Virgin Mary

Bởi harrystylesgirl98

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This is not my story, i'm just absolutely obsessed with this story. I think others would really enjoy this st... Xem Thêm

Virgin Mary
Mother Teresa
Kiss Of Judas
David and Bathsheba
Pure Virgin
Date With The Devil
Holy Matrimony
Heaven To Hell
Testament Of Love
One Shots
Fools Anger
Best Man
Character Rolls
Deleted Chapter
Deleted Chapter 2


1.5K 19 4
Bởi harrystylesgirl98

“Okay kiddos! I’m just going to dart out and pick up Gem!” Anne shut the door quickly after and Harry sucked his bottom lip into his mouth.

In an instant he pounced on me.

“We have like, twenty minutes.” Harry panted as soon as he flipped me underneath of him on the couch.

“Harry!” I squealed squirming underneath him.

“Couldn’t wait for her to leave, holy shit.” He nipped at my earlobe twice and I relaxed my body instantly.

We made out on the couch, but Harry was eager to continue this some place with more room. He slotted himself between my legs before guiding my legs around his hips. “Let’s get you in my bed.” He whispered and I tightened my arms around his neck so he could lift me up. My lips met with the soft skin of his neck as I nipped a mark into it.

“Stop.” He chuckled stilling our ascent up the stairs.

“Why baby?” I teased nipping the purpling spot just to spite him. He groaned and I laughed lightheartedly, continuing to flick my tongue over the mark I was leaving.

A hand disappeared from the support on my arse and gripped the banister. “I’m going to fucking come in my trousers if I don’t get you naked.” He said looking my dead in the eye.

All the playfulness disappeared and our lips met hurriedly.

“Fuck, fuck.” Harry pulled away so he could jog us up the stairs.

He tossed me onto the bed and made quick work to undo his belt. I giggled as I tugged off my shirt. It proved to be harder than I thought with all of the buttons. Harry was grunting as he undressed himself to his boxer briefs and I lay in just my undergarments.

“Condom.” I instructed as he made his way towards me.

He nodded to himself and I slipped out of my underwear. He checked his bedside table, where they always were and cursed. I watched as he bent at the knees and checked the larger bottom drawer.

Forcing myself to sit up on my forearms, I watched as he cursed and stumbled around the room. His room was unusually messy for how clean he kept it and how little he stayed in his childhood bedroom.

“Fuck, I can’t fucking find them!” Harry cursed tugging before slamming his sock drawer.

“Did you check your wallet?” I asked and he shook his head.

“We used that one in the car.” He noted and I blushed at the memory.

On the way here, he had pulled over and let me ride him in the spacious drivers’ seat.

“Fuck.” He grabbed his obscenely tight trousers and pulled them back on.

“What are you doing?” I asked as he hopped into them to fit them up.

“Going to the market.”

“The market?” He grabbed his shirt and yanked it down his head.

“We need condoms, so I’m going to get condoms.”

“What if someone sees you?” I panicked over the small town and he shrugged. “Fine, then I’ll come with you.” I rolled my eyes and hiked up my underwear from around my ankles. He tossed me a pair of his joggers and I jogged down the stairs behind him in only my bra until I found my bomber jacket by the railing.

I slipped into it and he rubbed his hand over the bulge in his jeans before opening the door and braving the cold weather.

It was an impatient drive to the supermarket with Harry ranting about how much the world hated him.

“I swear to god, that was the worst timing in the world, we had twenty fucking minutes and we couldn’t even, Jesus, fuck!” He cursed as I chuckled beside him.

No doubt the mood was ruined, but Harry was so cute blushing and apologizing.

“I’m sowwy.” He pouted his and leaned over the center console.

“It’s alright babe, it’s not like you did anything wrong.”

He sighed as he reversed into a parking spot, lifting his arm to rest on the headrest as he pulled himself up to get a better look out the back window. My eyes dropped to his jeans and oh yeah – the mood wasn’t ruined for him.

He plunked back into the seat when we were parked and took out the key. “We’ll just have to buy in bulk so this never happens again.” He teased and I blushed and nodded, leaning forwards to steal his lips for a sweet, promising kiss.

I had, admittedly, never gone ‘condom shopping’ before.

That was Harry’s area of expertise.

It was intimidating – no lie.

I stood in front of all of the packages with Harry’s hand in my back pocket and stared at all of the different boxes.

Some were vividly coloured, some were dark and intimidate, some had incredibly suggestively tag lines that I tried to avoid.

“Just pick one.” I cried curling my body into Harry’s side.

He laughed, wrapping an arm around my back and tugging me closer to him.

“This takes time babe. I don’t know which one… and now I have you with me to help.”

Harry was not embarrassed in the slightest, but my cheeks were on fire as I heard him humming under his breath. 

“Help me choose.” He teased him checking me. With the way our bodies were aligned he ended up knocking into my vagina and causing me to gasp lightly. “Fuck, don’t make that sound.”

I giggled, raising up to my toes and nipping at his ear. He growled in response adjusting us so we were front to front.

The mood was back.

“Love you.” He whispered against my lips.

“Love you too, now pick something.”

He grinned at me, pushing his lip ring from the inside of his mouth so it bulged. He knew I loved when he did that, knew I couldn’t resist kissing it quickly and trying to suck it into my mouth.

His hips rolled to meet me and he groaned into my mouth. “Stop it seriously, there are children around.”

Harry glanced around as I kept my eyes locked firmly on his face. I didn’t want to risk seeing anyone and possibly making eye contact with them.

“There’s only like, two old people here and they don’t care.” He commented before dipping his head to kiss at my neck. “Now where were we?”

“Just grab something Harry, seriously.”

I squeaked when his hands squeezed my arse and rolled my eyes at him. “You told me to grab something.” He said feigning innocence. “Now,” he turned me so I was forced to look at the many choices ahead of me.

“There’s heat sensitivity, ribbed, her pleasure-” he stopped and kissed my cheek, “does that sound good baby?” I shivered when his hand squeezed my arse through his sweatpants once more.

“I don’t care.” I groaned impatiently.

“You don’t care?” He asked and I knew I had said the wrong thing.

“You don’t care how it’s going to feel every time I push into you and you can feel the sensations from the rubber?” I groaned pathetically, but he continued. “You don’t care how every grind of my hips is going to pleasure the both of us?” he kissed just below my ear and I felt my insides turn to mush. “Or you don’t care about which one because you’re so desperate for me to fuck y-”

“This is a public place!” A shrill voice exclaimed.

At first, I didn’t think anything of it, but the voice was nearly screaming with how passionate it was. “This is no place to say such sinful things. This is a place for shopping not for hyness activities!”

I kept my head buried in Harry’s chest as I felt him lift his chin.

“Look miss-”

You!” the voice snapped and oh, oh shit, oh shit fuck shit, oh shit fuck shit fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Fuck.” I cursed into Harry’s chest and I felt him wrap two arms tightly around me.

“You devil! What in God’s name are you doing back in this town?”

“I’m visiting my mother.” Harry said calmly compared to my mother’s outrage.

“Are you- oh my god.” Her voice held so much recognition, and when she screeched my name I cringed even more.

“What is going on? Explain yourselves.” My mother waved her arms around frantically, angrily.

“Well you see, we’re purchasing some contraception.” I smacked Harry hard in the abdomen as my mum’s face turned beet red and absolutely livid.

“How dare you talk to me like that! How dare you! You insolent son of a bitch!”


“Do not talk to me with that tone of voice.” My mother pointed one bony finger at me and I shrunk in my skin. I suddenly felt seventeen again.

“Don’t talk to her with that tone of voice, she’s your daughter.” Harry interrupted before I could get a word in.

I was grateful and annoyed at the same time. I didn’t need someone to protect me and I didn’t need a verbal fight to break out in front of the condom isle no less.

“How dare you talk to me like that!”

“You’re not making any sense.” Harry pointed out and my mother’s eyes widened. “You’ve not even greeted your daughter, who you haven’t seen for months and you’re mad at us for being safe.”

“No. I’m mad because you had the audacity to step into this supermarket and come back to a town where you are not wanted. Everyone in this town knows what you’ve done to my daughter. Everyone knows that you’re the incarnation of Satan and no one wants you or your filthy family living here.”

Harry growled under his breath angrily. I knew this was a fight that he didn’t want to battle at the moment.

He had mentioned time and time again that Anne was being outcast-ed at church. He had teared up when he mentioned that Anne was feeling lonely living in the house all by herself. He had contemplated taking a year off school so that he could live with her – something that he knew she would never agree to but wanted to do nonetheless.

“We can talk about this when you’re more reasonable and willing to talk to us like the adults we are.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” My mother nearly spat.

“When you do, my ears will be open.” Harry turned from her and stalked out of the aisle while I stood there paralyzed.

“Honey, are you coming home?” My mum asked extending her hand towards me.

I bit my lip, shaking my head as I backed up slowly.

One step back, two steps back – then I turned and took off running to catch up with Harry.



But it wasn’t the same tension that was charging the air earlier.

Harry was pissed off. Incredibly so. I had only seen him this mad once, and that was when Ricky had kissed me. Even then, Harry’s hands weren’t white against the steering wheel.

My head was resting against the cool glass, but my eyes were on him.

Harry, on the other hand refused to look at me.

“Harry,” I reached my hand out to touch his arm, but he shifted his hand on the wheel to move it away from me. “Harry.” I said more disbelieving this time. “C’mon, you can’t be that mad at me.”

“M’not mad at you.”

“It’s not my fault we didn’t buy any rubbers.”

Harry spared me one look.

A look that was a mixture of confusion and disappointment.

“If you think I’m mad because we didn’t buy any rubbers you clearly know nothing about me.” He was so hurt, I could hear it in his tone and once again I had offended him. “If you honestly think that I’m mad because we won’t be having sex when we get home, clearly you know nothing about me and you should probably stay somewhere else for the night.”

Well ouch.

That hurt, a lot.

And I was wrong to assume that was the only reason he was mad.


“No. No, I am so incredibly hurt right now. I can’t even-” the vehicle swerved just a block away from his house. He turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt to face me.

He let out a frustrated grunt before folding his arms on the steering wheel and burying his head in them. I let his back rise and fall and didn’t say anything.

The guilt of what I had implied consumed me and I knew it must be eating away at Harry.

He hated how we had hid our relationship. He hated how whenever we visited Anne it was always a risk because we could run into too many people. And I knew he thought that he had taken something away from me by being my boyfriend.

“Harry, Harry I’m sorry.”

He lifted his head up an inch, still shielding himself from me. “What are you apologizing for exactly?”

“For making you feel like shit.” I had meant to state it, but it came out as a question.

“You didn’t make me feel like shit babe, you just, you don’t understand at all, you are so naïve.”

I sat back and nodded although he wasn’t even trying to look at me. I knew better than to fight him on this one. Harry was incredibly reasonable and I loved that about him, but it didn’t always work to my advantage. This wasn’t the first time we had had this discussion either.

“I’m only upset with you because you need to defend yourself. You need to defend us. I don’t want to sound like a dick, I really don’t, but you chose to be in a relationship with me, and if your mother has a problem with it, you should be able to defend yourself. You should be able to stand up and tell her how you feel without cowering away and relying on me to do all of the talking when she’s in my face and bad-mouthing not only me, not only you, but my family as well. And if my mum was to say anything like that to you or me, I would make damn sure that I told her how incredibly wrong her assumptions are.”

I stayed silent throughout Harry’s muffled rant. When he looked up I offered him a tight lipped smile, but he just put his head back in his hands. “I didn’t mean to go off on you there. I just, I needed to get it off my chest.”

“I’m not mad, or offended Harry. I think you’re right. Actually, I know you’re right.”

“Okay.” He filled the silence that followed my agreement.

“We should um, probably get home.” I said avoiding any conversation that we were going to have. He pulled into his parking space in front of his home and leaned closer to me. Not for a kiss, but so I could understand what he was saying. “I love you, and I don’t want you to change, I just want you to assert yourself.”

“Okay.” His voice was absolutely heartbreaking. “I’m really sorry Harry. And, I’ll work on it.”

“Good. Now, go in and we can chat with Gemma and Ty.” He pecked me on the forehead and that was that.

The rest of the night passed by well enough. Harry and Anne had a hushed conversation in the kitchen when we got home and I stayed with Gemma and the not so baby Tyson. He was already two and the years seemed to flow by. Despite the hiccup in Harry and my relationship, Gemma and Anne never treated me any differently when we got back together.

Tyson was cooing in my arms and Gemma was lying on her back on the couch completely exhausted. “How’ve you been lately?” I asked bouncing Tyson.

“I’m alright. I think I met a guy.” She confessed with a faint blush on her cheeks.

“No way!” I enthused. “You have to tell me all about him.”

Gemma sat up and I eagerly took the unoccupied spot beside her. We huddled close as she told me all about her prince charming. He volunteered on Fridays at Ty’s daycare and was from Scotland – Scotland she repeated.

“Have you, y’know?” I asked blushing just as deeply as her.

“No! No.” She shook her head and giggled. “We’ve only been for coffee once, but he kissed me on the lips, very chaste and gentlemanly.”

Our conversation was cut short but an mock-offended Harry whining, “heyyy, no secrets.”

I tilted my head back and he kissed my lips Spiderman-style. I could feel his smirk spreading wider as he deepened the kiss before Anne shooed him away.

“Get away from her, Harry! Or I swear you’re sleeping on the couch.”

“We’re not children mum.” Harry groaned, but pulled away and ran his hands threw my hair anyways.

“Damn right you’re not, and we don’t need anymore.”

The room dissolved into a fit of giggles as we sat around with our tea.

“So, are you kiddos excited for your vacation?”

I grinned, clasping Harry’s hand in mine. “Yeah, my dad’s really excited to finally meet Harry.”

“I heard there’s nude beaches in Latvia.” Gemma chimed in and Harry shot her a look.

“Neither one of us will be attending those.” He said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and Anne snorted into her tea cup.

“Live a little Harry, I swear, when I was your age we had a trip to Italy and everybeach was a nude beach.” She laughed and everyone else cringed.

“Jesus mum!” Harry said shaking his head and throwing a biscuit at her. “Regardless, we’re there for three weeks, I’m sure your dad has a ton of stuff for us to do.”

“Yeap.” I nodded in agreement and Harry pecked my nose again. “We leave in like eight days, better get to packing.” I reminded him and he rolled his eyes.

We chatted and drank copious amounts of tea before Anne dubbed it too late to stay up. She made up Gemma’s room for her and set up the crib while Gemma took a shower. Harry and I played with Tyson a little longer – all traces of our earlier argument seemingly gone.

When I was settled into Harry’s arms, he traced patterns over my shirt.

I flipped around so we were face to face and rested my hand on his chest. “I love you.” I told him honestly and he returned a wary smile.

“I know. I just kind of-” he sighed and I knew that this wasn’t going to be an easy conversation. “I want you to have a good relationship with your mum and I don’t want her to push you around.”

“She doesn’t push me around.”

He gave me a look – a look that revealed just how unconvincing I was. “We can’t even visit my mum without being paranoid that we’ll see her in passing. We can’t even by rubbers without running into her.” He rolled his eyes and I sighed heavily.

“It’s not like you were talking quietly, nor were you saying wholesome things.”

“I don’t want to be fucking wholesome!” He hissed. “I want to have sex with my girlfriend without her mother freaking out and calling me Satan with you just staring at her and not saying anything!”

It wasn’t the words he was saying but the vehemence he was saying it with that made me defensive. “I wish you’d fucking stand up for yourself just once, God you’re so infuriating.”

I retracted my hand from him and noticeably shuffled away. He noticed and stood off the bed rubbing his hand over face. His body was glorious in the moonlight that streamed through the curtains, not that I should have been admiring him after all.

“I don’t know what you want me to do.” I murmured and he face the window, pulling open the curtain to look through it.

“It’s not about what I want, it’s about what you want to do.”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay then. If you can’t figure out what to do about your mum, then I don’t know what to do about us.”

Anger coursed through me as I sat up in bed. “So you want me to break up with me?” I leapt out of the bed, feeling my heart race. I didn’t approach him, just stood there shocked.

“I never said that. I never implied that.”

“You did.” I insisted feeling hot tears prick my eyes.

No. What I said was that you have to figure your shit out with your mother so we can move forward in our relationship. We’re going on holidays together, that’s pretty fucking serious if you ask me.”

My patience was wearing thin and I didn’t want to fight anymore – especially when my throat was tightening up with the thought of losing Harry due to my mother’s ignorance. I didn’t want to get in another fight over this subject and I didn’t want to lose the one solid person I had in my life. I drew in a deep breath, brushing the tears that had collected on my eyelashes. “I know. Okay.”

Harry nodded, but didn’t say anything. I watched silently as he grabbed a quilt from his closet and made his way out of the room.

I didn’t quite understand him.

So okay, he was incredibly hurt, and I was incredibly hurt.

And okay, I wanted to go after him.

But I also knew that he needed time to cool off.

I rolled around in his bed, curling around his pillow because his scent lingered on it. I tried to formulate a plan where I could talk to my mother, but I was too overwhelmed and upset from my fight with Harry to be able to think of something reasonable.

I didn’t know if I had lost him or if I was going to lose him, but sobbing into the pillow was not something I wanted to do, nor was it going to fix anything.

Rolling out of the bed I opened the door and shut it quietly behind me before adventuring down the stairs. Harry wasn’t in the den, nor was he watching TV on the couch. He was drinking a glass of milk in the kitchen.

“Hi.” I whispered from the doorway. He nodded his head and I interpreted it as his acceptance to my presence. “I’m going to visit my mum tomorrow.” I said with more conviction.

“Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.” He grumbled.

“I want to Harry. I want her to understand.” His facial expression didn’t change as I approached him, wrapping my arms around his neck to have him not respond at all. “Can you react or something?”

“I don’t want you to do this for me.”

“I’m doing it because I want to.” I argued.

“Kay.” He nodded and I rolled my eyes, tightening my arms around him and jerking his head down a little.

“You still mad at me?”

“I was never mad, just a bit hurt.” He explained and I frowned up at him. He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead and sighed with a wayward smile. “Love you though, always.”


I clutched Harry’s hand in mine as I knocked twice on the door. “You’ll be fine sweetheart.” He reminded and I nodded my head nervously. “I’m so proud of you.” I smiled and turned to him, ready to kiss his waiting lips when the door was retched open.

“What are you doing here?” My mother shrieked pointing at Harry.

We have come to talk to you. There are some things we need to sort out.” I spoke up and felt Harry’s fingers flex into my back before rubbing soothing circles into it.

“You can come in, but I don’t want the likes of him in this house.”

“Harry’s been inside plenty of times. Mum honestly-”

That’s when Harry cut in, “we can have this conversation outside for all of the neighbours to hear or we can go inside like mature adults.”

My mother pursed her lips and scowled at the both of us. Her eyes roamed up and down Harry with his piercings and tattoos, tight black jeans and ripped collared black shirt. She huffed through her mouth and turned her nose up a fraction of an inch. “Well, I suppose inside would be better.” She commented opening the door to allow us to step over the threshold.

“Thank you.” Harry murmured to her in passing.

No tea or biscuits were offered when we sat down on the couch. My mother made her disapproval evident when she folded her arms and crossed her legs.

“So, um, I suppose I should talk?” I said nervously. Harry seemed to melt into me, wrapping his arm around my lower back and pulling us together. He found my hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.

“Could you not touch my daughter like that?” My mother hissed and Harry closed his eyes to hide his eye roll.

When he opened his eyes, his breathing was even and his voice leveled. “I’m holding her hand for support, to help her and make her feel comfortable.”

My mother scoffed at his reply, but I gave her a pleading look to shut her up. “Mum, please, can you just listen to me? I’m nineteen, that’s plenty adult.”

“You’re so oblivious, he’s clearly been brainwashing you. I’m trying to save you.” My mother reasoned. Her voice was so soft and gentle. Manipulative, was more like it. “Come home, you can take a year off and relax.”

“I don’t want that mum. I want to be with Harry and I need you to accept that.” My mother shook her head and I released a long sigh, turning to Harry who gave me a sad smile. “I love Harry.” I paused to gauge my mothers’ reaction.

She looked as if she had swallowed a beehive.

“It was pure coincidence that I saw Harry again, but once I saw him I knew that it was meant to be. Like fate or whatever.”

“There is no such thing as fate.”

“Fine then, it was God’s will.” I said with more conviction ready to back myself up with something I knew she would have a hard time arguing with. “If God didn’t want Harry and I to be together, he wouldn’t have had us meet. He wouldn’t have given me the feelings I feel for Harry and he wouldn’t have reunited us at university.”

“God has nothing to do with this. It’s all the Devil’s work.”

“It’s not mum, honest. If God thought Harry was bad he wouldn’t have made me fall in love with him.” I felt close to tears. Frantic, like I was grasping at straws that weren’t there.

My mother pinched her eyes closed, showing more emotion in a blink than I had seen in nineteen years. “You’re the only child I have left.” Her voice was a high pitched plea.

Harry rubbed my side, encouraging me to keep talking, stand up for myself and do what I wanted to, say what I wanted to say. “That’s not true mum, it’s not. Logan, Logan would accept you back in his life mum, you’re our mum, and no one can replace that. Just like no one can replace a child.” I wanted my mother’s acceptance, or at least her understanding.

It seemed to work though because she stopped talking.

“Look, Jeanine-” he was cut off by a sharp glare, her eyes flicking open to deliver a venomous stare. “Ma’am,” Harry corrected and her hand came up to support her head as she rested against the arm rest, “I can assure you, from the bottom of my heart that I will love and protect your daughter for as long as I can. I love her with everything I have and I don’t mean to disrespect you, but we’re together, and we’re going to be together whether you like it or not.”

A beat passed and she regarded him finally, but it was a flicker of interest in her eyes instead of distaste.

“Your daughter needs you in her life. You need her in your life. She’s the smartest, most brilliant person I have ever met and to ignore her and shun her because of who she loves is the worst thing you could do.”

He finished his rant by closing his eyes shut tightly and I rubbed his forearm soothingly.

“Mum please. Can you just, can you try to understand where I’m coming from? I love him.”

“You know nothing about love.” My mum spit and I felt the hope that had shown diminish. “I was your age once. I was young and in love. I thought the moon shone out of his bloody arse and yet, he still managed to ruin my life and my faith in God. If you think for a second that a bloody punk in leather andtattoos will provide for you, you’re wrong.” My mouth opened slightly, but I knew not to say anything. If my mother was going to reveal facts about her childhood I was in no way going to interrupt. “Because all the boy will do is take, take, take, and keep taking until you’re left with nothing but a few broken bones and black eyes.”

Her eyes were red and watery, but no tears fell from her eyes. She had never confessed something like this to me before. I stayed silent, unmoving while she spoke about whatever hardship she had gone through.

“I ignored my parents and everyone around me to be with the arrogant bastard and thought that love meant getting your face punched in every day and staying with them to show you cared. I thought it meant following him around like a lovesick puppy and skipping Church on Sundays so I could smoke a few with him at the park. And you know what I learned from all of that?” I shook my head. “That God doesn’t tell you what to do, He expects you to read the bible and obey the word of God. And when you don’t, he punishes you. Missing church, running around with the hoodrats, it’s not a life that God wants His children to lead.”

I sat numbly beside Harry. I didn’t know what to feel – what to say. I didn’t know if I should hug her or console her, or what I should do.

“Ma’am,” my mum’s tired eyes glanced at Harry, all the fight gone out of her. He shifted away from me to hold my mum’s shaking hands in his. “You didn’t deserve that.”

Then he lifted from his seat kissed her on the forehead and signaled for me to follow him. I gave my mother a tight hug, feeling her reciprocate with a slight hug back before trailing after Harry out the door.


Her words finally sunk in when I received a text from Logan.

From Logan:

Why has the wicked witch just e-mailed me to invite me for dinner before your trip? Doesn’t she know I don’t bloody live in England anymore?

I showed it to Harry and began crying immediately. I ruined the calm atmosphere we had been immersed in – we were lounging in his bed, him in a pair of sweatpants with an unbuttoned plaid shirt and me in one of his big sweatshirts and leggings.

He tossed my phone onto the foot of the bed and wrapped his strong arms around my chest. “C’mere.” He whined in his puppy voice with big green eyes and his pouty lips.

I rested my head on his chest and inhaled the skin there. “Why would she never tell me?” I wailed into his warm skin.

He shushed me and rubbed my back in long, languid strokes as I sobbed uncontrollably.

“You need to calm down.” He whispered after what felt like hours.

My eyes were sore and my nose was red and I had left an embarrassing mixture of snot and saliva on the giant butterfly. “That’s gross. I’m sorry.” I murmured and he laughed as he ran his hands down my hair to smooth it out and wiped his hands under my eyes and embarrassingly enough, my nose.

“You’re still gorgeous.” He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

“Need to text Logan.” I huffed and he sat up to retrieve my phone. I giggled when his joggers pulled down on his butt, exposing an inch of pale skin. I couldn’t help myself.

I stuck my finger into the waistband and snapped it back against his skin. He yelped and turned around without my phone in hand, grabbing both of my wrists to pin me to the bed.

“You’re going to pay for that.” He muttered darkly and I snorted out a laugh, thanking God that no actually snot came out.

“Am I now?” I teased and he nodded as he leaned down for a kiss, but instead of kissing me, he caught my bottom lip. Pulling it away from me slightly, he sucked it into his mouth, leaving it aching from the assault of his lips and the harshness of his lip ring.

I patted his chest twice to get him off of me and he rolled his eyes and sighed. Retrieving my phone he gave it to me and I bit my already swollen lip trying to figure out how to answer him.

“Just tell him the truth.” Harry offered and I shot him a look because honestly – how dumb was that suggestion.

“I’ll just, fuck, I’ll figure something out.” I said shooing him away.

He groaned and rolled over onto his front, huddling the blankets together and created his own pillow. Deeming him useless, I began to text Logan.

To Logan:

Mum ran into Harry and I in town and we kind of sort of had a confrontation

From Logan:

what!? is he okay?

To Logan:

yes, HE is just fine, I on the other hand, not so much… we need to talk about mum.

And so, Harry fell asleep on the bed while I had a tearful phone conversation in the toilets.

I explained everything to him and he cried with me and I sniffled and sobbed, but I did feel better. He calmed me down a bit – did what big brother’s did and we theorized and spoke about her. About how hopefully this would change just a little bit of her attitude towards us.

Honestly, I could deal with her ignoring Harry and I, but Anne didn’t deserve the entire community to turn her back on her.

I snuck out of the bathroom and snuck back into Harry’s room, stripping off my leggings and slipping into the bed beside him.


I woke up feeling groggy and gross.

I was incredibly tired and still reveling in the events of yesterday. Harry on the other hand was smiling down at me.

“Don’t be a creep Harry.” I giggled and he rolled his eyes. He pressed a kiss to my lips and I pulled back squealing. “Holy shit, your breath is rank.”

“Yours doesn’t taste too good either sweetheart.” He smiled fondly. “Now, what I’m smiling about, is the fact that my mum is out of the house.”

“Okay…” I said slowly.

“And guess where she is?”

“Harry, I don’t know.”

“She’s at your mum’s house.”

“I told her not to get involved, dammit Harry!” I cursed and sputtered, standing up quick to change. I had to get over there. I had to save Anne from whatever my mother was going to say to her.

“Not so fast.” Harry said dragging me back. “Your mum actually invited her ‘round for tea. Called an hour ago actually.”

“Actually?” I said feeling a weird feeling erupt in my stomach. It wasn’t dread, nor was it fear… it was, confusion? “Why?”

“Because maybe your mum wants to apologize? Or like, make a friend for once in her life.”


“Okay, okay, that was uncalled for.” I gave him a pointed glare, the real anger lost because I couldn’t be made at him when he was looking at me so sadly. “How are you feeling by the way?” He asked cautiously.

AI shrugged, lacing our fingers together so I could rest my head on his chest. “I’m alright, it’s gonna take a while to get over it.”

Harry stroked my hair back, kissing my forehead affectionately. “You don’t have to get over it. But, I’m glad she told you, and me too, as reluctant as she was.”

“It’s weird though. Like, it explains a lot I suppose, it was just a lot to dump on me.”

“Wasn’t very fair, but it’s good to know. I hope she’ll be able to open up to you more.”

“Hopefully.” I knew the tone in my voice was final, but I wanted to forget about it for a few moments. I didn’t want to be plagued by my mum’s past and regrets.

Even though she had confessed her past, it didn’t mean that she would suddenly accept Harry, and she definitely hadn’t accepted Harry.

I wondered how that felt for him, wondered how he feels knowing that my mother thinks he’s going to be abusive and manipulative. If my mother really did think Harry was controlling me and I was as helpless as she made herself sound.

“What’re you thinking about?” Harry’s voice cut into my thoughts, hand stroking my cheek to bring my attention back to him.

“I love you.” I reminded him and he half-smiled, lips pressing together and quirking to one side. “Like a lot.”

“Oh yeah?” Harry asked, a smirk dimpling his cheek.

His lips pressed to mine as I nodded and kissed him. I didn’t want to get too lost in the feel of his lips, the soft, slight dryness that his lips held. He pulled back to lick his lips quickly before leaning down again.

I didn’t want to start anything that we couldn’t finish, not in the way that I wanted to at least.

But his lips were continuing to join with mine, his body loomed over me with a knee on either side of my thighs, hands massaging my hips gently, and moans coming out from the back of his throat.

My hands were cradling the back of his neck, pushing him closer towards me and feeling the warmth radiate from his bare chest. My hands fell though, trying to feel and hold every part of his exposed chest.

Harry groaned when my hands travelled down, fingertips brushing over his nipples on their way down to his waist. I held him by his waist, bringing his hips down to meet mine on every roll my body did into him.

His hands knotted into the ends of my hair as they supported him, a mumble of my name falling form his lips as my hands dipped into the waistband of his joggers, pulling the grey material away from his tan torso.

My hand dipped inside, barely brushing against his erection before he shivered. Our lips had left each other, my head stretched back, eyes closed in bliss as his lips left kisses onto the skin. His nose nudged against my jaw, seeking tighter skin that he could sink his teeth into. My hand found the bas of his cock, wrapped around him and that’s when he pulled back, realizing how heated we both had gotten so quickly.

“Jesus babe.”  He moaned rolling his hips seeking more friction.

I gasped, a breathy laugh falling from my lips and pouring onto his tongue. My hand stroking to his head before a took my hand out.

“Harry, Harry we have to slow down.” I murmured and he made a groan of disagreement.

“You say that now, now that you have your hand down my pants, fuck.” His nose brushed against the length of mine and his lips caught mine in another kiss.

“We can’t, we can’t.” I shook my head. I wanted to feel him inside me, but fuck.

“Mmm, we can.” He said cheekily, a glint in his green eyes that should have made me nervous. His tongue poked out to lick at his tongue ring and I followed the path it made over his teeth as well.

I knew that his ring sometimes bothered him, especially when we made out with his lips being dry.

“I don’t want to risk it.” I tried to sound confident, but my voice broke.

“Don’t worry.” His body lifted off of mine, he stood and lifted his iPhone dock, revealing three shiny purple wrappers. Rubbers, of course.

“And where did you get those mister?” I asked making grabby hands for them and not believing they had magically shown up.

“Gemma might have gone to pick us up a package.”

My eyes bulged and my face blushed. I was picturing how Harry would have asked her and it was incredibly uncomfortable. “Oh my god Harry.” I said flipping onto my chest and burying my face in the pillow.

“Heyyy, I was doing us a favour.”

“That’s humiliating, now she knows we have sex.”

“I don’t think we’ve been hiding it very well babe. When we first met, I told Gemma all abo-”

“Jesus!” I said shoving a pillow into his face and he laughed as he tried to pry it off of me.

After an impromptu wrestle fight, in which Harry won quite easily, he had insisted on undressing me.

“You’re gorgeous sweetheart.” I felt my throat tighten at the honesty he held when he whispered the words to me. “I would never hurt you, in any way, not like you mother thin-” he shook his head, cut off with emotion.

“I know baby.” I consoled, helping him get out of his opened shirt. “I trust you, remember?”

“Yeah.” Reassured with my words, we finished undressing each other, Harry leaving sweet, meaningful kisses against my stomach, thighs, arms – everywhere I was insecure.

When his hips gave a push and he finally entered me, I couldn’t help but let out a loud moan of satisfaction. It had been way too long. But every time felt like we could never get enough of each other.

I tried to vocalize how much I loved him, how much I felt loved by him. But the words were caught in my throat and I couldn’t vocalize it. So I settled with translating everything into the way I touched him.

Into the way my hands ran over his shoulder blades, touched his abdomen, cradled his jaw. My hands trailed down his back, nails raising soft red lines on his skin as they made their way to his arse, cupping him and pushing him towards me even more.

He made a satisfied groan at that, keeping the slow, deep pace he had and pressing the length of his body against mine so we were perfectly lined up.

I loved the gentleness his lips had as he sucked a mark into my skin, pecking the bruise over and over to remind me that it was there, that I was his and he was mine. His hands held me with care, caressing my skin at every opportunity and murmuring beautiful, you’re everything I want, sweetheart, baby whenever he reached that spot in me – his spot.

“I’m gonna.” I warned and he kissed me through it. As I shook, and sweat, and moaned his name. He kissed my lips, smiling down at me and looking like I was his world, like there was nowhere else he’d rather be then glued to my skin.


“Yeah, yeah.” He confirmed catching my bottom lip and sinking his teeth in as I felt his release shudder through him.

He stayed there as I felt him going soft, it was a weird sensation, but I loved having him inside of me regardless.

When he pulled out he removed the rubber and laid down beside me.

I liked how Harry was after sex.

I liked that he still kissed me, touched me, talked to me.

Our interactions didn’t stop after sex – the orgasms weren’t the end goal, the closeness we felt after was.

I settled in his arms, feeling satisfied both emotionally and physically.

“You should come to the dinner.” I murmured against his collarbones.

He hummed questioningly and I felt his head shift to look down at me. But I kept my eyes trained on the bob of his neck.

“At my mum’s. She invited the both of us.”

The smile that I felt Harry break into was one of the most heart-warming things I had ever experienced.

I knew the invitation my mum had extended wasn’t easy. And I knew that my mum was too stubborn to admit that she was wrong. But this was a start.

A new start for both Harry and I.

No more secret visits to our hometown, no more sneaking to the grocery store.

Just Harry and I and our love.

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