Undercover Gangleader

By Darkfairytale1234

770K 19.4K 2.5K

You know the normal cliche of the nerd secretly being a street fighter and the bad boy just so happens to fin... More

Undercover Gangleader
Prologue 1
Prologue 2
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyTwo
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter TwentySix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter ThirtyThree
Chapter ThirtyFour
Chapter ThirtyFive
Chapter ThirtySix
Chapter ThirtySeven
Chapter ThirtyEight
Chapter ThirtyNine
Chapter Forty
Chapter FortyOne
Chapter FortyTwo
Chapter FortyThree
Chapter FortyFour
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter FortySix
Chapter FortySeven
Chapter FortyEight
Chapter FortyNine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyTwo
Chapter FiftyThree
Chapter FiftyFour
Chapter FiftyFive
Chapter FiftySix
Chapter FiftySeven
Chapter FiftyEight
Chapter FiftyNine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter SixtyOne
Chapter SixtyTwo
Sequel- Chapter One!!

Chapter FiftyOne

7K 203 76
By Darkfairytale1234

Crap baskets guys, I forgot to show you guys the pictures I found to play Xavier. Maybe this will help me remember.

Xavier's POV

I stretch out my arms and raise out of bed before sliding on my boxers and rubbing my eyes. A knock comes to the door and I groan before opening it up to see Blade smiling from ear to ear. I squint at his ruffled hair, and wrinkled clothing." Guess who got laid tonight?"
"You I'm guessing." I chuckle out and he walks into the hotel room and stops in his tracks once he sees the three girls laying under the covers." Which your not the only one."
"What the hell man?" He turns back to me and I raise an eyebrow." Asher?"
"What about her?"
"Don't play that game with me. I know how you feel about that girl and yet you'll still sleep with random chicks? Three to make it even worse?"
"What? You did too."
"With my girlfriend." He smiles slightly as he says the last word and I tense, the word being foreign for me to even hear come out of his mouth.
"When did you get a girlfriend?"
"We made it official tonight but we've been talking for about five or six days now." I raise an eyebrow and he sighs before adding,"Fine six days and four hours but that's not the point here. The point is is that if you want Asher than you can't be going around with other girls."
"Yes I want Asher. Want being the important word because I'm not wanting a relationship. So I can go with random girls if I want."
He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, his beard being gone so he can't yank it like he usually does." I thought you really changed man. I might of teased you but I liked that new side of you. Everyone liked the new side of you. Actually feeling something for someone else and maturing. Or was all that an act so you could get into her pants, but now that that isn't possible your no longer caring? Was she just a toy to you?"
"I don't get why we're having this conversation right now. You were the exact same before you meet your little girlfriend, meaning you have no room to talk." I scowl at him and growl out before yanking att he covers of the bed and yelling," Go. Sleeping times over with, get out of my face." The wake up startled and hurry out of the bed, throwing in their clothes and quickly flipping their hair around before going out the open door." Shut the door." The brunette squeaks before shutting it and running back after her friends. I turn to Blade to see him looking at me with a frown and pity in his eyes." Don't look at me like that. And no I didn't put on an act. Asher's actually fun to be around with but relationships aren't for me Blade. They always end up getting screwed up somehow. I'll be her friend, nothing else. Plus what do you think she'd do if I told her the truth? That Dork Xavier is X, and is not only in a gang but the leader?"
"Time will tell. It might not work out now but things always have a simple road to take when it comes to the right one Xavier."
"Get you Pinterest quote ass out of my face and send me someone tonight at eight."
"I'm quitting my business Xavier. I no longer have any girls to give you, and I'm sure as hell not giving you Izzy. It's hard to tell what diseases she may be exposed to by just touching you right now."
"Izzy? Is that your little girlfriend? And why is she making you do a 360? Why are you suddenly Mr. Nice guy after for years only caring about yourself and getting money?"
"Yes she's my girlfriend. And she's not making me do anything, but she's changing me. She's making me become a better man than I've ever been, which is something I wish Asher could do to you. But she'd have to be a miracle worker to do that. One shouldn't put that much hope into somethings that will never come true I guess." He shakes his head before going to the door and throwing something at me." The hospital called. Her mother thought you should know that in an hour they're taking her to her first physical training session. Not that you probably care." He opens the door and slams it behind him leaving me to stand looking at the door, slightly dumb folded. I pick up the folded piece of paper he had thrown to see it has all the details of the physical training on it. I curse slightly realizing I only have forty five minutes and grab my clothes before hurriedly running into the bathroom not wanting to smell like the girls when I get there. Guilt goes through me as I think of all the things Blade had said to me and what I head done with the girls. I'll make it up to Asher, I promise. Even if we're not even official friends yet.

Asher's POV

"Raise up your leg."
I lift my left leg as Abigail slides the ball shorts up my legs and tries the strings around my waist before lifting my arms up and sliding a loose tank top onto me.
"Nervous about what your results may be?"
Today had a bit of a curve ball to it. Today was the day that they would test my strength to see what I start out in and as the months go by, compare my new numbers to this one. Like today I might be able to do ten sit ups and hopefully by the time I'm fully healed and get this cast off I'll be back to bed able to do one hundred. I shrug my shoulder even though my insides seem to jump with knowing that this is happening. Dads going to be watching and I don't want him to have to witness all our four years of training do down the drain. Then again, I don't want to over due myself and hurt myself even worse. I wouldn't of been afraid to pull a muscles before but now it's everything.
"You'll do great. You've been able to move around better than people who've had more minor injuries." She tells me as she helps me sit up fully and put my legs over the side of the hospital bed. She grabs my comb and brushes out my hair before putting it back into a tight ponytail." Gosh how'd if love to have hair like you. So thick and silky."
"It's a blessing and a curse." I tell him remembering some of the headaches I've had and how long it takes to curl or straighten it.
"Well your hair is beautiful." She tells me and sets the brush into the table." Ready?"
"Don't worry about it. I know you'll do great."

Xavier's POV

I jog down the hallway of the hospital, my hair wet and clinging my my ears and neck ask look down every hallway. I see Asher's nurse and holler out," Wait! I'm here."
She turns to me and gives me a slight smile." She's in there." She points to the room she just left and I nod before going through those doors forgetting to say thank you.
Asher looks back at me as they help her keep her balance before drifting away and moving the wheelchair." X?"
"I called him. I thought you might your friend to be here."
I hear a grunt and look over to see her father standing off to a distance, worry touching his eyes as he glances at Asher balancing onto one foot." Okay I guess." She mumbles before looking at the doctor.
"First let try your flexibility right now. Your stomach should be healed enough to the point of can do complex stretches. Do what you think your body will allow you to right now."
She nods before taking a step forward with her left foot and slowly going further into the ground, using her casted leg to slide until she's down to a splits. I lock my jaw and glance towards her father to see him looking at her with pride, instantly telling me I shouldn't be having the thoughts I'm having with him around. The doctor nods and writes something into the notepad as her mother helps her raise beach up. Asher sighs before putting her arms up and bending backwards until coming to a full back bend. She hesitates before kicking upwards making her come to a handstand, her feet nearly touching the back of her head. I shouldn't have came.
She lightly touching her good foot into the ground, making sure to not put pressure onto her broken arm before flipping back over. She grabs her mothers shoulder and picks up her casted foot, raising it up slowly until it's straight upwards and passing her head. I tense slightly as I feel the pressure come to my pants again and curse inwardly, knowing there's no way to hide a boner right now. I quickly glance over the bare room that's filled with various different equipment and decide to just stand behind her wheelchair. Her mother smiles at me slightly, me giving a slight smile back, before looking back Asher to see her now touching her toes with the help of her mom to keep her steady. I tighten my grip on the chair and glance over to see her father glancing at me suspiciously. I give him a tight smile which he doesn't give back and look at the doctor instead of Asher right now. Why stretches?
"Mostly to prepare her for the things were going but to also see how the wreck has effected her spine. Which seems to be perfect, maybe even better than perfect."
I nod even though I hadn't wanted to ask that aloud and look at Asher's who has nothing else to do.
"Okay. Now strength. Show me what you got and I'll ask you to do some of these tests."
She nods and glances at her father before balancing herself on her good leg and slowly squaring down and raising back up. Doing it at a total of six times before standing back up when she almost loses her balance. Her mother helps her get down to the ground and Asher evils herself before doing one handed push ups with her right hand seeming to have no problem with doing so. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.... She hesitates before doing three more and lifting herself back up doing a total of twenty, leaving us all to stare at her in part shock, me seeming to be the most surprised.
Her father claps and smiles slightly," Only ten less than what you were able to do, and that was with one good leg."
She smiles to herself and the doctor squints before pointing to pull up bar." See how many you can do with one hand."
She nods before linking towards the bar and holding into the bar with her good hand. She hesitates before making her face go slack and raising herself up with one hand, making it to her chin and taking herself back down. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. She brings herself and hands there before taking herself back up five more times and slowly setting herself back down." Still got it." She breaths out and her father smiles as she goes back to the doctor.
"Sit ups?"
Her father pauses before going beside her and helping her to the ground and then leaving her sitting in the ground before squatting and holding down her feet." Ready?"
She nods and fallback before raising herself up, going slow at first but building up speed with everyone she does. Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, twenty two. I raise my eyebrows as she makes it to thirty and keeps on going. Thirty seven, thirty eight... She looks at her dad as she lays before forcing herself to raise herself two more times. A smile comes to her fathers face, a laugh erupting from him as he wraps his arms around her shoulders and squeezing her shoulders." You still got it. You still got it." She laughs I to his shoulder and I tense once she turns slightly showing the tears that run both of their faces.
The doctor looks between them and her mother smiles at him." They were very big in physical training before the accident. They'd workout almost everyday together."
Her father helps her stand back up and the doctor smiles at the two." Would you like measurements? See how you progress and to also make sure that her body doesn't become disproportional?"
Asher shrugs and the doctor pulls out a tape line from his pocket and comes up to her." Bicep." She raises her arm and he wraps the line around it before writing the number into his notepad." Forearm." He slides it down and writes that number as well. "Thigh." She lifts up her leg and he wraps around it before writing down that number." Waist." He pauses before lifting up her shirt, her taking ahold of it after ward and keeping it up. My eyes roam over her stomach, going over the perfected lines and small hips, seeming like something from an Instagram model and bite my lip thinking what else she could be hiding. I grunt lowly and watch as he wraps around the tape line and I want has neither of her parents seem to be surprised by this appearance. It's seems as if Asher's not even the nerd that I've thought she was. She's way hotter than what I've had precious dreams about.

How was it guys? Scale from one to ten?
Question: do you think you'll get another tattoo?
Yes though I don't think soon. My parents have already said that I can get one for every single birthday which is what I might do. My goal is to have a sleeve one day guys, I've been obsessed with them ever since I've been introduced to them and I think there so cool.
Interesting fact: one of my favorite thing to watch in the mornings is the cartoon small potato. That's show is just my hallelujah.
Anyways I'm making this short considering how I have these photos to add. So as a vote guys which do you guys think is Xavier?

First picture being a, second b, and third c. The one with the most votes is him.

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