Loved You First

By tyler-seguin

111K 1.6K 309

"I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even mo... More

Loved You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 7

3.1K 57 4
By tyler-seguin

Classes are over for the week, they seemed like they dragged on, this whole week and a half has dragged on.

I meet up with Brooke by Tuukka's truck, since it has more room then my car, and we get ready to drive to the airport to pick up the boys.

"It's been so weird without Brad around." Brooke says.

"Yeah, that's the thing about the beginning of hockey season, you get so used to them being home and then when they have away games."

"Must be really different for you now though. Not only is your brother going to be gone, your boyfriend is too."

"Yeah, I'll get used to it, going to have to." I shrug.

"How did you guys even get together?" I can see we are going to be having this kind of drive.

"Just kind of happened."

"Just kind of happened? What do you mean by that?" She laughs.

"I don't know! Just did. We fell for each other after 2 days and, well, here we are."

"I think you guys will last." She looks out to the road in front of us.

"I hope so." I say.

I wonder what will actually happen in Tyler and I's future together. Will we last? Will he even keep his promise? Everything so far about him is so different from Cody it's funny. Tyler is such a better guy compared to Cody. Tyler is definitely not afraid to show affection in front of others, and definitely is not hesitant about doing stuff together.

"Did I tell you who I saw two weeks ago?" I ask her.

"No, you didn't. Who?"

"Cody, and his new prize." I look over at her.

She rolls her eyes in disgust.

"How did that go?"

"I was with Tyler, thank god. He tried acting like he didn't recognize me at first, but I knew he knew who I was the whole time that dumbass. Wait until you hear this one, guess who his new girlfriend that he had the baby with is?"

"Who? Someone we know?" She asks, excitement in her voice.

"Tyler's ex."

"You're kidding right?"

"I kid you not. Her name is Laynee."

"Okay, in all seriousness, how weird is this? I mean honestly, your ex cheated on you with his ex and then you two end up together." She says with hand gestures.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Oh my fucking god Meghan, that is so weird! I couldn't imagine ever having that happen to me!" She shakes her head.

"In a way it is like a punch in the face to Cody, one that I have upgraded and two that I'm over him, which feels amazing by the way."

"It took up until you being with Tyler to finally get over him?" She glares at me.

"Brooke, you do realize what we had right? We were together for a long time, and now that I have Tyler, yes."

"Meghan, you are so stupid. He treated you like complete shit."

She's right though. Every time I think about Cody, I think about how much he truly did treat me, but how come it just went over my head? I don't know, and I don't exactly care anymore.

"I know, it just went over my head. I know how bad he treated me looking back, but the fact that we were together for so long and how it ended just couldn't leave. I'm doing my best here. Tyler is really helping it." I smile.

"He better be. If he does anything like that to you, I swear to god that boy will be dead-"

"Okay, okay, I get it." I cut her off.

The rest of the ride is silent until we pull into the airport. I find a parking spot and we walk in to go pick up the boys.

We wait for about 10 minutes until we see the team. Sure enough, Tyler, Brad, and Tuukka come walsing around the corner together, luggage in hand.

The excitement of seeing Tyler again takes over me and I have no control of my legs as I run towards him. He opens his arms and I leap into them, wrapping my arms around his neck. He holds me tight for a few seconds before he kisses me.

"It feels like it's been forever." I tell him.

"You're telling me." He laughs.

He puts me down and I walk over to Tuukka and give him a hug.

"Missed you sis." He says, letting go.

"Missed you." I say.

"Fuck you too." Brad flips me off, walking past me, linked arms with Brooke.

"Missed you too Brad." I call. He just shakes his head.

"He's a dick." Tyler laughs, grabbing my hand with his free hand, pulling his suitcase with the other.

Tuukka walks beside me as we make our way out to the truck. They throw their stuff in the bed of the truck and I hop in the front seat, Tyler in the passenger, and the other three in the back.

"How come I ended up back here with them?" Tuukka asks as we drive down the road.

I glance over my shoulder and spot Brad and Brooke sucking each others faces.

"What the hell? You guys couldn't wait?" Tyler asks them as the release from each other.

"Screw you guys, I'm sure you're dying to get ahold of Meghan right now." Brad says.

"Of course I am, but I'm at least not going to do it in front of her brother."

"Thanks Tyler." Tuukka says.

Tyler laughs and places his hand on my thigh. It's only been a week and a half but I have missed this more than anything in a long time.

"Drop us off here." Brad says as we get closer to his house.

"A little bit of him goes a long way." Tuukka says.

"Jesus christ." Tyler laughs.

We pull into the driveway and I park the truck in the garage. They grab their bags and we go inside.

"Home sweet home." Tuukka breathes, throwing his bag in the bathroom. Tyler sets his down by the door and we walk in the kitchen.

"So how was it?" I ask.

"Good, lost one." Tuukka says, walking down the hall and into the bathroom.

"That's good." I call.

"Gonna throw my shit in the washer." He says.

"Okay." I respond.

Once I hear the washer sound, I grin at Tyler and run upstairs.

"Oh no you don't." He calls, chasing after me.

I run down to my bedroom and he runs in, grabs me by the waist, pushing me against the door which makes it slam shut. His lips and tongue meet mine instantly. He presses himself against me. Before I know it, he is wrapping his fingers around the bottom of my shirt, trying to pull it up over my head. I let him do so. I find myself grabbing at his, pulling it over his head. I wrap my arms around his muscular frame and he moves his kisses from my lips to my jawline, and back. I let out a small moan to his touch, which makes him grin through our kiss. He picks me up and places me on the bed, and he crawls over me.

"I love you so much." He groans before latching his lips back to mine.

We're so close I can feel him against me. His kisses trail down my jawline, down my neck, and to my chest. The feeling overcomes me as I release another moan. He moves his kisses slowly back to my lips. All of a sudden, I hear footsteps coming down the hall. I quickly push Tyler off and grab my shirt from the floor. I throw Tyler's at him and he pulls it over his head just in time as the door flings open.

"There you guys are!" Tuukka cheerfully says.

"Were you worried or something?" Tyler laughs.

"Worried sick. No, thought you guys were. Carry on." He closes the door.

"That was close." I stand up, walking into the bathroom.

"Well he better get used to it, because someday it could be us doing much worse." He walks in the doorway.

"Oh my good god." I mutter at the thought.

"Well, we are a couple." He laughs. A couple, the words warm my heart. I walk back out of the bathroom.

"I need to get out of these pants." I say, unbuttoning them and dropping them to the floor, not even caring if Tyler sees or not at this point. He did see me butt naked the last time I saw him.

I pull out a pair of gym shorts and slip them on, grabbing Tyler's sweatshirt he let me borrow and pull it over my head.

"That's where that sweatshirt went." He grins.

"Did you need it?"

"No, keep it, looks better on you than on me." He states, I laugh.

"Good because I wasn't planning on giving it back Mr. #19." I grin, pointing at the little 19 on the corner.

"You're a goof." He laughs, walking over and placing a kiss on my forehead. I laugh and give him a hug from behind before he opens the bedroom door. I follow him down the stairs and out to the kitchen where Tuukka is.

"Hey Segs, are you staying here or going to Brad's?" Tuukka asks, cooking up something for supper.

It's already almost five. Their flight didn't come in until 3:30.

"I think I'll stay here if you don't mind, Meg can run me over the get some stuff." He glances to me and I nod.

"I don't blame you, Brooke probably isn't going anywhere but with him to his bed." Tuukka laughs and Tyler joins him.

"Okay Ty, let's go get your stuff shall we?" I grab his arm and drag him down the hall before they can even get started on that topic. I can live without knowing everything about my best friend's sex life. We get in my car and drive down the road to Brad's. We get out and walk up the steps.

"Shit the doors locked." Tyler says, after twisting the knob.

"Don't you have a key?"

"That's inside the house." He points at the door. I lean over and ring the doorbell. Moments later, the door opens and Brooke stands there.

"Oh hi guys, what are you doing?" She asks as we walk in by her.

"I live here, remember?" Tyler says, walking up the stairs to his bedroom. I stand at the door with Brooke.

"I live here, remember?" Brooke mimicks Tyler in a high pitch voice.

"What's that for?" I laugh.

"Sorry, but he can be a dick sometimes." She says. I can't tell whether she is joking or not.

"A dick?"

"Or he just comes across sometimes, I don't know." She snaps.

"Well don't call him that then." I defend.

"Don't be a bitch."

"Really? I'm being the bitch? You're the one standing here calling my boyfriend a dick for no good reason. Just shut the fuck up." I snap back.

"Don't even start with me Meghan." She tries walking away but I follow. I don't know what her issue is but she drug herself into this and she's not going to get out as easy as she thinks. Tyler is not Cody where she can say anything she wants about him to me. This is Tyler, who I care for truly.

"You got yourself into this." I remind her.

"No actually I didn't."

"You're such an idiot. Honest to god." I sigh.

"Don't fucking call me that." She snaps, getting in my face. I shove her away.

"Don't get in my face." I spit. She steps closer and gives me a shove into the sideboard.

"Don't shove me bitch." She spits back.

"What the hell has gotten into you?" I ask.

"I'm getting tired of you."

"What?" I raise my voice. She seemed so fine before, now she's honestly telling me she's getting tired of me?

"You heard me. I liked you better when you were with Cody." She crosses her arms. I practically gag at her words.

"You cannot be serious? You're PMSing."

"No I'm not PMSing and yes I'm serious. I wasn't in the mood to fight with you before I saw Brad. I don't like Tyler. He's stupid. You have changed since you met him. I don't like it." It takes me a minute for her words to wrap around my brain.

"You're fucking crazy, you're nuts." I laugh in shock.

"At least I'm not the bitch with the idiot of a boyfriend." It doesn't take one second until I'm in her face.

"Call him an idiot one more time." I snap.

"He is a idiot." She emphasizes each word. Before I stop myself, I slap her across the face. She gives me a shove, and I return it, making her hit a glass off the table, smashing on the floor.

"What the hell was that?" Brad comes walking out to see us pushing each other, pulling hair, screaming, and slapping.

"You fucking bitch!" She screams over and over again.

"Tyler!" Brad yells from the bottom of the stairs. I hear Tyler come down the stairs.

"Jesus Christ what is going on?" He runs and grabs me from behind, pulling me off of Brooke. Brad runs over and grabs Brooke. We both try getting out of the guys' grips but we fail.

"What the hell is this all about?" Brad asks in a stern voice.

"Your fucking girlfriend's crazy!" I scream.

"You're the crazy one bitch!" She fires back.

"You guys are best friends, what the actual fuck?" Brad raises his voice.

"Not anymore we're not!" I spit.

"I liked her better when she was with Cody." She protests.

"You can't be serious?" Brad looks at her.

"Dead serious. I don't like you Tyler." She glares over at us. I chew the inside of my cheek in anger. I can feel my body tensing up.

"Stop it babe." Tyler whispers in my ear.

"Ty I can't, not when she's saying that and calling you shit." I start to cry out of anger. Tyler instantly embraces me and pulls me to his chest. I must look like such a weakling right now, but whenever I get beyond angry, I cry.

"You've got a lot of nerve, you know." Tyler spits at Brooke. I look up at her from Tyler's embrace. Her face goes from angry to calm and almost sadness. She breaks Brad's grip of her and storms up the stairs. Brad rushes over to me and hugs me tight.

"That was the last straw." He whispers in my ear.

"What?" I look up and meet his eyes.

"I'm done." He says. His eyes are furious.

"With her?" I ask in shock.

"Yup. She's been like that lately, she's been hiding it good. She's been talking shit about everyone and I've had it. Her blowing up on you of anyone is the last straw. You're the little sister I never had, no way in hell is someone going to treat you like that."

"Thank you Brad." I hug him again.

"You're welcome. Tyler did you get your stuff?"

"Yeah, we should get going." Tyler says, grabbing my hand and walking to the door. Brooke's footsteps start down the stairs and Tyler and Brad exchange quick looks before we are out the door. As soon as we get to the car, Tyler gets in the drivers seat, grabbing the keys from my hands as I sit in the passenger. He drives back to the house. As soon as we get in the garage and parked, I break down. Tyler gets out and walks around, opening my door and kneeling down on the floor. I turn in my seat to face him as he wraps his arms around me.

"You'll be okay." He repeats over and over again, rubbing my back as I ball my eyes out into his shirt. He helps me to my feet and I wipe away my tears.

"What's wrong with her?" Tuukka asks as I walk by and up to my room.

"Brooke." Tyler says quickly before I hear him come up the stairs. He shuts my bedroom door behind him and crawls on the bed with me. He pulls me onto his lap.

"I don't know what got into her Ty." I cry.

"You obviously don't know her anymore." He says, rubbing my side.

"I just can't believe it. She was my best friend forever now, now she's gone."

"She dug her own grave babe. Her loss."

"She was calling you a dick and an idiot." I look up at him.

"Is that why you were on her?"

"What else was I supposed to do? Let her run you down? No way in fucking hell was I going to let that happen."

"Babe, her words don't hurt me. I can fight my own fight." He laughs. It puts a smile on my face.

"I was being to protective." I laugh and wipe my nose.

"Yes you were." He laughs, wiping the tears from my face.

"I love you Ty." I kiss his cheek.

"I love you more Meg." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips. A few seconds later my phone vibrates from the bed stand. I get off Tyler to grab it. Brooke's name appears.

*Thanks so fucking much bitch. Life is officially ruined. Brad broke up with me. Hope to never see you or anyone again. Moving. Deleting your number.* I show Tyler the text and he laughs.

*Bye.* I respond.

"She's pathetic." He laughs.

"You're telling me." I laugh.

"Let's go have supper." He says cheerfully, pulling me off the bed. We walk downstairs and make our plates.

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