His Little Princess | complet...

By tinxla

479K 12.9K 3.9K

Bad boys: people view them as unfit fathers. Why? Well, their bad boy lifestyle of course. That's where Asher... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3
Bonus 4
Bonus 5
Covers :)

Chapter 7

27.6K 794 144
By tinxla

A/N New cover! Made by the brilliant peakybooo like seriously guys, go and give her some love, she's amazing ☺️

"You can't arrest me, you have no proof I did anything," Asher growled out, struggling against the handcuffs. He looked to his brother who shook his head and frowned. Aimee had taken Tori inside so that she didn't see her father arrested.

Asher knew he was guilty. He just didn't want to go to prison... Again. He couldn't go, especially with Tori in his life. 'Everything was looking up.' As he was pushed into the police car, he banged his head on the back of the seat in front of him. He was as guilty as they came but he knew it was right. Mark was an ass and not even considered a decent human being. Men who hit women are not considered human beings, in his books.

He was soon shoved into a cell and his cuffs undone. He sat down on the bench and banged his head against the wall. All he could think of was Tori. What would happen if he was sent down? He couldn't bare to leave her, especially not after she's lost her mum. He wasn't sure what was going to happen or how he was going to get out of it all. How could you? Especially if you were so guilty and you know you committed the crime.

No one came back for him and he ended up spending the night in the cell. His thoughts were all consumed about Tori. Would he make it out soon? Would he be there for her future? Would he watch her grow up? He couldn't answer them, not yet anyway. He was being questioned and he had to focus on getting himself out now rather than later.

"Look, I did it," he admitted, somewhat feeling stupid for doing so, "but I have a justified reason." The police officer in charge of the interview looked at him with a raised brow, finding it impossible to have a justified reason for beating someone up.

"Go on then."

"You see, I got this four-year-old daughter," he started off. He explained the whole situation from what happened to Juliet and her parents and how Tori managed to be in his care. He then went on to why he beat Mark up. The whole abuse that went on with Tori and Juliet. He was fuming as he spoke, having horrible images of Mark hitting Tori. He didn't know how it went down but his mind came up with the worst of the worse. "He hit my little girl and I saw red, he had to pay. I just... Something came over me and I had to do it... I felt as if I was a failure for not protecting her - but how could I if I didn't know she existed? I had to do something and maybe I shouldn't have resorted to violence." He glanced up at the police officer who seemed to have a softened face. "How long are you going to send me to jail for? I need to make arrangements for my little girl. I want to make sure she stays with my mum."

The police officer sighed. "You're not going to jail, Mr Cain. We understand your situation," he started, looking to the officer next to him, "and if this is about a domestic violence case that has not been filed... You can file one. We've got kids of our own, you see. Everyone here does, expect for the young ones. Abuse against a child is a serious case, it's just the matter of proving it. Unfortunately, it'll be almost impossible to prove he did kill the Harp family. However, he can be punished for what he has done to your daughter." Asher couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't realise they would actually let him go. He was sure they'd cart him off to jail, which is why he was prepared to do his time even if it meant time away from Tori.

"There's a woman, a family friend of theirs... She knew what was happening. That's how I knew the full story." He had failed to mention Mary in his story, feeling it irrelevant. But now? It was highly relevant.

"Bring her in for us, we need to have a chat with her. Rhodes, go and bring Mark in. We need to question him." The next few hours passed like a blur for Asher. He had called Mary to come to the station and he also watched as Mark was pulled into the station, making it out like he was here to identify Asher. The officers knew it was the easiest way to get Mark in, knowing he would probably have done a runner or fought them. He was shoved into a cell, much to his confusion. He then got angry because they wouldn't tell him anything.

Mark had a swollen black eye that was clearly visible. He had a few other injuries, some being bruises all over his body and a broken rib. Asher didn't know the extend of his attack but he didn't care. Mark had got what he deserved and that's all that mattered. Even now he was bound to get more of what he deserved - jail time. Asher sat in the interview room. He was eager to just get home to see Tori. He had missed her. As he slept in the cold cell last night, he had really missed her. And now as the day progressed, he missed how she would always brighten up his day. Currently it was pretty dull, and you'd expect that after spending the night in a cell.

He just hoped she wasn't upset or aware of what was happening. "Mr Cain, we are allowing you back home for now. We may have to call you in, as well as your daughter. She may be four but children are the most honest people out there, if you ask me. They hardly even know how to lie, so it could be helpful if she was able to recall some events to us. It'll help our investigation," the police officer explained. Asher nodded his head and rushed out of the station, only to be met by Lucas.

"What are you doing here?" Asher questioned. Lucas smiled and opened the car door for him. "Lucas-"

"Get in, Asher." Asher rolled his eyes and got in. The drive was silent, complete and utter silence. Asher wanted to ask so many questions but he sensed that his brother wasn't in the talking mood. He wanted to ask how Tori was and how their parents were, but he stayed silent. Just as they parked up on the road outside their mum and dad's home, Lucas stopped Asher from getting out. "Did you do it? Mum won't say anything. I know she knows something." Asher sighed and nodded his head. "Why the hell are you going around beating people up? Especially now that you've got a kid! Are you crazy?!" Once Lucas had calmed down, Asher explained the whole thing. Lucas' angry expression had now softened into an understanding one. "Such a little hothead," he sighed, "now get out. Tori has been asking for you all night and day."

Asher rushed out of the car and for stiffly knocked on the door. It was thrown open and he was greeted with his mum, who he briefly said hello and gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek. He then began calling Tori's name. She came running out of the kitchen, her hair in pigtails.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed, holding her arms out as she ran toward him. He bent down and relieved her hug, wrapping his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly. He felt like he hadn't seen her for years but it was only a day. He missed her so much and it scared him. A lot. He was scared at how much he had missed her in such a short space of time.

"I missed you," he whispered to her, giving the top of her head another kiss. "How are you?"

"Good! Grandma make cookies again!"

"Yeah, she's just like you. She ate them all out so I thought I'd make some more for her." Aimee made a look to Asher which meant 'we need to talk', so he pulled away from Tori and stood up. He followed his mum into the kitchen. "So, what happened?" And again, he explained everything. She was shocked too that he was let off. Usually police didn't do such a thing and let an abuse case go. This time they didn't, and she hoped they were cracking down. "I'm so happy they let you go," she muttered, bringing him in for a hug. "I'm so pleased you won't be going back to that hellhole again."

"Mum, they were never going to send me back to school," he joked, making her laugh. "What did dad say?"

"He wasn't very happy, actually. I tried to explain to him why you did what you did but he wasn't letting me speak so he doesn't actually know why you did it. Your father is... He's just worried for you, Asher. He's worried you're going down the wrong path and honestly, I'm worried too."

"Don't be. I'm trying to change for Tori, okay? I've never really had anything to motivate me to change. Hell, I would've been fine going to prison multiple times, but now with Tori I don't want to. I don't want to leave her and last night I couldn't bare the thought of going prison again." Even though he had only been to prison once, he was happy he did manage to get hired for his job. Usually employers don't hire you if you've been to jail but he was thankful that his boss did hire him, despite going to prison before. He was young and stupid. He got caught dealing and was sent down for it but let out on good behaviour.

"You know I'll always be proud of you, right?" He nodded his head. "I'm proud of both my boys. Your father just needs a bit of convincing." She patted his cheek and walked out of the kitchen. Lucas' girlfriend, Cali, walked in obviously wearing one of Lucas' shirts. He was shocked. He knew they were pretty religious and waiting until they got married so why was she wearing his shirt? Usually that happens once you engage in a very intimate activity.

"So, what do we have here?" Asher asked, raising an eyebrow. Cali blushed and walked straight out. Asher let out a chuckle and went to find Lucas. "Mate, you you're so sneaky." Lucas didn't realise what Asher was on about so he asked him. "Just saw Cali... In your shirt and pretty sure nothing else." Lucas' eyes widened.

"Uh, it's not what it looked like? I just, uh, we didn't, um..." Asher was laughing at how embarrassed his brother was. He patted his shoulder and muttered a 'nice job'. Lucas' face was as red as a tomato.

"Your secret is safe with me but next time, tell her not to walk around the house like that if you guys don't want anyone knowing. I mean, instead of me she could've walked into mum. Or dad." Lucas rolled his eyes and headed upstairs to find Cali.

"Daddy, when we go home?"

"Soon, princess, soon," he told her, ruffling her hair. "Shall we do some colouring?"


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