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EVERYTHING ALMOST SEEMED TO stop and time felt like it was slowing down, Victor had us all huddled together and we were praising and cheering each other on until finally, show time. Placed on our own stools almost in a diamond shape, the red velvet curtain lifted revealing the few dozen people that showed up early. Andy's was a fairly small venue, obviously not designed to really have performers, it couldn't fit more than 50 people but even then nerves intertwined with adrenaline snaked up my spine as I grabbed the mic, a couple dozen people singing along so carefree that I couldn't help but feel so damn alive every second I was on that stage. The setlist was practically the same except we swapped a couple of songs out for our own, not that anyone really seemed to notice.

My eyes scanned the crowd for Evelyn, an overwhelming amount of grief on my shoulders after what happened around an hour ago, her body slumped over the bar, her hair cobwebbed into her fingers, drink in hand. The bartender, Jace pouring another drink into her glass.

Kyle, concentrate.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen lets change it up a bit," I spoke whispering quickly to Evan what song I intended to sing instead of Oasis, he disapprovingly nodded ignoring the confused looks on Griffin and Matt's face. "I'm dedicating this one to my Little One." I spoke info the mic putting emphasis on my.

Her stone grey snapped up eyes snapped up to mine, rounding in shock looking like a startled deer. Suppressing a laugh, we continued singing, her eyes never leaving mine until we existed the stage.

"Kyle, what was that?" Victor asked, his lips frowning and brows knitted together, confusion laced in his words.

I signed, "Look, Vic, I know it wasn't on the setlist-"

"Damn right it wasn't but that was bloody brilliant! A little unprofessional mind you but, damn." He grinned grabbing me by the shoulders happily before pushing me towards Evelyn who was currently sitting on one of the speakers.

Slowly I walked over to her, leaning against the railing. "Apparently, when Elvis was 18 he paid like $4 to record a song..." my voice trailed off forcing her to scoff.

"What is this, music trivia?"

"No, but if it was I'd win in a heartbeat." I grinned happy she was actually talking to me. Progress.

She rolled her eyes standing up and facing me, "What the hell was that on stage, Kyle?" She asked annoyed.

"The singing part or-"

"I'm dedicating this to 'my Little One." She imitated putting on a deep voice, before crossing her arms.

"I mean, you are smaller than me.." I gestured to our higher difference, Evelyn thumped me on the chest growing, her eyes narrowed. "Ouch, babe, don't hurt the merchandise." I winked only making her glare harder towards me. I sighed pushing myself off the wall and stood in front of her, my fingers skimmed her waist and I pulled her towards me, my fingers laced in hers and sat down on the speaker where she previously was so I was looking into her eyes.

"Evelyn, look, I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything, I'd never want to do that." I began, pushing her silky dark hair behind her ear. "I hate that you're not looking at me or talking to me properly. If I upset you I didn't do it intentionally." She nodded in response trying to pull away from me so I pulled her closer. "Evelyn, please."

"No, Kyle." She sighed, "It's fine. I'll meet you at the bar when it's time to go, alright?" Without leaving me time to respond to her sudden weirdness she strode off pushing past Evan and Matt hurriedly without taking time to even apologise which is unlike her.

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