Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [...

By _KayParrilla

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Meet Dinah Jane Hansen, a well known video and music producer who got into the business at the age of 19. She... More



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By _KayParrilla


"Okay Ms. Jauregui, last shot and you're good to go. Cover your breasts and place your right hand right under your stomach."

I did as told and held my position as the photographer took my last photo for the day.

I had informed my previous agency of my pregnancy and I had started getting calls from different people asking if I would be willing to do photo shoots showing off my pregnancy. At first I didn't feel comfortable but after a push to do it from Dinah I decided to just go for it. This is my 12th shoot this week. It's different from what I'm used to but it's so fun, and I've met mothers who have literally given me so many gifts for the baby and for Gabby.

"Alright we're all set. Thank you so much." The photographer-Mitch-said as he walked over to help me down from the platform I was currently standing on.

"Oh no thank you for giving me this opportunity." I responded with a smile.

"We hope you'd be willing to come back, maybe for a family photoset."  He said as he placed a robe around me.

"You do know that I'm with a woman right?"

"I'm well aware of it Ms. Jauregui that doesn't matter here. No family is like the other and that's what we look for here at Parents. How about we set something up?"

"Sure. I'd like that, I'm sorry to cut this short but I'm exhausted and I'd like to get home." I said as politely as possible.

Mitch nodded. "Oh of course. You have a nice day."

"You too." I said as I shook his hand and walked off to get dressed.


Finally, I'm all done for the day and I'm on my way home to eat that burger that I've been craving since this morning. Home. I officially moved in with Dinah and Gabby nearly two weeks ago and I know for a fact that Gabby loves it. Whenever I come home I can always expect her to be sitting by the big window with her fat face pressed against the glass waiting for my car to turn into the driveway. The moment she sees me I can hear her scream for me before she darts towards the front door. It's so cute to see and it makes my heart feel fuzzy. I just hope this baby is as energetic as she is.

Lately, I've been having this uneasy feeling and I'm definitely feeling it now as I'm turning down the street to get home. I can't explain the feeling but I don't like it. It's almost as if someone is watching me and no matter how often I turn to check, nobody is ever there. It's weird as hell, but maybe it's just me being paranoid for no reason.

I pulled into the driveway but instead of Gabby waiting by the window she was out front playing catch with Dinah. She hadn't seen me so I decided to surprise her. I stepped out of the car and quietly walked over to her.

Dinah was about to speak but she stopped and nodded her head when I held my finger up to my mouth.

"Mama! Watch it I kick the ball really high."

Dinah smiled and looked down. "Okay, let's see. Kick it babe."

Gabby sat the Doc McStuffins ball down in front of her and kicked it as far as she could and ran towards the front door to pick it up.

Dinah and I cheered and when Gabby turned to see me she threw the ball and ran to me. "Mommy! You home. Hi!"

I smiled and picked her up. "Hi princess. I missed you so much."

"I miss you too mommy. Kisses?"

I nodded and gave her an Eskimo kiss.

"Why are you two so cute? My heart, I love it." Dinah said as she walked over and wrapped her arms around us both.

I leaned up to kiss her. "I missed you too Dinah Jane. What did you guys do today?"

"I missed you more. We just came back from visiting
my mom, then we went to the studio she refused to leave until I let her record a song."

"Oh nice what did she sing?"

Dinah smirked. "You shouldn't even have to ask babe. She sang Let It Go."

I chuckled. "Oh I should have been there for that. When are you going to let me go in and sing?"

"I told you, when you write something I'll let you go in and sing it for me."

"Fine, I'll write something. Alright baby girl I have to put you down. Why don't you go play for a bit?" I said as I put Gabby down.

She nodded and ran into the house; Dinah and I not far behind her.

Once I shut the front door Dinah pinned me against it, placing her hands on each side of me.

"Babe, Gabby is right there." I said with a smirk as I nodded towards the small child who was playing with her barbies by the sofa.

"Hey Gabby, don't you want to go and draw a picture?" Dinah asked.

Gabby thought for a minute before shaking her head no. "No thanks Mama. Don't want to."

I laughed as Dinah playfully rolled her eyes. "Of course not...babe that engagement party is tonight, you didn't forget did you?"

"No, but I need a nap and a shower first. Did Mani even find a place for it?"

Dinah nodded and moved so that I could walk towards the bedroom.

"Yeah, her mom owns a hall, she let Mani use it for the night."

I nodded and walked into the closet to grab something to change into.

"Nice, and I think Camz is mad at me...she senses that something is up and she kept asking but I won't tell her."

Dinah nodded. "Well she'll be okay, hey are you hungry or anything? I can get something for you."

"Yes but it's okay Daddy. I'll eat after my shower."

She nodded and kissed me before leaving the room.


After my shower I got dressed and literally skipped into the living room to see Dinah and Gabby building some kind of structure with Gabby's LEGOS.

"Mommy! What you doing?" Gabby asked as she ran after me following me into the kitchen.

"I'm about to eat babe. Are you hungry Nugget?" I asked as I looked down into her bubble eyes.

She shook her head. "No. not hungwy Mommy. Nana feed me pizza."

"Cool, and did you have fun with your aunts and uncles today?" She nodded before running off. "No! Mama you mess it up!"

"Little girl you better stop yelling at me." Dinah said sternly.

I chuckled as I listened to the two of them fussing at one another, all the while I poured a cup of juice before turning and reaching over the stove to open the microwave.

When I opened it I furrowed my eyebrows. My cheeseburger was here this morning...where the hell is it?

"Dinah Dime." I called out.

"Yes my Queen?" She asked before appearing at the kitchen foyer.

I shut the microwave and turned to look at her. "Have you seen my cheeseburger?"

She rubbed the back of her neck and shook her head. "No...did you check the fridge?"

Oh. Maybe I put it there instead. I silently walked over to the fridge and opened it to see a half empty juice box amongst other items but no cheeseburger. I grabbed the juice box.

"Nope it's not here...Gabby honey, this CapriSun only has about 5 sips in it. How are you not able to finish it? Drink that."

Gabby took it and took a sip before placing it back into the fridge. "Not thirsty Mommy, save it for later."

I shook my head and decided to not worry about it. My cheeseburger is missing and I need it.

"Is it there?" Dinah asked.

"If IT were I'd be eating it right now babe. No it's not...did Gabby eat it by chance?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Lauren I'm sorry. I know you made it this morning to have for later but it just smelled so good...and I was hungry so I ate it before you got here." She admitted.

I glared at her. "The baby wanted that Dinah. I wanted that. How dare you?" I said calmly.

She shrugged. "Can't you just make another one?"

I stormed over to her and pinched her as hard as I could causing her to shout and shed tears. "Ouch! Lauren...that hurt." She whined.

"It hurt me too when your greedy ass ate my fucking cheeseburger!"

Gabby gasped. "MA! You gonna get you butt whooped!"

I looked the small child before me. "Gabreyella. Go play baby."

She nodded. "Okay! Mama do time out?"

"Gabby go do what mommy said." Dinah said calmly before sniffling.

Gabby ran off.

"Um...I should um probably go vacuum our bedroom." Dinah mumbled nervously.

"Our bedroom has no carpet Dinah Jane..."

Her eyes went wide and she turned to try to run away but I stuck my foot out and tripped her causing her to fall. "Jesus help me...babe I'm sorry I'll go out and buy you ano-"

I started crying as I sat on her butt. "It's not the same! You don't love me do you?"

She turned her head to look at me. "W-what?! Babe I love you so much. Don't ever say that aga-" she hissed in pain as I pressed my elbow in the middle of her back. "Lo!"

I growled. "You obviously don't!"

She groaned. "You are so abusive. Why did cheeseburgers have to be your pregnancy food? Lauren you're heavy and I can't feel my nuts...please get up."

"Oh! So you're calling me fat now?! Right because I'm just a lard ass who cries because the one food that she's been craving all day has been eaten by her rude girl friend. Great well I guess I'll just sit here." I said as I began to repeatedly tug at her wild blonde hair.

She managed to turn her body around and lift me off of her. "Move! Lauren you're being petty it's just a cheesebur-"

I smacked her. "ITS NOT! Dinah you don't understand. You'll never understand it because you won't ever know what pregnancy feels like. You fucking did this to me Dinah Jane. This baby will only let me eat cheeseburgers and it's not're so mean to me. You knew that I made that burger for later but yet you ate it."

Dinah stood to her feet and just looked at me. "You've seriously lost your mind. I love you but I'm not about to sit here and allow you to abuse me over a fucking cheeseburger. You have two things fucked up right about now, life and me."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Excuse me but wh-"

"I'm talking Lauren. Hush." She said sternly.

"Dinah don't talk to me li-"

She thumped my lips. What the fuck?!

"I'm talking! Lauren this pregnancy is making you crazy and I liked it at first but you need to chill. I said sorry and that I'd go out and buy you food. I swear if you put your hands on me again I will..."

She knelt down to face me. "I will fuck you so hard that you'll be seeing black and white for a week. Don't fucking test me Jauregui. I love your crazy ass but I'm not about to let you do this to me, especially in front of Gabby." She said sternly.

Well shit. I stood to my feet and just looked at her as she continued to glare at me. "I'm just-I'm going to take a nap."

"You do that...maybe your attitude won't be so shitty when you wake up." She mumbled before walking off.

What the hell is wrong with me?!


Dinah Jane:

"Gabreyella, you can't wear your Elmo slippers to the party babe. Let's put on your favorite glitter shoes." I said calmly to the obviously tired two year old.

"B-but I want my Mo Mo shoes Mama...I wear these." She whined.

I sighed. We're already 2o minutes late. "No Monaé and I won't say it again. Take those off."

She started crying so I ignored it and put on her sliver glitter Converse. I was not in the mood to deal with much right now and it's all Lauren's fault. She's been trying to talk to me since the whole cheeseburger incident but I've been ignoring her. She smacked me and that was not necessary at all. I love her with my all but she needs to have the baby already I can't deal with her weird ass mood swings.

"No! Mama! I want Mo Mo shoes!" Gabby screamed as she tried kick her feet as I tied her shoes.

I popped her hand and she instantly stopped kicking. "Cut it out." I said sternly.

She sniffles and sits quietly as I finished tying her shoes. "Go and get your teddy bear from your room."

She did as told and walked off.

"Babe, should I put snacks in her bag just in case?" I heard Lauren ask from behind me. Without looking at her I grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter and walked towards the front door. "Do what you want Lauren...bring her out when you're done." I said dryly before leaving out of the front door.

Moments later Lauren and Gabby came out of the house and got into the car.

"Dinah...I'm sorry." Lauren said sadly as she reached out to grab my hand.

"Lauren, please stop talking to me. Please and thanks." I mumbled before turning up the radio and pulling off.


We finally arrived and when we got inside I was pulled aside by Mama Drea. She didn't look too happy but when she saw the look on my face her facial expression changed.

"Oh no, baby girl what's the matter?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I'm fine Ma, just tired. Have Mani and Camila gotten here yet?"

"Not yet, don't lie to me Dinah Jane. I've known you since you were a little girl. What's going on?"

I sighed. "Ma...pregnant women scare me. Let's just say that, and then I thought terrible twos was a myth."

She chuckled. "DJ hang in there you guys don't have much longer. Now where is Gabby she'll be staying with me tonight."

I smirked and pointed to where she was standing with Ally before walking off and pulling Lauren along with me.

⚠️ Smut! You're welcome. ⚠️

"Dinah what are you doing?"

I didn't say anything, instead I pulled her towards a bathroom and opened the door for her to walk inside.

She took the hint, and when she walked in I Shut and locked the door behind me.

"Dinah what are yo-"

I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers, causing her to moan slightly.

I sat her on the counter and looked into her wide eyes. "I'd never hit you back but this doesn't mean I can't fuck you in order for me to express to you how pissed I am for that stunt that you pulled earlier." I hissed.

She released a shaky breath as I lifted the skirt that she was wearing. When I looked down I smirked. "First no bra Lauren...where are your panties?" I asked.

"I-I um...I left t-them at home." She stammered."

"Good, they'd be too soaked for you to wear anyways. Spread your legs."

She did as told and watched as I unzipped my jeans, and pulled them down to my ankles. It didn't take much for my dick to swell to full size. The sight of Lauren's glistening folds were to thank for that.

"D-daddy please can't we just wait until la-" a moan escaped her mouth as I slowly pushed every inch of me into her without warning until I was pressed firmly against her.

"No." I slowly pulled out until only the tip was inside of her. "Not going to happen." I grunted before slamming into her."

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her mouth dropped and her nails dug into my arms. "F-fuck."

I smirked at the sight and started to thrust into her at a steady pace, making sure to allow her to feel every moment of it. "Are you going to put your hands on me again?" I husked into her ear.

She moaned and shook her head.

Not a good enough answer. I pulled out and slammed into her. "Answer me Lauren."

She whimpered. "N-no. Oh my gaw-Daddy please...make me come." She pleaded.

I continued to fuck her, coming into contact with her g-spot each time. She began to tighten around me, a sign that she was about to reach an orgasm.

"D-daddy...I'm C-shit!"

I wasn't stopping. "Come for me Mami, come for Daddy." I whispered in her ear before pressing my lips against hers.

A high pitched shriek escaped her mouth as her body began to convulse under me. Still I hadn't stopped, this only caused me to speed up my pace.

"FUCK! Dinah come inside of me...please I-shit I'm going to come again."

I could feel my orgasm building up in the pit of my stomach. " feel amazing it all mine baby? Hmm...tell me."

She frantically nodded before shutting her eyes and throwing her head back. "It's all yours Daddy...h-here it comes. Come with me Daddy...come with Mami." She rasped as her grip on my arms tightened.

With two more big thrusts she and I came in unison before my legs gave out and I collapsed on the floor. "Fuck!" I shouted out in pleasure.

I looked up to see Lauren laid out on the counter, chest rising repeatedly as she struggled to calm her breathing. "I'm sorry Dinah Jane."

The bathroom was silent as I stood and cleaned myself up before fixing my clothes. "Forgiven." I said softly as I leaned down to kiss her. "Clean yourself up."

She smiled and nodded before sitting up and limping towards a bathroom stall.


Once we left the bathroom, I introduced Lauren to anyone that she hasn't met yet, mostly Normani's family, and a few of our other friends. They all seemed to love her, especially the kids who had all taken her from me shortly after.

"How's it going Mr. Dad." I teased as I walked over to Lance when was feeding Alana."

He chuckled. "Hey Dinah. Things are going well, this will be you soon."

I nodded and sighed happily as I looked down at my goddaughter. She looked just like Lance but shared a mixture of Ally's and Lances skin tone. She had black curly hair, long eyelashes, and the most mesmerizing pair of hazel eyes. The same for MJ except for his skin tone which is a shade or two darker.  "They're already getting so big."

He nodded before sitting the bottle down and placing her onto his chest so that he could burp her. "Yeah, I'm already looking forward to when they're a little older. They're kind of boring right now."

I chuckled.

"Guys, they're here." Mama Drea said to everyone in the room.

"Mani, please just tell me why we're here. You've had me out since this morning babe and I'm tired." We heard Camila say as her voice grew closer.

"Just trust me beautiful this is the last stop."

Normani and Camila appeared before all of us and we all shouted surprise.

Camila smiled slightly and turned to look at Normani. "Baby...what's going on."

Normani released a shaky sigh before turning to look at her mother. "Mommy,"

Mama Drea smiled and pulled a black velvet box from her pocket before she purse before handing it to Normani.

"Thank you," Normani took what was out of the box before placing it back into her mother's hand. She turned her attention back to Camila.

"Everyone came out tonight because I wanted to um...surprise you and I wanted them to see just how much I love you Camila. You are the light of my life and since I've met you there's been nothing but happiness. No matter how bitchy I can be you're always by my side. No matter how tired I am after a long day of school you're always there to help me. No matter how shitty I look in the morning you don't care, you tell me that I'm beautiful anyways. Camila, no matter how many times I mess up you're always there to cheer me on and for those reasons alone I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We helped to make one another a better person and having you by my side means so much to me."

Normani was about to get down on one knee but stopped. "I can't even...I'm still in pain from last ni-"

Camila frantically shook her head before lightly punching Normani's arm. "Could you not?!"

Normani gasped. "Oh shit. Sorry...okay so I'm nervous as hell and I just want this to go right and I hope you say better or I'll kick your as-"

"Normani!" Camila shouted. "Ask me already!"

We laughed at how excited Camila was.

"Alright. Here it goes. Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao. Will you marry me?"

Camila jumped into her arms and started planting kisses over Normani's face. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

We all cheered and congratulated them.


We were all sitting around sharing laughs and just chatting with one another when someone in a trench coat walked into the room.

"Who is that?" Camila asked from her spot on Mani's lap.

I turned to get a better look at the person.

"Dinah...why is your cousin here?" Normani asked.

I rolled my eyes. "No idea Mani."

Zendaya spotted us and walked over.

"Leave you Government Hooker you weren't invited." Lauren spat.

Zendaya ignored her and walked over to Normani and Camila. "Congratulations Mani...Camila."

Camila hardly knew Zendaya but she's heard things about her from us but she never seemed too worried about her and she definitely didn't seem worried today. She just sat there sipping on the glass of wine that Mama Drea had given her.

"Cameela she doesn't love you girl. She just really loves vagina and you have it so she'll stay with you until you're no good to her anymore. Mani did you tell her how you and I were the it couple until I broke your heart? Or how before you two dated you used to help me take care of my son and how he called you mama for a year."

Normani rolled her eyes. "That was the past Zendaya. I'm over you."

"Sure, but I'm not over you. Cameela I'm sorry but you're nothing but a naive, strong faced, little bitch. Normani is only with you because of your money, if you even have any...she's a BITCH and she never loved anymore but herself. How she ended up with a dumb hoe like you is beneath me." Zendaya said with a smirk.

Camila sighed and took a sip of her wine before throwing it in Zendaya's face and punching her.

(Watch the video for a visual 😂)

Zendaya fell to the floor causing everyone in the room to look on in shock.

"SHE NEED SOME MILK!" I shouted earning a smack to the back of the head from my mother who I didn't even notice was standing next to me.

Zendaya stood and charged at Camila but Camila just calmly started whooping her ass. The kids were quickly moved and the men did little to pull Camila off of Zendaya. Hair extensions were flying everywhere as they were being pulled effortlessly from Zendaya's head.

"Lance! Please get my finance to stop and throw her out of here." Normani ordered as she tried so hard not to laugh.

Lauren and Normani's sisters were in the corner cracking up

Lance and I took action, he grabbed Camila, and I grabbed Zendaya.

"Your tracks shouldn't be slipping like that you irrelevant piece of shit! Dinah get her the fuck out of here!" Camila shouted.

Zendaya smirked. "Oh please bitch you caught me off guard I could have easily beat your ass."

Camila snatched away from Lance and punched Zendaya again. "You were saying?!"

I smirked and dragged Zendaya away.

"Auntie! Seriously you weren't going to help!?" She shouted at my mother.

My mom shrugged. "I'm sorry who are you?"

Zendaya groaned loudly and snatched away from me. "Amber wants you to call her it's important."

"Bye Zendaya." I said calmly.

She was about to leave until Lauren called out for her to wait.

"What do you want you fat bitch?"

"Don't disrespect my woman like that Zendaya."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Chill, I was just giving you back this stiff ass weave of yours. Here take it."

Zendaya glared at her before snatching the hair from her and storming out of the building.

There was an awkward moment of silence until Mama Drea decided to speak. "Normani...keep her and make her the happiest woman alive. About time someone whooped that girls ass...sorry Milika."

My mom shook her head. "Andrea that girl is of no relations to me. Camila, thank you. Now let's get this party started shall we Dinah get your ass over there and play us some music."

I did as told and within minutes everyone went back to what they were doing as if nothing ever happened.


I seriously don't know what this is but thanks SagittariusSeason for the idea fam! 💯

Last chapter before the drama starts. Everyone can thank Camila_Cabello22 for what's about to happen next.


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