Cinder & Ella

By SweetDream22

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John has lost everything that is important to him. He lives as a servant in his own house. All he want to do... More

Chapter 1- Taking off
Chapter 2- Planned Trip
Chapter 3- Lucinda
Chapter 4- To the Palace
Chapter 5- Beautiful Stranger
Chapter 6- Meeting Ella
Chapter 7- 2 Weeks
Chapter 8- Thinking Place
Chapter 10- Truthes are Told
Chapter 11- Freaking out
Chapter 12- Locked Away
Chapter 13- Good Bye
Chapter 14- Little Sister Has Good News
Chapter 15- Back Together
Chapter 16- Asking for Premission
Chapter 17- The Funeral

Chapter 9- Confidents

83 4 0
By SweetDream22


    ‘He kissed me’ was all I could think about. I felt as if my insides were light as a feather and I could just float on air. I couldn’t wipe away the huge smile that laid on my face. I didn’t even bother changing out of the servants outfit before I went to meet father. It was getting dark and most people would be in the great hall eating. I suppose I should be with them but I was too happy to even think about anything else. I couldn't care if I did not make an appearance. As I went to my father’s room, I was passed by no one. I gave a quiet knock before I went in.

     “My darling daughter I knew it was you. Come here child and tell me of your day.” father said in his raspy voice. He looked no better than yesterday but I suppose he was no worse either. I did like too see a smile on father’s face though for a change of spirits.

    I went to kneel by my father’s sick bed. I gently kissed his cold boney hand before I talked over my day but spared the details to the kiss. When I was finished, without realizing it, let out a happy sigh. Father smiled at me  “You like him a lot don’t you.”

    I looked into father’s eye “Oh yes very much so but I fear soon he will not love me.”

    He looked perplex “And why is that my dear?”

     “He doesn’t know my identity. He has no idea I am the Princess and that is why I left the library in such a hast. If mother was to find out  and reveal who I am then he will be upset and never wish to speak to me again.” I pointed out.

    Father nodded his head ever so slightly before he spoke “He could never stop loving you no one in their right state of mind could do such a thing to you.”

     “How can you be sure father?”

     He looked at me with a serious face “Because my darling, before I was confined to this bed I would watch over you. Being king isn’t my most important job, 2 jobs are more important than being a king and those jobs are being a good husband and an even better father. I watched every man turn and stare when you entered a room or walked down a hall. You are very beautiful Isabella and even a blind man can see that. You seemed not to have taken note of it or even of the men who watch you. To you this is normal but you found one man who stuck out from all the rest. Yes it is a valid point that he does need to be aware of your true title but you need to tell him.”

     He was right and I knew it. “I will father.” was all I replied. I noticed that father was getting tired because his eyelids began to slide shut. I wish him a good night and started to head for the door.

     Before I could reach the door, father called out to me in his weak voice, “Would you be so kind as to come back again tomorrow? I enjoy are talked and would love to use as much time with you as I can.”

     I could feel the tears rolling down my face. I wished not to trouble father by him seeing the tears so I just called out over her shoulder “There is nothing that would make me happier. I love you father.” Then I slipped through the door.


    The next 4 days were very similar. I would  wake up and go have tea with mother then sneak off to see John. I would bring food to John out behind the stables. I always got a sly smile and a mocking bow each time I passed James. The only reply I gave him was to roll my eyes and stick my tongue out, which always cause James to bend over in laughter. John and I would sit out behind the stables and talk through the day. My favorite part was always at the end of the night when John would give me a farewell kiss. As much as I loved the kiss, it would make me feel more and more guilty. I knew that sooner or later I would have to tell him the truth before he figures it out for himself. After I would spend the day with John, the next thing I would do is I would go visit father. He showed me love and support on the matter.

     Tonight my nerves were going every which way. I knew that I only had a week left till the ball. The Queen is set on finding a groom for her.  But little did mother know, I have already found John, who I think I might actually be fall for.  The true test, on whether or not it is true love, is when I have to admit that I am no mere Ella but Princess Isabella.

    I pondered this as I went to father’s room. These meetings were becoming a regular routine so no one questioned why the Princess escaped from dinner so early. When I reached the room I found nurses running in and out. The women looked frazzled and nervous with the hair tucked out of place and there dresses flying side to side as they scurry about. My mind went into panic mode already fearing the worse. I hurried into the room and found father laying in his bed with a leg propped up on a pillow and sweat running down his old, hollowed face. He tried to gave me a smile but failed as he broke out in a series of coughs that rattle his chest.

     I ran past the nurses to kneel in front of father. I could feel the tears pricking the rim of my golden flakes eyes. He looked so old and sick. I swear if I had not seen my father before he was sick I would have called anyone a liar if they told me this was my father. I waited till his fit of coughs were over before I spoke in a frantic voice, “Father what is the matter? What has happened?”

    Once again he tried to smile “Nothing my dear, I am fine.”

      He was lying I could tell, “Truly you are fine?”

    He looked at me but avoided my eyes when he said “Yes daughter, truly.”

    My eyes narrowed at his lying father. When one of the nurses passed by, I grabbed her wrist without tearing my gaze away from father’s hollow face, “What has happened to make my father lie to me about his health?”

     The nurse bowed as best she could with her one arm still in my locked grip. She was nervous as I heard her speak, “H-he is not well P-princess. His Majesty tried to get out of bed but fell. It may have... affected his health.” Her voice was shaky and scared.

      I let go of the grip lock I had on the nurse to cross my arms in front of my chest. I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to explain. He rolled his eyes and let out a tired sigh. He turned his shaggy face toward me, “Why do I even try? You are so much like you mother.” Me like her. No way.  I dropped my jaw to protest but she I cut off by father “Do not lie to me and tell me you are nothing like her. Remember Isabella I watched you grow up. Both of you are smart and  have a rebellious attitude." I let out a laugh at the last part. My mother rebellious? Never! He ignored my out burst and  proceeded “Yes I know hard to believe now but she was. I remember when there was talk of our matrimony. I was luck to be marrying your mother but she didn’t feel the same way. I think she loved someone else but she never would admit that to me. Her father had to practically drag her to my palace. Slowly however I won her over. I suppose you could call it lucky that we both fell madly in love. My parents had no say in the matter of their marriage either. Just like you mother and I, they were forced to marry. I have never seen them touch each other or even say a loving word. That is why my dear I approve of this John. If he loves you and treats you like a queen, that’s all that matters.”

     I listened closely to father’s story. It was one that I had never heard before but I was glad I heard it now at least. To tell the truth I didn’t really believe that father accepted my to marry someone of lower class even though he already said it was ok. After these thought passed through my mind I snapped back into focus “Thank you father. That was a very lovely story but you did not succeed.”

      He pulled his think white eyebrows down in a V. “What ever do you mean my dear?” He tried to keep a serious face but I could see the smile dancing across his lips.

       I smiled wickedly “Nice try but I can not forget you are hurting. Why would you try to get up?” My voice became panicked and I began to rant, “You know you are not in good health. What possesses you to try to stand. Does mother know. What if you fell and hit your head to never wake again-”

       “Shh my dear. We must not think of what if. I am still here with you, am I not?” He spoke in a soft, calming voice. Render unable to speak, I just nodded her head. I watched as her father laid back into his pillow. He looked so tired. I knew it was about time I retreated back to her own room but I didn’t want to leave. I stole another glance at father. He was so sick and I knew he needed to rest. I stood and bowed down to kiss his forehead “Good night father. Sweet dreams.” I began to turn when he grabbed my wrist, with the little strength he had left.

      He motion for me to bend down. Then he whispered in my ear, “Good night darling. Please remember I love you and I always will.”

    I felt the tears fill my eyes. “Please father don’t talk like that. Your not leaving me, are you?”

    “No. Not yet. Calm daughter, breathe. I love you.” He said then kissed my cheek.

       I pulled back and left the room. I only made it a few steps before I put my back to the cold marble wall and slowly slid down. I put my face on my knees and began to cry. My body shook from the power of my cries. How was I ever suppose to survive without I father? I don't feel fit to rule. He was everything the kingdom needed and what am I? I stuck up princess without a care in the world.

      I laid my face down on the cold marbles floor and sobbed until my body was exhausted and I fell asleep there on the floor.

      I only slightly woke up when I felt my body being lifted off the floor. Within my mind I wonder who has picked me up but I was to tired to care at the moment. Who ever is carrying me is very gentle and took me to me room I guessed. He has one arm wrapped around my back and the other has picked me up under my knees.

    When we entered my room I heard Felicita start to fret “Oh thank goodness you found her.” She always worries about me. It's sweet but annoying.

      “I thought it was your job as a companion to watch her.” a male voice spoke and I felt the vibration of his chest. I think I could recognize the voice but just couldn’t pinpoint it. It was a younger mans voice. I shifted in his arms from the harshness of his voice. The man squeezed me tighter to him and rocked me side to side a little bit to try to comfort me. This time when he spoke his voice was softer, “I found her not to far from the king’s room. She was laying on the floor and it seems she had been crying.”

      “I am sorry my-” Felicita began.

        Her voice was cut off by the man, “Don’t. Please just leave.” I heard Felicita’s footstep cross the room and disappear behind the door. The man walked over to my bed and set me down gently. He slipped of my shoes and pulled the blankets over me. I suppose I could wake and find out who took me but I had no urge, my body felt completely drained. I heard the man speak and I could tell he was sitting in the chair near my bed, “Oh Isabella, poor thing. I know what is like to lose a parent but I feel bad in your case.” he sighed. “I don’t want to take the crown from you. You are the rightful heir not I. You’d be ten times the better ruler than I.”

        I knew who it was now. I knew why no why I did not recognize his voice. It was because he hasn't spoken to me in such a long time. The person who would take over the crown if I couldn’t would be my cousin Timothy. My cousin had shown up a week ago but had not even spoken or looked my way this whole time. Why hadn’t Timothy said this before. My question was answered when Timothy continued speaking, “Father is trying to convince be I am the rightful ruler. He hasn’t let me out of his sight since we arrived. I know you must hate me for trying to take your crown.” He sounded so sad.

          I was about to open my eyes when I heard Timothy move closer to the bed. I felt his lips press a small kiss to my forehead. The he said “Good night my queen.”

    I opened my eyes to watch him walk out of the room. I couldn’t help but think about Timothy. The way we were when we were kids. He was always a respectable gentleman watching over me. Now his father was forcing him to take my crown and he was guilt ridden by it. I knew I would need to talk to him and soon. I dreamed of me and Timothy when we were younger.

Isabella Dream-

       I waited for Timothy to catch up to me. Right now I was sitting in an old oak tree that was at the edge of the woods that was at the edge of the woods near Timothy's castle. He finally reached me but was fluster when he did not see me. His boy self was so cute. I believe he was 9 and I was 7. He had brown curls and brown eyes and was a little bit taller then I. His cheeks were rosy with youth. I jumped from my limb on the branch and landed right in front of Timothy. He jump back and landed right on his rear. I fell to the ground rolling with laughter. His face flushed red and he stood staring down at me. “How very lady like.” he said with serious sarcasm. I looked up at his serious face but that just made me laugh harder. Once I was done, I stood up in front of his and gave him a little shove. “Who ever stated I was lady like?” and I took of running deeper into the woods.

       I turned around. “You can’t catch me Timothy.” I shouted as I ran to the woods.  Once he closed the gap near me, he only seem to be going half speed though. I stopped my running and turned around, "Timothy Anthony Adams! Are you letting my win?”

    Timothy stopped dead in his tracks and placed a hand over his heart. His face was pure hurt but knowing Timothy, I knew it was fake. “Hardly. That would be unfair my Queen.” he stated with a mocking bow.

    I ran over to him and swatted him on the arm, “Timothy you know that is not my title!” He did know but that has never stopped him.

    “But someday you shall be my Queen and until then you can’t command me to call you otherwise.” he stated a-matter-of-factly. I knew he was right. I had no way to make him stop. So I swatted him again. He brought his hand up to his shoulder, “Ow Isabella. You must stop before my arm falls off.”

      I just rolled my eyes. “I will stop when you can command me to do so.” He stuck his tongue out at me.  I swatted him again before I took off running across the meadows. “Catch me if you can!”

     I heard laugh and start his pursuit. He called after me “As you wish my Queen!”

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