Haikyuu X Reader One-Shots


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I fell in love with haikyuu the first time I watched it. I also fell in love with every single person in the... More

Hinata Shouyou | Thank You
Kageyama Tobio | What happened?
Tsukishima Kei | Sleep Over
Oikawa Tooru | Flowers
Kuroo Tetsurou | Goodbye
Iwazumi Hajime | Blizzard
Tanaka Ryuu | Pool
Oikawa Tooru | Laser guns and Kisses
Kuroo Tetsurou | Goodbye part 2
Nishinoya Yuu | Pick up lines
Yamaguchi Tadashi | Freckles
Akaashi Keiji | Nightmares
Kenma Kozume | PSP
Author's note
Kageyama Tobio | Prank
Oikawa Tooru | Prank (part 2)
Kyoutani Kentarou | Ticklish
Akaashi keiji | Shy
Isn't an update
Lev Haiba | Hide and seek
Oikawa Tooru | Prettier than me?!
Hinata Shoyo | Baby
Sugawara Koushi | Take Care
Tendō Satori | Winter weather
Iwaoi x Daughter! Reader | Daddy's Girl
Kuroo Tetsurou | Family
Daichi Sawamura | Wall Conversation
Nishinoya Yuu | Savior
Isnt a chapter but....
Tsukishima Kei | Prom
Yamaguchi Tadashi | Too good to be true?
Yaku Morisuke | I've got you
Bokuto Koutarou | Dumb and Dumber
Oikawa Tooru | First Date
Lev Haiba | Note
Kuroo Tetsurou | I won't let you go
Sugawara Koushi | Tangled up
Hinata Shoyo | Gears
Akaashi Keiji | Shy part 2
Oikawa Tooru | Get him away from me!
Kuroo Tetsurou | Soft hair
Iwaizumi Hajime | Protective Brother Problems
Kenma Kozume | Nap time
Daichi Sawamura | Wake up... Please
Semi Eita | Breakfast
Bokuto Koutarou | Bullies
Hinata Shoyo | Dance with me~
Oikawa Tooru | Someone Special
Ushijima Wakatoshi | We can make it
Kageyama Tobio | I missed you
Bokuaka x Daughter! Reader | Be careful with her!
Daisuga x Daughter! Reader | Lullaby
Hinata Shouyou | Don't be sad!
Nishinoya Yuu | Moving on
Ushijima Wakatoshi | Jealous?
Tendou Satori | Feel my legs!!!
Asahi Azumane | 3 AM
Kiyoko Shimizu | Late Night Coffee
Akaashi Keiji | A Goodbye Letter
Nishinoya Yuu | Fanboy
Kinoshita Hisashi | Main Character
Oikawa Tooru | Neglect
Kenma Kozume | Silent Night
You'll thank me later
Kuroo Tetsurou | Doe a Deer
Kageyama Tobio | Keep your eyes on me
Sugawara Koushi | Every Little Flaw
Daichi Sawamura | It can be hard sometimes
Tsukishima Kei | I didn't know you can sing like that
Oikawa Tooru | Please Don't Go
Terushima Yuuji | Never got to say it
Tanaka Ryuu | Last Name
Iwaizumi Hajime | Are You Blushing?
Lev Haiba | You're So Cliche!
Hinata Shoyo | Do You Even Read?
Kuroo Testurou | Under the Weather
Bokuto Koutarou | Don't Say Those Things

Bokuto Koutarou | Think before you speak

32.1K 828 1.2K

You curl your fists at your sides in frustration on how stupid you were being. You probably just broke the record for the longest conversation someone could have with themselves. Your gaze was locked to the ground as your mind swam with thoughts,

Just tell him before someone better than you does!

Don't be silly, no way a guy like him could have feelings for a girl like you...

Why do you even like him? He's looks like an owl and acts stupid in class.... Or is he actually stupid?

Wow you have odd tastes, (Y/N). Personally, I think his friend Akaashi pretty hot-

No you don't! I think Bokuto is hotter!

Aren't we the same person?

Stay loyal to the stupid owl (Y/N)...

He is not stupid! And just because he looks like an owl doesn't mean he isn't cute! Owls are adorable!

Especially baby ones...

So cute and fluffy...

Just imagine Bokuto as a baby owl...

Hoot hoot... He's cute...

How lame (Y/N)... It's like you've never had a crush before!

Well not like this! This is real!

Yeah whatever! You'll get over it once he rejects you like the loser you are!

Who knows? Maybe the great ace of Fukarunodani actually likes you too!

Yeah right... We barely talk in class...

He probably never notices me when I go to his games to cheer him on...

Or maybe he does! Judging on how loud you cheer, he probably can hear you loud and clear on the court!

Or he ignores you because your annoying...

Not Bokuto! He soaks up every compliment he gets like a sponge!

A hot..muscly... Skilled sponge...

What the actual hell (Y/N)

W-Wait... That's him! He's coming this way!

The hot muscly skilled sponge has arrived...

Shut up and act natural (Y/N)!

I can't do it!! This is too much!

Get it together woman! *mental slap*

Ow! That hurt! O-oh crap here he comes!

Tell him already!!


Do it!


Just do it!

I can't!


"Fine I will!!!!" You accidentally yell out. Realizing your dumb mistake, you look around to see if anyone had heard, but to your luck no one seemed to take any notice. You let out a sigh of relief before turning back to the task at hand.

Bokuto was walking towards you with his usual smirk plastered onto his face. You felt your cheeks glow red at the sight of your crush walking at you.

Do it (Y/N)...

"Hey hey hey! (Y/N)! Walk with me to class, Akaashi said he'll catch up to us in a minute." Bokuto gives you a friendly smile and you felt your heart thump out of your chest.

Doooo ittttt...

"S-Sure, Bokuto-San!" You say before the two of you begin to walk. As you walk along side him, the urge to tell him your feelings grew stronger.

Now is your chance, just say it!

"Umm... B-Bokuto-San...I...um...I need t-to tell you something..." You stop your stride. Bokuto turns to you and gives you a questioning look. You clench your fists at your sides and build up the courage to speak,

"I-I.... Erm....I really...l-like you... B-Bokuto-San..." You murmur. You feel a large lump in your throat as you wait for his answer.

Bokuto had his answer alright. He was mentally screaming in joy because the one girl he found the cutest had just confessed to him. Yes, Bokuto had chosen you out of all the girl's in your school. He loved the way you tucked your (h/c) hair behind one ear when you were trying to work in class. He loved the way the corner of your eyes wrinkle up when you laugh. And most of all, he loved it when you cheered for him at his games. It makes Bokuto feel invincible having you supporting him.

And now here you were, confessing your love to him. It was as if the angels answered his prayers. Bokuto had been playing out this moment in his head for a while now, every time it ended with you giving him a peck on the cheek before he swoops you off your feet. But today, it didn't end like bokuto had planned.

His big mouth opened before he could think of the perfect answer to your confession. Bokuto had no idea what to say, so he let his stupidity take over to cover for his lack of intelligence. He was known for his big mouth, and know here it was, about to ruin everything with just one simple statement,

"Of course you like me! All the girls probably do, for I am the best Ace there is! I'm used to hearing this all the time, so there's no need to be nervous!"

The big mouth had spoken, and the girl's heard was broken.


Bokuto cringed to himself on how horrible that had sounded. He tried to play it off by putting how hands on his hips triumphantly and pointing his head up, but he looked back down at you in fear for what you were going to say.

Bokuto instantly regretted everything as soon as his eyes landed on your face.

Your (e/c) eyes were wide as tears fell from them profusely. You were looking down, so he could barely see the way you sniffed and tried to compose yourself. Your shoulders were hunched up and your fists were clenched so hard that your nails were digging into your palms. Your face was red in embarrassment and you squeezed your eyes shut, causing more tears to fall.

The two of you didn't notice Akaashi, who was just catching up to the two of you when he saw what had just happened. He didn't need to ask to know that Bokuto didn't think before he spoke. Keeping his straight face, Akaashi lunged his hand for the back of Bokuto's uniform collar. In a menacing tone that Bokuto barely never heard from him, Akaashi whispered into Bokuto's ear,

"Baka. Think before you speak." When he finished talking, Akaashi yanked on Bokuto's collar and dragged him around the corner, away from you. Bokuto fought against Keiji's grip on him, but the dark haired setter continued to pull the foolish captain away.

Once they were far enough away from you to hear, Akaashi let go of Bokuto's collar and shoved him against the wall. Bokuto let out a hiss of pain as his shoulder slammed into the wall behind him but turned back to Akaashi in slight fear.

"This is not the first time you opened your mouth before your brain could function, but this time was unacceptable. That was very uncool of you, Bokuto-San. You probably broke her heart." He said with his usual cold stare.

"I know! I know! Akaashi, what do I do? I messed up really bad this time! I'm a failure... I shouldn't show my face around her again..."

Bokuto slumped his shoulders and looked at the floor. He spun on his heel and faced the wall in a depressed manner.

Not this, Bokuto-san. Don't be annoying. Akaashi thought before hitting Bokuto on the back of the head. Bokuto let out a 'gwah' sound and turned to Akaashi in shock. He had never hit him before...

"Not right now Bokuto-San. You can wallow in your self pity after you apologize to (Y/N) and tell her your true feelings. You always talk about how amazing and beautiful you think she is, so go tell her. And wait until after practice to sulk please, the team doesn't need your emo mode right now."
Keiji spoke before grabbing Bokuto again and pushing him back into the hallway.

"Go...and don't say anything stupid this time." He said before walking away to class. Bokuto was about to retort back but decided to focus on finding you. He thought for a second before going back to where he and Akaashi left you. But when he got there, you were gone. Bokuto caught his breath and searched the halls for you, but had no luck in finding you.

Bokuto let out a defeated sigh. How was he going to tell you his true feelings if he couldn't even find you? Were you in the courtyard? Were you in class? Did you go home?

Bokuto suddenly heard sniffling from around the corner of the hallway. He peeked around to find you against the wall, hunched down on the floor. You were trying to wipe away your salty tears as you cried and cursed yourself. At the moment, all the Ace could do was listen to your slightly drained voice,

"Stupid. Stupid! How could you possibly think he would actually return your feelings, (Y/N)? Your just some pathetic lousy girl who doesn't have many skills besides falling in love with someone who is totally out of your league. Did you actually think you had a chance? Of course you did! Because your just some stupid girl with stupid feelings!" Bokuto flinched as you slammed your fist against the tiled floor.

He hated seeing you like this. And what hurt him more was that he was the one that caused your crying.

Dumb big mouth...

Bokuto took in a deep breath and sighed. He stepped around the corner and looked down at you,

"I'm really sorry (Y/N)..." He spoke up and you whipped your head around to face him. Now that Bokuto could see your face better, he noticed a slightly bruised spot on your forehead where you must have hit your head against the wall multiple times. Bokuto's heart broke even more.

"(Y/N) listen... My dumb mouth opened before my mind did and I said something kinda rude...-"

"Kinda rude?" You cocked an eyebrow at him and sniffed.

"Okay...Really rude..."

"Very rude. Rudely rude. Horribly heart-crushingly rud-"

"Ok ok I get it! Your almost as bad as Akaashi-....." Bokuto glanced at you before countering, "S-Sorry..."

You have him a look, "Well? What do you want?" You grumbled. Bokuto looked down at you with a sigh and made sure to think before he spoke,

"(Y/N)... I really really like you. I know it sounded like I didn't care when you confessed but in reality... I did. I did so much that I was too nervous and shocked that you would like a guy like me that I opened my mouth to cover the fact that I was bursting with excitement and ended up saying something I didn't truly mean. It hit me like a volleyball to the face when I saw that I actually hurt your feelings...A-And I'm really sorry for that (Y/N)! I understand if you don't like me anymore after...that...but I wanted to make sure you knew I'm really sorry and didn't mean anything I said..." Bokuto trailed off, not able to find any more words to say.

He looked down at you, tense as he waited for your reaction to his heart-felt words. But as the captain studied your face, he was taken aback when he saw the small grin forming on your lips.

"You didn't mean anything you said, huh?" You lean forward, that grin still forming. Bokuto wouldn't admit it, but he as kinda scared.

"None of it!" He boasted, actually beginning to think that you may forgive him and give him another chance. He felt his heart rise up and his face brightened before you spoke,

"Even the part where you had said 'You're used to being confessed to all the time'?" You compressed a chuckle as you saw the owl-like boy's reaction to your comment. You began to stand up from your spot on the ground so you could see his face better. His face went red and he looked shocked that a statement like that came from a girl like you.

"I...I-I...um uh... Y-You see... u-uh...-" Bokuto stumbled, but was cut off when you grabbed the collar of his school uniform with your two hands, almost as harshly as Akaashi did.

But both of you knew this was leading to something much different.

You pulled his face down to your level, so your (e/c) eyes were gazing intensely into his orange ones. Your lips curved into a sly smile again as you whispered,

"Just kiss me already..."

You yanked Bokuto forward, crashing your lips into his. He was caught off guard at first, but Bokuto soon realized that you were dominating over him at the moment, and he couldn't let that happen any longer.

Bokuto's hands traced your figure and found their way around your perfect hips. He backed you up against the wall and your fingers dug into his salt and peppered locks. The two of you stayed like this, kissing against the hallway wall like nothing existed around you. Bokuto's tongue had just slid across your bottom lip when a voice came over the intercom,

"May Bokuto Koutarou and (Y/N) (L/N) please report to Algebra. Bokuto Koutarou and (Y/N) (L/N) please report to Algebra, thank you!"

The two of you pulled apart panting for air and looked at each other's flustered faces before snapping back into reality. You're (e/c) eyes widened as you lunged down for your books, which were sprawled across the floor.

"Shit! I've never been late before!" You said as you began to hustle to class. You paused, realizing you had just left Bokuto behind. You waited for him to catch up,

"Eh, no big deal for me...This isn't the first time I'm late..." Bokuto rolls his eyes, shoving his hands in his coat pockets as he walks alongside you.

"Stupid intercom...We were just getting to the good part! And I must admit, you're not a bad kisser-" Before he could finish, you swung your leg around and hit him straight in the rear. Bokuto jumped forward from the impact and rubbed his now sore butt.

"Don't." You huff, giving the ace a quick glare. You held a stern face, but you couldn't hide the redness that covered every surface of your skin. Bokuto let out a small chuckle and reached out for your free hand. You looked up at him, slightly confused.

"Well...We are a couple now, and couple's hold hands all the time! Come on, (Y/N)!" Bokuto interlaced his fingers with yours, making your face turn even more pink. You nodded and gave Bokuto one of your genuine smiles that he loved so much. Both of your hands dropped back down at your sides as you continued to walk to class together.

When the two of you finally got to class,everyone except the teacher and Akaashi were surprised at the fact you and the Ace of the boy's volleyball team were holding hands. You happened to glance over at Keiji and see that he was smirking. The teacher forced the two of you to sit down after scolding you on being late in front of the entire class, but it didn't matter too much. The students seemed to not even notice the teacher's scolding over the hustle about the new couple standing before them.

Once you were dismissed to sit down, you and Bokuto didn't let go of each other's hands until you departed to sit at your seats. Once you sat down,your thoughts began to flow back in

AYYYYYYY! I told you it would work out!

I guess it did! I'm so happy for you (Y/N)!

The hot muscly skilled sponge and the sarcastic girl that talks to herself are the perfect couple...

Wait... WHAT?! I do not talk to myself!


Ok you win... Maybe I do talk to myself sometimes...



The point is you're dating the guy that you had a crush on for like...ever

Surprising huh?

I'm actually surprised...I thought your would get rejected!


No problem <3

Wait... Bokuto just looked back at us...


What do we do?!?

Wink back!

God dammit (Y/N) that was a blink! You look like an idiot now!

Nice going Baka!

What's happening....The owl is now mouthing something...

What is he saying?

hoot hoot?

No you fool! He's saying... 'Do you want to hang out after school?'


What should I say?!

Say yes!

But what if he means something weird?! I'm too young!

Just say yes anyway!

He may just mean to study or something...

Study...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh my lord stop!


"YES!" You yelled out by accident. You threw a hand over your mouth but it was too late.

dun dun dun...

The whole class went quiet and slowly turned to you. The teacher held a hand on her hips and frowned. You saw Bokuto holding his mouth closed with all of his might to try and cover up his laughter. You sunk into your chair in pure embarrassment,


Oh my lord that was probably so cringe-worthy it brought you to your knees... WELP AT LEAST I TRIED ()

Anyway! Thanks for reading and if you have any feedback or requests, please message me! I will try to update as soon as I can! Thanks everyone!

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