet and he laughs.

"Nice to meet you. I play hockey actually, back at Michigan State, hoping one day to be in the NHL." He smiles.

"Maybe someday. I go to Boston University, studying to be an athletic trainer."

"Going to work with the Bruins?"

"I wish, I'm going to be interning soon with one of the current trainers."

"Good for you. I think their flight is in." He points to the screen. Sure enough, it is.

"Thanks. If you want, you can come meet some of them team if you'd like?" I offer, getting up.

"Really? That'd be great!" He beams, following me over.

Minutes later, the team comes around the corner. Tyler spots me and a huge smiles covers his face. I walk over and he lifts me up into his arms. I nuzzle my face in his neck. He gives me a quick kiss before putting me down.

"Hi." He laughs.

"Missed you." I smile.

"I missed you more." He grins, grabbing my hand.

"I don't know about that." I say.

"Who's that guy you were with?" He looks down at me.

"I just met him, his name is Torey. Come meet him. He plays hockey too, for Michigan State. He's seems really nice. He waited with me until you guys came in, he is flying back out to Michigan." I say, pulling him along with me over to Torey.

"Torey, this is Tyler." I introduce him.

"Hi." Tyler sticks out his hand and they shake.

"Great meeting you. You're an awesome player." Torey smiles.

"Thanks. Heard you played hockey?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, back home at Michigan State, maybe someday I'll be in the big league." They laugh.

"Maybe even with the Bruins, you never know." Tyler says, shrugging his shoulders.

"That'd be pretty awesome." Torey laughs.

"Want to meet my brother?" I ask Torey.

"Sure, why not?" He shrugs. I pull Tyler along with us.

"Tuuk." I call as I see him. He is talking with most of the team, but when he hears me, he turns around.

"Hey sis." He says, pulling me into a hug.

"I want you to meet Torey." I direct to Torey. Tuukka sticks out his hand and they exchange shakes.

"Hi, nice to meet you. This is the team, well most of them." He says. Torey starts talking with them before it is time for him to leave.

"Well it was really nice meeting you Meghan, maybe next time I come to Boston, we can hang out or something?" He asks. I feel a pair of jealous eyes behind me.

"That'd be great." I smile, ignoring it.

"Sweet, well maybe I could have your number?" He pulls out his phone.

"Sure." I grab his phone and put my number in it, giving it back so he can be on his way.

"Thanks. Bye!" He waves, walking around the corner and disappearing.

"Please tell me you aren't actually going to hang out with him?" Tyler asks, his tone is one I have never heard him use before. It isn't a tone I don't think I am going to be too fond of either.

"Why not?"

"You don't even know him."

"So? Maybe when he comes back, we can get to know each other." I shrug my shoulders.

"What, and then go for him?" He spits. My mouth drops at his words.

"Um, no." I say quickly and walk away.

What the hell has gotten into him? Is this his way of being jealous and letting me know it or something? Whatever it is, I don't like it. This is a side of him I have never seen and don't want to see too often.

"Tuukka, I'll be in the truck." I pat his shoulder and walk off, past Tyler, and out the doors.

Tyler is right, I don't know Torey, but it doesn't mean that I will go for him as soon as I get to know him. I sit in the truck before they come out.

"Hey, you cleaned out my truck, thanks!" Tuukka says, opening the backseat doors.

"Yeah, it was a pig sty in here." I start the truck.

Tyler sits in the front and Tuukka hops in the back. The ride is quiet and Tyler doesn't even look at me, doesn't even lay his hand on my thigh. When we get home, we go in the house quietly. Tyler walks right past me, and up the stairs, coming down after a few minutes.

"Brad is coming to pick me up." He tells Tuukka.

"Oh, you aren't going to stay?" Tuukka asks, looking over at me then back at Tyler.

"No, not tonight." Tyler starts biting his lip, out of nervousness, he does that.


A few minutes later, Brad comes walking in.

"Hey Meghan, I didn't even see you at the airport." He says, patting my back.

"Yeah, I didn't see you either." I look over at Tyler, who just looks up, no expression on his face.

"That Torey guy is something isn't he?" Brad asks Tuukka and Tyler. Tyler raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy." Tuukka says.

"Yeah, well let's get going Tyler. See ya later you two." Brad opens the front door, heading out.

"I got to get my bag out of your truck, Tuuk." Tyler says.

"Oh here Meg." He throws his keys to me. I follow Tyler out to the garage. He stays quiet as I unlock the doors. He grabs his bag and walks out the side door. His silence kills me.

"Love you." I choke out.

He stops in his tracks and turns around as I stand there, holding back my tears. The look of hesitation on his face makes me think that he will turn around and come back, but he doesn't, he just keeps walking and gets in the truck. As Brad backs out of the driveway and drives away, my tears fall. I've never seen him like this and it kills me. I don't understand why he would act like this about something so stupid. It was just a stranger who I just so happen to talk to for a little bit while I wait for him to get here and he goes and does this?

"Meghan?" Tuukka calls from inside the garage. I quickly wipe away my tears and turn around to go back in, but I run into him.

"Are you crying?" He asks, lifting my chin up.

"I'm fine." I walk past him.

"You clearly aren't." He follows me. I sit down at the island and he stands across from me.

"What's wrong?"


"What did he do to you? I swear to god Meghan-" Anger builds in his voice.

"No, he just, I don't even know. I talked to that guy Torey while I waited for you guys to arrive, and when I introduced him to Tyler, Tyler started acting funny, and I know he was jealous. Torey said when he comes back to Boston that we should hang out and I told him we should. We exchanged numbers, then Tyler assumed that when Torey comes to Boston I'm basically going to go after him. And now he's avoiding me and-" I start crying again. Tuukka wraps his arms around me and I cry into his shoulder.

"Shh, stop." He soothes. I try to stop, but the slight tears come.

"It's just jealousy, he probably just doesn't like the fact you were with a complete stranger that is your age, that's all. It's Tyler, I know he loves you, I wouldn't stress too much over it." He rubs my shoulder and I smile slightly.

Tuukka always knows what to say to make me feel better, he has always been able to do that. He really is the best older brother for a girl. My phone starts vibrating on the counter.

"Speaking of the boy, he's calling." Tuukka hands me my phone.

I for some reason debate on whether or not to answer, but I know that would be wrong and I can't stop myself from instantly answering anyways.

"Meghan?" His voice cracks.


"Come here."


"Just come, please?" His voice desperate.

"Right now?"

"Yes, right now." He quickly responds.

"Alright." I hang up. I grab my keys and start down the hall.

"Where are you going?" Tuukka calls.

"Tyler needs me over there." I open the door.

"Is something going on?"

"No, he just wants me to come over."

"Oh, alright." He sighs.

The way he says that makes me stop, it almost sounded like he was upset.

"Tuukka?" I call.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just kind of wanted to spend some alone time with my sister." He rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the hall wall.

"I promise, when I come back, we will have plenty of sibling bonding time." I smile and walk down and give him a hug.

"Don't hurry though." He laughs. I smile and leave.

I pull into the driveway, noticing Brad isn't home because his car isn't parked in the garage, only Tyler's truck. I shut off my car and rush to the door.

Before I open it, it opens before me and Tyler is standing there, his eyes stained with tears. He quickly embraces me before I can do anything.

"I'm so sorry," He cries into my neck. I stay quiet, rubbing his back. "Jealousy got the best of me. I was acting like such a dick when I left. Hearing you say you loved me and me just leave killed me. I don't know what the hell got into me but whatever it was was not right for me to do to the girl I've always dreamt for."

"It's fine Tyler, really. I figured it was, but that honestly killed me." I smile.

"I know. I guess I'm just not used to having a girlfriend that I actually truly care for talk to someone I don't know." He laughs.

"You weren't like that with Laynee?" I laugh.

"She talked to everyone so I got so used to it. But you only talk to guys that I actually know and that I know would never do anything to you. But when I find out you were talking to some guy I never knew existed made me, well, jealous."

"He seems fine. He was really nice." I smile.

"Well as long as you didn't get a creepish feel from him, I'm okay with that." He smiles.

"He wasn't, don't worry anymore." I step towards him, pulling him to me by his belt loops. He grins.

"What are you doing?" He laughs, moving his face closer to mine.

"Do you remember what I told you before you left?" I bite my lip as I grin. A big grin appears on his face.

"How could I not." He lifts me up, I let out a little scream as he carries me up the stairs and to his bedroom.

He kicks the door shut, laying us down on the bed. Our lips and tongues connect instantly. He pulls my, well his, sweatshirt over my head, and I pull his shirt over his head and our lips connect again. He starts sliding my leggings down my legs, I find his belt and undo it, sliding it out of the loops and tossing it on the floor, then unbuttoning his pants, sliding them down as far as I can get them without losing connection of our lips. He pulls away, getting off.

"Where are you going?" I stand up.

"Condom." He turns, walking down the hall to Brad's room, coming back out with the little packet.

"I'm on the pill now, remember?"

"Can't always trust that." He says, back facing me as he puts it on. I gaze at his flexing muscles on his back. Why does he have to be so fucking hot?

He turns back around and I strip myself of my bra and panties, tossing them off to the side. He grins and throws us back on the bed. He begins his soft kisses down my jawline, down my neck, and down to my chest. I release small moans every few inches. I feel him enter and thrust which makes me shriek and he laughs, slowly moving in and partially out before thrusting back in.

"Tyler!" I scream, digging my fingers into his back. His jaw clenches.

I'm so thankful it doesn't really hurt this time, just a little but it is a good pain. He rolls us over so I am on top of him.

"Go for it." He groans.

I start moving my hips, which I know he loves because he starts breathing heavier. I try something different, moving up and down and he groans, clenching my thighs. I take that as his signal that he's going to come so I get off him. He lays there for a few seconds before climbing on top of me.

"What are you doing?" I say through my pants.

"You'll see. You like it." He smirks. He started kissing my breasts, swirling with his tongue around my nipples, sucking softly, clenching between his teeth.

"What the hell are you doing?" I moan with a laugh, it feels too good for him to stop though.

He moves his lips down my stomach to my waist. He starts to kneel in front of me now. I know what he is up to by the look on his face. He hasn't done this before, but I'm ready for the experience. I open my legs and he buries his face in between them, slowly kissing at first as I let out a little moan. I feel his tongue start to do the work and I instantly go nuts on the inside. Moans coming up uncontrollably. He bites and sucks and kisses in just the right places.

"Tyler, you, you need to stop, oh my god." I breathe and moan. He slowly moves back onto to me, kissing my chest and rubbing my breasts. I've never felt so horny and needy for him before. Why hasn't he ever done this before?

"You like that babe?" He grins, kissing my lips slowly. His lips are extra wet from me. The taste is different, somewhere between sweet and salty, but it isn't bad. The thought of that being from myself is awkward but I don't care at all.

"Better then like." I laugh, pulling his face back to mine.

"I liked it to." He laughs against our lips.

"Is it my turn?" I push him away.

"Not today babe, I don't think my dick can take anymore of you for today." He lays there. I laugh hysterically.

"Well that's too bad. Guess it's just too weak for me." I say, getting up off the bed and stand in front of him at the foot of the bed. He just lays there, looking up at me.

"You are too much to take in." He breathes, looking me up and down.

"You're one to talk." I laugh, looking down at his crotch.

He laughs, "You're funny babe. I like it just as much as you so it's all good."

The front door downstairs closes shut and footsteps start up the stairs.

"Fuck!" Tyler whispers, jumping off the bed and pulling his clothes back on, throwing my his sweatshirt and my leggings. I pull on my panties and slip on my bra, pulling on my clothes in seconds.

"Tyler, you in there?" Brad knocks on the door.

"Yeah, be right out." Tyler calls, fastening his belt.

"Alright, Meghan you in there too?"

"Yeah." I say, forgetting that I drove here and that my car is parked in the driveway.

"Come on, fix your hair." Tyler smiles, pointing at my messy hair that came out of it's already messy bun. I put it right back into a messy bun and we go downstairs. Brad is sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Well, well, well. What were you two doing?" He looks up from his phone, a grin entering his face. We both give him a look and he laughs.

"Figured that, I'm assuming you guys have made up then obviously."

"Did you expect me to stay like that forever to this girl?" Tyler asks as if Brad should already know that.

"Not the least bit. You're crazy for her." He says.

"Always will be too." Tyler sits down on the couch, pulling me onto his lap.

He wraps his arms tightly around me. It's so comforting when he does that, he does it all the time, it makes me feel so relaxed and safe in his arms.

"Where were you?" Tyler asks Brad.

"Well, I had a little phone call from a certain someone." He looks down then at me.

"Who?" I ask. I know who it is, but I want to make sure.

"Brooke." He presses his lips together. I was right.

"What did she want?" Tyler asks.

"Nothing really, she just wanted to get together and talk about everything. It went good I think." He shrugs.

"Do you think you will ever go back to her?" I can't help but ask on not only Brooke's part, but for my curiosity.

"I don't know as of right now, if I do, it's not going to be right back together, it's going to take some time."

"Do you miss her?" Tyler asks, playing with my hands.

"After seeing her today, yes. I miss what we had, but when she pulled that stunt on you Meghan, I really thought that was the last straw. But I'm not going to say I didn't miss her, because there were definitely times where I missed her like crazy. Especially like right now, seeing you two."

"I miss you two together." I spill.

I do though, just thought I would never say it. My words catch his attention quickly.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I mean, you're like my brother and she's my best friend. It was a good combination, especially now where I actually have someone." I lean back on Tyler and I feel him smile against my cheek.

"Yeah, I don't know, I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything together with her being back here in Boston and everything between us and especially you two working on your friendship."

"Because you of anyone should be the one being careful with her." Tyler pats my thighs.

"He's right, I wouldn't rush into trusting her as much as you did again. I know you guys spent the time when we were gone together, which is a great start, but just be careful."

"I will, don't worry." I sigh.

"It's almost 5:30, you want to go out to eat?" Brad asks, standing up and stretching. Tyler lifts me up off his lap and we stand up.

"We can take my car." I say.

"And we'll just go over to you place." Brad laughs.

"And you'll come over to my place, imagine that." I say, rolling my eyes as we head out the door and get in the car.


"Well that was a nice dinner and car ride." Brad says as we walk into the house.

"Yeah, that was nice." Tyler says, sliding his hand down my back to my butt. I give him a look and he laughs.

"Where is Tuukka?" I ask, looking around.

"Not here I guess." Brad throws himself down on the couch.

"I'm going to call him." I say, going in the bathroom. I dial his number.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Oh, um, I'm out with some of the boys, where are you?" He stutters.

"I'm home, with Tyler and Brad."

"Oh, cool, yeah I don't know if I'm coming home tonight, might just chill here. You and Tyler all good?"

"Um, yeah, we're fine."

"Come here Tuukka." A female voice says in the background.

"I'll be right there." He says.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Oh no one, hey I'll let you go."

"Tuukka, who was that?" I ask, anxiously.

"No one, mind your own business." He laughs, but I don't.

"Tuukka." I say sternly.

"Tuukka hurry up!" The female says, louder so I am able to recognize it.

"Is that Brooke?"

"Shit." He says quietly, probably hoping I didn't hear that.

"Tuuk, why are you with her this late?"

"None of your business, bye sis." He hangs up. I am beyond pissed. I storm out of the bathroom.

"Whoa, babe, what's wrong?" Tyler stands up as I slam my phone on the counter.

"Tuukka is with Brooke." I say. Brad stands up, shock in his face.

"What? But, why?" Tyler asks, clearly confused.

"I don't fucking know, he didn't tell me, but I know it was just the two of them, it was quiet. Where would they be?"

"Her aunt's house?" Brad says.

"But she said she wasn't staying there?" I say, puzzled.

"She told me earlier that's where she was staying until she finds an apartment."

"Oh my fucking god, we need to go there. They can't."

I can't deal with the fact that Tuukka is staying the night with her, not when she just said how much she wants Brad back, but especially not when it is my brother with her.

"Meghan, it's snowing." Tyler looks out the window. The snow is falling hard, it wasn't when we got home, but it definitely is now.

"Oh my fucking word." I sigh, getting ready to tear my hair out in frustration.

"If they do shit, whatever, it is unexpected but I'm not having you go off the road by driving out there to try and stop it." Tyler holds my arms.

"Fine, can we just go to bed? I don't even want to think about it." I head for the stairs.

"I'll be down here." Brad calls.

"Good night bro." Tyler says, following me upstairs.

He shuts the bedroom door behind him. I'm already in bed with the covers over my head. Tyler pulls them back and gets in.

"Don't think about it. That's just fucking gross though." He laughs.

"Tyler you're not helping." I sigh, turning around and facing the opposite direction of him. He turns me around back to facing him and pulling me to him.

"Go to sleep. I love you." He kisses my cheek.

"Love you." I snuggle into his chest.

I wake up to my phone going off some time around 1:30 in the morning. It's Tuukka. I sleepily answer.

"What?" I groan.

"Meghan, come get me." He whispers.

"Tuuk, it's friggen 1:30 in the morning."

"I don't care, please, just come." He begs. I'm so confused, but then it dawns on me, he's at Brooke's. I swear to god.

"I'll be right there." I hang up. Tyler is sound asleep so I don't bother waking him. I quietly put on some decent clothes and go downstairs.

"What are you doing?" Brad startles me. He's sitting up on the couch.

"It's Tuukka, I've got to go get him." I continue walking, grabbing Tuukka's keys instead of mine.

"I'll go with you." He gets up and follows me out to Tuukka's truck. We pile in and drive to Brooke's aunt's house.

We pull in and Tuukka comes out instantly, rushing over and getting in the back.

"Hurry, go." He pats the seat. I quickly start backing up, but then the front door of the house swings open and a furious Brooke comes running over to the truck, flinging open the passenger door where Brad is sitting.

"You fucking asshole!" She screams, opening to the back seat door and yanking Tuukka out. I shut the truck off and get out, as does Brad. Brad tries grabbing her but fails, she pushes him away.

"You're fucking crazy!" Tuukka tries pushing her off of him.

"I'm crazy? You're a fucking ass. You get one thing from me and you ditch me in the night, calling up your bitch of a sister to come get your ass." She spits.

How fucking dare she.

"What the hell is going on?" Brad interrupts.

"He used me." She points her finger at Tuukka. Tuukka's jaw drops.

"I used you? You used me because both Brad and Tyler turned you down." Tuukka spits.

"Tyler?" I ask.

"Yeah, she asked Tyler if he wanted to fuck her." Tuukka looks at me.

That fucking bitch.

bBefore I can stop myself, I throw myself at her, bringing her to the ground. I beat her face in before she can do anything. She tries yanking on my hair and slapping me before Brad and Tuukka yank me off of her.

"Let me go." I scream, trying to get out of their grip on my arms.

"No, you're going to kill her." Brad grips tighter. My anger is boiling.

"You're the crazy one." She tries coming at me, but Brad grabs her, Tuukka holding me against him.

"Who the fuck asks their so called best friend's boyfriend if they want to sleep with you? That's fucking crazy. He'd never sleep with a slut like you even if he didn't have me."

"Well obviously I do, aren't you just the perfect girlfriend, sitting here sticking up for him. He would have if I had made my move sooner. I'd be riding him like there's no tomorrow." She grins and I do everything to get out of Tuukka's grip.

"Brooke, shut the fuck up." Tuukka says.

"Don't tell me to shut up. You all are fucking crazy." She spits.

I want so bad to go after her again, which I do. I eventually get out of Tuukka's grip and land on her, slamming her head down on the ground. She doesn't move for a second, but when she does, it's not fast.

"You knocked her out." Tuukka pulls me off her and puts me in the truck.

"I'll bring her inside." Brad picks her bloody mess of a face and dirty clothes body up and goes inside, coming out a few minutes later.

"Let's go." Brad shuts the door. We drive home.

"Where'd you go? Whoa, your face." Tyler first sounds sleepy, then complete concern as he turns on the light and I crawl into bed beside him. He places a hand on my cheek.

"She didn't even hit me." I cover up.

"Wait, what? You got in a fight?"


"I went to go get Tuukka from Brooke's and I kind of beat the shit out of her." I move my eyes from his to his chest.

"Meghan, you're something else, but that's why I love you." He gives me a kiss, turns off the light, and lays back down, pulling me down with him.

"I love you Ty." I rest my head on his upper chest.

"Love you too, now get some sleep my little fighter." He laughs.

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