The Bastard Daughter [[DISCON...

By Puddles3535

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[A SUPERNATURAL FANFIC] Ever since Nova Books could remember she has been on the run. Always looking over he... More

The Bastard Daughter : A Supernatural FanFiction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Five

134 6 2
By Puddles3535


I took the old man's hand and smiled. Dean and Sam looked at me with watchful eyes not lowering their guns. I spun Bobby's gun on my finger; they both jumped a bit. I then handed the gun back to it owner.

“So? What was the plain?” I asked

After a moment Sam said. “We where going to find out what you are...”

“And if I am not friendly, your going to 'gank' me?” I asked and winked at Dean. “You better put hyper scenes on your list of things I can do.”

“Okay...” Bobby said. “What else?”

“Ha. Where do I start?” I asked.

“When did it begin?” Sam asked.

“Um birth.” I answer as if he was a child.

“How do you know so much about us?” Dean barked.

“Because, angels talk about you all the fucking time. It gets annoying”

“So you can hear angles” Bobby asked.

“Yes” I said then looked at Dean. “Why don't you get me something to drink?”

He crossed his arms and when I looked at Bobby he nodded. Dean huffed out a puff air then walked off.

“Do you hear everything they say” Sam asked.

“No.I pick things up, and if they are not paying attention they let things slip. That is how I know about 'The 'Winchester'” I raised my arm and up air quotes over Winchester.

“ said that a Demon attack you at the age of four?” Sam asked. “How did you get away?”

I looked at him, then looked away. “I had to smite my adopted parents. It was the first time I ever done it.”

Dean walked in and handed me and open beer. I smiled and looked at it; as I brought it up to my nose I gave it a sniff. It did not have and odd odor, and when I drank it, it was fine. SO he was not going to try and poison me.

“You can smite?” Sam asked a little shocked

“Yes, hurts like hell though” I said and showed him my still burnt hand. He walked up and went to take it. As he touched my a snapped my hand back and just looked at him.

“I am not going to hurt you” He said.

I looked at him. “I am not to sure about that”

“How often do the angles talk to you”

“They never stop. I just block them out?”

“NEVER?” Dean asked.

“Nope” I said and looked at Dean. He was rubbing his arm and looked at it like it was in pain. I sat my beer down and walked over to him. “Let me see”

“Like hell” He said.

I then took his hand without permission, he jumped a little. I intertwined my fingers with him and took a deep breath. He raised his eyebrows as I focused everything I had in to my hand, letting it leak into him. When I was done I opened my eye and let go of his hand. He moved his arm in a circle and looked at Bobby and Sam.

“That is another thing... I can heal myself and other, too an existent .” I said. “Sorry for hurting you, but it was protection”

“Protection...from whom?”

“From the angel you call Cass”

“He has no interest in hurting you....not that I know of anyway” Dean said,

I let out a laugh and grabbed my beer “Not that you know of....Where is the angle?”

“We don't know...we never know” I Bobby said to me.

“That's reassuring” I said humorously

“What is your beef with Cass?” Dean asked.

I sighed “Your boyfriend is an angel, and that makes him untrustworthy”

There was a long silents, and I had finished my beer when Dean asked. “How did you know that he was an angle. When we where back at the hotel, you just knew”

“His grace is like a ketchup stain on a white shirt” I asked. “I could see it a mile away. It's the same with demons. I can always tell who is who”

“Are you sure your not a fallen angle” Dean asked. I wanted to smack him upside the head with a beer bottle.

“I am 100% positive. I am not one of those ass wholes!”

“Okay...I won't ask again” He said and put his hands up. I looked at him and then the other two. I had nothing else to say.

“Anything else? Sam asked.

“I am stronger the most people...oh and I don't get biblical sickness, like Croatoan.”

“How do you know that?”

“I ran into a couple hunters a few years back. They where dealing with it and I just never got it. The whole god damn town got it, but I never did.”

“How did you get out” Bobby asked. I gave the old man a look, and he understood. “How old where you?

“Ummm 15, I was 16” I said.

“And you handled a whole yourself” Dean asked, and I just shrugged. He shook his head back and forth. “Well, I guess we have to do some research”

“Have fun with that” I said and was about to walk out the door when I heard a gun click.

“Where do you think your going?” Bobby asked. When I turned around they all had a gun on my.

“I told you everything that you asked...I don't see the reason for me to stay”

“You know to much” Sam said.

“Who am I gonna tell”

“Any demon or angles that needs to find us” Dean said.

I looked at them and crossed my arms. “You can't watch me for forever, I will ended up leaving”

They looked at each other and then back at me. Sam put his gun away, and walked up to me. I took a little step back, and he sighed.

“We don't want to hurt you. We are your best bet right now?”

“And why is that?”

“Because the shape you where in when Dean found you would be much worse if you go back out there. Right he is the safest for you right here is where you can find answers”

I looked as him. “For how long”

“As long as it takes?” Bobby said. I looked at them and then took a deep breath. I did not like staying here, that angle could pop up in any moment. But Sam had a point, and not to mention the fact that I really did want answers.

“Can I have my gun back?”

“Fuck no” Dean said.

“So it's fare for you to have guns at me 24/7, yet I can't protect myself?”

“I never said it was going to be fare.” Dean said and smirked.

“Fine....give me a book” I said. Sam let out a deep breath and smiled. I tried not to blush but he was really cute. Though he opened the devil's cage and screamed bad news, he was definitely something to look at

“Can you read Latin?” Bobby asked.

“Some what.” I said. Then he tossed me a book and I started reading.


“If I stay here any longer I am gonna kill myself!”

Sam looked at Dean and shrugged. “I don't see why not. She has not done anything in the past couple of days”

“No. Last time I trust her, she almost broke my arm!”

“It was self defense!”

“And she healed you afterward.”

He crossed his arms looked at Sam then me. “If you try anything..ANYTHING, I will shot you in main street!”

“Thank God” I said and grabbed my jacket. We waved good bye to Bobby and walked out to the car. Sam opened the door for me and I thanked him. Though I still got the feeling that he was bad news, he was so nice and sweet that it was hard to dislike him. To be completely honest it was hard to dislike any of them. Dean was one of the funniest people that I have ever met, and Bobby was a close second. In the past five day we have come up with nothing, and instead of throwing me or killing me. They let me stay here, under a watchful eye of course. But they still feed me, and gave me a place to sleep and they where helping me. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me. It was hard not to trust them, but I knew once I placed my trust in them, it would come back to bit me in the ass.

Once we where in the car I saw Dean look at the mirror to back up but stopped and sighed. When I looked back to see what he was looking at, I saw Castiel looking at the car. Dean got out and looked at Sam

“Don't let her leave this car.” and went to talk to the angel. Sam looked at me as I watched the angle talk to Dean. I saw him look at me a couple times in the corner of his eye.

“Can I ask you some thing” Sam asked from the front of the car.

“You just did” I said not turning to look at him. We both let out a soft laugh. “You can ask me something, but I get to ask you something too.”

“Okay” Sam said. “Why don't you give him a chance? He is really not that bad.”

“I assume your talking about the angel”


“I will answer your question with my question”

“Okay?” He said

“Does he always have a stick up his ass” Sam could not help but laugh. Once the words come out of my mouth the angels shot a look at me and squinted his eyes. I smiled and winked at him; I could tell he was angry. I knew I was being cocky, and I really did not care. I would of felt a little more careless if I was aloud to have my gun. The angle said a couple final word to Dean and then was gone. Dean walk back to the car and got it.

“What was that all about.” Sam asked.

“Who the hell knows...It's Cass”


As Dean walked up to Cass he noticed that he felt unconformable.

“What's up?” Dean ask him

“What's up?....What's up?!...I will tell you what's up! I have been to every end of this planet and I can't find anything like her!”

“Wait...what?” Dean said.

“I don't know what she is Dean. I have been alive longer then you can image and I have never seen anything like her.” Castiel said. “Why is she still with you!”

“We’re trying to help her”

“DEAN! We don't even know if it is a her! We don't know anything”

“I know somethings”

“What?” Castiel asked.

“She told us what some of the things she can do”

“Oh and I am guessing she is incapable of lying?”

“, but I don't think she was lying” Dean said

“Then you have never been wrong before?!” Cass said and lightly glanced at her. She was looking at him and winked. Cass looked like he was about to explode.

“HEY! Why don't you get off my ass. Just because we don't know what she is does not mean that we should gank her, and I am not stupid! We are keeping a close eye on her”

“Well from what I can tell, Sam sounds like he is keeping a VERY close eye on her.”

Dean lightly laughed. “You think Sam wants to hit that?”

“This is not a laughing matter Dean”

“Listen. Everything is fine. She had been fine for the past couple days, and she could have killed us many times. You seen what she did to me back at the hotel, and I had you with me”

“I don't trust her”

“I don't either, but that does not mean that I should kill her”

Cass looked back at the car then to Dean. “What if it comes to it?”

Dean said. “Then I will do what has to be done.”

“Good. Because if you don't” He trailed off, “I will!”

Then he was gone....


Dean drove the car faster then I though he should, but I did not say anything to him. One because he was already mad, Two it was not my place, Three I was just to happy to be getting out of the house. I have never stayed in one place for a long period of time. Any I have been there for almost a week...

He drove up to a small diner, and said

“I want a burger!”

After Sam got out he lent me a hand to help me out of the back.

“Thanks Sammy” I said.

“Anytime.” He said and smiled; I could tell I was biting my lip. Dean cleared his throat very loud and Sam gave him a look. We walked in to the diner and Sam walked up to a booth. When I went to sit down next to him Dean beat me to it almost knocking me over. I gave him a 'what the hell' look and he just smiled and waved over for a waiter. A girl come over and smiled once she saw who was there.

“Hey boys” She said in a chipper voice. She was about Sam's age and had dark brown hair. She was very shot and had WAY too much make-up on. When see looked at me her eyes got big then her smile fell. “Who do we have here?”

“Our cousin” Dean said quickly before anyone else could say anything.

“Well I guess attractive people just run in the family” He said and looked at the boys. Her  face was back in that big smile. I could not help but roll my eyes. “So will it be the usual?”

Dean nodded and then looked at me. “Oh I will have a glass of chocolate milk and a burger with fries”

She smiled and walked away; once she was gone I let out a small laugh. Dean did not pay me any mind and Sam asked.

“What is so funny?”

“Oh nothing....Does she always act like that?”

Sam rolled his eyes. “Yes”

I could not hold it in. “She was like a puma about to go in for the kill”

Sam chuckled and Dean sighed at something. When I looked at him he was looking around the diner and would  not sit still “You got ants in your pants?” I asked.


“You seem edgy?”

“No...I am just hungry”

I could tell he was lying. “Must be some good food here”

“Sure is...” he said. After a couple minutes of unconformable silence I got up and the both looked at me.

“Nature calls, and I want to wash my hands before I eat” I said and Sam calmed down. But Dean was still on my ass. He looked at me then said

“Five minutes”

“Sir yes sir!” I said and walked to the restrooms. It was small and there was nobody in there so I was a peace as I did my business. The late couple of days have been more then awkward when it involves bathroom activity or bathing. As I washed my hands I looked at myself in the mirror and shocked oh how healthy I looked. My hair was in blonde waves that just touched my shoulders. I wish I could grow it out, but that would be just to easy for someone to grab. My face was not a pale as I remembered, I actually had some color in my checks and my lips where more red the ever. I smiled at myself and lightly fluffed my hair to make it look like I tried to make an effort. This was something that I never did.

Once I walked out the food was already there. When I sat down Dean and Sam where bickering about something under their breath, then stop and the both smiled at me. I grabbed a fry and popped it in my mouth

“Something wrong?”

“No” They both said at the same time.

“OKAY?” I said and dropped it.


Dean watched as she went back to the girls restroom, when he looked at Sam he was watching her too. He could tell that he was looking at her ass, and then he smiled. Dean frowned and Sam looked at him he asked


“No!” was all Dean said.

“ what?” Sam asked.

Dean pointed at the restroom and then said “NO!”

“ think that I like Nova” Sam asked and started to laugh.

Dean started to fake laugh as well then stop and said “No”

“Dean you don't have to worry”

“I better not” Dean said ready to drop it. The food then arrived with a big smile. Dean started to slowly eat. Then Sam asked

“Who are you too tell me who I can and can't go after. Not that there is anything between us...but still I am a grown man”

With a mouth full of bacon cheese burger and let out a growl “Are you kidding me?”

“What?” Sam asked

“You wait on her hand and foot. Opening doors for her and helping her out of the car”

“No. Dean that is called being polite, you should try it sometime”

“She called you Sammy!” Dean said and pointed at him

“So. She must have heard you call me Sammy and just said it”


“Did not know that being nice was trying to get some” Sam said looking down at his food, and took a bit of some fries.

“Are you a guy....a straight male?”

“Ummmm Yes?” Sam ask.

“Then yes being nice is flirting” Dean said. “Dude she is like a baby”

“She is not that young!” Sam said, and knew that he fell for the trap.

Dean eye widened and then pointed at her food. “She order a chocolate milk, You know who orders chocolate milks. People that are to young to drink with out braking the law...Oh yeah and babies!”

“Dean you are being stupid”

“Sorry Sammy, but you choices in women are not the best”

Sam gave him a look and ask “Why now...we have been around her for five days and now you notice something?!”

“So there is a something?”

“NO DEAN THERE IS NO SOMETHING!” Sam said....”Wait...It was Cass! Castiel said something."

Dean took a bit of his burger and said “Cass says a lot of things”

They both saw her walk out of the restroom and when Sam started to smile Dean throw a fry at him. “No!”

“Drop the subject” Sam whispered under his breath.

“Oh, trust me the subject is dropped!”

“Shut up” Sam hissed as Nova sat down at the table. She lightly smiled at she popped a fry in her mouth then asked

“Something wrong?”

“No” They both said at the same time. Dean kick Sam from under the table and Sam did his best not to show pain.

“OKAY?” She said and started to eat.

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