the facebook request

By AnaRaylyn

29K 940 77

When Jessica aka Jessie gets a friend request and a message from a guy known as & "alex goodman" she thinks n... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

chapter 15

904 37 0
By AnaRaylyn


I freaked out and all these questions started running through my mind like. why is he here? why did he move here? how long will I keep the fact that I live so close to him away from him? I couldn't get these questions out of my head. the room started to spin all around me and I felt dizzy and that's when every thing went black.

I woke up in my room and my mom was hovering over me. "baby your okay thank god!" "yeah what happened" " well you blacked out for no reason." "oh ok." "anyways I have to get started on home work so if you don't mind.." "oh yeah sure honey." she then left  my room and I opened the draw on my night stand next to my bed and out my head phones on and turned on my ipod touch. I turned it on to rhianna stay. I listened to my music while I did my home work. I looked at the time after I finished and it was already 7:30 I closed my books and put them away and got up and chose my outfit for tomorrow which is thanks giving. mom's co-workers and boss and possibly luke is coming over for dinner.

I picked out a dress that had a gold top and yellowish gold skirt and black heels and gold necklace and bracelets and a white clutch. I set that out on my desk and then went to my bathroom. I washed my face and then took a warm shower ad got into my pink fluffy soft pjs and socks. I then got under my covers and fell into a deep sleep.




I was walking down the streets of l.a in my burgundy red high low skirt and my white crop top with a jean jacket and black heels. my curled hair was blowing back as the light breeze blew up against me. I then met up with some one. "hey babe." "hey." I then realized it was alex. "so what are we going to do today?" "well we can do what ever we want but I need to ask you some thing first." "okay what is it?" "do you like?" "well yeah other wise we wouldn't be friends." "no I mean more than friends." "oh." "im taking that as a yes because I mean come on who wouldn't like this." he said pointing to him self up and down and I laughed playfully punching him in he chest.

"well um yeah I do sorta." "why sorta?" "because alex I have never met you in real life I only meet you in my dreams and over video chat never in person so how could I love some one who isn't real to me yet?" "but I live so close to you you can meet me any time you want to." "but that's the thing I don't want to."


~end of dream~


I woke up panting and I felt sweat come down my for head. I wiped it away and then checked the time on my ipod that was still playing music. it was 6 in the morning. I decided to take a shower again since my dream made me all sweaty.  after i showered i got dressed into grey cloth short shorts with a blue Hollister shirt. i went down stairs and made my self some coffee. after it was ready i walked to the living room with the warm cup in my hands and sat on the couch. i sat in silence drinking my coffee.

it became 8:30 and i had been in silence staring at the wall for 2 or 3 hours. i got up and made my self some breakfast and my mom some thing.

i went back up stairs and woke my mom up and she got in her robe and slippers and came down stairs. she sat tiredly at the table with her coffee and eating her food. "how much cooking do we have to do?" i asked. "ugh don't even speak of that there is so much i can barely handle." "don't forget me and maybe i can have a friend help..." i said quietly. "is cassy coming over cause you cant go over there i don't want luke going in your room when your not here." "fine i can see if she can." i went up to my room and texted her.

ME: hey cassy can you come over my house my mom is throwing a party for some people from her work including her boss and luke and so i cant leave because she is afraid luke might go in my room.

CASSY: sure thing babe

ME: thanks your a life saver

CASSY: nope im a human

ME: :P lol anyways get here as soon as possible cause we need to make the food and there is a lot to be done.

CASSY: k be there in 10 and do i bring a dress or jeans or what?

ME: what ever you want babe


i put my phone back on the desk and sat down in my chair. i opened up my laptop and went on facebook. alex was on.

ME: hey alex happy thanksgiving even though i don't think you celebrate it

ALEX: thanks and you two

ME: thanks anyways so how have you been?

person typing....


i was up since 5 now and Kelly is still asleep i was debating if i wanted to go to our neighbors and introduce our selves to them and bring some cookies or some thing, i pondered on this idea while i went on facebook and scrolled through my feed when Jessie came online.

JESSIE: hey alex happy thanksgiving even though you probably don't celebrate it

ME: thanks and you two

we actually did celebrate thanksgiving but i don't know why i think its because people just want an excuse to eat other people's food and have a party.

JESSIE: thanks anyways how have you been

horrible but i couldn't tell her that i mean yeah i was her 'best friend' but i couldn't tell her that i don't want to burden her with my problems. but dumb ass me did it anyways

ME: horrible

JESSIE: oh no why?!

ME: ugh family problems you don't want to listen to them

JESSIE: well i don't if you don't want to talk about it but if you do then im more than happy to listen and try and help

ME: thanks but maybe later all of this just happened not to long ago

JESSIE: sure when ever you need to talk im here for ya

ME: thanks :) well gtg

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