
By BailyNorton

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When the love of Anna's life, the campus Prince- Blake Rendell dates her sister, Anna decided it's about time... More

Chapter 21


13.8K 669 113
By BailyNorton

Anna decided to visit little Asher at the hospital, it's not that she had grown a liking kids all of a sudden but it seemed appropriate after talking to the guys and after Hunter's mom told her. Anna didn't even ask what exactly happened and that was why Ruby was explaining to her.

"Asher took his dog out for a walk by himself. Hunter usually go with Asher but he didn't come over that evening, it was new year's eve-"

Anna swallowed. New year's eve. She called Hunter and he took her to his home.

"Asher had sneaked out with the dog. Witnesses said that he was running after the Max without thinking about the road when he had lost his grip on Max's leash. Then, by the time we went searching for him, the accident had already occurred. We tried calling Hunter but he didn't pick up his phone. Maybe that's why he is blaming himself."

Anna was speechless, it was not Hunter's fault. It was hers. She was the one who had been think about her problems only.

"I'm sorry" Anna blurted out.


"If I hadn't call Hunter out that night he would be with Asher and that accident would not happen."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I...Um...I got into a fight with my family so I asked Hunter to pick me up and he took me to his home."

"His home?" Ruby looked surprised, Anna ignored that and nodded.

"Oh. Do you know that he don't let anyone beside his family in that house"


"Yeah. I knew that boy is smitten when he brings you to our home. He was always wild so I never imagined that he'll ever bring a girl home"

"No. You got it wrong. He's not smitten."

Ruby laughed, "Oh honey. He was so soft when he was with you. We were all surprised. Of course his cousins teased him endlessly about it after he had dropped you off."

"We are just alike so we get along."

"You know he had warned his cousins when he first mentioned you. No wonder the boys were well behaved that day"

"We're not like that."

"Maybe I was wrong" a small smile curved up the corner of Ruby's mouth making Anna wondered what it was all about.

"Well, I better go now. I have someone to meet in an hour. Don't tell Hunter I came and let me know if something happen to Asher."

"Sure, Anna. Come by anytime."


Anna realised that she did not get the heart throbbing feeling she expected when she saw Blake sitting on a bench. Yeah, she felt excited and nervous but it wasn't nerve wrecking.

She postponed the meet because of what happened the previous day. Blake didn't seem to mind it though.

"Hi." Anna said as she sat beside him.

"Anna" he said with a small smile, "I'm glad that you agreed to meet up."

"Uhh... Sorry about that day. For snapping and...other things. You didn't need to hear all of that."

"It's okay. We all have our moments. I'll forget it if you want me too."

Anna couldn't help but smile before the awkward silence started.

"'re the girl,huh."


"I'm sorry that I didn't find out even though I planned to that day."

Anna shrugged "And?"

"Uhh...well, I guess that's it. I want to tell you how sorry I am."

Anna looked at him and she realised that he couldn't even meet her eyes.

"That's it?" she laughed.

"Yeah" Blake mumbles still looking at something else.

He don't need to say anything else. His actions confirms everything. How could she be so stupid having a bit of hope that he may give her a chance. No matter what, Blake was going to choose pretty Ella even after knowing who she was. She felt highly disappointed in him because he didn't even tell her that he's glad that he now knew it was her. And she knew why he couldn't say it. It was because he knew it would make it awkward, Blake was afraid that Anna would expect something more and he was avoiding that. Anna laughed again for no reason.

Wow. He couldn't even admit the truth. He should have rejected her properly and he couldn't even do that.

What a pussy.

That came out of nowhere! Hunter had bad influence on her. Now that she thought about it. Hunter and Blake are really total opposites. If Hunter was in Blake's shoe she already knew what he would say, "Sorry darling you're still not my type."

He did call her a bitch a few times! But she appreciated the truth.

"You know what? I'm glad you met Ella that night. It was a true fate after all. Admit it, you were attracted by her pretty face first then fell for her as you get to know she's the sweetest thing. If you had met a girl like me first, you'll run away instantly from my shitty personality." And move on to the next hot girl. She was always so obsessed with finding the right guy so she thought they needed to have pretty faces like Blake's. But Anna find Blake...a wuss! That sounded mean but it was true. She wanted a real man who could handle her mean streaks which she isn't getting rid of anytime soon.

Hunter suddenly came to her mind! Hunter have everything she actually wanted. He may be big and mean and rough but they match perfectly. He had never judged her and always seem to read her right. He made her feel relax but excited at the same time. Plus he's fucking sexy in a manly way. She thought she was confused but she knew it all along and chose to ignore it.

Does it mean she won't find a prince? Or maybe she didn't need it. But it's not fair. Just because she isn't the nicest girl around didn't mean she can't have a prince. She was not going to let some fucking fairy-tale decide for her. Now that she thought about it, there was no rule that the prince should be all prim and proper or pretty. Her eyes widened as realisation hit her, there's no rule for princesses either!

All girls are heroines or princesses in their own lives with different stories. It didn't have to be a sweet one which means it can be as fucked up as her life. And they all do get a prince! He may be nearby, they need to look at the most unexpected places too.

"Hey! You know what. I had found my prince!"

"Your what?" Blake asked, totally confused.

"My prince. He's not pretty or sweet. He has a fucking dirty mouth. He curses, drink, smoke and ride badass bike but he is my prince!" Anna laughed as she felt relieve from finding her answer and with happiness.

But she remembered that she fought with him. Hunter is pretty observant so he may had already figured it out and maybe that's why he was mad and call her an idiot. It even related to what Ruby said. He might not be happy to see her but she needed to tell him what she felt.

"I gotta go! See ya. And good luck with Ella."

Anna ran off at once, taking her phone out of her bag to call Hunter. She had no clue what she was going to say but she couldn't overthink this like she usually do. She needed to let the moment lead.

Anna groaned when she realised that he was not picking up the phone. So, she decided to call Ruby.


"Ruby. Is Hunter at the hospital?"

"He just left. He said he's going home. What's wrong?"

"I just want to talk to him. Did he say anything about me? He was so mad when I last talk to him."

"No. Asher's awake and that had made him feel better so he's probably in a better mood by now."

"Okay. Thank you. And I'm glad Asher's awake. I'll come by after I talk to Hunter."

"Sure. And Anna? I definitely ship you and my son." Ruby said making Anna laughed hard.

"What? Isn't that what kids nowadays say?" Ruby asked with a smile.


"Do come by. I'll tell you everything you need to know about Hunter."

"Okay" Anna felt tears blurring her vision again. Damn, Hunter and his family were turning her soft and a cry-baby. She never had someone talking to her that way, especially older women. They tend to scowl at the sight of her. Ruby made her feel like she accepted her. That's the thing she never felt from her mom.


Anna walked through the woods alone panting and stumbling here and there. Hunter never told her the shortcut. She's so going to kill him for that. If they got past the situation, that is.

When she finally walked out of the woods, she saw that the light in his house was still on so she assumed he was home.

She hesitated for a moment before walking up the porch, then pace a little before trying to press the doorbell. But, she realised that he didn't install a doorbell so she had to try the old fashion way, knocking on the door. She needed to tell him to install it.

No. No. It was not time to think about those things. What if he decided that she's not worth it and move on?

Her heart fell when Hunter didn't open making her have second thoughts but she needed to enter for two reasons.

1.She really needed to make things clear.

2.She needed water.

Just before her knuckles could come in contact with the door, it opened suddenly surprising her.

What shocked her more was Hunter grabbing her by her waist, pulling her forward and kissing her!!

Anna didn't have time to actually get into it cause he pulled back and he was resting his forehead against hers, his eyes studying hers.

"What's that for?" she whispered. There it is. Anna thought, all the excitement, the heart throbbing feeling. It's with Hunter all along.

"Haven't you figure it out by now?"

She almost forgot what she was there for!

"You can't do that." she tried to move back but he won't let her.

"Why not?"

Anna let out a frustrated cry. "You don't even know what I'm going to say!"

"Okay Cupcake. Say it." He actually looked amused!

"You need to back off."


"Just do it!" He was good at distracting her and they both knew that.

He chuckled before taking a step back.

Why is he in such a good mood. I though he was mad at me.

"Are you still mad? If you are please don't be. I didn't mean anything I said yesterday. And I get that you were saying those things to make me mad. We should both forget that. But, you were right about saying that I was obsessed with the idea of perfection, I'm blinded to my surroundings. After we fought, I didn't feel easy for one second. I thought that I was going to lose you. It hurts. It hurts so bad and I don't like feeling that way." Anna choked out. She was exposing herself, her heart, making herself vulnerable which was very difficult, "You make me feel so much, I thought I loved Blake but compared to what I feel when I'm with you, it was nothing. My heart feel like it's going to burst with you. I was afraid so I keep on denying it and ran. I was also afraid because I thought that you'd lose interest soon but after talking to Blake, I see how different you both really are and I came to see that what I see is what I'll always get . And I think I'm...falling for you."

Anna stared at his shoes waiting for him to tell her exactly how he felt too. Her heart ponded waiting for him to respond to her embarrassing confession.

"I knew you'd come here."

"What?" her head snapped up to him.

"Never plan to let you go sweetheart"

"Wait. How were you so sure that I'd come." Anna narrowed her eyes and folded her arms. The emotional moment she felt forgotten. Hunter is just so not romantic!

He smirked, "I know you."

He reach for her and pull her to the same position as before and tried to kiss her, as much as she'd love to jump on him she needed to make something clear, "Hold it."

"What now?" Hunter groaned, running his hands up and down her body impatiently, wanting to do something else that doesn't involve talking.

"That's it? You have nothing else to say?"

Hunter laughed, "You know I'm not good at that shit."

Anna pursed her lips so Hunter knew he had to say something.

Goddamn stubborn woman. He cursed. He first needed to stop touching her.

"You know the time you hugged me wasn't the first time I saw you."


Hunter smiled widely, "It was at the damn party. You weren't hard to miss, I'll admit your luscious body caught my eye first then I noticed you looking around and talking to yourself like a woman on mission. The way you fake your fall and the socks falling out your chest. I never had seen something so interesting in my life. I knew there were more behind that classy exterior. I decided then that I was going to have that woman."

"But you know that I was after Blake." Anna waved her hand around.

Hunter shrugged dismissively, "You weren't even dating. You're a fair game."

"But you helped me to get a chance with him!"

"I did not. I was just using those times to get you used to me." He succeeded. Not that he need to know about it!

"No sane man would help out the woman they are trying to get!"

"It was to let you see that I'm not afraid of competition." Damn it. His confidence turned her on a big time.

"That's not cool. Blake's a nic-"

Hunter couldn't help but laugh out loud, making Anna shiver, damn even his deep laughter is sexy. So sexy.

"Cupcake whose side are you on?" And with that mischievous look it his eyes, her control snapped.

She pushed him back inside, kicking the door closed with her leg and pushing him down on the couch before straddling his hips. Their lips joining, kissing each other hungrily. Anna liked kissing him a lot. His mouth knew exactly what to do. His expert hands on her body making her all hot at the same time turning her into a puddle.. But, she needed to make one more thing clear before she got lost in him so Anna pulled back, "One more thing."

Hunter growled, "Again!?" Anna gulped at the sight of his molten eyes. This was one of other reasons she had to say what she wanted. She ain't planning on letting other bitch near him and let them see him with those lustful eyes again.

"We're official right?"


"Good cause I'm never good at sharing. That means I'd be the only bitch around you."

Hunter chuckled darkly, "You haven't seen how bad someone can be when it comes to sharing yet."

Anna nodded, pleased now. Now that is settle. She let Hunter attacked her, his strong arms lifting her and without breaking their kiss, laying her down on the couch.

She now finally felt like she belong somewhere. She did save herself but Hunter take huge part of it. She never felt so happy in her life. She never imagined that she'll be happy. Hunter made her so happy. He just felt so right. He gave her a friend and a lover. He made her laugh, and feel free, at the same time and he also knew how to make her body tremble like he did now. Kept her trapped under his hotness fog. She could never imagine being with anyone else but him. What would she do if she hadn't met Hunter? Blake would have end up leaving her and she'll continue to live a miserable life under the control of her mother and unsatisfied with everything.

Hunter stilled when he felt something wet against his cheeks.

"What's wrong?" he asked quickly.

"I'm just so happy Hunter. Thank you. Now I feel like I...have a home"

"You know you have it."

"I only seems to cry when you are involved. I'm always acting like a baby with you, fu*king immature."

Hunter stroked her cheek while his eyes went soft, "You were always so brave cupcake, always have to be the big girl, trying to control everything and taking care of yourself. Now, you can do what ever the fuck you want around me. And let take your job cause I'm planning to pamper you as much as I can." he smirked. Anna had no doubt he'd do that cause he already started it. He made her cry, immature and whine. The things she never did with or show anyone else.

Anna laughed and hugged him.

"By the way why are you always calling me cupcake? You gave me that name the first time I talked you."

He turned his head and playfully nip her neck, "Guys can't help but wonder if girls taste as good as they smell."

Anna felt her tummy churn in a definitely good way, "Oh my God, Hunter" she whined.

"What? I'm only a guy!"

Anna laughed again. She knew that he's going to get her a happy ending after all. It sure wasn't the kind she wished for but she wouldn't exchange it for anything else in the world. Maybe it's because it's better. It wasn't perfect but it is what you called imperfectly perfect. She isn't going to let anything else steal this. This is her own story, her own messed up fairy-tale after all.



Edited by : Kim_Sang_Ah

A/n: This is it:) Hope you guys enjoy! I really enjoy writing this book cause there are few parts I can relate too;) And I hope there are at least one scene you guys can relate too. Let me knowXD

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I want to let you guys know(first) that my next book might revolve around college and might contain ratedR chaps. So, if any one wants to volunteer in giving me info about the colleges in America and help me out with the R scenes(I need help badly) tell me via pm.

PS. What GENRE do you guys think I shoud place this book. At first I want it at Teen Fiction but they're not teens so I don't know if it's allowed.

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