Perfect Strangers ➳ Neymar Jr

By grizisneymar

66.4K 1.2K 207

COMPLETED | She'll just be a perfect stranger to him More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

2.2K 60 7
By grizisneymar

**Neymar's POV

The next day..

I woke up to find myself in my bed. I was still in my shirt and trousers from the event last night. All I knew was my head was pounding and I had this headache that made me not feel well.

"Sir someone is here to meet you." Ricky who is my servant says, as he opens my door.

"Okay, I'll be down." I say with my head in my hands.


I came downstairs to see a young girl with brown hair sitting down. Her back was facing me so I couldn't tell who it was. I approach the figure until I realise it was Jasmine.

"Jasmine? What are you doing here?" I say scratching my head as I started remembering what happened last night.

She coughs.

"Um, I wanted to talk to you about last night."she says very bluntly.

No one says anything. We just sit there starring at each other awkwardly. Until I finally decide to say something and break the silence.

"I know, I'm starting to remember a few things from last night." I mumble.

"I meant what I said though about you." I mutter under my breath quickly.



"Look Neymar. I just, want to clear a few things up. I'm sorry if I hurt or upset you in any way last night. But you were making me feel jealous with Bruna and I know I shouldn't say that but-"

"You did the same. I felt so jealous seeing you with Suarez. I mean I felt so let down by my teammate. It's not even that Jasmine. I just can't see you with anyone else." I say as I give off a deep breath.

She looks at me shocked. So shocked her face tells it.

"Neymar. I, I honestly don't know what to say. I'm mad at myself. I hurt you and on top of that because of me, you hate Suarez." She mutters silently as she fiddles with her fingers.

"Well Suarez-"

"No. It's not Suarez's fault Neymar. He actually proved to not only me but your team that he's real. You're just mistaken Neymar and I don't know why but Suarez isn't who you make him of. He's a better guy.  In fact, he's the one who helped be there for me seeing as I don't know many people here." Jasmine says.

"What about Valentine?" I question her.

Valentine? Her and Antoine left for Paris a few days ago. But they're happy and they're doing what they feel is the best for them. And I'm going to do the same." She says as she clears her throat.

Why did I feel like she was going to say something that would shock me?

"I'm leaving for LA tomorrow night. I'm going back to my life. The truth is Neymar, I really like you. But I know I'm not good enough for you. You're one of the worlds top best players and for someone like me to be with you.. It's just not right." She says silently. Her voice breaks and tears fill up her eyes.

"What? You're leaving?! Jasmine no!" I shout standing up in shock.

"And what do you mean it's not right? What's not right? Dating me? Is this seriously what you think of me?" I snap at her as I turn around in anger.

"No no. You're a wonderful guy. You're the cutest Brazilian I know. I fell for you from the day I met you but never wanted to show it. I love your smile, your goofy laugh, your talent and most importantly just who you are." She says as she cries a little.

What she was saying about me really soothed my heart. It felt like someone came along and put the broken pieces of my heart together again. Especially hearing it from the one girl I loved the most.

I turn around and look at her. She walks over to me and places her hands around my cheeks.

"Jasmine I-"

Before I could say anything she places her hand over my mouth. Stopping me.

"No. Let me tell you more. You deserve to know. I love your hair. I love the way you dress. I love your passion for football. I love your friends and teammates. And I love you." She whispers as she leans closer to my face and kisses me.

We kiss so passionately and I wanted to give in more but she pulls away.

"And all you have to do is smile. Smile to say it's all fine and we can forget about yesterday and focus on making today better." She smiles.

I wipe her tears away and hug her. Smiling hard of course. She told me she loved me which I never thought I would get from her.

"Jasmine, I really lov-"

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