Winter [Harry Styles]

By horantwix

694K 23.1K 5.4K

I didn't think it was possible to be so fascinated by one person, but I was. And I couldn't do anything about... More

Winter [Harry Styles]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eleven

21.6K 742 175
By horantwix

Dedicated to traupical because she's cool and her Harry story is feelsworthy (is that a word?)

"C'mon sleepyhead, we're here."

I swatted Harry's hand away as he poked me. He laughed, "Ella, get up."

I groaned and opened my eyes to see Harry looking down at me. He grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the car.

I looked around to see nothing but trees.

"You brought me to the woods?"

Harry chuckled, "No, we have to go a bit farther."

"But that involves walking," I complained.

"Just come on."

I reluctantly followed Harry through the woods. After a while, Harry stopped and went in front of me.

"Get on my back."


"Get on my back, I'll carry you the rest of the way."

I shook my head and started walking, "I'm fine."

"No, get on my back."


"Just do it."

I shrugged and got behind him. He crouched and I jumped on his back, his hands resting on the back of my thighs. I locked my arms around his neck.

He started walking and I realized what he was doing when we came across a big patch of mud.

"Are you serious? This is why you wanted to carry me?"

"Well no.. yes."

"You are such a dork."

He shrugged, a pink tint coming up on his cheeks. He was such a goofball.

After Prince Charming walked across the patch of mud, he made me close my eyes.


"Yeah, I told you I had a surprise and for you to be surprised, you have to close your eyes."

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out, eventually closing my eyes. I hid my face in his back and waited for him to stop.

 "Alright, we're here."

I lifted my face from Harry's back and made a noise in the back of my throat, shocked.

"What the hell is this?"

Harry's face changed, "You don't like it? I'm sorry, I knew you wouldn't. But I tried, right? I just thought that it would be different you know, with the water and everything."

"Harry shut up, I like it."


I laughed at Harry's short response and hugged him.

"Thank you," I mumbled in his neck.

He hummed in response, pulling away.

I took the time to actually look around. The first thing that I noticed was the flowers. They were everywhere. It was like this big huge field of flowers that went on for days. There was a lake in the far corner, froze up from the cold weather.

I walked to the middle and sat down. Harry sat down in front of me with a happy smile on his face.

"I love it," I said simply. Harry smiled wider and laughed.

"I'm glad."

"So what was the point of this? You carried me all the way here in the cold weather- not that I'm complaining."

Harry shrugged, "I don't know, I just found it a while back and wanted to share it with you."

I smiled and laid down, Harry doing the same shortly after.

"Your hair's going to get all dirty."


"So, come here."

Harry shifted me so that I was laying sideways and my head was on his chest.



"Thank you."

"For what?"

I looked up at him, "I don't know. Being a friend. You're the only person my age I like here and I wanted to thank you for not changing."

Harry smiled, "You're welcome."

I sat up and ran my fingers over the flowers, picking a bunch of them.

"What are you doing?"

"Just watch."

I tied the stems together and tightened them, Harry watching me curiously.

"What is that?"

"You've never seen them?"


I widened my eyes, "Wow. It's a flower crown."

I brushed his curls back and placed the crown on his head. I smiled at how cute he looked.

He felt of it before looking at me curiously, "Can you show me how to make one?"

"Yeah, come here." He scooted closer to me.

"Okay first, you have to pick flowers. Make sure you pick the ones that have the longest stems."

Harry searched for a few flowers and picked them, looking at me.

"Then you just wrap the stem around another flower, like this." I showed him how to do it, "Make sure to tie it around the end, really tight. You don't want them to fall off."

Harry nodded and I continued watching him tie them around each other. It was actually funny watching Harry tie the tiny stems around each other with his big fingers.

"After you tie them really tight, tie the whole thing together." Harry looked confused.

"Okay, see the end of this?" I showed him the last stem he tied. "Just tie it to this little lonely stem here."

Harry nodded and tied them together, completing the crown.

"If you really want them to stay this way for a while, you need to spray it with hairspray- well that's how I do it. But since we don't have any, we'll just deal with it."

Harry smiled and placed the flower crown on my head. He brushed my bangs back and positioned the crown on my head.

"Pretty," he mumbled, smiling at me. I smiled and watched as he took his phone out. "Come on, let's take a picture together."

I sat by him as he held the phone in front of him. Right as he took the picture, he turned his head and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and squeezed my eyes shut, laughing.

He faced his phone towards me so that I could see the picture. I was surprised at how well it turned out. Even though it was freezing, none of us had red noses or anything.

"I like that picture."

"So do I."

I jumped up and walked toward the lake. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to see if I can walk on this."

Harry walked behind me, holding my arm as I tested the water.

"I think I can walk on it."

Harry let go of my arm slowly and I stepped on it cautiously. The ice broke and I shrieked, jumping back. Harry laughed and grabbed my arm.

"I'll take that as a no."

We walked back through the field, "I think that's enough of that. C'mon let's go, it's getting really cold."

I agreed and we walked back through the woods.

"Are we going to come back?" I asked, looking up at Harry. He grinned, touching my flower crown.


Alright I have a lot of things to say so if you guys just want to skip this, you can. I don't blame you but I just wanted to tell you guys some things.

First of all, thank you for almost 50 followers. I know that doesn't seem like much but I'm glad I have people that actually like me enough to follow me. And thank you for so many reads, I love you guys so effing much and I made a long chapter just for you guys.

And this is where my fangirl comes out:

Did you guys watch the livestream?! I watched the whole thing and I almost started crying because it ended.

What was you guys' favorite hour? Mine was Louis and Zayn's because they were having so much fun and omFG LILAC NIALL HAPPENED, I WAS SOBBING HE LOOKED SO GOOD AND UGh.

And their AMA performance was amazing (as always)

And the album came out and I have been listening to it nonstop and I every time they scream in their songs, I want to faint. What's you guys' favorite song? I like Midnight Memories a little too much.

So in short, I really like this week and I love you guys for everything you do. Please comment and vote and since I'm on Thanksgiving break, I might update again.

And if you guys want to follow me on twitter or tumblr or anything, just ask. I'd love to be more in touch with you guys.

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