1992 Mystery Case [Fifth Harm...

By FFStories98

40.6K 1.8K 368

What happens in the past never really goes away More

Open Old Case
Best Friends
Baby Mama
Love Interest?
IT'S UP!!!!!


2.5K 159 62
By FFStories98

No One's Point Of View

Christian sat there, waiting patiently when Detective Rush enters the room.

He looked up at her "Please tell me you found out who killed Y/N."

"We're getting close there but there were some things we need to talk about."


"Are you going to talk now, V.P or am I going to have to beat it out of you?"

V.P laughs at what Detective Valens said "Go ahead and try. You're not going to get one word from me."

"Alright. " Detective Valens crosses his arms "Then you won't mind if we take a sample of your DNA. "

"Excuse me."

"Yeah since you're so tough and wanting to get out of here, you won't mind giving us your dna just to clear you off of murdering Y/N."

V.P glares at Detective Valens for a moment before saying "I want my lawyer."


"The girls would always tell me I look like Y/N." Christian looks at a picture from the box he brought the last time he came to the station. "It was something about the eyes that stood out."

"Do you remember any memories you had with Y/N?"

He nods his head "So many memories yet I was so young."

"What was your last memory?" Detective Rush asked him, making him stay quiet for a moment.

"Not to be rude with you, detective but why are you asking me this?" he clears his throat "I didn't kill her."

Detective Rush sighs "Christian, we believe you might know something but because you were so young, there's a possibility you don't know. "

"How would you know?" Christian raised his voice "I was only a little kid. Now I came so I would know who killed Y/N not to be looked as a suspect."

"You're not a suspect, Christian but if this case is going to be solve then you have to remember something from that night." Detective Rush puts a photo down.

He shakes his head, running his hands through his hair, feeling burning tears coming out "How am I suppose to remember when all the bad has been b-block?" he sniffles "Y/N was my bubba, the only one I had left in my life when my mom was away." He looks down at a picture of him being carried by Y/N and right by the corner showed the date of his birthday.

He blinked a few times before saying something.

"I remember being with Y/N," he closes his eyes then taking a deep breath "It was my birthday and we were out celebrating."


Christian laughed at Y/N's attempts as she was trying to make him laugh

Y/N smiled and picked up Christian "There is nothing more than a baby's laughter that brightens up the day."

"Bubba," he tilts his head then buries his face on her shoulder.

"Let's go, baby boy." she takes him out of the place.

-Flashback ended-

"Where did you go with Y/N?" Detective Rush asked.

"I remember," he clears his throat "Being in a room, there was a birthday cake and lit candle, and my parents singing happy birthday. Then playing with my new teddy bear and holding a red balloon."

Before Detective Rush could ask anything, Detective Valens walks in and asks for her to come out to talk in private.

As they were in the hallway, they talked and found a problem in their hands.

"Christian is 16 years old and we can't get his statement without a parent or guardian's permission."

"His mom gave up her rights to him so that would make the girls of fifth harmony his guardians."

"But there's something else none of us knew," Detective Valens shows her a file. "Why is Buster's name part of the guardianship?"

"Let's find out why?"

2:01 pm

"I understand this is your first time out of the bar," Detective Rush sits down as she looked at Buster "But there's a few more questions that need to be answered."

Buster nods "What would you like to know? I'll be honest with you."

"Honest to tell me why you're part of the guardianship of Christian."

Buster stays quiet for a moment before speaking "How did you know that?"

Detective Rush hands him a paper where his name written in on a document. "Do you want to explain that?"

He looks at it and sigh "I have guardianship of Christian but I let him be with that girl group because I figured he needed to be with someone who was close to Y/N and me working at a bar wouldn't be a good thing for him."

"What interests me is every time you speak about Y/N or Christian, you get a little emotional."

"Y/N is my only c-child," he begins to cry but quickly wipes the tears off "she never knew I was her father but I was the closest thing to her when she was growing up. You see her mother and I had an affair and when she found out she was pregnant, she refused for me to be part of Y/N's life because she wanted rich boy to play daddy. Of course I had ways to see Y/N."

"Was it a great feeling being a father?"

"It was the best feeling ever. I just wish I could've told her before she died." He sniffled.

"It's not too late to be in Christian's life and tell him what you wished you told Y/N."

He looks at Detective Rush "You're right."

4:09 pm

"Christian, calm down." The girls of fifth harmony tried calming him down while Detective Valens was holding V.P back from doing anything.

"Fucking kid broke my nose!!!" V.P yelled, trying to fight through to get back at Christian.

Christian gets up from the seat only to be pulled back from the girls "You son of a bitch!!!" he yelled at V.P

Detective Rush walks out and takes Christian to another room while Detective Valens takes V.P in another.

"I maybe a kid to him but I can still fight." Christian runs his hands through his hair and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment "It was him."

"How do you know that?"

"I was there." he looks at the wall "I remember.." he stays quiet and all of a sudden he punches the wall, leaving a hole.

"Christian, calm down. " Detective Rush tells him "Tell me what happened."

He takes a deep breath "Can you let the girls in? This is something they need to know. Something they have been wanting to know since my brothers and sisters have been born."

A few minutes later

"Dropped off my mom at a hospital and then we left. Y/N said we had to get something before we go home." Christian tells Detective Rush while the girls of fifth harmony were in the room, listening to everything that was being said.

"And then what happened? "

"We stopped at this shop."


"One of a kind but very wonderful for a lady to wear." the parlor hands Y/N the ring.

Y/N looked at the ring "Wow, you sure this is the one?"

"This is art, Y/N. This is not something made out of quickness but created out of passion, blood, sweat and tears. Most importantly love."

Y/N looks at the ring and nods "You're right."

"Excellent, darling." the parlor takes out the small box where inside had the other 4 rings.

"Wait," Y/N tells the parlor, making him look at her "there is one more request I want to make." Y/N looks at Christian who was in a seat with teddy bear and red balloon. "it's for my son."

A few minutes later

"Did you enjoy your birthday, Christian?" Y/N carried him as they were walking to an alley.

Christian nods his head rapidly and laughs when he receives kisses on his cheek from Y/N.

"There's one more gift I want to give you," Y/N puts Christian down on his feet, making him look at her while she held his hand and slides a ring on his finger "I know it's a bit big on you but you grow on it eventually. This ring is symbol of love, peace and spirit, Christian. This will bring you luck and keep you safe so I can see you everyday."

Christian looked at the ring, curiously before looking at Y/N and giving her a goofy smile and a big hug.

Y/N smiled and held him, kissing his head softly "I love you, Christian."

Christian then gives her a kiss on the cheek and mumbling "Bubba."

Y/N kissed his head one last time before they continued to walk.

After walking for a couple of minutes, they see the truck was close by.

Christian ran towards the truck while Y/N was behind.


Y/N turns around to see him "What do you want?"

"Where are they?" he glared at her and gripped on to the baseball bat.

"Far where you won't find them."

He chuckles "You think just because they are far, they won't come back. Oh They will come back because they have no choice!."

"With that small dick they won't. " Y/N looks at him "I know what you did and you're sick!

"So," he smirks "Those sluts weren't complaining."

"You son of a--" Y/N threw a punch at him, making him fall back "Don't you ever talk about them like that!" 

Y/N walks away from him, to see her son waiting for her.

V.P wipes his mouth to see some blood was out, he walks behind Y/N and swings the bat to her head causing her to fall down.

He continued to hit her with the baseball bat hard from her head to chest to ribs to legs.

Not satisfied, he began to punch her over and over again until she started fighting back by returning a punch and pushing him away.

He grabs the baseball bat again and swings it again at her, hitting her ribs until she wasn't able to move.

He turned her around on her back and lifted the baseball bat up, hitting her head repeatedly.

Finally satisfied, he lets go of the baseball bat and fixes himself up then looks down at Y/N. "Now you know not to get on my bad side, you piece of shit! Those sluts are coming back to me and as for you, you're going to rot in hell!" he slaps her one last time before walking away

Not knowing that Christian saw the whole thing.

Once V.P was gone, Christian goes to Y/N, patting her her cheek trying to wake her up.

"Bubba," he pats her cheek but got no response from her. "Bubba home."

Once again, he pats her cheek but got no response and he began to cry "Bubba." he looked at her, tears pouring out and placed his hands on her.

"Bubba." he cried,  letting go of his balloon.

-Flashback ended-

Christian looked up as tears streamed down his face.

The girls of fifth harmony broke in tears after hearing what happened and cried for what felt like hours.

Both Detective Rush and Detective Valens arrested V.P despite the  fact he asked for his lawyer. He was going away for a long time.


Steven was making a prayer before leaving the church and seeing his family,  giving them hugs and kisses.

Hailee looks at a picture of her, Y/N and Christian as she was receiving her treatment. Not once did she look away from it.

The girls of fifth harmony took the kids to a cemetery along with Christian was quiet the whole time.

When they got to Y/N's grave, they see Buster who was placing flowers down there.

When Buster saw them, no words were exchange but paying respect.

The girls of fifth harmony each placed a flower on Y/N's grave. Then the kids placed a flower on the grave, they never knew Y/N but after hearing so many stories about Y/N they grew to love her.

Christian looks at the grave before placing a red rose on it. He looks at his ring for a moment before turning his head and up on a hill, there was Y/N.

The girls along with the kids and Buster see Y/N but they knew not to let their eyes fool them.

Y/N looks at all of them, waving hello to let them know she was okay and to not let what happened effect them. That all she wants is for them to be happy.

The girls of fifth harmony couldn't help but get a little emotional when they saw Y/N it was almost like the first night when they met. Sparks flew and they knew it was meant to be.

Buster felt something touch him, he then realizes Y/N knows about him being her father. That made him feel free to not have anything hold on inside.

Christian continued to look at Y/N and for the first time in his life since she's been gone, he smiles and showing light in his eyes.

Y/N smiles at all of them before walking and fading away.

The End

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and this story

It was a dedication to Cold Case which was a great show y'all should go watch it

Thank you all so much for reading and be sure to check out my other books or if you want to request a new book idea, leave a comment. 

Until next time, take care of yourself and each other ✌

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