Hey There Sexy ManxBoy

By YoungWhale

346K 9.1K 874

little 19 year old Robin was walking minding his own business when all of a sudden he was being mugged! Robin... More

Hey There Sexy ManxBoy
Meeting With Robin


31.1K 946 59
By YoungWhale

I wake up groaning while I held my throbbing head. All I can remember is being mugged by Chuck and POOF everything went black.

"Urg, my head is killing me!"

"You're awake."

I jump at the voice and look at my surroundings. Blue walls and the furniture was black, that is all I can describe since my head is legit killing me.

"Am I going insane." I said to myself or at least I thought.

"No, I'm beside you."

I looked beside me and screamed. Chuck wad laying there, on the bed I was on, and in his tight ass underwear. I looked at myself to find I was in my underwear too!

D-did we have sex?!!

"No we didn't." he stated

And he reads mind too!

"No I cant,you just keep saying things out loud." he says getting up.

"Oh, and by-the-by (yea suppose to be like that) give me some Ibuprofen or whatever. I blame you for this massive headache."

It fell into an awkward silence till he decides to leave and while he was out my still aching head fills up with lots of question.

Why did he mug me? He was already rich! Why are we in our underwear? What's going to happen next? Why am I asking stupid questions in the first place! Like woah! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT!

"Alrighty Mister I want answers!" I said pointing a finger at him, but he wasn't there...still...

"And your not there..." I grumbled. I hear a shower turn off and he comes out with a short towel around his waste.

"Um, hellooo, first the underwear, and now the short towel!" I said waving a hand in front of my face while he chuckles heading into the walk-in closet. Later he comes out in sweats with no shirt and tosses me a pair of sweats and a over-sized shirt.

Damn he was built! i'm kinds jealous because I'm so short and weak! Big Ape...Why am I getting to comfortable?

"Yo ducktard where are my damn pills!" I yelled.

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