Werewolf Forest

Por Darkangel1866

551K 13.2K 1.4K

Mini summary: A story about a lost young girl named Maggie who really has no place in the world. Maggie is wh... Mais

Werewolf Forest::Chapter 1
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 2
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 3
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 4
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 6
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 7
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 8
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 9
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 10
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 11
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 12
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 13
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 14
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 15
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 16
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 17
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 18
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 19
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 20
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 21
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 22
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 23
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 24
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 25
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 26
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 27
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 28
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 29
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 30
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 31
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 32
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 33
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 34
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 35
Werewolf Forest::Chapter 36

Werewolf Forest::Chapter 5

20.2K 569 38
Por Darkangel1866

Hey everybody! Ok first of all i just wanted to thank all you readers out there. Now i must say I was disapointed with the amount of votes for my previous chapters. I feel like shooting high so let's go for 100 votes! So please vote. I also wanted to apologise for the shortness. Its a good chapter though so i hope that makes up for it. And now I proudly present...Drum roll please! duh nu nu nu nu nu.(FYI if you didn't catch that, that was a drum roll)

Werewolf Forest Chapter 5!!! Dun duh duh DUH!!

"Today we will be learning combat," snarled Gage, glaring at Jason. "Get over here, girl."

I hesitated.

"NOW!" he roared. Honestly after my last beating from steroid boy over there, I was a little afraid of him. I know it's stupid but it reminded me of my father. I ran to his side. He turned to me and slammed his fist across my face, sending me to the ground. "A good right hook," he said, "is always a good choice." He kicked me in the stomach, and all the air left my lungs. "And always remember when you hit someone on the stomach, always hit below he ribcage, which will render your enemy breathless." He pulled me up by my arm and stood me on my feet. He hit me once, twice, three times, holding onto my arm so I wouldn't fall. I could feel the blood beging to ooze out of my ewly split lip. his foot collided with my chest and I flew across the field skidding to a stop in the dirt . "And of course a good combination is always key." He was over me in a second, plowing his fist into my face again and again. I threw an un-aimed punch and regretted it instantly. He caught my hand in his fist and bent it backwards. I heard a snapping sound that was followed by a sharp, burning pain running down my arm. He released my hand and my arm fell limply to my side. He picked me up by my good arm and swung me, face first, into the ground. I tried to push myself up but fell back to the ground when my wrist practically screamed at me. I screamed in agony when he crushed my leg under his bare, callused foot before placing it against my back.

"You're pathetic. You're weak. You couldn't hurt me if your life depended on it. You would be useless in a fight. You're a frail, sniveling little brat, and you will never belong anywhere. We have no use for a pathetic little bitch like you" He raised his foot ready to bring it down and break my spine. I shut my eyes bracing myself for the paralyzing pain. Suddenly I heard something that sounded like two rocks slamming together. I turned my head to see Jason on top of Gage pounding his face again and again.

"Ever touch her again and I'll break your neck!" he yelled. He got up and kicked him once in the ribs before walking towards me. He picked me up bridal style and headed back towards the camp.

"Jason!" Jason turned at the call of his name. Gage was now sitting up, bracing himself with his elbows. Scarlet blood was dripping from his nose and mouth. "You traitor! You're betraying your pack, your brothers all for this...this girl?!" Betrayal and hurt dripped from his mouth with the blood. His deep brown eyes shone with hate. Jason stared silently at gage for a moment before turning around again. He looked down at me with an unreadable mix of emotions on his face.

"Come on Maggie, let's get you fixed up." The training field and the bloody Gage disappeared behind a layer of trees as I was carried away by my captor and my savior.


Jason laid me softly on a fold-out cot inside a large tent. My wrist and leg were strangely numb now, and I could feel my face begin to swell. Jason wrapped my injured limbs in an elastic band, mostly immobilizing them. He dampened a piece of gause and cleaned the blod from my face.

"What no chains?" I gasped as a chuckle sent a sharp pain through my chest.

"No," he said smiling. "They really aren't necessary for someone who can't walk. Just wait a few days then we'll both probably get cuffed." He pulled a stool up to my cot.

"A few days? Are you nuts? There's no way I'll be able to walk in a few days!"

"We wolves heal a lot faster than your average bear. You'll be just fine in about three days."

Well, at least there's a silver lining to this mess.

But a small one.

Very small.

Practically microscopic.

But hey we'll take what we can get.

He began to play with my hair while looking down at me with soft kind eyes. A half smile pushed up one tanned cheek, creating little wrinkles near his eyes.


Alrighty letting that go, one question at a time.

"Jason?" I asked, scrunching up my forehead.

"Hmm?" he said still stroking my hair.

"Why did you help me?

He looked away from me and dropped his hands. He sighed heavily.

"Maggie I-"

"JASON!" Danny's voice rang in my ears. He burst through the tent flaps and locked in on Jason. "Outside. NOW!" Jason sighed again and followed Danny outside the tent. Thankfully the canvas wasn't that thick and I could hear every word they said.

"What were you thinking?!" Yelled Danny. Light shone through the canvas making their shadows visible to me. I could see Danny's arms fly up in anger. "He's Beta, you can't just go beating up your superiors!"

"You didn't see what he was doing to her."

"Frankly I don't really care! And neither should you. You never have before. You've watched tones of pups go through Gages training and you haven't said a God damn thing!"

"It's different"

"Oh, please, do tell." Danny's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Jason's head fell. "She...I just...I couldn't...." Jason was choking on his words.

"She's a pawn, Jason! Nothing more than a means to an end! You can't fall for every helpless girl that comes into this camp! You know what happened last time. I forgave it that time, but don't think I will again." Danny's shadow stalked off leaving Jason standing there alone.

Last time? What last time?

Jason walked slowly back into the tent. "Maggie..." ha said looking at the dirt floor. "I...I've got to go. I'll...um...Check up on you later." He looked as if he were on the verge of tears as he left the tent.

Holy crap. What ever happened before must have been pretty bad to do that to him.

Ya, really bad.

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