Wizard Academy: Book One

By husky4million

7.5K 180 30

Selena is a new witch to Wizard Academy. (A school for witches and wizards). She doesn't know anyone, and is... More

Chapter One: Your a Witch!
Chapter Three: Catergories
Chapter Four: Classes
Chapter Five: Mentor
Chapter Six: Wizard Homecoming Pt.1
Chapter Seven: Wizard Homecoming Pt.2
Chapter Eight: Detention
Chapter Nine: Trapped
Chapter Ten: Dark vs. Good
Chapter Eleven: Back to Duckon Place
Chapter Twelve: The Last Month
Chapter Thirteen: A Romantic End of the Year

Chapter Two: Duckon Place

1.2K 18 4
By husky4million

The brakes on the train came to a halt. I peeked out the window of my compartment. We were at Duckon Place (the wizard mall). I climbed out of the train, and onto the ground. My eyes couldn't believe what I saw. A big grin formed on my face. Kylie came beside me. "Well, let's go get our stuff!" I exclaimed. I stepped into "Wands-a-wave". All the wands in the world were probably right in front of me.
A shop clerk came over to me. "So, you must be a newbie at the academy." He said in a nice voice. "Yeah, this is my first year, I'm pretty excited." I replied with a smile on my face. "Okay, since your new, this wand here, is a good choice." He said while bending down to my height. "Okay, I'll buy it, how much?" I asked hoping it would be under fifty dollars. "It's twenty dollars." He said joyfully. I handed him the money and took my wand.
I then, stepped into Pet Palace. My head hit another girls head. I looked up, the same time she did. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Oh, it's fine." She replied. "Are you new at the academy?" I asked. "Yeah, this is my first year." She answered. "Oh, mine two!" I blurted. "What's your name?" She asked. "My names Selena." I answered. "Nice to meet you, I'm Megan." She said. She had a cat beside her. "And this is Little-Man." She told me. I pet him a bit more.
I saw a bat in a cage. I smiled. I waked over and grabbed the cage. "How much for this?" I asked the salesman. "He is ten dollars." My hand reached in my purse, and grabbed a ten dollar bill. "I'll name you, let's see....Juniper." Megan came beside me. We walked on over into "Magic Text Books Emporium".
   She walked over to the spell books, while I walked over to the potion books. We each got class sets of both, spells and potions. They had the most boring names ever.
"Potions Vol.1"
"Spells Vol.1"
   We then, went over to get our uniforms at the dry cleaners. Kylie was behind us. She was talking on the phone with her head down. I turned back around to see, Megan already reading her potion book. The train came back to the station in Duckon Place. We all lined up, and got back to our seats. I pulled out my wand. It was a wooden wand, painted gold, with a white handle at the bottom. My frog-milk was still there, so I started sipping it.
   My eyes turned to Juniper. I let him out, and put him on my shoulder. He was the cutest thing ever. Kylie was still on the phone with her head tilted down. I couldn't really hear much of what she was saying but I could just hear, "Okay I'll be sure to..." And then I didn't hear anything else.

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