The Accidental Babies (Hart #...

By Mindlessly-Wondering

97.8K 2.5K 56

She didn't mean for it to happen, he was there and then they were doing the worst thing they could. He had a... More

The news
The dinner
Thank you
The Funeral
Waking Up
How It Happened
Time Jump
Extra Scene
So Twin
Babies For Everyone
Oh Please
The Man
I'm Sorry
Lost Time
Alternative chapter
Authors note

15 Hours

2.5K 90 2
By Mindlessly-Wondering


1 week later we left hospital with a very tired Dani. She was alive and well but still tired and needed to rest.

So I took her to my house because I wanted to keep an eye on her and the babies. She wasn't to happy with it but didn't have a choice.

They were both here, Dan making his stay with Jess who didn't seem to mind.

"I'm really tired." She muttered as I lead her to the house.

"I know you are, we're gonna get to my bed soon for a nap okay." I said softly as she nodded briefly leaning on me.

But the doctors said she was all good just needed to rest and take it easy for a few days. So we're the babies who healed her.

"Hi, how are you feeling." Mom asked her as she simply looked at her blinking slowly.

"Tired." Was her reply as mom laughed and let us keep going.

She was barely walking straight as we got to my bedroom and I lead her to the bed. Laying her down softly and she was already like asleep.

I still pulled her shoes off and and then moved up for her hoodie. My Hoodie but anyways.

She was out cold her eyes shut and her breathing very evened out. I left the hoodie alone pulling the blankets over her.

She was just out that cold that she didn't even care. I left the room shutting off the light and leaving her alone in the room.

But she was to asleep to care as I went down the stairs running a hand in my hair. I saw the others who smiled at me as I just waved briefly.

"She asleep." Jess asked as I nodded and sat down.

"Like a light, I'm beginning to think I need to nap myself." I said laying down now on the couch as Jess laughed.

Then again I was over her body along with Dan who rolled his eyes.

"You probably should, your tired and haven't slept well these past few day." She said as her fingers ran into my hair and my eyes closed.

"That feels good." I muttered as she sighed very deeply.

"You really should nap, you look very tired." She said as I looked at her again.

Her eyes were soft and caring as she smiled down at me and I sighed.

"I think I will, be back in a few hours." I said as I left again and they smiled at me waving.

I got to my bed plopping next to Dani as I found my self pulled into the darkness easily.

"Aw, look at them." Jess said as I kept my eyes closed.

"I don't think they planned that, I think it happened why there were sleeping babe." Dan said as I was curious as to what they talked about.

"Yeah but there still so cute." She gushed quietly as he pulled them away and I heard the door close.

I opened my eyes and got what they talked about. Dani laid on my chest her body covering mine as she slept in peace.

I wasn't much better my arms around her as she left her palms flat against my chest. I was still so tired I fell back into my sleep.

Not before moving on my side her body following it even objecting as her belly glowed. But I still let the darkness take me over.
"Guys, time to get up." I heard mom say as I groaned pulling Dani closer.

What she was warm and well I don't know the other part. So I'm going with the first reason for now.

"It's noon." She said my eyes opened very quickly.

"It's what." I asked as she nodded looking down at me.

"I'm late for school." I groaned as she pushed me back down.

"I called you in already, you needed to sleep." She said as I gave her a look Dani still against me.

"I've been sleeping for like 15 hours now." I objected as she rolled her eyes but I felt a lot better.

"And you needed it, just like Dani you know the pregnant one your like holding against you." She said as I looked down at my side.

She was still very asleep and her body moving back into my chest more.

"I'm aware of what I am doing and who she is." I defended as she gave me a look.

"Well she really needed the rest, and you helped her rest more because she's comfy around you." She kept going sitting on the end of the bed.

"So, your fine your sister is long gone to school with Dan." She said as I sighed and Dani moved on my my chest.

Her eyes opened and she looked up at me.

"What time is it." She asked as she rubbed her eyes and I looked to the clock.

"12:30." I told her as she faced me again.

"Crap, I have to get ready." She said as I raised a eyebrow at her teleporting away.

"For." I asked as she looked around the room.

"The doctors appointment." She said as she found the red bag.

"That's today." I asked as she nodded at me.

"Yes it's today, in like an hour and a half." She said as she threw clothes at me.

"Oh am I wearing these, they would fit me so well." I said gesturing to the dark red set of underwear she threw at me.

"No, that's like my favorite set from them." She said turned around and walking to the shower.

Mom left chuckling and me I laid until she came back pulling off my shirt first as I waited. She came out in like 15 minutes her eyes trailing briefly to my chest.

I got up and left anyways to the bathroom to take my own shower. I was glad I did so I didn't have to see her half naked.

God knows what happens when she isn't dressed. When I was done I shut off the water and she wasn't in the room.

She probably went to Jess's room to get her hair and stuff like that done. I just got dressed using the towel for my hair.

It was just it's usual messy as I threw the towel in the basket. I went down the stairs and got my food eating it quickly.

"I was starving." I said mom rolling her eyes as I patted my chest.

Next was Dani, like drooling at the food as I chuckled shaking my head. I saw her scarf down like 2 huge plates as she sighed.

"That's better, even the babies agree with me." She said as I rolled my eyes and pulled her away.

To my car as she got in the passenger side of it. I drove and we got there right in time as she got the paperwork.

We kinda just sat before the doctor came out to tell us she was ready, we followed her.
"There getting so big." She mused as she stared down at the picture.

"They really are, that's what happens when you get to what 9 weeks now." I said as she gave me a look but I grinned.

"Shut up you ass." She said pushing my shoulder but I didn't move much.

"Josh, what are you doing here." I was asked by Wendy as I faced her and sighed.

"Nothing you need to know about, let's just go Dani." I said as she frowned a little and we left.

The drive was silent and the only sounds heard were the radio. It was awkward just silent as I pulled up at the house.

"Oh mom." Dani called as I rolled my eyes.

"She's not your mom." I said as she only smiled and mom came in.

"Yes dear." She asked as I gave mom a look.

"Don't feed into her delusion, she's not mentally stable." I said as mom rolled her eyes and Dani shrugged handing her the picture.

"I am stable enough." She said as mom chuckled looking at the photo.

"Wow, look how big there getting." Mom said running her fingers over the small picture.

"Look how fat I'm getting." Dani said as she gestured to her belly.

"Your not fat, your just growing." Mom said as she pouted at her.

"So I'm getting fat." She said as mom simply rolled her eyes.

"The babies are growing, your getting farther along but you are not fat." I said as she walked away huffing.

"Now I'm still hungry, I'm getting fat," She exclaimed as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Your not fat." I called back as she scoffed loudly.

"Tell that to my belly." She called back as I raised a eyebrow.

"Tell that to your belly yourself, tell the babies you don't want them to grow," I countered as she didn't reply quite yet.

"Shut up." She called back as I smirked knowing I had one

"Of course Dani." I agreed as mom winked and I sat down grinning.

She came back holding chips as she sat down eating them happily.

"You eat more then I do, like seriously how is that possible and I thought I ate a lot." I asked as she kept eating the chips.

"What can i say." She shrugged lazily at me "I'm eating for 3."

"I'm aware but damn." I said as she simply kept eating her chips grinning.

"I try really, surprised I don't weigh like 20 more pounds right now." She said as I pointed at her briefly.

"Eh, that's a lot of weight but you don't eat that much." I said as she shrugged at me.

"Maybe, will you get me a water." She asked as I nodded and left my seat.

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