My Cinderella Story (Be Mine...

De k00lios

142K 5.3K 407

Love. To some it's a new beginning, a fairy tale in its making, something that brings two people together. To... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 8

4.6K 187 12
De k00lios

Here's another update!! It's unedited like most of my work! Enjoy! =)

Peace. A feeling that I haven't experience in a long time and had forgotten until tonight. I lay awake in my room late at night pondering these newfound feelings coursing through my every veins. I keep asking myself if this is all real and pinch myself one too many times just to make sure I didn't wake up from some fairy tale dream. Whatever it is that's happening now, I love the feeling and am willing to accept it with open arms, even if the feeling only last for the night. I was at peace with my life.

"You're mine, Amelia." When those three words left his lips, I was stunned trying to comprehend if what I heard was correct. He repeated them again. "You're mine, Amelia and only mine."

A huge smile spread across my face and a girly shriek sounded from my throat. I was all too excited at the turns of event. I'm his and only his...

He had asked me how I felt about him and if I liked him and I reluctantly said yes, I was too shy and embarrass to admit it but finally I did. That was all he needed to hear for a smile to spread across his handsome face and he once again embraced me. I swear I was on cloud nine at that moment.

Although he didn't say out loud that he returned my feelings, I can tell just from his actions alone. Finally, when he was ready to let me go, he offered to walk me home - well insisted after I denied him a couple times for fear Jackson might see us. I can't let Jackson know of him. I have to protect Christian now.

He pecked me on the forehead before leaving me walking back in the direction of the park. I gaze lovingly at his disappearing back before going in. And that was how my night of fairy magic ended.


It has been a week since that night. Everything between Christian and I have been going smoothly. Every morning he's been picking me up for class and every time I worked, he will come pick me up and take me home. If I was working at the library for the night, he would stay in the romance section indulging himself in endless books until I got off.

He's everything I can ever wish in a boyfriend and more. Although we've never spoke those words officiating it, he never hid his actions from anyone. His group of friends seem to all be aware of our relationship and even started acting "nicer" to me. Or at least like I existed. Avery was nice to me, but I'm guessing that has a lot to do with Jenny dating him now. Tom greeted me whenever we were around each other but still we don't speak much. It was only Sarah that still gave me a hard time. She would stare me down and acts as if she always wants to tell me off but one look from Christian and it shuts her up. Still though, I feel like the group had this bond and I wasn't close enough to them to know what it was yet.


I wait outside after class to be pick up. "This guy better hurry up." I mumble to myself. The weather looks as if it was going to rain any second.

Five minutes after, Avery's white Lexus pulled up beside me.

"Finally!" I said getting in his car.

"Sorry Millie. Was busy...saying goodbye to Jenny," he arched his brows twice saying the last part with a sly smile.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Please, I don't need to know."

He chuckles before replying, "Anyways, thanks for helping me out. I would never know what to get Jenny for her birthday. I owe you big time."

"That you do," I nodded staring out the window as we drove away from campus.

Earlier this week, Avery had begged me after class to take him shopping for Jenny's birthday that is coming up in two weeks. At first I refused because I still didn't know if I can trust him with my best friend. But he refused to leave me alone even threatening to follow me to work and annoyed me there. I finally caved after he threw me puppy eyes and I seriously thought he was going to cry on me. I decided I should give him a chance, seeing that he is Christian's best friend and I was able to give Christian a chance. More like he gave me a chance.

We ended up at the only mall in our small town browsing almost each and every single store that targets young women. Avery insisted on buying her something flashy and expensive like diamond jewelry. Jenny really does like flashy stuff but for their one month relationship even that was too much for her. Finally, we agree to settle on something more simple, a pearl anklet and a giant teddy bear. He will have roses later when the time nears.

A tiny spark of jealousy flare within me as I stare at the beautiful anklet. I wonder if Christian will beg Jenny to take her shopping for my birthday. I'm a simple girl, so anything would please me, but the thought of him doing something like that had butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Our time spent together, I was able to get to know Avery a little better. I guess he isn't so bad after all. Him and Christian have a lot of things in common especially the misconception everyone has of them. Avery just seem to see things in a lighter, more joking way whereas Christian was more serious, more mysterious.

We just hopped in the car when my phone ringed. My heart leap at the name on the screen. Christian.

"Hey." I answered.

"You guys done shopping?" he asked sounding impatient.

"Yeah we just finished, but Avery wants to take me to dinner to pay me back."

"No. Go home."

"What?" I was very confused. "Why?"

He sigh before continuing, "Where are you guys going?"

"I don't know..." before anything else was said he hung up.

I looked at my phone trying to figure out what just happen.

"Boy trouble?" Avery joked.

"Yeah..." I said unsure. I was just about to tell him that I needed to go home when his phone ring.

"Uh oh." Avery chuckles showing me the name on his screen. Christian

"What's up my dear friend?" Avery said picking up the phone.

I have no clue as to what Christian was saying to him but I know Avery was having a heck of a time mocking him.

"Oh you looking for your girl?"

"We're going to eat dinner. Nooo I'm not sending her off without feeding her." He smile devilishly. "I might even give her dessert."

He laughs like Mr. Clause, "Ho Ho Ho. Someone's lips are seal." And just like that he hung up the phone on Christian.

I wanted to ask him what they talked about but instead the words coming out of my mouth were, "Home?"

"No way. I promise dinner and dinner we shall have." He shifts the car into drive and we headed off to who knows where.


Avery took me to the same diner in the outskirts of town that Christian took me the last time. Apparently it was him who introduced Christian to it.

Dinner was almost over and I half expected Christian to call me again or text me but he didn't. The conversations that I was having with Avery wasn't really "comfortable". It's like he had a secret message in everything he was saying and to decipher it can mean trouble.

"You know, being forgiving is the greatest quality any human being can possess." Avery continue his spew.


Both Avery and I turn towards the voice. My eyes nearly popped. What is he doing here?

"Christian! How nice of you to join us," he said. Turning back to me he corrects my confused phase, "I texted him when we got here."

I nodded and focused my attention back to Christian. Damn he was deliciously sexy. He was dressed in all black with a black leather jacket. His blue eyes were intense, dark, dangerous. I licked my lips without meaning too.

He let out a low grunt. "Let's go." He said stalking towards me. When I made no indication of moving he grabs my arm pulling me out of the seat like I weigh nothing more than feather.

"Christian..." I said but stopped myself. He looked super piss. But why?

"My bag," I said instead reaching for it.

"Dude we didn't even have dessert yet." Avery said.

"Watch your mouth Avery." He shot at him. Avery put his hands up in surrender. "Dude chill I was only joking."

Without saying another word, we were out the door. Christian took my bag from me and threw it in the back seat. I've never seen this look in his eyes before except for when we first met and I called him out at the deli. I decided now was not a good time to question him.


After ten minutes of silent driving, he finally spoke.

"What did he say to you?"

I looked at him confused.

"Avery. What did you guys talk about." He said never taking his eyes off the road. The sky had darken and light rain had already begun to fall.

"Not much." I mumble picking at my fingers.

"Tell me." He simply said.

"Why are you angry?" I finally shift my gaze to him. His jaw tightens before he answered, "It's nothing. I just don't like you alone with my friends."

"Why? They're your friends don't you trust them?"

Christian still haven't looked my way. But from the minimal light around us, I can tell he was deep in thought.

"They're jokester. Especially Avery. You can never tell if they are serious or not. He's a playboy you know." Something in his eyes told me he wasn't telling the truth.

"But they would never harm me because..."

"AMELIA!" he yelled swerving his car to the side of the road and braking real hard.

A short cry escaped my lips before fear took over. My heart beat painfully against my chest and my eyes start to sting with tears. I clasp my hands together to stop its shaking.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

My tears were ready to drop. I immediately turn my head away before he can see me, I stare out through the side window seeing nothing but darkness.

Christian sighs deeply, "Amelia look at me."

I refuse to. I wasn't strong enough to look at him, I was scare of what I might see. Anger. Hatred.

"Amelia...." His voice was calmer now almost soft. It tore at my feelings. Why?

He grabbed hold of my shoulders and turn me towards him but I kept my head down, my hair falling over hiding my face.

"Look, I'm sorry." His voice was soft now.

I shook my head lightly and bit at my trembling lips. His warm fingers took hold of my chin slowly lifting my face up. Even now, I can feel the electricity his touch sent through me.

Seeing my tears, his face softens completely with regret and guilt. He instantly pulls me in for a hug and that was it. It broke me. My tears ran freely, cries sounded from my throat and my body shook.

"Shhhh... it's okay baby. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." He gently pats my back whispering sweet sorrows into my ear until my body calm and my cries stop.

He gently pulls me away only to pull me back landing a kiss on my forehead and then he kisses each of my eyes. Cupping my face, he wipes away my remaining tears.

When I finally look at him again, he softly spoke, "Amelia, listen to me okay. I'm so sorry for raising my voice at you and scaring you like that. I guess...," he turns his head away, "I guess I'm just a little jealous."

Everything I've ever watched and read was screaming at my every brain cells "Crazy Psycho!", but the little flutters in the pit of my stomach and the increase beating of my heart scream with happiness.

"I just don't want you alone with them okay?" I eyed him suspiciously but nodded my head, "Okay."

"You okay now? We're okay?" For the first time he seemed unsure. That made me smile, just a little.

"Mmmh," I nodded my head again.

He smiles back sighing in relief, "K, let's go home." He put the car in drive and pulled back onto the road.

"Hey Christian."


"Avery... He said some pretty strange things today." I watched him for a reaction before continuing, "He kept talking about how I would feel if someone wrong me badly, if I would ever forgive that person. He said if it was someone I love, if it were my friends or Jenny, would I forgive them. He even used you as an example. All afternoon he kept talking about forgiveness"

His jaw tense once again and his grip on the steering wheel tighten, but he was still speechless.

I laughed nervously knowing that this is definitely not the time to bring it up after what just happen but I needed to know, "Are you guys hiding something from me?"


OooOooO! He's a wolf!! Lol just kidding. Next chapter is guarantee exciting! =)

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