Stardust | Naruto fanfiction

By kugoui

121K 5.7K 1.8K

COMPLETED! NOTE THAT THE REWRITE TITLED "ATSUKO" HAS BEEN POSTED. ~ What exactly does it mean to be human? S... More

Disclaimer & warning
人間 - Ningen
1. 十人十色 - jūnin toiro
2. 我田引水 - gaden insui
3.晴天の霹靂-Seiten no heki-reki
4.井の中の蛙大海を知らず-I no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu
5.欺瞞 - Giman [ part one.]
6. 欺瞞-Giman [part two.]
7. 欺瞞 - Giman [part three]
8. 迫り来る闇 - Semari kuru yami
9. 天津甕星 - issun saki wa yami
10. 雨の前に - Ame no mae ni
11. 不要な思い出 - Fuyōna omoide
12. 死と栄誉 - Shi to eiyo
13. 悲しみと悲哀 - Kanashimi to hiai
不知火の日記 - ENTRY ONE
15. 説得の順序 - Settoku no junjo
不知火の日記 - ENTRY TWO
16. リターン - Ritān
17. 別れの時がやって来ました - Wakare no toki ga yattekimashita
不知火の日記 - ENTRY 35
不知火の日記 - ENTRIES 49, 50 & 60
18. 夢の終わり- Yume no owari.
19. 殴らパスに沿って - Nagura pasu ni sotte
20. 侘寂 - Wabi-Sabi

14. 取引 - Torihiki

2.5K 137 45
By kugoui

The Deal.

"A solo mission, huh? The council just wants to get rid of me," I muttered with a chuckle. Ever since Hiruzen died, the council has been on my tail trying to root me out of Konoha. Speaking of ROOT, Danzō has also been trying to get me into his little organization. Tch, how annoying. That little human can't keep his dirty hands to himself.

Little human...? I paused in my tracks, almost falling off the branch I perched on. My brows furrowed as I adjusted my ANBU mask to wipe away the sweat gathering on my forehead. When did I start referring anyone as a little human? A troubled look crossed my features as I shook the thought away and continued on.

The mission was simple;

Find the leader of a group called Ikigai* and report back.

Nothing too hard, right? But knowing the Council, there had to be something more to it. There always was. With Hiruzen gone... there was no one to stop them. The land where this Ikagai can be found was in Kumogakure, The Land of Lightning. Why was it so far away? A sigh passed my lips as I darted from branch to branch. Perhaps it was for the best, I still need time to gather myself after the Hokage's death and such a journey would give me more than enough.

Now, as for this organization, I've never heard of it. Founded by a mysterious leader and amassed with hundreds of rouge nin. They definitely would pose a threat if they focused their attention on Konohagakure. But that's what I'm here for, so they don't pose a threat. I'm already on my fourth day of travel and should be arriving on the outskirts of Kumo within an hour, then I'll scout for their base...

My foot paused mid-air; just above a wire trap. Cautiously I pulled away and back flipped to a higher branch. That was too close. Pay attention Shi! I scolded, fanning my senses out to pick up any more traps. A string of curses tumbled out of my mouth when I realized I had literally jumped into the middle of a mine-field. "I guess that means I've found the base... Not even a challenge. Tch. " Without another sound, I lifted off the branch and launched into the air. Doing a couple flips just for the hell of it, I landed on the other side in a kneeling position.


A groan left my lips as I face-palmed. "I manage to avoid a whole damn field, and I land on one god-forsaken mine. How careless can I be?" I hissed. The best way out of a situation like this is to use the substitution jutsu, but seeing as I have no chakra that's completely out of the question. Hagoromo never went over this in training! Then again, neither of us had known about my immortality. But just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I'm going to go blowing myself up because it's easier!

My mind whirled as It tried to figure out the possible solutions. Was I fast enough to get away from the explosion? Probably. I mean, I could literally appear and disappear. With that in mind I tensed my muscles and leaped away faster than Kakashi when he sees a new release of Icha Icha. An earth shaking boom erupted behind me as I landed safely away. "They must have packed every one of those things with a punch... I wonder how I would have scattered." I mused as I began to push myself into the upright position.

Only there was a cool metal placed at the base of my throat. "Oh~ who might you be, little lass? This is dangerous territory." A voice cooed from behind. "But it seems you can hold your own, eh? I might have to fix that." Before he could even finish I was kicking my leg out. The heel of my ninja-style boots connected with the base of his chin, causing the man to reel backwards with a grunt of pain. "Oi, you little brat! Is that how you treat a stranger?!" he burst, coming at me with the intent to punch. I easily dodged that and the weapon he decided to sweep at me.

Judging by the displacements in the air and the fact that it made a 'thunk' noise, It had to be an ax. A big one at that. Performing a backhand spring, I also managed to dodge him swinging the large weapon and decapitating me. "This is how I treat an enemy. Get used to it." I muttered back, gathering stardust in my palms and hardening them into twin crystalline daggers. The man chuckled and tapped his fingers against the hilt of his weapon. "Feisty~"

I lunged, feigning an attack to his right and plunging the left into his thigh. He made no sounds this time as he returned the attack. We went on for what seemed like hours. Was this guy really that talented? Tch, what a pain. I have to end this now and get into the base. With the intent to kill, I disappeared using the move I used when hiding in the daimyo's mansion a while back. Confusion caused his heart to beat a little faster, which satisfied me as I crept around to his back and pressed my daggers on his neck in a criss-cross manner.

"Now, we wouldn't want to spill unnecessary blood, so why don't you lead me to the Ikigai base. No one will die, ne?" I purred with icy softness. He went rigid under my blades and swallowed thickly. "Alright, alright! Just let me go little lass." He hastily complied. With a grunt, I released him and took his ax and swung it over my shoulder. "Good boy. Maybe I'll give you a treat--"

"--ah, ah, ah. For an ANBU you really do suck at your job~"

It was my turn to go rigid as the man in front of me poofed out of existence, leaving the real one behind me. Dammit, I was in too much of a hurry! "Now I have to take you to the boss, shame really. He doesn't usually let his guests leave alive and you seem to be a pretty lady~" He said, swiftly striking the back of my head. Even though my vision was already dark, It still felt as if another blanket of darkness curtained the one I had. This darkness was unwilling, and I tried my hardest to fight it. The sensation of being picked up barely registered as I was slung up over the mystery man's shoulder. "Am....-sama....won.....orry."

When I finally awoke, my head was throbbing. Slowly my hand came up to cradle my head, only then did I realize my hands were bound by rope. I couldn't see, so that meant that my mask was still on, thank kami. But where was I? The faint scent of mold and old water reached my nose. A basement. What was I expecting? A king sized bed and a glass of milk? A chuckle escaped my lips as I shifted to stand.

"Oh~ you're awake! That's a new record. Congratulations. "

That voice from before! "Who are you?" was the first thing that toppled out of my mind. Where I was didn't pose a problem, when I get out I will call Tsuki-yumi through the mind link to get me back. The man shuffled until he stood in front of me and what I assumed to be a smirk on his face. "Curious little sparrow aren't you~ I'm afraid I can't tell you until you meet the Boss. C'mon little sparrow, " He wrapped slender hands around my arms and tugged me up forcefully. Grunting, I decided to let him lead me to whoever this boss was.

Footsteps echoed the halls and bounced off stone walls. There were too many turns to remember exactly where I came from. It didn't take long before the sound of large oak doors groaned as they opened. So we finally made it...

"I brought her," He began, forcing me into a kneeling position before the person situated above us. My brows furrowed as I strained my ears for a heartbeat. This rhythm... It is familiar. I thought to myself. He must have gestured for the man to take off my mask, because the soft glow of torchlight nudged the end of my vision, stone tile met red as I blinked. Slowly, I dragged my eyes up towards the person sitting on a golden throne lazily. My breath caught in my throat as his molten eyes seering into mine. A wide smirk took his features, as he adjusted himself.

"Shiranui, what a pleasure to be graced by your presence. I was actually just about to go get you, but it seems fate was one step ahead." He hummed. I said nothing, mouth setting into a thin line as I straightened my spine. "Actually, there was something I was meaning to ask you darling," involuntarily I flinched at the nickname. He seemed to find amusement in it, because he was laughing. Quickly he stood from his throne and appeared in front of me, holding my chin gently.

"I want you to join Ikagai, join me."



ikigai – reason of being

(Let's pretend he carries a staff with those jingling things lolololol )

Kinda short but yo. GUESS WHO SHE'S WITH
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Does this make me a bad mother? For what I'm going to do?


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