The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

183K 7.4K 4.3K

(Sequel to The Fighter) You can take the fighter out of the fight, but you can't take fight out of the fighte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 36

3.1K 155 87
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

I knew I messed up. Messed up was probably an understatement at the moment. I had pissed off my very pregnant husband by thinking I could get away with nine full months of training then after our child was born I could say that I was going to do my final fight with Liam. I just couldn't understand what was wrong with me. I knew that I cared about Niall's health and our relationship more than any fight in the world, but this one fight was all I wanted. I needed this fight even.

"Zayn, you're late!" Mark yelled at me once I walked into the gym. I threw my bag and got my gloves out. As I put my gloves on, I felt like I needed to go home instead of be here.

"What's wrong, son?" Mark asked me, sitting on the bench with me. I looked at him and let my gloves fall to the floor. He pulled me into our joint office and closed the door. I huffed and started pacing back and forth slowly.

"I missed Niall's sonogram appointment yesterday. Doniya called me and said Niall was really upset so that's why I ran out of here. I got home and... Niall knows now." I told Mark. He sat in his chair and looked at me like I was stupid for being scared that Niall knew. I didn't even know if I was scared, I just knew that Niall had delbt with a lot from me and I don't think he has it in him to deal with this.

"Go home and fix your mess. You haven't taken a single day off of training in six months. Niall needs you now. Go fix this as best as you can. I already know that you're not going to drop the fight, but I know you and Niall love each other enough to work this out." Mark said. I nodded and let out a deep breath better going to get my bag to leave.

As I was getting into my car, I was bombarded with paparazzi asking if I was going to commit to the fight yet. Some asked about Niall's pregnancy and that got me mad because they asked if I was done with making him pregnant. They asked that as if I just kept doing this to him without even caring about my husband.

"Fuck you all. You have no clue about my life or my family. Leave me the fuck alone and never bring up my husbands name again." I said, slamming the car door. I turned the car on and slowly pushed through the crowed that was swarming my car. I didn't want to hit anyone with a car, but when people don't move and the see as car moving, they just kind of asked for being bumped out of the way with my car.

When I finally got home, I saw Harry's car was in the driveway. I thought that was strange because usually Louis comes over and also because Harry was supposed to be going to the gym today anyway. He had told me that he was going to go help me train after a doctor's appointment. I walked into my house and heard it was completely quiet other than the television on in the living room. I continued to go into the living room and found Niall curled up on the couch with Harry holding him tightly. Niall's cheeks were the red blotchy color they turn when he's been crying as he looked like he was sleeping. One of Harry's big hands was rested on Niall's stomach while the other was running through his hair. He turned to press his lips to Niall's forehead.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, making Harry whip his towards me with a shocked look on his face. Niall woke up too and struggled to sit up from where he was laying, cuddled into my best friends arms.

"Niall called me to help him pack some of his and the boys things to stay with me and Lou for a few days." Harry told me, the whole time Niall didn't even look at me. Harry stood up and walked over to me to take me out of the room, but I just shoved him back.

"So you come over to help take my family from me, and end up with my husband in your arms?!" I yelled at him. His green eyes looked at me with no emotion at all.

"You're pushing your family away, Zayn. I know I told you I wanted to help manage you for this fight, but you're forgetting your family. Of course I'm going to hold a six month pregnant crying person. I don't only think of myself." Harry said calmly. I pushed him back from me as hard as I could, causing the tall man to stumbled until he fell. Niall screamed and came over to make sure Harry was okay. Harry looked up at me like he couldn't believe I would do that to him. It made me immediately regret my actions. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to fix it because he stood up slowly and left the room.

"What's happening to you?" Niall asked me. He sounded like he did the first time we met. Almost afraid, yet curiosity made him brave enough to speak. I shook my head and looked down.

"I can't do this without you. I'm sorry for not telling you in the first place. I'm sorry for not letting you know I was doing this. I'm sorry for missing the sonogram yesterday. I just... I understand why you would want Harry rather than me. He's better for you. I'm sorry I'm not the man you need." I whispered the last part before leaving the room so he wouldn't see me cry. I went to our bedroom and decided that if one of us had to leave to make this work then it should be me. I got a bag and begin to shove some of my clothes in to it, the whole time I had tears rolling down my face. My chest felt too tight to even function. I never thought I'd see the day that my marriage would be falling apart. Just that thought reminded me of why back in Bradford I was so scared of love. I was scared of a family too just because I knew I would loose I one day.

"Zayn..." Niall said quietly as I went to get my other personal stuff. I bit my lip hard and didn't look at Niall because it was pathetic that I was crying over this. I don't like crying over anything, but I my head was playing with me in ways that made it hard to be strong.

"Zayn..." Niall tried again. I just zipped my bag and rubbed my face knowing I needed to somehow find a hotel to stay at without the paparazzi there to watch my life fall part. Niall's hand slipped in mine and pulled me to to sit on the bed. I took my hand out of his and turned to look at his belly that only reminded me that I wasn't only loosing my two sons, I was loosing a little baby that I haven't even met.

"I just need to understand one thing, then I'll be the judge of you either going to a different room for the next couple nights or you leaving the house." Niall said in a tone that made me feel like he didn't hate me as much as I thought he did. I nodded and kneeled on the floor in front of him. He took my hands in his and rest them on his stomach where I could feel the baby kicking and squirming around.

"Why do you feel the need to do this fight? Why is it so important that you do this? You already beat him once. You took the title from him and have kept it for ten years. You saw what he did to Harry..." Niall said, sounding exasperated. I looked down at where my hands were and realized that there must have been something mentally wrong with me. I looked at Niall and felt his last words stab me in the heart.

"He hurt Harry. My little brother. Even if there's no blood, he's my little brother and he hurt him." I said quietly. All the reasoning behind why I felt the way I did came out and made me feel like I had a bigger reason to do this than just insanity. Niall leaned down as best as he could and kissed my forehead.

"Why is our son so much like you? That's the exact reason Ezra got in trouble last school year. Someone hurt his little brother so he felt the need to get his fists involved. I know that this is instinct for you so I know that nothing I, or anyone, could say would change your mind. The only thing that I can tell you is that you have a lot that will be missing you if he does to you what he did to Harry. I guess I'm not mad at you about wanting to do this because I should have expected it. I'm mad at you for neglecting your children and for missing the sonogram. I hate going to those alone because they're so stressful for me knowing what happened with Ezra and the stress of what we went through with Ethan. Now tell me... If I let you do this fight, when and where would it be?" Niall asked me like he had given up fighting this one after he got the logical answer he wanted and told me where he was and what he was feeling.

"A month after the baby is born at the O2 Arena in London." I answered him without a second thought. He nodded and let out a deep breath. Niall nodded and looked over at my bag I had packed.

"Okay... Now I'm still mad at you even if I'm going to let you do this and hate every second of it. I'm going to let you stay here, but you have very specific rules you need to follow, okay?" I nodded to Niall and felt the baby kicked me, making me know I needed to pay attention really good and proper. I pressed on his stomach a little and got the baby to kick me again before looking up to Niall who looked like he still really loved me even if I was a stupid head.

"You're going to take the boys to school every day after you go for your run because I won't be able to fit behind the wheel of my car soon. I need you to be home for dinner every night then you can go back to the gym. You're going to get me or make me chocolate cake, like right now. I also need to know that you're going to beat the hell out of this guy for a second time, but make it faster." I nodded and leaned up go kiss Niall. He pulled me in and looked me in the eyes like he hated that he forgave me so fast. I hated it too, but I knew that being angry would put stress on the baby that wasn't necessary.

"I'll do all of that as long as I never come home to find you in the arms of another man." I said to him. He nodded, his cheeks turning a shade of red.

"You should probably also take care of me in that other way. You haven't been around enough to do that other job." Niall winked at me. I got off the floor and kissed Niall as best as I could. He pushed me back and got my jaw in his hands.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not in the mood for anything but chocolate cake right now. Plus, I know you'll enjoy the other thing and I'm still punishing you for being stupid." Niall reminded me. I pouted and kissed him then his belly one more time. That's how I ended up on the phone with Maura getting help with how to make a chocolate cake.

A/N: here's a chapter!!! If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?!??! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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