Loved You First

By tyler-seguin

111K 1.6K 309

"I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even mo... More

Loved You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 9

2.7K 39 3
By tyler-seguin

"Wake up lazy ones, come help cook!" I hear my aunt's voice call from outside my bedroom door.

Thankfully she didn't open the door because as soon as I open my eyes, half my dirty bed set is lying in the middle of the floor and Tyler's pants are at the end of the bed on the floor. I roll over to get up, but Tyler wraps his arm and pulls me back down.

"You feeling better?" He asks, his morning voice raspy.

"So far." I say, kissing him on the cheek and standing up. It hurts to walk, but I think I'll be able to manage.

"Don't think I can't notice you." He watches me walk into the bathroom.

"What?" I laugh.

"I can tell it hurts." He gets up and follows me in. I didn't think losing your virginity would be this bad.

"It does. Is it supposed to hurt this bad Ty?" I look up. He rubs my back.

"Sometimes it does, guess it depends on the guy." He chuckles and push him away.

"You're not helping anything." I walk away from him.

"I'm sorry baby. You know, I feel terrible seeing you like this seeing it is my fault." He rubs the back of his neck nervously, looking down at the floor.

"It's fine Ty, we were going to at some point and the time was last night, horrible timing on your part seeing my fucking parents are here." I take a deep breathe.

"I don't like seeing my baby girl like this. Laynee wasn't a virgin before me so she didn't have this reaction, she was my first. And I didn't love her as much as I do you." He looks up at me, his eyes watery. I rush over to him.

"Ty, why are you crying?" I ask him, holding his broad shoulders.

"I'm not." He wipes his eyes, before laughing.

"If it's about all this, stop, I'm fine. Stop worrying about it. I'm just glad it happened with you." I smile and hug him tight. I mean it. I honestly could not imagine that moment with anyone else other than Tyler. I don't even want to begin to imagine if I had done it with Cody, especially knowing now where that relationship went down so hard. But then again, I don't know where Tyler and I will be in the future, but I'm not going to think about it, we are good now and I plan on it being like this for as long as I can.

"I didn't think it would hurt you that bad, I'm just scared more than anything." He hugs me back.

"Part of life. Now come on, we need to go downstairs." I let go and throw him his jeans. He pulls on his sweatshirt from last night and we go downstairs. As long as I don't think about the pain, it isn't bad.

"Took you long enough." Tuukka says, opening boxes of stuff.

"Yeah guys, what about last night?" Brad winks with a grin spread across his face. Tyler puts his finger to his lips. Brad mouths 'sorry'.

"What do you need help with?" I ask, examining everything.

"If you would help your brother with that god damn turkey that'd be great." My dad says, glancing over at Tuukka who is truly struggling. I walk over and get the scissors to open the wrapping.

"This should be good." Brad watches Tuukka and I prep the turkey.

"Alright, ready?" Tuukka asks as we get ready to lift it into the cooking pan.


"Okay, 1-2-3-" We lift it and everything goes good, surprisingly. Brad and Tyler clap their hands.

"Sibling teamwork." Tuukka wraps his arm around my shoulder. I laugh.

"That's a photogenic moment!" My aunt calls, pulling out her camera. I swear to god she pulls that out faster then a gun.

"No Aunt Katie." Tuukka sighs.

"Oh come on, my niece and nephew. I need some updated photos you know. What better then Thanksgiving?" She whines.

Tuukka and I exchange unimpressed looks and step out from behind the counter to get out picture done.

"Perfect, get in the picture Tyler and Brad." She motions them in. Brad stands next to Tuukka and Tyler walks behind me, wrapping his arms around my front.

"Cute!" She says, putting the camera away.

Everyone pitches in making everything before we go and sit until the turkey is done cooking. Tyler wraps his arm behind me and around my waist as we sit in the couch. I start feeling uncomfortable again, but I try hiding it. He occasionally rubs my side and back, but it doesn't help.

"You alright Meghan?" My father asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say quickly.

"Are you sure?" He looks concerned.

"Might be period cramps, I don't know." I lie.

"Oh, alright." He quickly goes quiet.

My dad was never the kind of father who liked the period talks and stuff, still doesn't obviously. The beep on the oven saves us all from the awkward silence. We all get up and set the table in the dining room. I sit between Tyler and Brad and my parents and Tuukka sit across from us.

"It's normal sometimes to hurt afterwards. Brooke did, but I don't think it's as bad as you." Brad whispers in my ear. I just nod. Tyler rubs my thigh which helps me forget about the pain. It feels like it is getting better, but not by much.


"It was a wonderful day everyone." My aunt smiles, setting her bags down at the door.

"Too bad you guys couldn't stay longer." Brad says, grinning over at Tuukka and I.

"Wish we could, but Joe has to work in the morning."

"Are we ready?" My dad asks, looking around.

"I think so. Come here children." My aunt opens her arms, motioning Tuukka and I over. Tuukka goes first, hugging Aunt Katie, then Dad. I do the same.

"Love you Meghan, proud you have a good guy now." My aunt whispers after kissing my cheek. I smile and hug my father.

"Love you. I approve of this one." He kisses my cheek.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Brad. And Tyler, welcome to the family. We've only known you for a good two days, but we already like you." My aunt says, giving Brad then Tyler a hug.

"Thanks." Tyler smiles, hugging my father.

Relief falls over me when my aunt says that and seeing my dad give Tyler a hug, not a hand shake. He never would have even thought of doing that to Cody. They haven't even known Tyler for that long and they already like him. It is a great feeling.

"We will see you guys for Christmas then!" My aunt waves as they head out the door.

"They like you Tyler." Tuukka laughs, shutting the door.

"I was worried they wouldn't." Tyler sighs.

"Worried? Jesus, they only knew you for two days. Wish I got that reaction from my past girlfriends." Brad laughs.

"Well I'm obviously better than you." Tyler sticks out his tongue like a little kid. Brad shoves him.

"Alright you two." Tuukka splits them up.

"It's so much more relaxed once they leave." I say, lying down on the couch. The boys all come in and sit, Tyler moving my feet to sit down. I flip around so I can snuggle into his side. He sets his hand down on my stomach.

"So you two." Brad says, grinning.

"Yeah?" Tyler says. Brad clears his throat.

"Are we going to spill the beans?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tuukka laughs.

"Brad, Jesus Christ." I hide my face in Tyler's arm.

"What Meghan?" Tuukka says.

"Your sister isn't a vir-" Brad begins.

"You guys did it last night while our friggen parents were in the house! Way to be you two!" Tuukka cuts him off.

"It wasn't my idea!" I butt in.

"Well then. Good for you sis." Tuukka laughs, patting my leg.

"You're congratulating me? Oh my god Tuuk." I laugh.

"Why don't we just have a party, yay my girlfriend's no longer a virgin thanks to me!" Tyler calls, raising his hands.

"Let's do it!" Brad calls.

"Absolutely not!" I spit.

"I could go for a couple drinks though." Brad says, standing up from his seat and heading to the kitchen. Tuukka follows.

"You hurting any less?" Tyler pushes my hair back.

"A little, but not by much." I say, sitting up.

"Do you want to go see a doctor tomorrow?"

"No, I'll be fine. It's common." I say, standing up.

"Still, you should still get it checked out. And you should go see them about birth control. I remember you mentioning your periods have been bad lately." He follows me down the hall as I go into the bathroom so we can talk in private. He locks the door behind us.

"Will you go with me if I do?"

"Of course, unless you what Tuukka to go instead." He grins.

"Oh my god no, he would be the last person I'd bring."

"So you'd bring Brad with you over him?" He raises his eyebrow.

"I take that back. I'll call in the morning. When do you guys hit the road?"

"We have a game tomorrow at 1. Then we take off tomorrow night."

"Optional skate in the morning?"

"Yeah, but if you get an appointment in the morning, I'll go with you."

"Okay, thank you Ty." I hug him. He kisses the top of my head and we go back out to the kitchen. Tuukka and Brad are taking shots.

"I hope you guys aren't planning on going to practice tomorrow." I say, reaching in the fridge and grabbing a water.

"God no." They both say, pouring another.

"Yo Tyler, you wanna join?" Brad raises his shot glass.

"No, I'm good." Tyler raises his hand.

"Be that way." Tuukka says, swallowing another.

"It's almost 10 already?" I say, looking at my phone.

"Yeah, do you want to go to bed? I'm kind of tired."

"Let's go, but we are most certainly not doing anything." I put my finger in his face as we head up the stairs and he laughs. When we get to the top, he picks me up and lugs me down the hall to my room, setting me down on the bed. I'm already dressed in comfortable clothes so I just get in the blankets. Tyler takes off his jeans and gets in, pulling me over to him as we drift off to sleep.

(Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! This is a shorter chapter but it was supposed to be uploaded yesterday but it didn't so enjoy! Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you!)

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