SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

By Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten
Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten

26.3K 661 168
By Trufflerabbit13


Kuroko's pale eyes were narrowed as he stared at his cousin while he walked behind them.

"Oi! Tetsu, hide or they'll see you!" Aomine hissed as he hid behind a tree. Kuroko gave the tanned a stoic look before looking away with a smile.

"They wont notice me Aomine-kun, I have little to no presence."

Aomine scoffed lightly and swiftly jumped into a bush, using branches and twigs to hide his face.

"What the hell happened to her hair?" Aomine questioned as Kuroko continued to quietly walk behind the two girls.

The stoic teen stared at his cousin's uneven hair with a frown, the only thing could think of was a certain red haired captain.


"Are you sure you want to cut this much?" The male hairdresser questioned for the fifth time. I nodded my head watching the male hairdresser let a sigh of disappointment.

"Such a shame, you had THE beautiful hair," he mumbled as he raised a pair of scissors, Koyuki couldn't help but think this man behind her was gay. His outfit, action, and speech just made it more suspicious. Not that she had anything against gay people. She lived near West Hollywood when she was in California, you get used to it when you were friends with them.

"By the way have you heard about the Ryokan near the beach? I heard some HOT high school boys are there," the hairdresser gushed as he wetted her with water.

That just confirmed her suspicion, he's definitely gay.

Her magenta eyes wander to the right to what her two female friends were doing but frowned as she saw them getting their toes and nails done.

"Hmm, you should get your nails done after your haircut as well! I just have the perfect color for you," the hairdresser gushed as he took the long strand of magenta colored hair into his hand ready to cut it.

The scissors were placed through the magenta hair to cut it.

Koyuki sadly watched as the bright strand fell to the ground, "Don't worry sweet heart! I'll make you look gorgeous!" the hairdresser smiled as he snipped his scissors.


"Look! We're done, you look gorgeous!" the hairdresser proudly smiled as he placed Koyuki in front of a mirror.

The frown that was Koyuki's face disappeared, her newly cut hair was in a high ponytail while the ends were curled making it bounce every time she walked.

Her hair that was cut by Akashi was not croppy but was even and looked symmetrical.

Koyuki grinned and fingered her new hairstyle, it was slight change but it felt drastic for her. It's been nearly two years since she cut her hair. Ironic how he was the one who told her to make it long. Two years ago, feels so long

'Three years since I left,' Koyuki thought, the familiar red haired captain popped into her head, 'Wait, why is his eye different color by the way?' she stupidly questioned herself.

"Ne, Satsu-chan, why is Aka-kun's eyes different now? He didn't have hetero chromatic eyes before?" the magentanette questioned as she was pushed into one of the chair to get her nail done.

Riko and Satsuki gave the female basketball player a look of disbelief.

"Yuki-chan, you realized this right now?" Satsuki questioned with a sweat drop.

Koyuki laughed a bit embarrassed realizing how slow she really was, "I was a bit excited when I saw you guys again, I kind missed the change from Aka-kun, everyo- Ouch!" the hairdresser gave a look to Koyuki.

"Stop moving! I'm trying to work here," he hissed as he grabbed her hands to do her nail.

"Sorry," Koyuki mumbled but continued to stare at Satsuki waiting for an answer.

"Well..." Satsuki began.

(OK I have to admit im extremely lazy and I don't want to write how Akashi got his heterochromatic eyes, I do think most of you read it, Murasakibara and Akashi had a One on One blah blah blah, Akashi almost loses, but he goes craycray blah blah blah and then he wins, character changes and he gets heterochromatic eyes, there done! Sorry :P im lazy....)

The magentanette was frowning the whole time while she was listening to the story, "They don't act as if anything changed though."

The pinknette smiled slightly as she leaned back into the chair waiting for her nails to dry, "Actually Yuki-chan, they went back to how they were in middle school when you came back, everything went back," Satsuki eyes twinkled in happiness as she continued, "I haven't heard Dai-chan say 'The only one who could beat me is me' in a while."

Koyuki nodded thinking about her old teammates from middle school, 'Had they really changed while I was gone?'

"Done!" the hairdresser yelled making Koyuki snap out of her thought.

She looked down at her nails with her eyebrows up, "I thought you were a hairdresser."

The male shrugged, "I like doing a lot of things."

"Why a cat?" she questioned as she examined her nails.

The hairdressers eyes shined, "Because you look like a kitty!" he squealed and grabbed Koyuki off the chair and swung her around the air as he hugged her.

Satsuki and Riko watched in horror as their female companion became a stuff toy to the male.


"What the hell is that guy doing to her?" Aomine hissed as he watched the male who was doing Koyuki's nail earlier swing the magentanette around.

Kuroko's eyes were stoic as ever but he too was in shock for a second. #2 the Seirin dog that was sitting inside his Seirin jacket barked before jumping out and running towards the store.

"Wha- Hey! You're going to get us caught! Stupid mutt," Aomine groaned as he slammed his head against the tree he was hiding behind.

"Oi Tetsu if we get in trouble, you're go- what the hell! Where did he go?" Aomine gripped his hair in frustration searching for the phantom player.

Kuroko silently followed his dog into the shop and quietly closed it.

Momoi was the first one to notice him and squeal, "Tetsu-kun!"

Everyone stopped their action and stared at the pale boy.

"Aii!" the hairdresser squealed in surprise and dropped the poor magantanette making her land on her butt.

"Tet-chan help," Koyuki wailed and gave her cousin a desperate pleading look.

Kuroko nodded and with effort picked Koyuki up and lifted her top her feet.

"Thank you," She sighed happily and wrapped her arms around his waist in a friendly hug.

"Oh my, boyfriend?" the hairdresser questioned with a cheeky grin.

"Cousin," the two Kuroko answered together making the hairdresser laugh nervously.

"Woof!" #2 barked getting Koyuki's attention. The magentanette smiled at the small pup and picked him up and rubbed their cheeks together.

Koyuki swiftly pulled some money out of her pocket and gave it to the hairdresser with a good amount over, "Nice meeting you," She muttered and walked out with Kuroko's hand in hers.

"C-Chotto! Matteyo!" Riko and Momoi both yelled as they pulled their sadles on making sure not to destroy their newly done toes.

Aomine who was hiding in the bush decided it was a good idea to stay until they were all gone. He patiently sat in the bush.


The tanned teen froze in fear hearing all to familiar noise.


Koyuki and the group's head whipped towards the scream. Aomine jumped out of the bush, his jacket covering his whole head while he ran away from swarm of bees.

All of their faces paled as they started to sprint away from the scene. Though Koyuki grabbed her cousin's hand and turned a left while the others all ran straight ahead.

Strangely the two activated their nonexistent aura as the bee's flew right by them and followed the running group.

The two cousin's shared glances before chuckling together.

"Let's go Yuki-chan, you have a game don't you?"

The magentanette groaned but nodded and led the taller boy lead the way.

"By the way Yuki-chan," Kuroko paused as he continued to walk, "Your nails look nice, they resemble you," he smiled to himself picturing a small white kitten.



I stared at the familiar heterochromatic eyes and stood boldly on the even court.

"You could do it Yu-chan!" Satsu-chan yelled giving me a encouraging yell. Akashi quickly threw her a dangerous glare making the pinknette to shut her mouth.

"Hey Sei-kun, don't be mean to Satsu-chan, I'm the one your fighting," I scold the red haired emperor. Akashi scowled and bounced the ball.

"Hm, ok, just ignore me," I grumbled playing with my new cut hair. I quickly glanced at my nails and frowned, I just know I'm going to ruin them somehow.

"Alright!" Riko-senpai yelled as she stood in middle of the court with Teppei-senpai next to her, "You guys will be playing until one of you gets 150 points!"

The other teams around us whispered and mumbled to each other how ridiculously high the point was. I just shrugged while Sei-kun looked stoic.

"She's going to lose!" Kotaro from Rakuzan laughed as he stood next to Reo and Eikichi-San. I sent him a confident look before looking back at the red haired captain. Kotaro-san seemed to be taken back by my look dropped his grin.

"I hope you've improved since the last time I saw you, it would be a shame if the game just ended," I slightly taunt Aka-kun making his heterochromatic eyes narrow.

"I'm different from back then, I never lose now," I scoffed and folded my arms.

"Bull shit," I mutter in English. Tai-chan and Himuro send me a look, I sweetly smiled at them, before looking at Riko-senpai.

She nodded before passing the ball to Teppei-senpai who lifted it above Aka-kun and my head.

Riko-senpai gave both Akashi and I a look which we both nodded at her, and when she saw us both nod she blew harshly on the whistle in her mouth. At that moment Teppai-senpai threw the ball up.

I purposely jumped away and ran to the court opposite to mine and let Akashi grab the ball. He calmly walked up to me while dribbling the ball with his right hand. He suddenly sprinted and passed me slightly surprising me.

A wild grin spread across my mouth as I chased after him. I easily caught up to him and blocked him, making him skid to an stop.

"You're not going anywhere," I mutter with a smile. With that I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Immediately I felt my breathing even out, and felt the familiar tingle to my right. He moved, he's moving to the right.

I snap my eyes open and took off to the right where Akashi was dribbling the ball. His eyes slightly widen when the ball disappeared from his hand.

He looked back at me and caught sight of me dribbling the ball before I jumped up. The familiar whoosh of the ball entering the hoop made me smile.

"Wooo! Three pointer!" Koganei-senpai cheered.

Sri-kun glared back at me but a smirk quickly appeared making me feel a bit uneasy. His bright red hair shadowed his eyes, but I felt a shudder go down my back as I caught sight of the amber eye looking at me.

I hissed under my breath, knowing what he was planning to do.

"Akashi, are you going to really use that?" I questioned out loud. I know I can't use misdirection with Akashi, he'll immediately know with his emperor eye.

He ignored me and dribbled the ball Riko-senpai threw at him. I sigh knowing he wasn't going to go easy on me.

He suddenly ran past me making my eyes widen in surprise. I ran after him and blocked him, but suddenly everything felt heavy. With a surprised gasp, I fell over and landed hard onto the ground. I glared at my feet in anger, realizing how I completely forgot about his ankle break dribble.

He easily made a three point shot before looking at me smugly.

"What!" Tai-chan and many of he other players yelled in surprised. Though all the GoM members watched, knowing what just happened.

I wobbled and stood up and dusted myself off.

I gave a calm look at Akashi before smiling lightly, "You've improved," I comment dribbling the ball, "But, it seems like you forgot who helped you complete that move."

My eyes narrowed as I stared at the red haired teen, "You're not the only one who has the ability, Sei-kun," I charged towards his basket passing by him quickly. My eyes hardened when he suddenly appeared in front of me.

My eyes quickly saw he wasn't stable when he stepped on his left ankle. Seeing the small opening, I bounced the ball to his left and quickly turned directions. Akashi tried to follow me but because of his unbalanced footing he fell onto the ground like I did earlier. I ignored him and charged towards the hoop and slam dunked it. My hands grabbed the smooth cool ring as I hung on it.

I gulped and looked down slightly regretting my action. I looked around and saw everyone looking at me in shock, I noticed how Teppei-senpai was watching me with a smile. I send him a pleading look making him cock his head to the side.

A look of realization appeared on his face before he jogged up to me. Without even breaking a sweat his large hands grabbed me by both of my armpits and placed me on the ground gently.

"Thank you Senpai," I thank and hug him. He chuckled and patted me on the head ruffling my magenta hair.

"Since when has Yukicchi been able to do that!" Kise questioned Tet-chan. My cousin looked at him blankly before answering.

"Since forever."

"What?!" Kise yelled in surprise.

I nod my head, "Yeah, I've been able to do this for quiet a long time, I just never really used in a game."

"So Yuki-chin had the emperor eye?" Mu-kun questioned as he ate some pocky next to Himuro. The blacked haired teen looked at me, looking extremely interested.

I shake my head, "It's not the emperor eyes." I pause looking at Tet-chan.

"It's the Empress Eye," we both declare.


The two teens on the court were breathing heavily as they glared at each other. Akashi's lips were a thin line while his eyes looked furious. While Koyuki glared right back at him, her magenta eyes screaming it all.

'I'm never going to lose!' They both thought as they took sips out of their water bottle.

Riko and Hyuga were nervously looking at the court. It's only been forty minutes and they were already made half of the points. Every time Akashi got a point, Koyuki would always get it back and vise versa . This lead to them both currently having a hundred points leaving only fifty.

"Oi, Kuroko," Kagami muttered as he stared at the court, his eyes looked a bit bloodshot because he wasn't blinking the whole game, "You once told me Koyuki won against Akashi but, is she going to be alright?"

Tetsuya stayed silent for a few moments, "I don't know," he finally answered, "Yuki-chan always has been able to beat the rest of us but with Akashi-kun, it's been a bit different." He paused for a moment making it a bit more dramatic.

A vein popped in Kagami's head as he smacked the phantom player, "Stop trying to be dramatic and speak already!"

Kuroko stoically rubbed the red mark on his head, "They're both on equal grounds, like the points right now, if Yuki-chan wins once, Akashi-kun will win the next game." His teal eyes stared at his cousin on the court, "They were always equal in power."

The other teams were currently gawking at the game.

"Sei-chan is actually trying!" Reo exclaimed, slightly femininely. Next to him the other uncrowned king was looking with sparkling eyes.

"She's so good, I want to have a game with her!" Kotaro exclaimed.

"She'll never have a game with someone like you," Eikichi teased while eating a burger he went to buy.

"Shut up muscle gorilla!"

"Thank you."

Kotaro and Reo sweat dropped but looked back at the court where the two teens were glaring at each other.

"They aren't going to stop are they?" Koganei whispered to Mitobe. The silent, Seirin basketball player nodded looking worriedly at his female teammate.

"Ugh! Let's just get this over with!" Koyuki yelled walking to the middle of the court.

Teppei already stood in the middle with the basketball in his hand. He smiled happily at Koyuki and rubbed her head with his large hand.

"Good luck Yuki-chan~" he smiled goofily.

Koyuki gave him a determined look, her magenta eyes burning with a determined look.

Akashi stared at Koyuki with his heterochromatic eyes. He had a trail of sweat doing down his face to his neck. He irritably pulled on his collar of his shirt, the sweat that was soaking his shirt was annoying.

"Hey, Sei-chan just take off your shirt, I'll hold it for you," Reo called with a smile. He had a suspicious gleam to his eyes but the Rakuzan captain pushed it aside and grabbed the hem of his shirt.

Riko's eyes rolled to the back of her head and fell over, her mouth bubbling.

"C-Coach!!!" Hyuga cried as he held the brunette in his arm.

Koganei was running around in panic while Mitobe was pale as a ghost.

"W-water! She needs water!" Tsuchida cried as he went to look for water.

"Didn't she already see Akashi without her shirt yesterday?" Hyuga yelled in panic and shock. Teppei stood next to the Seirin captain his eyes wide with surprise.

Koyuki blushed pink and looked away from Akashi and turned her attention towards her beet red coach.

"Sei-kun is actually releasing his strength right now, that may have affected coach," she muttered rubbing her cheeks.

She glared down at her feet before sighing, "I didn't really want to use this," she sadly muttered.

She walked to where her bag was placed and quickly opened one of the pockets. She scrimmaged through the bag for a second before pulling out a energy shot used for athletes.

"I really hate these flavors," she complained and ate the thick gel like thing. Taking a long gulp out of her bottle, she washed off the flavor on her taste buds. She shook her head in disgust, her nose scrunched up while she stuck her tongue out.

"Ewe," she muttered running her tongue on the inside of her cheek. She noticed how everyone was looking at her and sighed and slapped her own face.

"Ok, I ready, are you good Akashi?"

The Rakuzan captain gave a strong nod and stood on the court waiting for the magentanette to make her move.

Her eyes were closed, her thick magenta eyelashes twitching every few seconds against her flushed cheeks.

Akashi watched the female with a curious look while he crossed his arms in front of his bare chest.

'What was she planning to do now?' he questioned himself. His heterochromatic eyes looking at every movement she made making sure she wasn't planning on doing anything.

He watched her mutter something so quietly his ear couldn't catch what she was saying. The only thing he could see where her small pink lips moving quickly.

But the magenatnette was silently muttering her plans on the game.

'Should I use Angel Wing? No, I should save it for winter cup, Skip step then?' She mentally questioned herself, running few of her moves in her head and listed them. She finally decided she'll just do skip steps.

"Alright the ball goes to Koyuki-chan!" Riko who recovered yelled as she threw the orange ball at her female basketball player.

With a loud 'TWEET' she blew her whistle ending the short break and continuing the game.

With a determine look Koyuki dribbled the orange ball, doing couple of tricks, passing it threw her legs and such. Though in middle of her small tricks she closed her eyes.

Akashi stood in front of her blocking the way. His heterochromatic eyes curiously looking at Koyuki who still had her eyes closed.

"How is she able to dribble the ball so accurately when she has her eyes closed?" Koganei question slightly depressed how untalented he was compared to the female freshman.

He grew even more depressed when everyone around him ignored him, not answering his question.

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