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While Fifth Harmony's Camila is on a mission to meet her online friend, a series of events unfold. Will it j... Daha Fazla

Characters and Brief Background


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tengenengcamren tarafından


Btw this is my first time writing a story. Though I may take pride on my creative side, I'm not quite sure about my grammar. Can anyone help me? Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy xxx

Jasmin's POV

"Hija! Gising na! Tanghali na! (My daughter! Wake up! It's noon already!)" my mom shouted.

I tried to open my eyes but I gave up right after catching a ray of light.

"'Pag hindi ka pa tumayo dyan... (If you don't lift your ass right now....)," I heard mom threatening me while probably holding her broom. I made an effort to move a bit, still trying to muster some strength since I feel like a jello.

"Ala-una na Jasmin. Anong oras ka na naman ba natulog? Imbis na makatulong ka dito sa bahay..... Gigising ka lang para kumain! (It's already one o'clock, Jasmin. What time did you decide to sleep again? Instead of you helping me here with the chores..... You just wake up when it's time to eat!)"

God, I hate mornings, I hate the sun, I hate my mom's annoying voice, I hate everything.

"Okay, okay ma, I'm awake now," I said to her while massaging my forehead. I'm going to have a headache with all this noise.

"Aba, pa-English English ka pa! Tumayo ka na dyan at tulungan mo ko sa mesa. (Oh, so now you're speaking in English! Stand up already and help me prepare the dining table.)"

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but at times like this I wanna pull her hair out. Why is it so damn hard to understand that I'm not a morning person? I don't whine about assigned chores, but shouting at this time of my day? Right after I wake up? What the heck?

And also, who cares if I speak in English. Can't I practice the language? Especially if I've been spending my nights talking to a foreigner, which I may or may not meet soon. Anyway, I conclude this is all Karla's fault. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be sleeping as late as 4AM. Then I won't wake up at 1PM. Then my mom wouldn't be barging in my room sounding like an ambulance and fire truck combined.

No, kidding, I like Karla. She's the only one who can understand me right now. I guess I'll blame time zones then.


Jesus Christ, mother. Stop shouting!

After fixing my bed and myself altogether, I went to the dining table where my younger siblings are already seated. Mom prepared the table without my help. I waited for her to scold me again but nothing came. She just instructed us to start eating.

Awwww. I love my mom. I know I'll be washing the dishes later though.

We all indulged in our lunch cooked by my mother. She cooks really well. And because of that, we, me and my siblings, just ate in silence, savoring every flavor.

I have two brothers and one sister. I'm the oldest, 20 years old, followed by the two boys, 18 and 14 years old. That makes my sister the youngest and we call her bunso, 11 years old.

Wondering where my dad is? He's working abroad. You know. Typical story. We all know that. Next.

Lol sorry. I just hate introducing this part me. People usually ask more questions and I don't like sharing my life. I prefer listening to others. That's it.

I miss Karla.

Anyway, fine, so my dad works at the USA. No biggie. He's an engineer there, civil specifically. Probably handling construction of a high rise tower. We only see him every other year so to prioritize funding other important needs than flight tickets. I can say we live an average life. Not so rich, not so poor. We don't have maids because my mom doesn't want to. But I do know our family is really thrifty, probably saving for our future and big investments.

Enough of me. I'm almost done eating my lunch too and I noticed my family isn't done with their meal yet, which means I can't wash the dishes yet, so I decided to get back to my room and grab my phone.

I checked my Tumblr inbox and saw that Karla sent me two messages.

>> hey apologies for replying late but i know ure prolly snoring ur night away uhmm so u really wanted to meet me?

>> also do u know my friend philip, cos u know ure in the PHILIPpines...... :)

I've been talking to Karla for about three months now and I'm so used to her puns I don't even cringe anymore. I just laugh it off. I think she's cute.

I heard my mom shouting again that they're done eating and I should take reigns with the dishes. I kept my phone at the back pocket of my shorts so I can reply to Karla later.

While washing the plates and utensils, I revisited my memory of meeting Karla online.


As I peacefully draw random doodles on my journal, I heard my phone continuously vibrating. At first I thought someone is calling but to my surprise notifications from Tumblr came after another. Wow well that's new. I checked each of the notifications and I saw that they're from the same account. I decided to see the blog post this person "loved" first because I have a hint as to how he/she probably reached my blog. And my assumptions were right since he/she indeed saw first my one and only popular post.

It's a post of a painting I did once. It's kind of sensual in a way but not really.

It's a painting of books and fingers portrayed explicitly, insinuating that a person's experience in reading books may be depicted similarly to a woman pleasuring herself. Might be sexist for me to use the female genitalia, but can you blame me, it's the female genitalia.

Vaginas are awesome. There's a reason why clitoris is also called the bundle of nerves. Although, I don't get it why people call it uglies in general.

Like if you're a girl and suddenly that day came, when your innocence is crushed, or when you became aware that a completely different world exists, you know there's no going back. Curiosity eats you so you succumb to experimenting yourself. You'll realize boys talk about it a lot finally recognizing girls can actually experience the same pleasure as well, maybe even more, but society seemingly prohibits talking about it. Like it's a bad thing. Girl's sexuality is a bad thing. Uglies.

That's how I thought about it and I want to change that. But sure..... got to admit I prefer the flowers too than the bees.

Anyway, I checked more of the notifications and this person "loved" my other artworks and one line thoughts. Out of gratefulness, I opted on visiting her ask box and sent a thank-you-for-appreciating-my-blog message. I also took notice that the account's owner is a she while briefly visiting her blog.

An hour later she replied and everything started off from there.

*End of Flashback*

We never did small talk. Always been straight up deep shit. We talked for hours till someone has to go or fall asleep. That was the routine whenever we're both active.

I held tightly on to that. Who cares if I don't know anything about her? Our souls are connected, what more could beat that? All I know is her first name and bits of pieces of information a person unconsciously forgets to censor when sharing something personal.

Not until yesterday, though. She finally confirmed that she lives in America and I divulged the fact that I live completely opposite to where she is.

Can't help but wonder how far our friendship will reach. But I do wish to meet her. I'd be lying to admit that I never craved knowing the face behind that beautiful mind.

I finished cleaning everything including the sink. I hate messy things. Mom will scold me too if I don't clean it. She scolds us with everything. Always a perfectionist.

I went back to my room and fished out my phone from my back pocket. Oh, I have a new message. Emily texted me saying she's coming over. I replied quickly with an okay and asked her to bring her Uno cards.

Now, what to reply to Karla...

>>no i dont want to meet you, did I ask you to go here? no right? idiot of course id be glad to meet you

>>king philip of spain actually colonized us you know

Camila's POV

It's 3 o'clock in the morning here at... I don't exactly know where. All I know is we're in our tour bus heading to Arizona, I think?

Our last show at Texas went well and fortunately enough, anxiety decided not to attack me. My thoughts triggered towards the unfinished set I left at Missouri. And I really feel bad about it. They paid for a 5-member group performance, not 4. I hope I can make it up to them one day. Anxiety is such a pain in the ass.

And here I am laying in my bunk, finding it hard to sleep again. Typical.

Moving to my 700th position of the night, I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it and boy, am I glad to see Jasmin replied to my message.

>>no i dont want to meet you, did I ask you to go here? no right? idiot of course id be glad to meet you

>>king philip of spain actually colonized us you know

I scoffed when I finished reading. Jasmin, always the nerd.

>>u know i never thought id be making internet friends, much so meeting them, maybe in time Jas

>>yeah then my country colonized urs next lol sorry for that

It's refreshing talking to someone who doesn't know my celebrity life. Jasmin's like a breath of new fresh air. It also helped we're from two opposite sides of the world. I get to hear new and peculiar things. Although, she doesn't know my Latina blood, I relate to her too sometimes.

I love people and knowing their lives. She's my only escape right now, aside from music.


I woke up past 9 and went straight to the dining part of our tour bus. Most of the girls are already up, they probably earned enough sleep, unlike me. I remembered then why I slept late. Oh, Jasmin. We continued talking about the whole colonizing thing last night. She laughed at the fact that I said sorry to her in behalf of the whole nation. The next thing I know, I already caught up on her tone of patriotism as the conversation went on. Well, she's one of a kind.

I'm grateful I met her.

Jasmin influences me with this aura of hope and I try to replicate that. Also, I still need to convince Lauren so I can go meet her. So, here we go.

"Hey Lauren," I cheekily smiled at her, "Good morning!"

Lauren rolled her eyes before seating next to Ally.

"Hi Camila, care to share why you sound so happy? Cos I'm not, I don't like mornings, you know that."

"Oh stop being rude, Lauren. Hey Dinah, where did y'all went to last night? Hmmm?" Ally butted in, while pouring brewed coffee to her mug.

"Give us a break dawg, we just stopped by the convenience store to buy snacks. Since, Lauren here kept on munching everything," Dinah shouted from the washroom.

"It's 'keeps', Dinah, not 'kept'. And so what? I'm always hungry."

Oh that gave me an idea. "Uhm guys, can we actually go to a grocery store? I need to buy something and I don't think convenience stores have that," I asked them.

"Sure Mila, I'll tell Mani and DJ later," Ally quietly answered in such a way only me and Lauren can hear.

It feels like everyone's walking on broken glass when they talk to me, I noticed. Only Lauren treats me the same. Maybe not the same, but normal perhaps.

"So what are you up to, Camz?" Lauren faced me while eating her cereals.

"Nothing. It's top secret," I answered smiling again.

Lauren narrowed her eyes and gestured an I'm-watching-you with her two fingers.

Alright, game on. This is for you, Jas.

Okumaya devam et

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