I Love You, You Crazy Hothead

By myliealexis7

424K 8.5K 303

Moved from Quotev!! This is my very first official story that I ever wrote! I felt like it was being neglecte... More

Scarlett Marie Cameron
Way to throw it all away...
I've Missed You Guys!
Bonding With My Boys!
Twin Bonding Day!
This is Just Great
Memory Lane...With Paul?
Explanations and Apologies
Managed to Piss Off A Wolf...Awesome.
Scars and Bruises
I Really Do Need My Brother..
I Can Heal Fast?
I Got My JareBear Back!
I'm an Elemental? Sweet!
Time to Prepare
Training and Mindreading?
Battles and Broken Bones
Wait He's Gone?
This Is All Her Fault
The Wedding and Teases
You Have Some Nerve
Everything's Getting Better
Date Night
More Drama...Great
Liars and Understandings
Girls Day!
Holy Emotions
More Teases and Damn Buzzing
Cliff Diving
My Conversation with Jake
Halloween Movie Marathon
Best. Day. Ever!
Its Just One Thing After Another
Just Great
I Need Time...
Quick Question
I Need You. More Than Air.
I Hate Being Sick...
Oh. My. God.
This Might Be A Good Thing
Shopping With Emily
Family Talk
First Appointment.. I'm Nervous
Merry Christmas!
The End and Our Beginning
I Can't Wait To Meet You!
Welcome To The Family
Plans, Plans, and Plans
Little One's Bedroom
Is That? Yes It Is!
Welcome To The Family
I Love You, You Crazy Hothead
Bonus: Ashton's Third Birthday
Exciting news!!
The Originals-Preview

Forever and Always

4.7K 99 6
By myliealexis7

This is it... October 15th. The big day and I am so nervous, but so excited at the same time.

After Ashton was born Paul and I stayed at our house, Sam letting him off patrol to be home with us. And almost immediately Emily and Leah were over to start planning things for the wedding and I'm glad they did because it took us forever!

Emily and Leah are both my maids of honor, lets be honest I couldn't pick between them. I'm pacing the guest bedroom in Emily's house because we decided to do the wedding at First Beach, where I've always wanted it, and I'm watching Ash roll around in his play cot.

"Scar sit down! We've gotta start on your hair and make-up." Emily says coming into the room with Leah behind her arms full of beauty products.

I huff sitting down at the vanity and smile to myself hearing my son laughing. My son.. huh never thought I'd say that, it's such a nice thing I can't believe he is my life now. And Paul, who would've ever thought he'd be such a great father.


I was trying to put together a quick meal, so I can eat before I feed Ash, when I heard him crying from the living room.

"Don't worry Love, I got him!" Paul calls from the living room, and almost instantly I hear him stop crying.

I walk into the living room to see Paul cradling our small one month old son, humming an old tribal tune that we all heard when we were little and had nightmares. I can't help the giant grin that breaks over my face at the adorable scene in front of me.

"And you were worried that you wouldn't be a good dad." I say as I sneak up behind him and peek at our sleeping son in his arms and just smile.

"I'm still worried Lottie, I don't want to be like my father—"

"You won't. I promise you Paul." He looks at me and smiles before kissing me sweetly then laying Ashton back down into his cot.

"He's so beautiful Lottie, I can't believe he's ours." He says wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You've given me everything I could ever hope for. Thank you."

"Why do you say that?"

"When we were in high school, before our fight, I once pictured my life just like this. You, me, happy and in love with a family. When I lost you, I thought I would never be happy again and that killed me. When I figured out I imprinted on you, and you forgave me, my life started to feel whole again. You and Ashton, are truly the best things that could've ever happened to me and I am thankful everyday you came back into my life."

I was utterly speechless at his words, so I did what I thought was best and  kissed him with all the passion and love I could muster.

I smile at the memory and realize the girls have finished with my hair and are starting to mess with my face. By the time they finish I am shaking with nerves again, and then there's a knock on the door which Emily goes to answer.

"Hey Sis. Wow... you look absolutely beautiful!" Jared says coming in and wrapping me into a hug almost instantly helping my nerves.

"Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself." I say with a smile and he just laughs.

"Don't be nervous Scar, things will go perfectly. I'll be right there with you."

"You won't let me fall will you?" He chuckles and seems to think about it when I lightly smack his arm and pout.

"No Scar! I wouldn't do that to you on the biggest day of your life. I'm honored to be walking you down, you know that?" He says bringing me out of our hug and looking into my eyes.

"I didn't actually. I just knew you were the perfect person to walk with me, being the one person who has stuck by me even through our hardest times. And I can't thank you enough Jared. For everything." I smile at him, trying to keep the tears at bay and he smiles back.

"Don't cry Scar, Emily will kill the both of us, if you ruin her makeup. And I'll always be there for my  baby sister and her new family." We both hug again and he checks his watch.

"It's time Scar. You ready?"

"As I'll ever be. I love you JareBear."

"I love you too." We drive down to the beach and the music starts as soon as we get out of the car and make our way to the shoreline.

"I do." We both declare at the end of the ceremony. This whole thing seems like a dream I can't believe I'm finally marrying the love of my life.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You my now kiss the bride."

The preacher says and a giant smile crosses both mine and Paul's faces as he leans in and we kiss, this kiss being different because now we are officially married, together forever.

We decided to have the reception on the beach as well and it's so beautiful out here, Paul grabs Ashton from Leah's babysitting arms and we stroll the shoreline enjoying this.

"I love you Scarlett Lahote. About time I get to call you that." Paul says with a grin as we stop walking and he turns to face me.

"I love you too Paul Lahote." I say with a grin and he leans in to kiss me and our son squeals in happiness making us break apart and laugh.

"I love you too Ashton Lahote." I say kissing his cheek and Paul does the same.

We walk the beach a little longer then come back to the party for food, and well we are kind of needed there.

We decided to let Emily and Leah split up the time with Ashton while we go on our honeymoon which I still don't know where we're going... Paul says it's a surprise and I'm not supposed to know until we get there.

After the embarrassing toasts and the laughs that came with it they were finally ready to send us off on our honeymoon, and I am beyond excited to be able to spend two weeks with Paul just us two, granted I'll miss my son, but he's in good hands.

"Ready to go Mrs. Lahote?" He asks me as we get into the car after saying goodbye to everyone.

"Whenever you are Mr. Lahote." I say with a smile and he leans over to kiss me.

"I love you. Forever and Always." He says against my lips.

"Forever and Always."

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