That Love ➳ l.t.&e.c.

By tomlinsonrose

36.3K 1K 497

●════════●♥●════════● "Louis, this isn't good for us, we're not good for each and we can't be in a relationsh... More

That Boy
1. That Day
2. That Ass
3. That Girl
4. That Fight
5. That Night
6. That Class
7. That Plan
8. That Kiss
9. That Talk
10. That Feeling
11. That Lorry
12. That Dream
13. That Date
14. That Stupid
16. That Filler Chapter
17. That Moment
18. That Tutor
19. That Arguement
20. That Starbucks
21. That Call
Contact Me ➳ Authors Note c:
22. That News
23.That Conversation
24.That Session
25. That Box
26. That Bracelet
27. That Club
28. That Day
29. That Love
updates :)
30. That Feeling
31., That Shit
Cliché x
32. That Shot
That Love Week (updateupdateupdate)
33. That Done
That </3
34. That Death
35. That Hospital
36. That Morning
37. That Kiss
Petals <3
38. That Camera
39. That Dress
40. That Shock
Check out my blog petals x
41. That Moment
My snapchat
42. That End

15. That Person

825 24 6
By tomlinsonrose

Eleanor's POV

I walk away from Louis quickly. His statement burned in my head. I don't know what's going on with him, but its weird. I mean, we kissed. He tried to kiss me. And then he says stuff like that. You keep telling yourself that Ellie, But one day your gonna have to realise that the right guy has been here all along, and that you didn't have to go searching for tossers. The right guy has been here all along. What does he mean by that? Does he mean him? Does he mean that he's the right guy? That he thinks I should give him a chance? No. No that's not it! God I'm gone mad. 

Thoughts run and race through my mind as I shake my head. 

"El!" someone screams

I whip around and come face to face one. I frown in confusion but keep walking. I shiver through my cardigan and pull it tighter around me. I notice the sky getting darker. I look around and realise I'm not going in the right direction. I don't recognise any of these buildings. Shit. I pull out my phone. No signal. Of course. Isn't that just my luck? 

I keep walking in hope of finding somewhere familiar. No such luck. 


I whip around but see nothing. The hairs on the edge of my neck stand up and a deep chill descends my spine. Something doesn't feel right. Gossebumps cover my arms as I shiver, but this time not because of the cold. I turn around and walk calmly, trying not to seem scared. I hear faint footsteps behind me. And my name being screamed again. I start quickening my pace. I see a little coffee shop a bit further up the road. The ffotsteps behind me quicken, and my name has gone from being screamed, to being whispered, deeply and gruffly. I start a run. The footsteps get heavier and heavier, I can hear someone breathing deeply. I reach the coffee shop and run in. I take a seat in a little booth in the corner where no one can sneak up behind me. I watch the door like a hawk. Someone walks in, with their hood covering their head and shadowing their face. The same shiver descends my spine. I pull out my phone. I scroll through my contacts and my finger hovers over one of them. Louis. No, I can't call him! The figure talks a seat at a table close to mine. Frig that! I press Louis name and put the phone to my ear. It rings....and rings....and rings.

"Come on Lou!" I mutter, eyeing the figure, who is blatantly staring at me.

The finall ring comes and he doesn't answer. The goes signalling the voicemail.

"Lou, its Eleanor. Call me back. Now. Please. Oh My God. He's just staring at me and he chased me and now hes there, Lou please" 

I put my phone on the table and avoid eye contact with the stranger.

Louis' POV

I lay back on my bed, my history book in hand when my phone buzzes. I check the called ID. Eleanor. I chuck it back on my bed and wait for it to stop. I look back at my history book. My phone dings with a notification. I pick it up and see its a voicemail from El. I put it on speaker and listen, boredly.

"Lou, its Eleanor. Call me back. Now. Please. Oh My God. He's just staring at me and he chased me and now hes there, Lou please"   her voice rings out, trembling on some words.

Shit. I grab my phone, my hands fumbling and call her back. It rings and rings and rings. But it isnt answered. I curse numerous times and run my hands through my hair. I continue to call her, but to no avail. I run over to my leather jacket and shove my hands int eh pockets, rumaging until I find my car keys. I run down stairs, phone in hand.

"Louis, where are you going? We were gonna watch a movie! It's family night!" Mum yells from the kitchen

"This is more important mum!" I yell back, slamming the door and getting into my car

I shove the keys in  the engine and put my phone on speaker on my lap, redialling Eleanor's number constantly. I drive to where I last saw her. I get out of my car, not bothering to get a parking ticket, and lock it. I stand where Eleanor stood and walk off in the same direction as her. As I walk, I look down all the alleys, not seeing Ellie. After walking for  a few minutes something at the corner of an alley catches my eye. A piece of paper is flittering in the breeze. It's held down by a stone. I walk over and pick up the page, or pages should I say. My heart races as I look at them, yet my blood freezes and I feel like I'm about to collapse. Pictures of Eleanor are in my hands. In Starbucks, comign out of school, in her room doing homework, on her date with Mr. Steal-My-Girlfriend. Everywhere. Theres a Polaroid camera thrown over to the side, by a bin. As I reach the last photo it shows Eleanor with me, just a few hours ago. Theres a huge black "X" across both our faces. I'm about to shove them in my pocket when soemthing on the back of the photo catches my eye. Writing.

"She ignores my call but not for long. With me is where she belongs. I will chase and chase. Until I have embrace"

I pick up my pace to a run as I frantically search for Ellie. I stop outside a little cafe. It makes me think of Ellie for some reason. I walk in, my phone in my hand, still diallign Ellie's number. I hear a phone ringing. I look around and my eyes stop at a table in the corner. A little booth. I walk over and see her white iPhone sitting there. with fifty eight missed calls. From me. Panic floods through me. I run up to the counter. The waitress looks suprised, to say the least.

"Has a girl been in here? Gorgeous, brown wavy hair, brown eyes, tall, possibly looked panicked. Wearing a white top and cream cardigan?!" I practically yell at her

She pauses before speaking again.

"Yeah she went into the toilet ages ago."

"Was there soemone else here? Possibly a woman but most liekly a man?" I ask urgently

Gosh, I sound like soemone off CSI, but I'm done caring.

"Yeah. I dunno where he went though" she tells me

"Cheers" I say, running over to the womens toilets.

"You can't go in there!" she calls after me

"Its an emergency" I scream back, heading in.

"ELLIE?" I yell when I get in there

I hear someone breathing faintly, and a little sniffle.

"Ellie?" I call gently

No reply

"Ellie, babe, its Lou"

I wait to see if she replies

"Ellie I'm here to help babe"

"Please" she mutters her voice cracking. I follow her sniffles and voice to the end stall. I knock gently on it.

"Louis, please" she whispers

I open the stall and my eyes pop out of my head. Eleanor is huddled in the corner of the stall, her hair messed and tangled, a cut lip, dried blood down her chin, her nose bleeding but starting to dry up and a deep gash on her head. Shes crying silently into what looks like a knife. A cutlery knife. Theres a middle aged man on the floor on the other side of the small stall, with blood all over his shirt.

I cautiously make my way over to her.

"El..." I say carefully

She sees me approaching and screams


She juts the knife out, just missing my leg and starts sobbing. I step back and dial the police, explaining to them.

Eleanor's POV

I can feel the mans gaze on me. I start to panic. I discreetly grab the knife thats on the table and slip it into my bag, and walk into the toilets. I hide int he end stall, my feet up. I grab the knife and keep it in my hand. I go to grab my phone to call Louis again and realise I left it on the table. I mentally curse when I hear the bathroom door swing open and close. I hear someone mumbling. Chanting maybe. 

"She ignores my call but not for long, with me is where she belongs"

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. 


I get ready to pounce when the footsteps stop. 

I stay ready.

"Boo" I look up to see a middle aged man, staring down at me from the next stall, an eery grin on his face.

I scream as he pounces on me. He shoves me off the seat. I scream, as he shushes me.

"Ellie, Ellie, this is how its meant to be. Were supposed to be together! It's me, Vince" he tells me

I realise hes hugging me. 

"Your bleeding," he whispers

My nose is gushing. I must have banged it off somehting when he pounced on me.

"I'm fine" I mumble

I finger the knife in my hand. He notices and glowers at me.

"What are you doing?!" he screams, punching me in my jaw. 

I fall onto the ground, but quickly regain my balance. He grabs the knife that I dropped and slashes my forehead. I wince in pain as my hea dbegins to pound and blood blurs my vision.

"Ellie....I'm sorry" he whispers, dropping the knife. 

This is my chance. I drop to the floor, in "pain". He drops down beside me. I quickly grab the knife.

"ELEANOR!" he screams, lunging at me. I close my eyes and spear out the knife. I open my eyes to see his pale face centimetres from mine. I look down and see the knife in his stomach.

He collapses to the floor and the knife remains in my hands.  Blood pours out of his stomach. I look down at my hands and see there covered in blood. I drop to my knees and huddle into the corner. I'm a murderer. I killed him. I did that. I begin to sob quitely. The bathroom door opens and closes again. My eyes grow big. 


I sniffle and try to breathe quietly


"Ellie, babe it's Lou"

"Ellie, I'm here to help babe"

"Please" I mumble

Because I need help. I killed someone

"Louis, please"

A few seconds later he's standing iin front of me with wide eyes.

"El..." I look up and see him coming near me


I jut out the knife and begin to sob. 

That Person, Vince, he's ruined me. All in a matter of minutes.

Author's Note

Aloha my lovelies!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in an age! :( OMG I GOT ONE DIRECTION TICKETS FOR CHRISTMASSSSS!!!! Anyone else? Message me or comment below if u did! I'm going with my bestie @Behind_the_Darkness #physced!!!!!!!

Ok so, vote and comment pweaaasssseeeee!!!!!!!!

Au revoir mon cheries!!!

Mwah! :*

~Niamh :) x

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