Could It Be Forever (Book 1...

By SourFig44

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Looking back it all seems like just a dream but when reality sets in we look back an think... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 10

531 0 0
By SourFig44

It was a strange feeling having a guy drop me off at work and looking at Rheese made the reality of my new life with him so real. It was almost surreal how my life has changed in such a short time.
We drove to work with my favourite music playing and his hand often finding it's way onto my thigh, rubbing it gently. Every time he touched me my whole body tingled with the anticipation of wanting more.
My body was starting to get use to his touch and I liked the sensation that it gave me.
As I looked out the window of the car, the building I worked in came into view. Rheese stopped the car in front of the library and turned to face me.
He took my face between his hands and his mouth came down on mine, kissing me like he will never kiss my lips again. Rheese always kissed me with such intensity, making me weak at the knees and always leaving breathless.
After our lips parted, I got out of the car - not wanting to leave him yet - and stepped into the morning heat  turning back to him.
"See you later blue eyes," giving him a wink.
"See you later, baby." He blew me a kiss and drove away leaving me standing on the sidewalk in front of the library.
I walked through the doors welcoming the cool air on my skin, created by the aircon and strolled to the back of the building where my office was situated.
Beth was at her desk typing away on her laptop when she looked up as I entered.
"Morning Lizzy. You looking good this morning. Is that a new dress you wearing?"
"Hi, Beth. Thanks, I feel good this morning and yes, it's new,"
"Anything to do with the guy I saw you with?"
Beth looked at me waiting for an answer.
"Maybe," not wanting to give to much information on the subject.
I walked around my desk putting my handbag down, taking a seat behind my desk.
I picked up the phone and dialled the number for our head office. I needed to sort out my leave with my boss.

"Good morning. You've reached Mr. Beck"s office. Sara speaking," a voice came from the other side of the line.
"Good morning Sara. It's Lizzy speaking. Is James available to take my call? Oh and Sara, is he in a good mood today?"
James Beck was my boss and he was not an easy person to get along with.
To put it plain and simple, he was an asshole.
"Morning Lizzy, Mr. Beck is available to take your call, I'll put you through. And yes, he is in one of his better moods today. You lucky."
Sara was a lovely girl but I didn't know how she put up with his shit.
It took a few seconds before he answered.
"James Beck speaking."
"Good morning Mr. Beck. It's Elizabeth Forbes speaking."
"Ms. Forbes, how can I be of assistance to you today?" detecting a little cheerfulness in his voice.
"I was hoping to talk to you about my annual leave that starts next week and if it would be possible to take a few extra days this week aswell.
Something came up that needs my attention sooner than what I expected."
The line went quiet for a few second before he answered.
"Ms. Forbes, how many extra days are we talking about?"
"I was hoping that I can take leave from tomorrow, if it's not a problem."
"I can't give you an answer now. I'll have to get back to you on that matter."
And before I could say another word, the line went died.
I couldn't believe that he just ended the call like that. I would just have to wait till he got back to me.
I got up from my desk looking rather irritated and Beth looked at me saying, "Is everything okay?"
"Ja, just Mr. Beck's being an asshole as usual."
I needed to get some coffee and walked off in the direction of our little kitchen at work.

I walked back into the office a few minutes later with my coffee, when my cellphone starts ringing on my desk.
I picked up my cell, seeing Rheese's number and answered it.
"Hi, Rheese."
"Hi, baby. How has your morning been so far?"
"Okay, but I don't know if I will be able to get off work this week. My boss is being difficult as usual."
"Don't stress about it, Liz. I'll work out something. I'm just calling because I'm missing my girl."

'I'm his girl.'

" are?"
"Yes Liz, I am missing you. Is that so hard to believe?"
"I guess not.'s just that we saw each other an hour ago and you already missing me. I'm flattered." Having a big grin on my face. If only Rheese had to see me now.
"I'll pick you up the same time this evening as yesterday. I can't wait to see you."
"I'll be waiting, blue eyes. Bye for now."
"Goodbye, baby."
Just him talking to me made my toes curl. I could have climaxed on the spot.
Beth looked at me with a smile.
"I take it that was the mystery man again. Your face says it all," she said, laughing.
Beth must have seen the grin on my face when I was talking to Rheese for her to have made that comment.
But that was the way Rheese made me feel, happy. I didn't know what I was gonna do when the time came for him to leave, I didn't want to think about it, not yet. My feelings for Rheese was getting stronger every time I saw him and I was starting to wonder if I could handle what the future holds for us.

For some reason the day was dragging along and I couldn't wait for closing time. I finished the bulk of my work and went out at lunch in the heat to get a sandwich and I got Beth her muffin that I forgot the day before.
I got back to my desk and finished my work and it wasn't long before Beth announced that she was going home. It was an hour to go before I had to lock up and the day went by without Mr. Beck getting back to me.
I wanted to call his office again but knew it would be a bad idea.
I took out my book and started reading to pass the time.


Waking up this morning and seeing Liz next to me just felt somehow right.
I was tempted to join her in the shower and make love to her again  but I needed to get her to work on time.

I loved the way she looked at me when she walked out of the bathroom and saw all the new pieces of clothing that I purchased with the help of Ben.
Her big brown eyes giving me that look of surprise. She looked like a Greek goddess this morning with the towel around her waist and her wet long curly black hair hanging around her shoulders.
If she only knew how my body had reacted when I saw her coming from the bathroom, I'm sure we would have been late, getting her to work on time.
I never had feelings strong enough to want to be in a relationship before, but with Liz things were different.
She made me want more but could I give her more, that's what I had to ask myself.
Saying goodbye to her this morning I knew my time with her was gonna be cut short. I had to deal with some issues back home.
Gerry called last night demanding to know where I was and when I'll be back home. Quite frankly I didn't tell her to fall pregnant, it was just casual sex that we always had. She was one of my sisters friends and we knew each other for a long time. I started having sex with her the day of my sisters wedding when I was drunk out of my mind. My sister's marriage didn't last that long but Gerry and myself kept the on and off sex relationship going.
All my sexual encounters I had was one night stands. I liked it that way, at least then no one got hurt.
Gerry wanted more from me but she knew my views on relationships and marriage. I made it clear to her that we would never be exclusive. This was the way she thought she could catch me to be hers but I didn't care for her at all.

She dropped the baby bomb to me a week before I flew to Cape Town.
Myself, Keith and two of my other friends have been talking about coming to Cape Town on holiday for a long time but when a business deal presented it's self, they all decided to come with me.
Now she is threatening me, to tell my family about her carrying my child.
I have to fly back home before that happened.
I should never have told her to sort out her own shit, FUCK!

really fucked up big time. I called Gerry telling her I'll be back in a week and we'll talk then about the baby.
I was due for a meeting with Mr. Van Dyk about the business proposition but had to cancel and postpone it till I got back from London.
My last call was to Keith about flying up to the Kruger National Park for a few days before I went back home. Keith and Ben were on board, now I just needed Liz's boss to give her time off work.

Looking at my watch it was time to go and fetch Liz at work.


I looked up from my book and saw I had five minutes to go before I locked up. I went to the bathroom to freshen up before meeting Rheese outside.
When I got back, I took my bag and walked through the building, pulling the big heavy wooden doors close, locking it.
I turned around to find a tall, blond, blue eyed man leaning against his car, looking hot as hell, waiting for me.
"Hi, Rheese," I greeted, as I walked right up to him.
"Hi, baby. How was your day?" wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.
"It was fine, thanks."
Rheese opened the car door and I climbed in.
We drove back to his place talking about the day we had. Rheese talked about lounging around the apartment and that he made a few calls, but didn't tell me who he called. He only mentioned Keith and that they were planning something.
I talked about Mr. Beck that didn't return my call and told Rheese not to expect me getting the extra days off.
After that we both fell into silence and listen to the radio.
They were playing some christmas song and that made me realise I needed to call my mom.

Soon we were walking down to his apartment, with the sun still high in the sky.
When we got inside, Rheese went to the fridge and got us beers. I walked over to the balcony and went to sit on one of the loungers.
Rheese walked outside and joined me, handing me a beer.
"I made plans for later this evening, reservations at the 'Green Dolphin' for supper."
"Rheese, I have to go home." I protested.
"No, you don't have to go back to your apartment."
" I have nothing else to wear and I'm not going out looking like this," pointing at the cloths I had on.
"Liz, just have a shower and look in the wardrobe, I'm sure you'll find something."
"Oh and by the way, how is it you know so much about me? Where I worked, my favourite music, food and my size shoes, underwear and cloths."
"Told you I've got my sources of finding out things."

We sat drinking our beers not saying much after that.
Rheese stared at the ocean and looked like he was a million miles away and I wondered what he was thinking of.
When I finished my beer I announced that I'm going down to the beach.
"Do you want to join me?" I asked Rheese.
"No baby, you go down. I'll watch you from up here," he said.
That wasn't the answer I was hoping to hear but I left behind, taking my cell with me, and walked down a flight of stairs before my feet hit the soft white sand.
I walked to the edge of the water feeling the soft wet sand under my feet and the cold salt water splashing against my legs.
I needed to call my mom and started dialling her number.
My mom's phone just kept ringing and I decided to call her neighbour.
Mrs. Daniels picked up after the second ring and she was glad it was me.
She started babbling about my mom falling and being rushed to the hospital. But as she spoke, I ran back up to the apartment, looking at Rheese that saw my reaction and made his way to me.
I got halfway up the steps with tears streaming down my face, when Rheese caught me in his arms.
"Liz...Liz, talk to me? What's wrong? Why you crying?" half shaking me to answer him.
" mom..." crying uncontrollably, saying a few words.
"Baby, I can't help you if you don't talk to me. Take a deep breath."
Rheese held me tighter, waiting for me to control my crying.
" mom in hospital. I need to get to her, Rheese," I replied and started telling him the story through my sobs.
I told him that my mom fell and the hospital she was in but didn't have any other information on her.

We rushed to the car after Rheese got the car keys and locked up the apartment. We drove to the hospital with Rheese holding my hand until we got to the emergency unit.
The doctor came and spoke to me.
My mom fell and broke her hip and that they operated on her. She was doing well and had to stay in hospital for a week. The doctor also told me that she was gonna need someone to take care of her when she got discharged.
After processing all the information, Rheese was by my side holding me as we made our way to my mom's room.
Walking in the room I saw my mom fast asleep and I went to stand next to her and took her hand in mine.
" It's Elizabeth. I'm here," speaking softly.
My mom stirred and slowly her eyes opened up.
"Elizabeth, I'm glad you here. How are you?" Her voice barely audible, still groggy from her sleep.
"Mom, I'm suppose to ask you that question." I replied, squeezing her hand and giving her a smile.
She looked up at me and then to Rheese, that was standing next to me and started speaking to him.
"You must be Rheese, the man Elizabeth was telling me about. Are you taking care of my baby girl?"
I couldn't believe that after all my mom's been through, she was questioning Rheese on his behaviour towards me.
"Yes, mam. I am taking good care of her," Rheese replied to my mom's question.
I told my mom not to worry and that when she got home I'll take care of her.
We spoke a little while longer and we had to leave when the nurse came in.
As we walked back to the car I noticed that the sun was gone and Rheese informed me that he cancelled our dinner reservation.
I was glad he did and we drove back to his place.

When we got back, I was surprised to see Ben and Keith waiting for us. Ben came running to me. Grabbing me into a hug.
"We are so sorry to hear about your mom, Liz." both of them said, speaking at the same time.
Ben eventually gave  Keith a chance to hug me too, telling me to be strong and if I needed anything I must just let them know.
Rheese disappeared while I was talking to them and after a few minutes he came back into the lounge saying, "Liz, I've run you a bath. Come, it's been a long day for you."
I got up excusing myself and went to the bathroom.
I layed in the bathtub listening to the three boys talking and moving about.
I closed my eyes to take in what happened today and felt lips touching my forehead.
"Are you okay, baby?" Rheese asked.
"Yes, I'm just really tired. Are the boys still here?" hoping they left so I could go and sleep.
"No, they left. Come let's get you out the bath."
Rheese helped me out and dried me off, but as soon as he touched me that spark between us started to grow.
Finding my lips, Rheese kissed me with an urgency and I kissed him back with the same urgency.
I started stripping off his cloths till he was naked in front of me. Moving my hands over his body, feeling every inch of him. He did the same in return.
"Liz, you smell good. I want you," he said groaning, barely hearing him.
" too. Mmmm...make love to me," I replied, the words coming out with a moan.
Rheese picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him, just about holding on. He carried me to the basin counter, moving the toiletries with his hand and placed me on it.
He stepped back to look at my nakedness, his eyes full of lust and hunger for me.
"Open you legs, baby. Making love to you can come later. I want to fuck you now, fast and hard."
I opened my legs knowing it won't last long.
When he entered me it wasn't gentle, it was fast and hard but I welcomed his hard rod inside me. Every thrust was hard hitting against the back of my uterus wall. I tilted my pelvis higher, giving him deeper access, needing him deeper inside of me. We were so hungry with lust our orgasms didn't take long to come. Our bodies shattered into a million pieces, as we screamed each others names out together, reeling in pleasure as we climaxed.

As we came back down from our orgasms, we burst out laughing.
"That was good, Liz."
Helping me off the bath counter and kissing my lips tenderly.
"I know. I...I..." wanting to say I LOVE YOU but stopped myself.
"I like the way you make me feel, Rheese. Thanks for being there for me today."
"I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else, baby."
We walked to the bedroom and Rheese went to the wardrobe taking out a t-shirt and panties for me to wear, and boxer's for himself.
I didn't bother asking Rheese when he got all these new cloths.
We got dressed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.
I sat on the bar chair watching Rheese taking out pizza from the oven.
"Pizza, when did you make it?" and Rheese gave me a smile.
"Okay, I'll come clean. Ben made it when you were bathing. He said it's another favourite of yours."
He poured us some wine, cut the pizza and joined me at the bar counter.
We ate and afterwards he carried me to bed.
We made love this time around and feeling sated, we layed in each other's arms.
Rheese fell asleep before me, my mind full of questions and thinking about what tomorrow would bring.

Hope you enjoyed it!!

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