Midnight Talks #Wattys2017

By diorunicorn

77.9K 2.8K 399

"That's the difference between you and me, you live for the moment whilst I live for the thrill of living." W... More

finale - therapy


2.7K 85 3
By diorunicorn

"I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare."

― Ned Vizzini It's kind of a Funny Story



The feeling that my lungs were going to cave in at any moment, my heart thumping so hard and banging against my ribcage in a frantic pursuit to get me to wake up. Sweat lined my brows as I looked around at my surroundings, the night's ghastly glare of the moon seeping in through the windows highlighting the store room of the old library that I was staying in. I knew  I had to go back but the dull ache that was facing me at the home was not something that I was prepared to face. It had came to me in the night, every night. It's hands clutching my throat, hissing into my ear every single thing I had done wrong, so rather than dream, I hadn't allowed myself to sleep in fear that they would come back again and invade my dreams with reality until my eye lids began to droop and the need to sleep betrayed me.

The sound of rain brushed against the windows, I felt my body instantly calm. There was something about the sound of rain that soothed me. My hands fisted my blankets, throwing them from me and I found myself running around in the rain. The rain pelted harder against my skin, thick raindrops cascading down my cheeks as the night grew to a still. Laughter escaped my lips. I must look absolutely insane. I thought looking down at my current attire, my night dress clung to my body.

"That, you do." 

A gasp escaped from my lips as I saw a familiar face in front of me, my smile slowly dropping from my lips, surprise now taking over my face. "Kyle? What are you doing here?" Wrapping my arms around my body as a pathetic form of protection.

"No, the question should be 'What are you doing here at one in the morning, dancing in the rain. This isn't the notebook, hate to break it to you, Allie." He chuckled breathlessly, a ghost of a smile etched on his lips. I found myself glaring at him.

"First of all, are you implying that you're Noah? Secondly, not that it's any of you concern, I just couldn't sleep, the rain calms me down."

For a few moments he said nothing, but shrugged off his leather jacket and placed it over my shoulders, his hand placed on the small of my back and motioning me to sit under the the ledge of the library beside the door of the entrance. I let his jacket slide of my shoulders slightly as the dark haired boy continued to look at me, a wave of concern etched into his face. "So, why are you out here?" 

His smirk widened slightly, his hands ran through his hair momentarily. "I could't sleep either, now tell me, Evelyn do you live around here?" His oceanic eyes bored into mine grey ones.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" I found myself asking, ignoring his question.

"Weren't you ever told not to answer a question with another question?"

I smiled, "Have you ever heard of 'curiosity killed the cat?' Seriously, i'm trying to be a little mysterious here."

He chuckled, "This isn't some romance novel, you don't need to be mysterious." I rolled my eyes and scoffed at his remark.

"Not with that attitude you won't."

He laughed again, laying down on the steps casually, his  elbows tucked behind up and propping him up. The glimmer of the street lights illuminating his face. "Okay Miss Jane Austin, I suppose if this were a romance novel i'd be the brooding, mysterious bad boy and you'd be geeky girl and we'd fall in love and dance in the ran constantly, probably get pneumonia or some disease and live happily ever after." 

For what seemed like the umpteenth time today, I rolled my eyes at his retort. "I am very interested and fascinated how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other." And yes, I just quoted Perks of Being A Wallflower, sue me.

Something made his eyes grow darker, perhaps it was something I said. "Me too, bud. Now, since you won't tell me where you live, at least let me take you back to my apartment." He stated tugging my arm and making me stand up. Ripping my arm out of his, a glare found it's way onto my face.

"I am not  some cheap hooker, I am not going anywhere with you!" I pushed his hands away from mine and began to stalk back into the library hoping he wouldn't follow me. Just who did he think he is implying that of me? He only met me a few days ago. 

"Evelyn! Evelyn wait up, I didn't mean it that way." I continued running towards the store room, for some reason the journey felt longer than it did most days. 

"Wait, Evelyn, please-" He froze as his eyes scanned the room that I was standing in, my cheeks flushed, a wave of embarrassment hitting me like a sack of bricks, I cast my eyes down slightly ashamed that he had seen where I had been living, his hand fell under my chin making me look up into his eyes. "This explains why you love books so much." He grinned and pulled me towards my make-shift bed. I stood still as he rolled his eyes, "I don't want to sleep with you- I mean I do but only in the most innocent of terms, you look like you're going to fucking pass out any damn minute, Eve. And anyways, I'd at least ask for your age before I had sex with you." He winked.

I scoffed but sat down on the mattress beside him, my eyes feeling heavier the moment my body hit the sheets, it somehow felt smaller next to him. "Well you're a gentleman then, aren't you?" I asked rhetorically. 

And we laid there, sleep casting it's shadow over our bodies waiting for us to sleep, every now and again Kyle would hum along to the sound of the cars creating his own music , I'm not sure when we fell asleep but we finally did.


SORRY IT'S A LITTLE LATE. University prep and lack of inspiration freaking sucks. Next chapter is from Kyle's point of view, enjoy.


Feel free to check out Finding Aspen:


"This isn't some dumb cliche fairytale, don't you get it? You want my advice?" Her eyes darkened as she neared him, a ghost of a smile engraved on her lips. "Run. Run away and don't ever look back, I'm more than a simple problem or a mathematical equation. I'm an everlasting hurricane."

Depression and awkwardness had always felt like home to 21 year old Slater James. Add a troubled passed, insecurity and his slight tendency to be socially awkward Slater seemed like a recipe for disaster, or so he thought until the brunette bombshell sauntered into his life and repaired all of the broken parts of his life but what happens when his saviour needs saving and is stuck somewhere between losing herself and losing him, can Slater stop the storm between them both and help Aspen find herself or will it be too late?

With a story that contains handcuffs, coffee, bad music, laughter and broken hearts; Finding Aspen.

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