Still as Water

By redofheart

11.8K 460 83

*Sequel to New Girl: Ally Sane is living somewhat of a normal life after she discovered she was an Unwanted a... More

"Good Morning"
"Big Ben"
"Kill Bill"
"No One"-Harry P.O.V
"Deja vu"
"Belonged"-Harry P.O.V
"Miss Mary Mack"
"NOT a Damsel in distress"-Harry P.O.V
"Gone with the wind"-Harry P.O.V
"Reflection"-Harry P.O.V
"Man of my word"
"I Promise" -Harry P.O.V
"Ladies first"
"Biggest mistake"
"New beginning"-P.2
"Pearly White"-P.2
"Just Ally"-P.2
"Sleeping Beauty"-P.2
"Why?" -P.2
"What do we have here?"-P.2
"The Lady or the Tiger?"-P.2
"The One?"-P.2
"See something"-P.2
"A familiar face"-P.2
"Welcome the guest"-P.2
"Bodyguard"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V
"All together"- P.2
"Rouge"- P.2
"Stumble"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V
"She did this?"- P.2 Harry P.O.V
"Quick Sand"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V& Harry P.O.V
"Black"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V
"Messengers"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V
"Plans"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V
"Plan B" -P.2 Harry P.O.V
"Tomorrow"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V
"The inevitable"-P.2
" Holding a sign"-P.2
"Two is better then one"-P.2 Harry P.O.V
"When I died "-P.2
"De-ice"-P.2 Harry P.O.V
"My job" -P.2
"Mistaken"- P.2 Harry P.O.V
"Seeing double?"-P.2 Harry P.O.V
"Harry!"- P.2 Harry P.O.V
"Whirlpool"-P.2 Hanna P.O.V
"Jokes" -P.2
"100 ft below"-P.2
"I had to"-P.2 Harry P.O.V
"Vanilla or Chocolate ?"-Harry P.O.V

"Washed away"-Harry P.O.V

209 9 2
By redofheart

After I said what I thought happened, all hell broke lose. Hanna started yelling at the sky, Will got angry and started punching the wall. Natalie who actually seemed sane tried to calm Hanna down and Samuel was just looking at me.

            “Are you sure Harry?” Samuel asked me, but what he was actually implying was did my weird six sense tell me anything.

            Ever since I was a kid I could tell what happen in situation like these. I would have been a great cop, Uncle Black use to say  but cops and don’t  get along to well. So I just kept it in and never really tapped into it. Samuel and Will knew about it cause there was a situation where someone stole Will's cap and I found out who it was.

            When Will realized this, he stopped punching the wall and looked at me. I could defiantly sense something that was for sure so I let my 6th sense guide me.

            I walked toward the door. “Ally was here, she was lying down most likely exhausted from what happened.” I bent down and saw that the floor saw little drop lits of water.  “She was crying..” I let out. I turned to Will who was giving me the death look  but I just smiled. It was not my fault she was crying but I do have an idea of whose fault it was.  “What happened before?” Samuel asked and I forgot we didn’t fill him in.

            “Ally..look into Harry.” Will said. Samuel looked at me to Will. “What do you mean look inside of Harry?”

            Will was fidgeting and just so we can move on I told everyone what exactly Ally did. “Its called Peeking. She makes physical contact and closer to the head the more she can guess if you good or evil. She touched my head so I am guessing she wants a final answer and she looked directly into my soul. Only a few Unwants can do it and I am guessing Ally could after she came back from the dead. It makes  sense cause if she banished evil shouldn’t be able to know if it comes again.”

            Samuel and Will looked at me stunned. Hanna finally shut up and got up. I turned to her and saw that tears were still coming.

            “So that’s why she ran away.” Hanna said mumbling to herself but we all could clearly hear it.

            “Yes, Hanna, so what exactly are you covering up, that would make her not trust you and give her a vision?”

            “Ally's having visions again?” Natalie  asked and I nodded. It was clear she did and it all has to do with what Hanna was covering up. Everyone in the room came to that realization and all eyes turned to Hanna.

            I slowly walked up to her, stalking her like she was the prey. She slowly stepped back. “I..I.I . been having blackouts, okay!” She yelled. I stopped and let her continue. “I wake up in places I don’t even know like yesterday when I woke up in a forest.”

            “Why does it happen?” I asked getting this strange feeling. “I don’t know but when I sleep and I get this strange feeling that something in nature needs me. Its calls me and yesterday night it was the trees in the forest.” I tried to hide my laughter but Hanna saw me and she started acting like her old self.

            “It sounds stupid I know, so shut up. But believe me it is not. Yesterday night. I think I met Fire.” I stopped laughing and saw that Hanna was series.

“It was defiantly a he cause he talked to me while he was tying something to a tree. It looked like he was surprised I was there but then he laughed.. his laugh.” Hanna shook herself. “His laugher was bone chilling lets just say that. I got a bit a delirious and then I swear he moved so fast that he was right in front of me. He smiled and then said…”  Hanna stooped and looked like she was going to cry again. Thankfully Natalie was there.

            “:Its okay ,just say it.” Hanna looked up at her and then at me. “He said that the Todd family was special and me being there just proves it. He leaned closer to me and then he spoke so softly but I felt like he was yelling in my ear. It was like I was under a spell and he told me to being Ally to the Hideout and from there everything will be taken care of. Then I blacked out and woke up in the next morning only remembering to bring Ally to the Hideout and that’s how..” Hanna started crying again and I walked over to her.

            It wasn’t Hanna fault,  Fire was strong. “Hanna, Ally would have come here anyway. The email was sent so she would have come  here anyway, don’t beat yourself up.”

            Hanna looked stunned but I could see she felt a bit better. It was the honest truth; I just wished I could now what Ally had seen. The only way to find that out is to find Ally.

            I tapped back into my 6th sense .Ally was laying down here and then she saw something right where Samuel was. “Can you move over” I asked Samuel. “Sure,” Samuel said as he stepped aside.

            I bent down and there was the smell of something. “Sulfur..Fire was defiantly here.” I said thinking aloud. “He was going to take Ally but..” I walked over to the window and looked out and saw the blood. “Ally jumped out herself. trying to get away.”  I finish off feeling like this was right.

                “So she still might be alive?” Will said sounding a bit better, and I nodded. “I would get a team out there Samuel. She was bleeding but so was he.” Samuel nodded but he only made it out of the door before we heard it.

           I looked out the window and could hear  thunder roarind and the  dark clouds gathering around. Then it came pouring and whatever evidence was there would be long gone. 

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